How can a fairy be a villain?

Chapter 276 Maybe there is some misunderstanding

Chapter 276 Maybe there is some misunderstanding

The snowfield is endless and goose down is flying.

A figure walked through the white sky and earth.

His speed was extremely fast, and if he looked carefully, he could vaguely see two illusory green wings behind the man, leaving no trace in the snow wherever he passed.


After a pause, Yuan Chuang slowed down.

His meticulously tied hair had long been disheveled and looked a little scrawled.

Raising his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth, Yuan Chuang slowly raised his lowered sword eyebrows. His deep green eyes were now covered with bloodshot eyes, which was particularly terrifying.

He took a deep breath, but spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

"I didn't expect this beast's true blood to be so strong. It almost caused my body to collapse and my meridians to break."

Waving his sleeves and tapping the acupuncture points on his shoulders, Yuan Chuang suppressed the injuries in his body and continued to rush in one direction, quickly disappearing at the end of the sky.

"I have had the opportunity, now I need to nurse myself back to health, and I must leave the battlefield as soon as possible."


"Although I haven't seen the woman's face clearly, she has always been another female cultivator from the Abandoned Sword Villa. I didn't expect the demon mark to be on her body, haha."

"When this matter is over, no matter life or death, Yuan will still find you."

The snowy wind howled, and two figures slowly walked out of the cave buried in snow.

Zhu Huanan's redwood tree swayed slightly and stopped at the entrance of the cave.

Xu Shi was unconscious in the snow cave for several days, his golden eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his head to look around at the dark sky and the falling snow.

His cheeks were frozen into patches of crimson, and his shoulders and chest were all purple.

Twisting his shoulders, Zhu Huanan raised his eyebrows and sighed.

"It really feels like a lifetime ago."

"If you hadn't arrived in time, Ayan, I might have had my head cut off by someone like Mu Qing before I woke up."


Zhu Huanan glanced around and put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"Yuan Chuang blindly drank Si Yan's blood, and it was expected that he had a premonition that something bad was going to happen and escaped in time. This Mu Qing's body was not found. Could it be that he also escaped?"


"Junior sister?"

Turning around, Zhu Huanan looked confused.

"Why don't you say anything."

Behind him, Murong Jingyan's eyes were slightly closed, and she was holding her shoulders and tilting her ears, as if listening to something.

It's different from Zhu Huan'an's embarrassment.

Murong Jingyan had black hair falling down her shoulders, her flawless face was crystal clear, and her lips were red. She stood quietly in the snow, just like a fairy who had been banished to the world.


Murong Jingyan raised her eyes and looked at Zhu Huanan.

"Senior brother, what did you just say?"

Zhu Huanan looked at Murong Jingyan, then shook his head, waved his hand and said:


"The man surnamed Yuan has escaped. Although the ancient fighting spirit in the battle tomb is weak, there is no way to trace him with my divine consciousness. There is no need to chase him."

Murong Jingyan nodded, then looked around, secretly frowning.

When I came, I was not alone.

Where is Shen Su?
After careful inspection, there were no energy and blood fluctuations left by the fight around the cave. It seems that when Mu Qing or Yuan Chuang left, Shen Su did not stop them.

But Shen Su was traveling all the way, and her target was Zhu Huanan. Even if she didn't want to risk her life by lending a helping hand, she had no reason to leave.

After hesitating for a moment, Murong Jingyan still looked at Zhu Huanan.

"Senior brother, do you still remember Shen Su."

Zhu Huan'an raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest.

Now that they were out of a deadlock, and there was no intrusion from outside enemies, the two of them were not in a hurry to leave, so they stayed under the eaves to avoid the snow.

"Shen Su?"

"But Shen Fengchen, that white-haired girl next to him?"

"Did she find you?"

Shaking her head, Murong Jingyan raised a slender finger and gently touched Zhu Huanan's chest.

There was a hint of worry in the slightly raised Danfeng eyes.

"Do not."

"What she is looking for is you, senior brother." Me?
Zhu Huan'an hissed, rubbed the frostbite on his face, and grinned, "Why are you looking for me?"

Sighing, Murong Jingyan explained the whole story, then shrugged and looked in the direction of the snowfield again.

"You mean she thought I killed Shen Fengchen."

"I want you to lead the way and come here specifically to kill me?"

