Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 118 We dig during the day, you take it at night

Chapter 118 We dig during the day, you take it at night

"Zhang Yang, you are really awesome!"

"The fool who was deceived, the person who fooled him, has a counterfeit production and sales group with a scale of 2.7 people behind him, and the funds involved in the case are as high as [-] million."

"This time, they were caught in a single catch. It's a pity that they are not in Linhai, and we only have a job of catching peripheral members..."

"When will you come to the police station? The new pennant has arrived again. You can choose two sides this time."

Standing by the parking lot of Baiyun Airport, Zhang Yang could imagine Captain Liu beaming on the other end of the phone.

"Thank you, Team Liu, please help deliver the pennant to our company, don't send it on delivery, as there is no one in the company now."

"Where did you guys go? Why didn't you post a notice in the group when you asked for leave?"

"Could it be that we fans are unworthy?" Captain Liu asked angrily.

Zhang Yang was just about to ask, Captain Liu, are you drunk, when suddenly a strange man's cheers came from the other end of the phone:
"Wuhu! Did Zhang Yang ask for leave?"

"Hahahaha, then I can take a vacation too!"

Then he heard some people muttering something like "Master Zhang..." and so on.

"Captain Liu, you won't go to the offline fan gathering organized by our group, will you? Why does my voice sound like Xu Jie's?"

Captain Liu looked at Captain Sun of the Internet police team who had lost his composure just now, Lao Qin of the cultural relics office who was silent, Deputy Captain Ge of the anti-smuggling team, and the peanuts and Maodou on the table in front of him. None of them had the surname Xu.

He breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head:
"How is it possible? It was the little brother in our team who was in charge of watching you just now, he couldn't hold it..."

"Okay, anyway, there is no one in our studio recently, so I'll hang up first, the car is here."

Zhang Yang hung up the phone, and warmly greeted Zeng Gong, the archaeological team member of the Yangcheng Museum, who had just got off the car.

This Zeng Gong, he met when he had a video connection with Mr. Zhong.

Zhang Yang now knew how much he had done for Mr. Zhong.

Elder Zhong took the initiative to invite him half a month ago to come to the Luogang archaeological site to study and see what important ruins Zhang Yang himself discovered.

He also sent his assistant, Zeng Gong, to pick him up and drop him off.

"Master Zhang looks younger than in the video!" Zeng Gong said while holding Zhang Yang's hand.

"Where is it, I haven't sunbathed for a long time, and people have turned white." [Linhai Gu Tianle] explained with a smile.

In order to prepare for this trip to Yangcheng, Zhang Yang followed Sister Gao's suggestion and started to grow his beard half a month in advance, and he also arranged an old-fashioned shirt and tied it in his trousers with a belt.

His current appearance, at first glance, looks like a young man in his late 30s at the turn of the century, full of ambition, who came south to Yangcheng to make a living.

On the way, Zhang Yang chatted with Zeng Gong and learned that this senior from the history department actually majored in civil engineering.

He worked ashes on the construction site for two years. After running away with a bucket, he took the postgraduate entrance examination across majors and changed to archaeology.

"Although we still haven't left the construction site in the end, at least the conditions are much better." Zeng Gong pointed to the equipment on the back seat and said.

There are ice sleeves, sun hats, and two small shovels.

Seeing that Zhang Yang seemed to be interested in shovels, Zeng Gong took the initiative to introduce:

"This is a Gongyi shovel. It is produced in a place called Gongyi in China. Our archaeologists love to use this kind..."

"Do you have a Luoyang shovel?" Zhang Yang looked at the back seat.

"That's too long, I can't fit it here, you can see it when you're on the construction site."


Zhang Yang originally thought that the construction site was in a downtown area, because there was a barrage saying that a shopping mall was originally going to be built there.

As a result, the car drove all the way to the suburbs, and when it entered the construction site, there were already woods and orchards everywhere around.

"This is a good place." Zhang Yang sighed in his heart as soon as he got out of the car.

Regardless of the knowledge of geography or Feng Shui, the valley where the site is located is very suitable for human habitation.

The construction site has been divided into squares, like rice fields.

There are a lot of big parasols in crowded places. Looking at it from a distance, I thought someone was setting up a stall selling drinks at the archaeological site.

"Let me show you around first, and you can go shopping by yourself later." Zeng Gong handed over a sun hat and said to Zhang Yang.

Under the parasol, the archaeologists were rummaging through the soil bit by bit. Zhang Yang squatted beside him, witnessing the excavation process of a piece of pottery with his own eyes, and determined its age before the staff registered it:
"1563 BC".

It is indeed a relic of the Shang Dynasty.

"This should be the living area." Zeng Gong introduced: "The stone arrows you found earlier are in the hunting area over there."

"At present, it seems that this is a pre-Qin people's living site with relatively complete functions. It is of great significance to fill in the history of the aboriginal people in the entire South China region."

Zhang Yang doesn't pay attention to such high-sounding things, he only cares about:
"Are there any bronze vessels?"

If it was in the Central Plains, such a large Shang Dynasty site would not be justified without a large bronze tripod.

However, the Lingnan area where Guangdong Province is located did not start to develop until the Qin Dynasty, so the situation may be different.

Zeng Gong's answer was surprising.

