Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 178 Will You Sell Three Dollars?

Chapter 178: Will you sell it for 3000 yuan?
After Baoyou disconnected the mic, Zhang Yang urgently announced: a 5-minute intermission.

"Should we wait for this fraud case to ferment, or should we go find Captain Liu?"

Zhang Yang thought for a while and thought of someone.

It is always right to ask Master Wang for his opinion on major matters that have been elevated to the national level of cultural relics.

The old man said in the live broadcast room before that people drove in to grab things at the archaeological site, which is still fresh in people's memory.

Perhaps this jade pig dragon suffered similarly.

While his memory was still hot, Zhang Yang sent a voice message describing what happened to Wang Guosheng, waiting for the other party's response.

After finishing this work, he returned to the live broadcast room:
"Friends, do you still want to connect the wheat?"

"Teacher, can the old tortoise shell see?"

"You should be talking about tortoiseshell glasses, right?" Zhang Yang asked.

Glasses have a long history, dating back to the Song Dynasty in the 13th century, when they were introduced from the Western Regions and were very valuable.

Until the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, there was a mirror-making master named Sun who reduced the price of glasses by relying on his own craftsmanship.

During the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, a pair of glasses cost only ten Wen.

In order to highlight their status, wealthy people began to put effort into their frames, and tortoiseshell glasses became popular and have continued to this day.

"This one was collected by my dad at the flea market before."

Baoyou began to introduce his baby.

The glasses he brought were foldable, and the two lenses could be folded together through the movable joint in the middle.

There are no temples on both sides. When wearing it, it is fixed with a movable nose clip. At most two ropes are strung on both sides to prevent it from falling.

The round lenses are quite large, and the effect after wearing them is probably similar to that of aliens.

"Is this a tortoiseshell?"

Baoyou asked, pointing to the frame made of tawny material around the lenses.

"It must be." Zhang Yang looked at the item information and nodded: "You are a modern item, a fashionable item at the beginning of the last century."

"It's just a pity that the lens is made of glass."

"Is there no background to this thing?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

At that time, the purchasing power of such a pair of glasses was equivalent to tens of thousands today.

People with little financial resources cannot afford such a thing.

"No." Baoyou shook his head: "A few years ago, my dad bought it at the flea market. It cost 500 yuan at that time."

"The 500 yuan in [-]... can only be said to be no loss. Because the quality of the things is a bit poor, it should be able to sell for [-] now."

"Do you think it's okay if I take the two apart and sell them as monocles?" Baoyou asked out of the blue: "Amon's fans will probably like it very much, right?"

"Huh? Baoyou, you won't be parasitized, right?" Zhang Yang asked pretending to be terrified.

"Hehehe, yes, I am Guevara."

【Really? (I ask as I wear a monocle in my right eye)]

[Amon’s glasses are made of crystal, yours are glass]

[Yes, and they don’t have frames]

"See?" Zhang Yang repeated several barrages: "You think money is so easy to earn?"

"Forget it, don't take it apart, anyway, I'm a set."

Baoyou picked up a small round box and showed it in front of the camera.

He said it was the original glasses case, and the glasses could just fit into it after they were folded.

"What kind of skin is this?"

Baoyou pointed to the top of the glasses case and the black shell and asked.

"This is cowhide."

"It's just your boasting." Zhang Yang said angrily: "This is obviously painted in black."

"Young people don't have martial ethics, so they want to trick me, right?"

"Hahaha." Baoyou smiled awkwardly: "Then is this box worth anything?"

"200 yuan. If you pair it with glasses, I'll give you 2500."

[Aren’t tortoiseshell turtles very valuable?]

[Mainly because the quality is so bad]

[The frame is too thin, the thicker it is, the more valuable it is]

"Brothers who are discussing the thickness, are you trading animal products here? We are discussing the value of antiques now."

"Friend Bao, is there anything else you want to identify?"

"There is one more thing." Baoyou swallowed: "It's animal products, but it should be the kind that can be traded."

"I see there are artificial breeding."

"Sable velvet?" Zhang Yang made a random guess.

"No, it's this, teacher, you can see for yourself."

Baoyou took out an oval object with gray hairs, like a kiwi fruit with dog hairs, and the hairs on it were twisted.

"Name: Original Musk Sachet"

"Material: Keratin"

"Production time: 2017"

"Detailed information: The sachet removed from the navel of a male musk deer is usually obtained by poachers who brutally kill musk deer in order to obtain musk."

After reading the item information, Zhang Yang was in awe.

This treasure friend is young enough to be able to eat in prison.

