How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 273 Please speak, senior brother

Chapter 273 Please speak, senior brother


Murong Jingyan put down her arms, followed Zhu Huanan's line of sight, and narrowed her eyes.

"What happened?"

Zhu Huan'an's mouth curled up slightly, and he walked quickly towards the depths of the lair holding Zhu Zhou, and Murong Jingyan quickly followed.

This nest is empty except for weeds. There is neither the breath of living creatures nor the fluctuation of weapons. What treasures can appear?

Arriving at a place in the nest, Zhu Huan'an put Zhu Zhou on his waist and half-knelt on the ground, and began to pull up the hay on the ground with his bare hands.

Murong Jingyan, who was on the side, leaned over to watch. Seeing Zhu Huanan's cautious movements and his hands covered with mud, he couldn't help but frown and asked:

"Brother, what are you trying to dig for?"

"No. It's better for me to do it. Why dig it out with your hands?"

"Haha." Zhu Huanan said without raising his head.

"This thing is fragile. If you don't pull it slowly with your hands, I'm afraid it will break into pieces. Hmm!"


Zhu Huanan's expression changed slightly, and he immediately smiled. This smile looked particularly different in Murong Jingyan's eyes.

Senior brother, he is always calm about changes, why is he so strange today.

It looks like a child getting a toy, but what kind of chance would there be such a place where a bird doesn't poop?

Zhu Huan'an flicked his long hair, and the muscles of his arms were like iron, expanding forcefully to both sides. The huge bird's nest even trembled slightly because of this huge force.

And all this is just so that the thing in his hand will not be squeezed when he takes it out.

Murong Jingyan also squatted down, put one hand on her knee, and stared straight at Zhu Huanan's hand, trying to see what it was that made Zhu Huanan so interested in it.


With a long breath, Zhu Huanan pulled out hard, and his whole body fell backwards, collapsing on the ground with a muffled sound.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"

Zhu Huanan raised his hands in the air, then threw his head back and laughed.

His hearty laughter echoed in the dark river, and the water surface rippled, as if in response.

Murong Jingyan also saw clearly what was in Zhu Huan'an's hand. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly and she couldn't help but look at Zhu Huan'an lying on the ground.

"Senior brother, is this the great opportunity you said?"

What was caught in Zhu Huanan's hand was a small and compact egg.

The egg is oval in shape, only half the size of a fist, and the shell is covered with a thick layer of mud, with yellow spots showing through.

If Zhu Huanan hadn't wiped a piece of soil with his finger, he would have thought it was a stone that had been there for who knows how long.

Zhu Huanan put away his smile and glanced aside.


After he finished speaking, he threw it away. Murong Jingyan on the side reacted and hurriedly reached out to catch it, almost causing the egg to fall to the ground.

After taking a long breath, Murong Jingyan glared and said:

"Brother, what are you doing!"

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "This thing."

"It's for you."


Murong Jingyan was stunned when she heard this, then looked at the yellow and black bird egg in her hand, and shook her head with some confusion:

"What do you mean it's for me?"

"Brother, please tell me what this is."

Zhu Huanan raised his upper body, put his head in front of Murong Jingyan, looked at the egg and asked:

"What do you think this is?"

Murong Jingyan squinted away, and then the blood flowed in her hands. She quickly removed all the dirt on the egg, and then she could see the true face of the egg.

One piece.

Plain white bird eggs.

"Brother, just tell me."

While Murong Jingyan was speaking, she looked up at the sky above. There were pieces of white feathers falling down from the dark cliff bottom. These white feathers were as wide as boats, and they looked very spectacular when falling from high altitude.

"There's already a fight above. If we wait for Yuan Chuang to kill him, I won't have the leisure and elegance to guess charades with you, senior brother."

Zhu Huanan nodded noncommittally, pointed at the egg and said:

"The so-called King of the Sky above is just a trace of the blood of the real beast from ancient times. Although killing it does have miraculous effects, in the final analysis it is just a chance."

"But this one you have is different."

"This egg is the egg of a true beast, capable of hatching the true King of the Sky."

Murong Jingyan's eyes widened instantly when she heard what Zhu Huan'an said, and her eyes changed when she looked at the white egg in her hand.

"real or fake!??"

"Senior brother means, this white egg is fine"


Murong Jingyan suddenly realized something. She lifted the lifeless egg to herself with some suspicion and murmured:


"It has been tens of thousands of years. Even the gold, stone, and jade objects from the Immortal Age have all decayed, let alone an egg."

"Can it still hatch something?"

Zhu Huan'an laughed when he heard this, and waved his hand nonchalantly: "That's very true." "Are you doubting that senior brother's words are unreliable?"


Murong Jingyan shook her head subconsciously:

"I don't dare. Since senior brother said so, it certainly makes sense."

Zhu Huanan raised his hand to straighten his shoulders, then looked at the fog above the underground river:

"You are right. Of course this egg has died a long time ago. In fact, it is no different from a stone."