"The bronze ax of Fang Jie (Kong) has been discovered so far, but the age cannot be determined yet."

"In addition to the bronze axe, there are also some jade bi, which are very similar to those in the Central Plains, indicating that there may have been cultural exchanges between the two sides as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties."

"When we finish all the excavations, it is very likely that the history of communication between the ancestors of Lingnan and the people of the Central Plains will be pushed forward for hundreds of years!"

"Excellent! Then I have to see and see."

Zhang Yang nodded, thinking, his slightly buggy dating method might be of great use.

But what he didn't expect was that it wasn't his ability that came in handy first, but his face.


Nine o'clock that night.

Zhang Yang looked at the brightly lit archaeological site and yawned.

After dinner, Mr. Zeng said that there were still some unresolved matters and he wanted to go back to the construction site.

I didn't expect it to be a matter of billions, and I was busy for more than an hour.

During this period, rare cultural relics were constantly unearthed, most of which were fragments of pottery pots with patterns. Zhang Yang reckoned that this was dug into the kitchen of the ancients.

"It's time for work, get off work."

The older sister let out a voice, and the staff on the scene quickly packed their things.

At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly saw a few black shadows flashing through the gaps in the blue iron fence in the distance.

That direction is an orchard.

What are you doing in such a dark place without sleeping in the middle of the night?

Zhang Yang immediately remembered that Master Wang had said that he had been robbed at an archaeological site back then, and it was also after get off work at night that the other party took advantage of the darkness.

That group of people were so hungry they wouldn't let go of a brick.

Is it my turn to run into each other?

"Everyone has just finished digging during the day, and you come to grab it at night. Even capitalists don't bring such blood-sucking things?"

"Even if you rob a tomb? At least you have fought yourself."

Zhang Yang hurried forward, patted Zeng Gong on the shoulder, turned his back to the direction where the shadow appeared, and said:

"There seems to be a lot of people outside the iron plate behind us, are they here to steal things?"

After listening, Zeng Gong nodded with a stern expression, not too surprised.

"This kind of person may have come to the construction site to steal building materials. A construction site like ours, which is closed at night, should have been targeted long ago."

The former construction site brother is very clear about these dirty things.

"It's okay, I'll call the police first. The six adult men on our side can just protect these cultural relics later, and steal the building materials over there, anyway, they can be reimbursed."

According to Zeng Gong, it is better to eliminate future troubles than to keep them thinking about it.

When all the lights were dark, there was a creaking sound from the direction of the orchard.

The iron shutter was pushed open, and a beam of flashlight came in.

"There is an inner ghost, maybe someone from the previous construction site." Mr. Zeng whispered to everyone while holding a Luoyang shovel.

"Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to open the metal baffle so easily. I didn't even know there was a back door there."

After listening to Zeng Gong's words, everyone including Zhang Yang remained silent, staring nervously at the direction of the flashlight.

Strangely, the owner of the beam of light passed by the sheds storing cement and steel bars one after another, but was unmoved, and walked straight to the iron house where the cultural relics were temporarily stored.

"It's really here to steal cultural relics!" Zeng Gong said in a low voice.

Zhang Yang was still nodding, when he suddenly felt someone push him from behind, and it was very hard.

Caught off guard, his body was pushed out of the crowd, and the Luoyang shovel in his hand hit the iron plate, making a loud noise.

Zhuo!What a ghost!

But at this time, it doesn't matter who pushed it, because the light of the flashlight has already shone on Zhang Yang's face.


"The far beam can't illuminate the eyes, don't you know?" Zhang Yang blocked his eyes and said unhappily.

"Oh, sorry." The other party quickly moved the light away.

Only then did Zhang Yang realize that it was not a single person who came, but a dense group of people, all looking at him in unison.

I guess that was the scene when the Ax Gang surrounded the boss of the Crocodile Gang.

At this time, the brother who was the leader of the crowd on the opposite side suddenly said:

"Eh? Isn't this Mr. Zhang's boss?"

This name, Xiling's brother?
Zhang Yang was still puzzled, another startled voice came from behind:

"The boss? So you are the ghost?"

Still the ghost, the opponent has so many people on his face, and he is still catching the ghost.

Zhang Yang turned around angrily and said:

"The one who pushed me out just now, I am your father."

With a sigh of relief, he turned around.

"Are you all Xiling's brothers?"

Not everyone understands Zhang Yang's live broadcast, but the leading ones are all nodding:

"Master Zhang, although we are prostitutes, we often like your live broadcasts and videos..."

"It's okay, I'm not short of your three melons and two dates." Zhang Yang waved his hand.

"This tone is indeed Master Zhang himself." The leaders looked at each other and smiled, nodding incessantly.

"Master Zhang, do you remember me? This construction site is me..."

The brother with the flashlight was still trying to get close, when a police siren suddenly sounded from the street outside.

"Dip woo~drip woo~"

"The police are here!" Someone responded.

"Don't panic." Zhang Yang comforted the restless crowd in front of him: "You are already surrounded by the police."

The leading brother felt that he understood Zhang Yang's meaning, nodded, turned around and said loudly to everyone:

"Brothers, it's okay. Master Zhang takes black and white. He said don't panic, so you don't have to panic!"

 Thanks to FluffyFluffy for the reward of 16360 coins, the boss is magnificent!Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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