"Is this the only one?" Zhang Yang asked, "It's not enough!"

"Just one, I collected it when my dad and I went to the countryside."

"Do you have a good relationship with your dad?"

"As close as father and son." Baoyou replied.

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment by this answer, but then he realized that it meant a good relationship anyway.

"Then stop playing with your phone, brother, and call yourself now."

"Ah?" Baoyou didn't respond: "Is this also punishment?"

"If you just buy this kind of musk deer sachet, it will only last for two or three years, and you will still have a suspended sentence."

[To be precise, it is a second sentence with a second sentence, with a second sentence, if there is a case]

[Musk deer is a first-class protected animal, and this sentence is already rare]

[Baoyou from Xiaopozhan still doesn’t know what it means to be frank and lenient]

[He will know when the police knock on the door]

“But aren’t musk deer now artificially bred?”

Baoyou seemed to want to rescue him.

"Artificial breeding means digging a trough or performing surgery to extract the musk. Who like you has stored the entire sachet?" Zhang Yang said mercilessly.

This method of cutting the whole sachet must be done by poachers.

Kill it first, and then cut the sachet. A sachet is the life of a musk deer.

In domestic musk deer farms, not only will the musk be harvested without harming the lives of the deer, but the harvested items cannot be traded privately and must have government approval.

Control is very strict.

"Teacher, if I contact a musk deer farm and ask them to provide a certificate to prove that this thing came from them, can I escape?"

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Zhang Yang smiled and applauded Baoyou.

"Brother, your method works! There is just one problem. There are 6000 people watching in our live broadcast room!"

"I go!"

Baoyou spat and disconnected the mic directly.


"Brothers who are heartless, try not to play with animal products. There are too many pitfalls. I am afraid that you will spend the rest of your life in it."

Before Zhang Yang connected with the next treasure friend, he reminded the audience in the live broadcast room.

Some of the brothers in Xiaopozhan are still too young and too curious.

Anyway, Zhang Yang couldn't figure it out despite racking his brain. What is the purpose of collecting the male musk deer's sachet and holding it in his hand?
"Teacher, don't worry, like our mature collectors, all they play are serious things."

Baoyou, who was new to Lianmai, agreed with Zhang Yang that what he showed was not serious.

A torture instrument with a sense of age, the shackle.

The kind that ancient prisoners wore on their shoulders and locked their necks and hands.

"Are you sure this isn't a movie prop or a two-letter thing?"

"Hahaha, teacher, you are playing a bit fancy."

Baoyou smiled knowingly.

He zoomed in on the camera and showed Zhang Yang the iron handcuffs fixed on the shackles.

The rust color is natural and it does look like an old thing.

"Come on, you zoom out a bit, and I'll take a look at the whole thing."

It took Zhang Yang 20 seconds to carefully observe this instrument of torture. It was indeed a shackle from the late Qing Dynasty and the Tongzhi period.

There are long chains nailed to both sides of the hole that locks the neck.

The two withered yellow flails are connected with wooden tenons.

"Xing, this matches the theme of our live broadcast room."

Zhang Yang pointed to the "Fair and Bright" sign on the back, and it was most appropriate for him to identify this thing.

"Things are right, late Qing Dynasty."

"Friend Bao, were your ancestors a jailor?" Zhang Yang inquired, "This thing has been preserved to this day and is in such good condition, which is quite rare."

[Why is it a jailer, but not a prisoner? 】

【Anyone who wears this thing is a criminal】

[Speak less if you can't speak, learn more from the teacher's questioning skills]

"No way..."

Zhang Yang made Baoyou feel unconfident when he asked the question, and the other party asked the relatives around him in a low voice:

"Dad, did our ancestors wear this themselves, or was it worn by others?"

"It must be for someone else to wear it!" The middle-aged man who seemed to be Baoyou's father replied decisively.

"Teacher, my ancestors should have sentenced people to death."

"It's not a big problem. Even if this thing is not passed down from ancestors, the cultural relics department will not care about it, unless you find a complete set of ancient torture instruments, enough to open a separate exhibition hall in the museum."

"Then help me estimate the price, teacher." Baoyou was a little anxious.

Zhang Yang glanced at the screen next to him and saw that there were no auction prices for similar items at all.

Who would buy this thing in a normal auction house, and who would buy this thing in a normal player!
"Baoyou, did you find the price of this thing on the Internet?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Yes, there is no record at all." Baoyou said in a very depressed tone: "Everything sold online is new and they are toys."

Usually at this time, Zhang Yang would advise the other party to keep it safe.

