Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 120 What's in the lime jar

Chapter 120 What's in the lime jar

"In 960 AD, Zhao Kuangyin added a yellow robe."

"At this time, the Lingnan area is still under the rule of the last emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty, Liu Yu..."

After Zhang Yang read all the knowledge about the Southern Han Dynasty, he finally figured out the age of the Lingnan area during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

The bricks of the tomb were cast in 970, the year when the army of the Northern Song Dynasty had just begun to attack the Southern Han Dynasty.

In the second year, that is, 971, the Southern Han Dynasty fell, and the coffin was also made in this year.

Zhang Yang felt that the deceased in the coffin might be inextricably related to the Southern Han regime.

Even if it is not the emperor, it may be a high-ranking official in the Southern Han Dynasty.

But all guesses will be clear after the coffin is opened.

Today, Zhang Yang is just a bystander, the kind who tiptoes in the corner to watch.

The real professional team is veterans headed by the curator of Yangcheng Museum.

Seeing the large army coming to open the coffin, Zhang Yang quickly put the mobile phone in the locker and locked it, tidied up the white coat on his body, and followed into the room.

For the next time, Zhang Yang didn't even dare to show his atmosphere, and focused on "listening carefully" and "watching carefully".

Such an opportunity may only come once in a lifetime for a non-staff person like him.

And this nanmu coffin from the early Northern Song Dynasty is also very up-to-date, and it is not so easy to be opened.

Around the coffin board, iron nails longer than the palm of the hand are used, and the nails are tightly nailed.

It took more than half an hour for the professional team to remove these nails without damaging the coffin.

Finally, the coffin was opened!
The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the coffin full of bottles and jars.

Because the stuffing was too full, silk cloth was used to cover the gaps. From the unearthed at the construction site to the opening of the coffin in the museum, these things were not very broken.

"This is putting all the funerary objects in the coffin!"

The deputy curator sighed while taking out the contents of the coffin.

Every time one was taken out, Zhang Yang's eyelids would involuntarily jump.

How much is this guy stuffed!
One piece of exquisite porcelain soon filled the entire workbench.

According to the Deputy Director:
Most of the porcelain here are local folk kilns, such as Gaoming Dragon Kiln, Panyu Zengbian Kiln, etc. There are also famous celadon from Yuezhou Kiln.

Putting so many things in the coffin instead of being buried in the tomb, the owner of the tomb is quite thoughtful, and he should have been a miser during his lifetime.

At this time, everyone didn't realize that these were just appetizers.

When the curator took out the thing at the bottom of the box, an exquisite Tang colored chicken head pot, from the coffin, everyone's breathing stopped.

After thousands of years, the body of the pot is still colorful, especially the position of the lid, where the colorful glaze shines brightly under the light.

Zhang Yang, the person concerned, regretted it very much.

He couldn't help thinking: "If I knew it earlier, I would have asked Er Gouzi to drive the car to Linhai."

But he still regretted it too early, because next, the curator took out a golden seal carved with a turtle from the coffin.

Gold Seal!

Zhang Yang started to pinch his own people, he was going to be dizzy from his anger.

This thing, even if it says "I'm an idiot" on the bottom, can be the treasure of some museums.

If it appears in an overseas auction, the national level will find a way to mobilize resources to win the item.

Now it actually appeared in a small nanmu coffin...

That's right, for a tomb with a golden seal, just make a broken coffin to fool people!
It's been dug now!

"Curator, what is this golden seal engraved on?" Zhang Yang couldn't help asking.

As the half of the person who retrieved the golden seal, he must ask clearly.

The curator stared at the lamp for a moment, his face almost froze with laughter, and said, "Doctor Xiao Xian's seal."

The deputy curator immediately followed up and explained: "This is the private seal of the last emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty, Liu Yan. He called himself Doctor Xiao Xian."

"The owner of the tomb should be a member of the royal family. Could it be his beloved concubine?"

"Hey, it shouldn't be." The curator carefully put down the gold seal, and smiled at the deputy curator's words: "Look at this."

In the coffin, there was something even heavier than the gold seal.

The gold seal was held in the hands of the deceased, while a gray clay pot was placed in the crotch of the deceased.

"This pot..." The deputy curator let out a slight snort, and took out the big clay pot from the coffin. Judging from the way he moved it, the pot was a bit heavy.

Zhang Yang quickly stepped on his feet and looked into the jar.

I thought the jar would contain gold, silver and jewelry, or at the worst, copper coins on a string, but to everyone's surprise, it was filled with off-white solid objects.

"This should be the last one." The curator smiled.

The deputy curator smiled at him and returned an ambiguous look.