After hearing this, Zhu Huan'an showed a helpless expression, but then he seemed to have thought of something and looked at Murong Jingyan again.


"Did you really bring her to me?"

Glancing at Zhu Huanan, Murong Jingyan turned away, shook her head and said:

"Senior brother, if I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't have to spend so much time saving you."

Seeing this, Zhu Huan'an also smiled knowingly, leaned over, leaned his broad shoulders against the stone wall, and asked:
"Then why did you lead the way for her?"

Murong Jingyan didn't look back and her tone was very calm.

"After all, it was not my senior brother who killed Shen Fengchen. He is not afraid of slanting shadows if he is upright."

"In addition, Shen Su is not weak, and is probably Shen Fengchen's important combat power. If we can blame Shen Fengchen's death on our opponents, wouldn't it be one more ally."

While saying these words, Murong Jingyan's eyes were a little sad.

After all, according to the original idea, why go to such trouble? Not to mention the design and use of Shen Su, even Shen Fengchen could do it naturally.
But this matter is a foregone conclusion, and we still need to think of more solutions anyway.

"Brother, tell me"

"Chen Su followed me all the way here, why didn't he guard the entrance of the cave?"

Murong Jingyan murmured to himself, while Zhu Huanan behind him looked thoughtful, lowered his head and said:

"Perhaps she is afraid that you and I will escape, so we join forces to deal with her."

"So I hid it."

After hearing Zhu Huan'an's explanation, Murong Jingyan also nodded lightly.

It is not impossible. If Zhu Huan'an is not seriously injured, Shen Su naturally knows that there is no chance of winning with one against two, so it is reasonable to retreat when faced with difficulties.

Always feel something is not right.

"Speaking of which, Ayan."

"There's something I've never figured out."

Zhu Huanan spoke again, but his tone became a little heavier, causing Murong Jingyan to turn around and look.

What caught his eye was Zhu Huan'an's golden eyes beating like fire. That look was very familiar. It was the solemn feeling in Zhu Huan'an's eyes when they first met.

Leaving Yabi, Zhu Huanan slowly walked to Murong Jingyan's side.

He lowered his head and spoke softly next to the crystal earlobe with a faint tone:


"Why do you want to kill Shen Fengchen?"


Blizzard filled the wilderness, and the flying snow and fog obscured all traces.

On a dangerous slope a few miles away from the snow tomb, Shen Su, who was dressed in white and had white hair, was standing silently holding a frost sword.

The robe was covered with snow and was white from top to bottom. If you didn't look carefully, it would be difficult to notice her figure, and you don't know how long she had been standing here.

"I misunderstood Zhu Huan'an."

Shen Su opened her mouth, and her eyes under Bai Ling seemed to be able to see the figures of Zhu Huanan and Murong Jingyan through the heavy snow light.

".Is it"

A cold voice came from in front of her, and suddenly the snow powder turned into mist, revealing the shadow of another figure, tall and straight.

The man wears a blue and gold wide robe, embroidered with pythons and dragons, and his black hair rolls down his shoulders like waves. He is extremely expensive.

"Perhaps there is some misunderstanding."

Withdrawing his gaze, the man turned his back and said calmly:


Hearing this, Shen Su spoke hesitantly and couldn't help but ask:
"Yuan Chuang escaped just now. We didn't pursue him and missed the opportunity. I thought..."

Shen Fengchen glanced at Shen Su and was about to say something, but stopped when he reached his mouth. He just looked in the direction of the snow cave again with his peripheral vision.

She didn't show up.

How can I leave with peace of mind?
 Sorry everyone, I was infected with H1N1 recently.
  It’s been a torture for a week. Every day when I go to work, I don’t want to talk at all and I can’t speak. After get off work, I take injections and take medicine. When I get home, I want to write a little bit, but I really just want to sleep.

  Repeatedly, it just doesn’t work completely, and the psychological pressure also makes people anxious.
  I woke up when I went home today. I feel better this time. I worked hard to write a chapter. Sorry everyone, I don’t have a eunuch.

  In March, I set a small goal for myself. I will keep it in my mind and work hard to complete it. I will try my best to return to the normal level of serialization. I don’t want everyone to be tired of chasing updates, and I will also be tired.
  Thank you, I am very happy to have your monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, I can see them

  Thank you everyone for your tips. I’m so ashamed. I’m really ashamed TT
(End of this chapter)

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