After all, it is not considered a high-quality cultural relic.

But this time, he asked, "What is the price in your heart, Baoyou?"

"I think... I'll sell it for at least three thousand."

"That's fine, I'll buy it for three thousand." Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

[Finding leaks in front of so many of us? 】

【Everyone who meets you has a share, teacher】

[I will pay three thousand and one yuan]

【I'll offer four thousand, if it's a deal I didn't say it】

"Teacher, do you really want to buy it? Is this thing very precious?"

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Baoyou immediately had the thought of "exotic goods can be lived in".

"Hahaha, if you are afraid that I will miss you, we can change the game."

Zhang Yang pointed to the sign above his head:

"Don't you think your shackles match well with the sign above my head?"

"Why don't you send it to me as a background for the live broadcast, and I will help you promote it for free. What if some day, any barrage master is interested?"

Baoyou and his father beside him had a heated discussion for a while, and finally decided:
Sold it to Zhang Yang for 3000 yuan.

They have been looking for buyers on the Internet for a long time, but no one is interested at all. All in all, it is more secure to hold the money in their hands.

Besides, if it is sent to Zhang Yang for display, what if it gets dropped?
[3000 yuan, I would like to mention a torture device! 】

[Teacher, do you want to take the tiger bench I have here? 】

[When will the whole Qing Dynasty's ten major torture exhibitions be held?]

[The person in front of you, are you sure you are not talking about movies? 】

【Do you want chili water】

"Is chili water a torture tool? Then I'll just go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of Laoganma."

"No, you people, don't you really want to dress up my live broadcast room as a court?"

Zhang Yang thought about it, it was a bit too hellish, a shackle in the corner as the background was enough.

"Back to the topic, let's continue. There is still an hour. Friends who need to appraise treasures, hurry up."


"Teacher, help me see how this works."

Seeing what Baoyou took out, Zhang Yang's expression instantly became serious.

Because what the other party took out was a bronze sword with a ring head about fifty centimeters long.

The length of the sword body and the hilt is about the same, and there is an oval ring at the end of the hilt.

"Here, pick it up and let me take a look."

Zhang Yang has already developed a habit of looking at the rust of the bronze wares first, most of the authenticity of things can be seen by looking at the rust.

According to what he said, Baoyou picked it up and gave close-ups of various parts.

Zhang Yang was stunned.

What about the rust on this sword?

"Brother, have you washed the patina?" He asked suspiciously.

"No, it was like this when I bought it." Baoyou replied in an innocent tone.

"Then please tell me in detail how you bought it."

Listening to Baoyou's story, Zhang Yang began to look at the item information.

"Name: Ring-headed Bronze Sword"

"Material: Copper, Tin, Zinc"

"Production time: 532 BC"

"Detailed information: The ring-headed sword commonly used by northern nomads in the Spring and Autumn Period. The hilt is extremely long, making it easy to wear and fight on horseback. The surface of the sword body has been oxidized with chromium salts, and it has not rusted for thousands of years."

Chromium salt oxidation?

The last time Zhang Yang saw this word was in the literature introducing "Goujian Sword of the King of Yue". It was a very advanced method of preventing metal corrosion in ancient times.

He took another look at the decoration on the sword, and the checkered stripes were clearly visible.

Definitely a top-grade bronze sword!
At this time, Baoyou also explained the origin of the things almost.

He went to the countryside to collect this and found it to be in particularly good condition. At first he thought it was a modern handicraft.

I was in the city a few days ago and asked an expert to take a look at it, and they thought it might be genuine.

Baoyou didn't dare to keep it in his hands, so he called the museum overnight and prepared to hand it over.

Now I want Zhang Yang to see it in advance to avoid making a joke.

"Wait! Which museum are you going to hand in to?" Zhang Yang asked urgently.

Ordinary Chunqiu bronze swords are fine, but this one not only has fewer styles, but also does not rust.

You can fight for it!

"Our local Yangcheng Museum."

Baoyou said a name that Zhang Yang was very familiar with.

It is so familiar that it is a bit difficult to start with, after all, we will cooperate with a new batch of loan exhibitions soon.

Zhang Yang took a last look at the baby, it was really suitable to be exhibited with the sword borrowed by Boss Gong.

"Baoyou, are you interested in traveling to the sea?"

"We also have a museum here, which is a strategic partner with the Yangcheng Museum."

"Cooperation, you know, means you are in me, and I am in you."

"This bronze sword is no different when placed in the bronze exhibition hall of our museum than in the Yangcheng Museum."

(End of this chapter)

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