How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 275 He can’t protect himself at this moment

Chapter 275 He can’t protect himself at this moment


Murong Jingyan rubbed her blue forearms, glanced at Zhu Huanan casually, and said:

"Brother, open your eyes and see who I am?"

Seeing that Zhu Huan'an didn't respond, Murong Jingyan turned sideways and looked at the ancient talisman on the cliff above her head.

These talismans exuded the pale light of snow, looking mysterious and solemn.

Murong Jingyan's eyes were slightly closed and she was thoughtful.

There must be guidance from the world of illusion hidden here. Even if you don't deliberately, you can still smell the strange smell in the air, but this smell is very weak and is about to disappear.

Most likely, Zhu Huanan has already gone in.

But isn't the senior brother already awake? Why?

"Brother, are you feeling better?"

In the lair, Zhu Huanan was sitting in it.

His expression was obscured by his orange hair. He lowered his head when he heard the words and silently stared in the direction of the underground river without moving.

After a long time, Zhu Huanan slowly spoke and said softly:

"You will die if you give me blood like this."

Murong Jingyan was stunned for a moment, then waved her hand and comforted her with a smile: "It's okay."

"Although I feel that my energy and blood are three points weaker, I can still fight with all my strength if I wish!"

"And senior brother, didn't you say that my energy and blood are full, far better than others, how could I die so easily?"


Zhu Huanan raised his hand, and the black sword Zhu Zhou instantly flew into his hand and was firmly grasped.

A ray of golden light came from under the orange hair, and Zhu Huanan's tone was cold:

"That's not what I said."

After speaking, Zhu Huanan stood up.

His burly and strong body stood upright, holding a long knife in one hand. Although his red clothes were stained with broken grass, he still gave people a sense of inner security.

Murong Jingyan also discovered Zhu Huanan's difference, this unfathomable feeling

He seems to be a bit like a big brother.

"Have you put that egg away?" Zhu Huanan looked back and looked back.

After being stared at by Zhu Huan'an, Murong Jingyan quickly put the eggs away, nodded and said:

"Pack it away."

"When you leave the Wenjian Realm, water it with my blood and see what magic this egg has."

Zhu Huan'an nodded, and he clenched a fist with one hand. A terrifying wave radiated from his body, setting off a wave of sparse waves on the underground river.


"This water is called the Rootless River, and it is something that should not exist in this Wenjian World."

"Remember, if you see this kind of Jinghe again in the future, and smell that smell, if your senior brother is not around, don't touch it blindly."


Zhu Huanan hesitated to speak, but Murong Jingyan slowly walked forward and looked up at the man in front of her.

I could see the stubble on his jaw like a knife carving, and a pair of golden eyes that contained divine light, but could not conceal their darkness. The blood stains mixed with the dry red cheeks showed a bit of vicissitudes of life.

"Senior brother."

"Are you feeling better?"

This is the third time Murong Jingyan has asked.

Looking at Zhu Huanan, I always felt that the senior brother seemed to have gone through a lot after the two parted ways.


Zhu Huan'an didn't reply. He just raised his right hand holding the knife and slashed it diagonally into the air.

The flames from the candlelight bloomed in a splendid arc in the abyss, and the endless firelight was released. In an instant, the darkness and mist would be invisible.

"The blood of immortals and demons has a miraculous effect in healing internal injuries of monks. I have recovered 70%, so there is no problem."

"Let's go."

After saying that, Zhu Huanan turned around and stretched out an arm towards Murong Jingyan.


Murong Jingyan tilted her head and asked with some uncertainty:

"Senior brother, I dare to ask, where are you going?"

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows, turned over the candle in his hand, and grinned:

"I was just above. Although I don't know why Yuan Chuang has murderous intentions towards you, it doesn't matter."

"I'll kill him for you right now."


Murong Jingyan's mouth opened slightly and she froze on the spot.

what's going on? ?

I was about to speak, why did senior brother take the initiative to kill Yuan Chuang?

With a slight cough, Murong Jingyan frowned, and the general pretended to be confused and asked:

".Oh? There is such a thing."

"Tsk, tsk, I haven't noticed yet. Well, the Yuan Chuang mentioned by senior brother is not the leader of Dayan Academy." "I remember that senior brother has a good relationship with Kuo Ting of Dayan Academy. He treats them well. The leader takes action. Is this okay?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhu Huan'an shook his head and suddenly hugged Murong Jingyan's waist.