"These two old men are still playing with mystery..."

Zhang Yang muttered unhappily in his heart, he thought he was here to attend a lecture, but in the end he still had to watch it by himself.

"Name: Root Jar of Children and Grandchildren"

"Materials: clay pots, lime"

"Production time: 942"

"Detailed information: The eunuchs in the feudal period kept the jars of descendants' roots, filled them with lime, and brought them into the coffin when they were buried."

It turned out to be this thing!
Eunuch, that's all right.

Zhang Yang suddenly felt that his eyes suddenly became clear, and all the previous doubts were solved.

Why is it a lonely grave?
Because eunuchs have no real descendants, especially a subjugated eunuch, even if he has an adopted one, he will run away.

Why does he have the private seal of the Southern Han emperor?

Because before his death, the emperor of the Southern Han Dynasty had already run away.

Being able to collect so many exquisite porcelains in his hands, this eunuch has some status, and it is not a big deal to collect the private gold seal of a subjugated king.

And looking at the order in which the curator and the others took things, one could tell that what this eunuch cared most about was not the golden seal symbolizing power, but something he had lost long ago...


【Master, I understand】

[There is a bird in the crotch, it will not be exchanged for an emperor]

【Teacher, have you peeled the lime and looked at it?Is it really buried]

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Yang was telling the audience what he had gained from his trip to Yangcheng.

"It's good that brothers can understand."

"Treasure what we have now... No, I'm talking about life with you, and you ask me if I saw his egg?"

【Then did you see it】

"Of course I didn't see it. The limestone was wet and formed a lump. Besides, who would be in a hurry to see that thing?"

"Next time, I must read it next time, this topic ends here."

"Let's connect the wheat first. Today I have a special guest who wants to tell you about Hetian jade."

"Let's applaud and welcome, my brother Biao in society!"

This friend named Brother Biao, since the real text game tycoon came, has been sending private messages in the background to make public, saying that he also wants to break the news and save the live broadcast room and leeks on the Internet.

Zhang Yang didn't notice at first, when he was in Yangcheng, he was bored reading private messages, and only saw the photo sent by Brother Biao.

At first glance, it looks unremarkable, but after zooming in, I found that, good guy, it turned out to be a tub full of Hetian jade seeds!

Of course it's not real seed material, it's all fake Hetian jade mountain material.

Zhang Yang felt that such a treasured friend was very suitable for the leeks in the live broadcast room.

"Master Zhang, I finally connected to you."

Brother Biao is a middle-aged man who looks to be in his early 40s, with unkempt hair and a long beard.

But it was such a slovenly person, with a suet jade pendant hanging around his neck, and a horned dragon carved out of the yellow skin, giving people the impression that he changed from a beggar to an artist immediately.

"It hasn't been broadcast in the past few days, sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay, but if you don't come, teacher, my Land Rover will not be able to stop."

Brother Biao turned the camera and took a photo of the parking space next to him. Looking across the row, they were all luxury cars.

【Top Rich Buddies】

【Zhuo, what a Land Rover, I thought it was Aurora】

[Fu Ge V I 50 to see the strength]

[Show off your wealth live broadcast room?My backhand is a report]

Zhang Yang didn't expect the plot to unfold like this, he was stunned for a moment before following the opponent's rhythm:

"Brother, you earned all this by selling Hetian jade seeds?"

"Well, it's all the brothers in the live broadcast room, or the money from the brothers' parents, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncles and aunts!"

Brother Biao's tone of voice was really crazy, Zhang Yang assumed the perspective of the victim, and already wanted to call the police.

Arrest, arrest all those who make money from me.

"Baoyou, let's keep a low profile, and be careful not to be slapped."

"Teacher, don't worry, I'm just a source wholesaler, and I don't deal with ordinary buyers. Brothers who brought the live broadcast room today, come into my factory and have a look, and see how a high-quality Hetian jade seed material is born!"

[Hetian jade tycoon is here]

[I just bought a piece of seed material last week, don't disgust me! ! ! 】

[Now the cheapest seed materials start at [-], right? Are the ones in front showing off their wealth? 】

[One hundred thousand?Genuine sheep fat jade 1 yuan per gram]

"Teacher, let's go and see the finished product first." Brother Biao suggested.

"You can arrange it. I feel that after the wheat is finished today, your factory should not plan to take it. I still want to give it some face." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's not a big problem. Well, here it is."

Brother Biao pointed to the place captured by his camera.

Under a tin shed, fist-sized skinned jade piled up like a mountain.

There is a small maza on the ground, with two baskets on each side. It is obvious that someone was picking jade just now.

