How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 274 I washed my hands

Chapter 274 I washed my hands

"Junior sister, you take it seriously."

Zhu Huanan looked up and asked again.

Murong Jingyan nodded lightly, playing with the stone egg with her other hand, and wrote lightly:

"The immortal and demon true blood can reverse senior brother's injuries. People in the Wenjian world are dangerous, so they naturally have to maintain peak strength."

"Besides, senior brother said that my blood of immortals and demons is different from ordinary people. Even if I lose part of my true blood, it won't hurt my origin. In this case, senior brother, please don't be polite."


While speaking, Murong Jingyan brought her wrist half closer.

Seeing that Zhu Huan'an still didn't move, Murong Jingyan turned her head in confusion, curled her lips and said:

"The water in the deep pool was deep just now, so I have washed my hands."

"Not dirty."

Hearing this, Zhu Huan'an waved his hands hurriedly: "Senior brother, that's not what you meant."

With a slight cough, Zhu Huanan said solemnly:

"Although your ancestral blood regeneration ability is stronger than mine, in my current situation, the amount of blood I need to absorb is quite large, which will definitely make you temporarily weak. I think it's still the case."

"OK OK!"

Murong Jingyan clicked her tongue and involuntarily put her wrist on Zhu Huanan's lips, while placing her other hand on the fluffy orange hair.

"I don't mind. When did senior brother act like a daughter?"

"Anyway, let's give it a try first!"

Feeling the warmth coming from his mouth, Zhu Huan'an's expression changed slightly, and a fragrance that made him feel comfortable exploded from his mouth almost instantly and spread throughout his body.

Especially the soft, glutinous and sweet smell on the lips and teeth, it seems that in front of you is not a forearm, but a delicious flower cake baked out of the oven, which makes people want to taste it slowly.

Zhou Tian started to move again. Zhu Huanan sighed subconsciously and quickly closed his eyes, silently feeling the changes in his body.

Seeing Zhu Huanan calm down, Murong Jingyan finally breathed a sigh of relief and slowly sat down.

Looking at the deep, foggy underground river not far away, Murong Jingyan's eyes were flowing, and thoughts were flowing in her mind.

[You just passed your true blood to him like this. If Yuan Chuang comes to kill you right now, how will you handle yourself? 】

Upon hearing the cold questioning from the prince, Murong Jing's face did not change and she looked very calm.

'What I want is for Yuan Chuang to take the initiative to kill me. '

[Could it be that you are counting on this guy to kill Yuan Chuang for you? 】


Murong Jingyan curled her lips and raised her eyebrows.

'Since Yuan Chuang has figured out my identity, he will definitely not let me go easily. Let me ask you, are you absolutely sure to kill him if you confront him? '

【nature. 】

'No you didn't. '

'If you were 80% sure, you would have taken my body away from me just now. '


Seeing that the prince fell into silence, Murong Jingyan's color gradually turned cold.

'Whether it is the Seal of Desire or the Seal of the Underworld, although each has its own miraculous effects, in the final analysis it is not the ultimate killer move. You and I don't know Yuan Chuang's trump card, and we will only be at a disadvantage if we confront him rashly. '

"Even people like Qu Yong and others can cause a lot of trouble if they possess the magic mark. Not to mention Yuan Chuang, he is many times more dangerous than you and I thought. Senior brother is a good touchstone." '

"With him standing in front of him, Yuan Chuang must show his true ability. To be honest, senior brother is much stronger than you know. Maybe Yuan Chuang will be killed by him without us taking action." '

[Do you trust him so much? 】

'Of course, after all he is.'

Speaking of this, Murong Jingyan suddenly let out a soft cry and suddenly turned her head to look at Zhu Huanan.

"Brother, what are you doing!!!"

At this moment, Zhu Huan'an was holding his slender forearms with both hands, sucking the white wrist intoxicatedly and hard, with a vague drunken look on his face.

Murong Jingyan could even feel the stinging sensation of canine teeth embedded in her flesh.

Murong Jingyan quickly pushed a hand to Zhu Huan'an's face. It took a long time for Murong Jingyan to separate Zhu Huan'an. The two fell down on the withered hay, one on the left and the other on the right.