"As the eldest brother of Abandoned Sword Villa, how can I allow others to murder my junior sister!?"

"Hit him first until he doesn't even know his father, and then he can ask questions clearly."

After saying that, Zhu Huanan broke away regardless of Murong Jingyan and suddenly jumped with all his strength.

His foot movement was so powerful that he directly trampled the bird's nest beneath him. With the sound of the bird's nest falling into the underground river, Zhu Huan'an's figure was like a ghost, climbing up the cliff and flying rocks as if walking on flat ground.

Murong Jingyan's long hair was flying, and her beautiful eyes were filled with shock.

If she relied on her spirit to guide Shen Ling, she could leave the abyss by herself, but she would never be able to do so at such a terrifying speed. Is she still a human being?

After breaking through the Heavenly Seal, the monks with the best physical strength can climb rocks with bare hands and jump several feet in one leap. However, after all, the physical body still has its limits. Murong Jingyan asked herself that there was nothing she could do against such a cliff without using magic weapons.

But big brother

Murong Jingyan rolled her eyes and narrowed her eyes.

The senior brother's strength is really unpredictable. From this point of view, even if the senior brother only has 70% of his combat power left to assist him in his attack, it is really possible to keep Yuan Chuang here.

it is good!

It's better to choose the day than to hit it. Yuan Chuang looked like he came alone.

Enemies meet on a narrow road, so today we will decide the outcome, as well as life and death!

Murong Jingyan took a deep breath and began to secretly mobilize her energy and blood.

After feeding Zhu Huanan, Murong Jingyan could feel a sense of weakness from her heart, but it did not hinder the mobilization of Qi and blood. As long as it was not affected by the protracted battle, it would not be harmful.


As the cliff trembled slightly, a shadow suddenly jumped out from under the abyss and hit the snow heavily.

The fire that filled the sky behind Zhu Huanan dissipated like an extinguished star of fire. If it weren't for the stunning beauty in his arms, he would have looked like a god or demon.

Murong Jingyan broke away from Zhu Huan'an, took a step sideways, and scanned the scene on the cliff with vigilance.


To his surprise, the top of the snow cave where the landslide and ground cracked not long ago and flying feathers poured down was now quiet and without any sound.

As far as the eye can see, there is only a white snow pack.

Murong Jingyan walked over quickly, shook the pink snow away with a palm, and suddenly showed a surprised look.

Under the snowdrift, there was the white swallow.

It's just that the so-called King of the Sky's eyes are gray at the moment, and he is lying on the ground without any energy. There is a huge gap in his neck, which looks like it has been torn apart by life, which is very scary.

"Killed so quickly?"

Murong Jingyan's pupils flickered.

I thought that the mantis could catch the cicada with the oriole behind, but I didn't expect that the King of the Sky, who could seriously injure his senior brother, turned into an ice corpse in just a moment.

Da da da,

At this moment, Zhu Huanan also walked up.

After looking at the body of the Sky King, Zhu Huanan spit out a mouthful of white mist, nodded and said:

"This kid has some skills."

"Although this beast's throat was crippled by me and it couldn't use its magic, it's impressive to be able to kill it so quickly."

Murong Jingyan withdrew her gaze and looked around, her expression becoming more solemn.

"Senior brother."

"I'm afraid this guy is more powerful than you and I thought."

I saw a few smaller snow bags around Bai Yan's body. Looking from a distance, I could see that they were the mutilated corpses of monks, and they could vaguely be seen as several of Mu Qing's men.

But Mu Qing was the only one missing.

But looking at the leopard, both of them can see what is happening here.

"Where's Yuan Chuang?"

"Could it be that he went after Mu Qing?"

Murong Jingyan stood in the snow, holding her chin with one hand and letting the snow whiten her shoulders.

"Mu Qing also knows the secrets here. It's normal to kill people and silence them."

Zhu Huan'an slowly walked to Bai Yan's head and saw him stretching out one hand towards the wound on his neck. After a while, he raised his eyebrows.

"Do not."

"He should be unable to protect himself at this moment."

"Huh?" Murong Jingyan turned to look at Zhu Huanan.

"What do you mean, senior brother?"

Zhu Huan'an clapped his hands, put Zhu Zhou back on his waist, tilted his head and said:

"Let's go and follow my senior brother to hunt him down."

(End of this chapter)

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