Chapter 272 The Lair (Wish all my book friends good luck in the Year of the Dragon!)


The sound of water sloshed.

At the bottom of the abyss, only the rugged light of the snow remains, drawing two ripples in the dark pool of black water, intertwining into a beautiful net.

Zhu Huanan held Zhu Zhou in one hand and slid forward with one hand.

He spoke less and less, and his golden eyes stared into the darkness, his brows furrowed, and they just slid in one direction silently.

Behind him, Murong Jingyan was also gently stroking the water. Fortunately, both of them were very good at water. Murong Jingyan spread the spiritual silk ribbon on his wrist without much effort.

"Senior brother."

Murong Jingyan looked at Zhu Huanan's back and asked with a little worry:

"Are you really okay?"

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an turned his head, his face unusually pale.

At this moment, his internal organs were severely injured, his internal fire was difficult to ignite, and he was soaked in this freezing cold pool. No matter how firm his will was, it was at its limit.

"It doesn't matter."

"It's right in front."

After saying yes, Murong Jingyan did not continue to ask, but just wrapped the spiritual silk around Zhu Huanan's waist, relieving him a little bit of the pressure.

Zhu Huan'an said no more, and the two of them just continued walking into the darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, just when Murong Jingyan was about to continue asking, Zhu Huanan took the initiative to speak.


After saying that, Zhu Huanan suddenly raised his hand out of the water, held Zhu Zhou with one hand, and threw it towards the darkness.

His arm strength was quite astonishing. The black knife was like a sharp arrow cutting through the sky, and the swirling flames illuminated the darkness and the water, dispelling the heavy fog and allowing Murong Jingyan to briefly see the scene ahead clearly.

At the end of the quiet pool is a canyon. The cliffs on both sides of the valley are rugged. The moss on the cliffs is covered with various talismans, like solemn inscriptions, making this place look extremely mysterious.


The candlelight went straight into the cliff, and the fire became strong again, illuminating the entire cliff wall.

Through the firelight, Murong Jingyan's pupils shrank, and she saw a huge bird's nest hanging on the cliff. The nest was dozens of feet wide on the left and right, and it looked very strange and abrupt.

After throwing Zhu Zhou out, Zhu Huan'an's figure trembled and he almost couldn't hold on and fell into the water. Fortunately, Murong Jingyan's quick eyesight and hands quickly stopped him.

Zhu Huan'an nodded, naturally put his hand on Murong Jingyan's shoulder and said:

"I am fine."

"Look, that bird's nest is where the opportunity lies. Take me up there."

Murong Jingyan nodded, and saw his slender hands twisting, and the spiritual silk silk turned into red mantle and wrapped around the raised cliff wall above.

Then Murong Jingyan took Zhu Huanan's arm and flew up, and the two of them jumped out of the cold pool.

Under the snowy light, Murong Jingyan's figure was like a flying fairy coming to the dust, flying to the huge bird's nest with Zhu Huan'an, and after a few moves, he landed steadily.


Murong Jingyan raised her hand, and used the spiritual silk to roll back the candle on the cliff wall, and gently placed it in front of Zhu Huan'an.

After taking Zhu Zhou, Zhu Huanan straightened up like a crutch and grinned:

"This is the nest of the white swallow."

"Since ancient times, very few people have known about the realm of the sky. Even if someone does come here, they are destined to return without success."

"The so-called King of the Sky is just a legend. This white swallow is just an obsession."

Hearing what Zhu Huan'an said, Murong Jingyan unconsciously raised her head and looked at the sky:

"No entity."

"Then senior brother, who beat you so badly?"

Zhu Huanan was choked up when he heard the words, then scratched his nose and said:

"This time it was an accident."

With that said, Zhu Huanan wanted to activate Zhu Zhou's fire, but then he held his shoulders for a hundred years, obviously struggling. Upon seeing this, Murong Jingyan opened her fingers gently, and countless purple light spots slowly bloomed, soon making the beauty reflected next to the nest look like the stars in the night sky.

Through the light, the talismans on the wall can be seen more clearly.

"This is."

Murong Jingyan could see clearly this time. She immediately straightened her hair and showed an incredulous look.

These talismans

They are clearly words in the illusion world and belong to history that should have been submerged in ancient dust. Why are they in this bottomless river? ?

"That white swallow was originally sealed by the talisman."

Zhu Huan'an walked forward, his golden eyes searching for something in the overgrown bird's nest, and Murong Jingyan also reacted and hurriedly followed.

Many places in the Bird's Nest had been burned by fire and were scorched black. Murong Jingyan could see that these were traces of Zhu Huanan's battle here not long ago.

After thinking about it in her mind, Murong Jingyan probably guessed the whole story.

No wonder I had an inexplicable feeling in my heart. As expected, this underground river also has a passage to the illusion world, so...

"Senior brother, there is the opportunity you want in this bird's nest."

"But when you came here, you were accidentally dragged into the illusion world. By chance, you awakened the white swallow in the mural, and then you fought your way out?"

Zhu Huan'an laughed, but did not refute.

"If it weren't for the illusion world affecting your sanity, how could you be in such a miserable state with your unparalleled skills?"

"But fortunately, what we are looking for is still here."

Crossing her arms and following silently, Murong Jingyan urged her blood to dry her white robe, exhaled the cold air in her body, and couldn't help but curl her lips and said:

"Senior brother."

"Where did you know about this secret place? Did Master tell you?"

"Why don't I know anything? If it weren't for the Star Shifting Ring, Senior Brother, you really wouldn't be able to wait for me to save you today."

Zhu Huanan paused when he heard the blame in Murong Jingyan's words.

"I am senior brother and you are junior sister."

"This place is dangerous. Master just mentioned it to me. As for whether it is necessary to come here to explore, we can only know the answer if we really come here."

"But now it seems that the legend is true."

As he spoke, Zhu Huanan suddenly turned around and looked at Murong Jingyan with a strange look:

"Let's talk again."

"Who told me that my senior brother didn't understand her and would forget her forever?"

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan was startled, her eyes quickly moved to the stone wall next to her, and she nodded frequently and said:

"Let me see what's written on the wall."

Zhu Huan'an stopped and raised his elbow to cup Murong Jingyan's shoulder: "Junior sister."

"Are you tired of using the Star Shifting Ring to find someone?"

With her beautiful eyebrows raised, Murong Jingyan took half a step back and said:

"Senior brother, if you have some skills to talk about, you'd better get the opportunity you're looking for first."

"There are still people blocking us outside. If nothing happens to you, senior brother, it's okay. If you are like this now, I won't be able to protect you when they finish and Bai Yan comes to kill you."

Zhu Huanan sneered, glanced at the height casually, and waved his hand:

"Then even if Bai Yan is severely injured by me, they won't be able to solve it in a short while. Besides,"


Shutting his mouth, Zhu Huanan suddenly turned his head and looked in a direction in the darkness, and the golden light in his eyes instantly condensed into a vertical line.


 I wish all my book friends a happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Dragon!



(End of this chapter)

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