Chapter 119
Zhang Yang suddenly discovered that the young man with the flashlight in front of him had the temperament of the sixth son in the live broadcast room.

Although I do have a tendency to develop on the road of black and white, but you can't talk about it everywhere!
He went up to ask and found out that this young man was actually the only one among this group of people who paid to watch his live broadcast.

He was the one who connected Mai Jianbao last time.

"The one with the stone arrow in his pocket is you!"

"Can you stay at this construction site?" Zhang Yang asked in surprise.

Doesn't it mean that once the archaeological team arrives, the construction site will be shut down, and the workers will be owed wages?
Then this treasure friend is the culprit...

The young man didn't understand what Zhang Yang meant, and replied with a confused face:

"Isn't this place closed for a month and a half? It must not last."

"Then your work is in vain?" Zhang Yang asked.

"No, there are construction sites all around, and we are next door."

The young man pointed to the place across the street, diagonally opposite to the archaeological site.

On the second day of stopping work here, they seamlessly transferred to the construction site of another nearby building.

I came back today just to take away my personal belongings in the board room.

When the construction was suspended, they also wanted to take it away, but they were stopped by the site manager on the grounds that they might hide cultural relics privately.

In fact, I was afraid that they would not come back after leaving, so that when we restarted work, we would have to recruit people again.

Such means, of course, can't stop these brothers from the construction site, they are here to get things tonight.

"I said earlier that I came to get something!"

After Zeng Gong listened, he threw the Luoyang shovel on the ground and sat down on the chair.

A little later, the matter of his weak legs should be exposed.

When the police arrived at the scene, they were also stunned when they saw dozens of old men on the construction site holding pots, pans, woven bags, and big red buckets.

Because of this scene, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the "theft" mentioned in the call to the police!

On the contrary, it looks like... a scene of a large bucket running around?
With so many people going out, it might not be on social news.

"Who called the police just now? Who is the person in charge of the construction site?" The leading policeman came out and asked.

Zeng Gong raised his hand helplessly and began to explain.

Zhang Yang was listening, ready to speak for the workers at any time.

However, his worry was a bit unnecessary, Mr. Zhong's assistant was of good character.

Zeng Gong successfully explained the matter as a "misunderstanding", and contacted the management personnel on the construction site to persuade them not to embarrass everyone.

After all, the archeology will continue for more than a month, and no one wants to encounter such a thing at night.

After everyone left, Zhang Yang and Zeng Gong were the last to leave. As soon as they got out of the gate, an old man with a red bucket came up to him at the corner of the street.

Judging by his age, he is estimated to be in his 50s.

Seeing Zhang Yang, he said with a smile all over his face:

"Master Zhang, we found a coffin on our construction site, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Er Gouzi told me that as long as it is something dug out of the soil, let Master Zhang take a look at it, and if it is valuable, he will share it with us."

"I heard that there are at least five hundred, is it true?"

Zhang Yang didn't know who the Er Gouzi was in the old man's mouth, but there was a high probability that it was a friend who had watched his live broadcast.

The so-called split money should be said to be the bonus after handing over the cultural relics, right?

Zhang Yang and Zeng Gong looked at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Hey guys, and a windfall!

It's an embarrassing time, it's almost ten o'clock, and it's somewhat inappropriate to go to study the coffin at this time.

Zeng Gong's handling is more sophisticated:

"Just call the police for this kind of thing! It's so late, we don't have time to deal with it."

"If it is found to be a cultural relic afterwards, I will apply for the bonus that should be given to you. You can leave me your contact information."

After speaking, he showed the documents in his pocket.

But the old man was not interested in the certificate at all, he didn't even bother to look at it, so he told Zhang Yang:
"I'm afraid it will be too late tomorrow."

"What's the matter? Is it going to be transported away tonight?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yes!" The old man nodded hastily, "The coffin has already been loaded into the truck. At ten o'clock in the evening, when the muck truck is ready to go, it will be taken away."

"When was it dug out?" Zeng Gong asked.

"Just now, when it was getting dark."

Zhang Yang had heard of the conventional methods of disposing of ancient tombs on construction sites, one of which was to transport them away as if they hadn't seen them.

The biggest advantage of this method is that no one knows except the parties on the construction site.

Zeng Gong thought for a while and suggested:
"Master Zhang, why don't you go back first. I'll follow them to have a look."

Zhang Yang nodded in agreement, anyway, even if the coffin is opened, it will be a matter of tomorrow day.

But the old man refused.

He didn't trust the archaeological team, only Zhang Yang, the anchor.

In his words, Master Zhang is a famous person, shameless, such a matter of 500 yuan will definitely not deceive people, but the archaeological team can't say it well.

Zeng Gong had a wry smile on his face, so he had no choice but to ask Zhang Yang for help. At the same time, he also contacted the guys who had just got off work and told them to come back to work overtime.

Publicity doesn't matter, at this point, the nightlife of young people has just begun.

It's just that people's nightlife is dancing in bars, and he is going to the grave.


The construction site is not far away, about 10 minutes away.

On the way, Zeng Gong often inquired about the scene when the coffin was unearthed.

A few points were identified:

[-]. It was a solitary tomb, and no other tombs were found around it;
[-]. Before the coffin was dug out, a large number of tomb bricks were found, and the bricks had already been loaded into cars;

[-]. The coffin has never been opened, nothing has leaked out, and there are no funerary objects nearby.

Hearing what Zeng Gong said, Zhang Yang seemed to want to determine the age of the tomb based on this information.

But the old man was just a bystander and didn't provide too many useful clues.

When they arrived at the construction site, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the three of them just saw a muck truck driving out of the construction site.

"Could it just be this car?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"The master is really accurate, this is the one." The old man nodded and replied.

"Fuck! What should I do then?"

Zeng Gong was in a hurry and wanted to stop the car, but was stopped by the safety officer on the construction site.

Zhang Yang originally wanted to go up and persuade him.

After all, even if you drive away, you can still find the traffic police, there is no need to make trouble at the gate of the construction site.

But he glanced at the old man's expression and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wasn't this person in a hurry just now?Why are you in no hurry now?

Noticing Zhang Yang's gaze, the old man grinned:
"Master Zhang, don't worry, the man driving is the Er Gouzi I told you about."

"I'll call him and ask him to find a place to wait for us."

When the old man said this, Zeng Gong immediately returned, helped him carry the things, and hurried to the agreed parking place.

But after finding the muck truck, Zeng Gong encountered another difficulty.

The coffin was buried at the bottom by earth and rocks, and nothing could be seen.

Take it directly back to the archaeological site to unload?If it is a modern coffin, then the follow-up matter will be troublesome.

At this time, an unknown treasure appraiser picked up a tomb brick picked up from the car, and asked leisurely:

"If it is a tomb from the end of the Southern Han Dynasty, is there any research value?"

"Yes, of course." Zeng Gong understood Zhang Yang's meaning and said excitedly, "Even if there are only a few shrouds in this coffin, it is still worth researching."

 Thanks to the northern brown bear for the 500 coin reward!Thanks to hermit224 for the reward of 100 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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