Murong Jingyan's face turned a little pale, and she saw that there were a row of clear teeth marks on her wrist, and there were even black bruises left from 'biting'. "this"

Looking at Zhu Huan'an again, Zhu Huan'an was lying on his back at this moment, with a residual smile on his lips, his eyes closed and motionless.

Taking a deep breath, Murong Jingyan mobilized her energy and blood, and sure enough, she felt a weakness welling up in her body, which was not as full and explosive as it was a moment ago.

On the other hand, Zhu Huanan's complexion has improved a lot, and even the wounds caused by the claws of the giant beast have recovered to less than half.

Seeing this scene, Murong Jingyan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his condition is a little worse, if Zhu Huanan can recover, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

After all, if Yuan Chuang comes to fight, he will definitely lose against the enemy with all the burdens. But if Zhu Huanye recovers his strength, even if he is not at his full strength, a two-on-one fight will definitely allow Yuan Chuang to retreat.

This move is also a helpless move.

Zhu Huanan was lying in the hay, his broad chest rising and falling slightly, and Murong Jingyan's intermittent calls came to his ears. After a long time, he finally opened his eyes.


"Do you feel better?"

Murong Jingyan asked carefully.

Zhu Huanan stood up slowly with his elbows on the ground. After he raised his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth, his eyes fell on Murong Jingyan's face.

"You are."

"A Tang?"


High up in the cave.


With a loud noise, the cliff shook and gravel shook, and a huge shadow fell to the ground from high altitude, setting off a burst of smoke and dust.

Its blood stained the white snow. After struggling and flopping twice, it died completely and stopped moving.

In a corner, Mu Qing's hand holding the sword trembled slightly, her pupils shrank to a slit, she leaned against the wall and murmured in disbelief:

"Did this guy really kill this beast?"

On Bai Yan's huge head, there was a man standing.

He was dressed in black, and there was no wind.

At this moment, Yuan Chuang's black hair, which was originally tied up high, was scattered in all directions, and his facial expressions could not be seen clearly. He was no longer as calm as before, and his hands were flexed and stretched like a god or demon.

Mu Qing noticed a glance coming towards her, and immediately stood upright as if facing a formidable enemy.

After Zhu Huanan and the two jumped off the cliff, Mu Qing led four masters to attack Yuan Chuang. After all, there was only one King of the Sky, and only the winner could challenge Bai Yan and get the chance to evolve again.

At first, Mu Qing relied on their numerical advantage to be evenly matched with Yuan Chuang. Both of them were very fast and fierce in their skills, and they both had the appearance of being immortals and demons, so they were having a great time.

But Bai Yan didn't know what to think and actually killed Yuan Chuang. This made Mu Qing immediately overjoyed, and she and Bai Yan wanted to put Yuan Chuang to death first.

But something unexpected happened from then on.

Bai Yan's strength was extraordinary. Mu Qing could tell at a glance that before he was injured, he had at least surpassed the four levels of Tian Feng. If he faced him alone, he would never be sure of victory.

But Yuan Chuang became more and more courageous as he fought. After a hundred moves, he could even gain the upper hand with one against six, which made him increasingly powerless.

Mu Qing glanced at Bai Yan's corpse in the distance, and then looked at the short limbs that were broken everywhere on the cliff.

After his immortal demon body was shattered by Yuan Chuang, these confidants brought from Wanlun Kingdom didn't even last ten rounds and were torn to pieces by Yuan Chuang one after another.

If Bai Yan hadn't still been fighting, I'm afraid he would have

"Yuan Chuang, this bird is for you!"

"I, I won't fight anymore!"

Mu Qing spat. At this moment, he no longer had any desire to fight. Looking at the man standing on Yan's head like a demon, he no longer had any so-called fighting intention.

He turned around, not daring to look back, and ran towards the cave from which he came, like a bereaved dog.

Yuan Chuang shook his hands, and the eagle claws suddenly returned to normal, and then he put his hands behind his back.

Behind his messy hair, his green eyes looked at the corpse at his feet, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

"A mere sparrow dares to flutter in front of the King of Birds."

Then, Yuan Chuang took a deep breath. He had no intention of chasing Mu Qing, but looked towards the cliff below.


"There is a more interesting prey waiting for me to catch."

(End of this chapter)

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