"Baoyou, the ones here are not in good condition, should they be thrown away or reworked?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"Earn hundreds of dollars per dollar and sell it to the brothers in the live broadcast room."

[Who do you look down on?Add one thousand and sell again]

[That is, our Jiucaigou has a lot of idiots]

[Finally found someone who is more annoying than the anchor's words]

"The quality is good, how much can it sell for?"

"The wholesale price is [-] to [-], and the brothers should buy it for [-] to [-]."

I don't know how Brother Biao got his data, but with the luxury car just now, no one questioned it in the live broadcast.

"What about the profit? For mountain materials, a fist is so big, it should be 300 yuan at most. How much do you charge for processing?"

"If the processing fee is divided into each yuan, it should be 30 to [-] yuan." Brother Biao calculated with his fingers: "The main reason is that labor is expensive. A worker in our factory costs an average of [-] yuan a month."

"I have to sell 20 yuan of stones to settle the wages of these workers."

"How much can you sell a month?"

"Good condition, 500 yuan!"

Brother Biao said as he walked, and soon came to a large pile of buckets, each of which was filled with a thick liquid that was the same color as tomato sauce.

"This is the dye for skin color. It is the core technology of our factory. Only a few of our bosses know the formula."

"Really? I don't believe it." Zhang Yang shook his head: "I also know a formula, tell me about it, let's compare it."

"Hahaha, teacher, your abacus pearls have collapsed on my face." Brother Biao replied with a smile: "I really can't say this, if I say it, I will be evaporated."

"Even if I get caught by the police, I can't tell. I'd rather spend a few more years in prison." Brother Biao added.

"Is it so serious? Okay, what about the mountain materials?"

Zhang Yang has never seen the raw materials of the mountain materials. Most of the raw materials that Baoyou used to identify them were processed.

Brother Biao told him that his factory did not have the kind of raw materials mined in the mine.

When the materials were pulled from the mine, they had already helped to process them into pieces.

Therefore, the fraud of Hetian jade started the moment the jade came out of the mine.

"Our first step is dyeing. This kind of dyeing roller is called a dyeing roller. It will be rolled day and night, and it will take several days..."

"This way the bottom layer of skin tone and pores are done."

"The second step is the secondary dyeing. Soak it in the dye in the basin..."

"In order to let everyone see the whiteness of the jade, in this step, tin foil will be used to cover the place to be left blank in advance."

"The third step is to take off the tin foil and put it in the roller to bake..."

Zhang Yang looked like the roller used to pop popcorn, and kept nodding.

"Is the brother who identified Hetian jade last time still there? You ask me why the fake seed material and skin color can't be washed off."

"Now you know the reason, the fire has collected the juice for several days, what color can't be dyed?"

[This processing process is too simple]

[Don’t lie to you leeks, do you need any complicated technology?]

[People say that the dye is the secret recipe]

[Is Brother Biao still recruiting franchisees?Seeing it, I want to do it too]

"I'm not here to advertise."

Brother Biao waved his hand and shook his head, expressing that he would not accept franchisees.

"I just want to remind you leeks, what's wrong with having spare money? Do you have to buy stones?"

"There are also some paratroopers who broke their fortunes to buy them. Is it worthwhile? You have to be cheap and give money?"

"Brother, are you sure you are safe?"

Zhang Yang looked at Brother Biao, whose tone became arrogant again, and was quite worried.

This nature is much more serious than his appraising treasures. This is the root of people who sell fake jade.

"It's okay, I have bodyguards!"

"What's the use of bodyguards? The head of Nihong also has the first female bodyguard. It's just two guns..."

Zhang Yang's reminder came to an abrupt end after seeing the new picture given by Brother Biao.

Keyword [-]: Big Ben, blue and white painting, lights on top...

Keyword [-]: Bodyguards, uniforms, loaded guns...

"Brother Biao, have you been arrested?"

Zhang Yang suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little sensational.

This netizen named Brother Biao, he is too gentle, even thinking about the leeks in the live broadcast room when he was caught.

"I was arrested earlier, and I've been sentenced, and now I'm on probation!"

Brother Biao smiled heartily, and the atmosphere brightened up again.

"Oh, it's a sentence, so why are you in the factory today?"

"This is not my factory, it belongs to my cousin's house. It seems to have been wiped out. Come here today and help the police comrades identify the scene..."

 Thanks to Super Landmine for the 500 tip!Thanks to O'Leary Yehuya for the 200 must tip!Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from Liumao Maotou!Why did the brothers suddenly start giving rewards at the end of the month? . .Thank you for your support, I will count the rewards and monthly tickets on weekends, and try to add more.

(End of this chapter)

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