Murong Jingyan's cheeks suddenly turned red, she clenched her balls tightly and said anxiously:

"It's all stones. What did you do so carefully just now?"

"Brother, do you know what the situation is like now? Even if I can deal with Yuan Chuang after he kills him, you will definitely be killed by him as you are still seriously injured!"

Zhu Huan'an raised his hands in front of his face. His face showed no trace of anxiety at all, he just chuckled and said:

"Junior sister, what happened to you today? Why are you so afraid of Yuan Chuang?"

"Is there something going on between you and him?"

Hearing Zhu Huan'an ask this, Murong Jingyan's tone was choked, and she immediately turned around and said, "No, no."

"It's just a feeling. That guy is definitely not a kind person."

Just kidding, of course you can't tell the story about the Six Seal Warcraft casually. Yuan Chuang dared to tell it because he had a strong background. If he told it himself, he would get angry.

Zhu Huanan did not ask further questions, but said to Murong Jingyan:

"I say it is dead because in the hands of any powerful person in this world, it is a dead object. Even an ancient relic is worthless."

"Only in your hands, this egg can be reborn and bring you the opportunity to become an immortal."

Murong Jingyan was even more confused after hearing this, and couldn't help but look at the egg again.

Could it be that besides being good-looking, I have any unknown special abilities that even I don’t know about?

Zhu Huanan sat cross-legged and continued to talk to the side:

"The so-called immortal and demonic appearance in the world is nothing more than a trace of the relatively rich God-given blood of ancient immortals and demons contained in the body. This blood is called the immortal and demonic true blood, and it is the source of power."

"The true blood of immortals and demons has the miraculous effect of warming and nourishing the physical body. When you were injured by the drought demon, I used a trace of the true blood of immortals and demons to recuperate you, so that your body could resist the tree poison in a short time."

"But if you lose the immortal blood, even if it's just a trace, it will take a long time to recover."

Zhu Huanan looked at Bai Dan and said in a solemn tone:

"You can also think of this egg as the body of an immortal demon. If you want it to change your destiny and bring it back to life, you will need a lot of immortal and demon true blood, which is definitely not something that a monk with the appearance of an ordinary immortal demon can do. of."

"Only you, junior sister, can do it."

Murong Jingyan was even more confused when she heard this:

"Senior brother, what you mean is that I have more immortal and demon true blood than ordinary monks with the appearance of immortals and demons?"


Zhu Huanan hesitated to speak, finally hissed, looked at Murong Jingyan's brows and said:

"It's because your Hongshou Begonia is particularly special."

"Even if you lose part of your true blood, your ability to recover is much faster than mine. You won't be incapable of doing anything due to the loss of your true blood."


Zhu Huanan pointed at the white egg and sighed: "Try to warm it with your blood. In time, a miracle may happen."

".I see."

Murong Jingyan nodded gently and opened her red lips: "The blood of immortals and demons has healing effects. Can it warm and nourish this egg?"

While speaking, Murong Jingyan suddenly raised her slender wrist and lightly cut her fingertips.

A fine wound appeared, and blood immediately seeped down from the forearm that was as warm as mutton fat. The blood was crystal clear and translucent like red amber, exuding a faint floral fragrance.


Zhu Huanan was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand and said, "Junior sister, don't be so anxious. Awakening this thing won't happen overnight. You can leave the Sword Asking World again."

"Who's going to wake it up?"

Glancing at Zhu Huanan, Murong Jingyan slowly moved closer.

Leaning over, Murong Jingyan put her blood-stained wrist to Zhu Huan'an's lips, looking at Zhu Huan'an with that unearthly face filled with cold tiredness.

"What matters now is that senior brother can recover quickly."

Zhu Huan'an looked at Hao Zhi, who was very close at hand, with the faint fragrance of flowers lingering on the tip of his nose. He subconsciously shook his head, and suddenly frowned and turned his head.

"As a senior brother, how can I rely on my junior sister's true blood to survive!"

"It doesn't matter, if Yuan Chuang really eats the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, senior brother will naturally find a way to get rid of him."

Hearing this, Murong Jingyan showed a smile on her lips, brushed her hair from her ears, and held Zhu Huanan's chin.

Then he put his wrist directly on Zhu Huanan's mouth.

"I know that senior brother doesn't want to do this, but this is not what senior brother means, but what I mean. I'm not afraid even if master asks."

"Please, senior brother, drink the blood of junior sister."


  Don't know what's wrong with me

  Occasionally when I have free time, my first reaction is to write well and catch up on progress. But recently, when I have free time, I will unconsciously enter a state of no thinking and no motivation, which is intertwined with my inner anxiety. Very tortured

  I really need to adjust this state. Book friends, if I make your readers unhappy and uncomfortable, I would like to express my deepest apologies, but please don’t be depressed. I will not be a eunuch. The two books I promised It is my dream to finish the novel, and I will not keep you waiting too long. Everything will go according to plan.

  Love you guys



(End of this chapter)

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