Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 179 The archaeological team pretends to be a tomb robber?

Chapter 179 The archaeological team pretends to be a tomb robber?

"Is there really no difference? I think the difference is very big!"

"Curator Zhang is now cutting off our collections, is he going to dig out our employees next?"

"Would you like to consider poaching me first?"

On the phone, Zou, the deputy director of the Yangcheng Museum, asked three times with yin and yang, and Zhang Yang retreated steadily.

During the live broadcast in the afternoon, Zhang Yang just fought for it. Unexpectedly, Baoyou directly agreed to send the bronze sword to Linhai.

The reason is: "I have been on the phone all day, and the staff of the museum have not come to the door yet."

"If they are not active, they are not worthy of this bronze sword."

Zhang Yang certainly agrees with this statement.

A sword goes with a hero, and he definitely deserves it.

"I heard that Director Zhang also said that he is a hero?"

The fourth question from Deputy Director Zou has also arrived.

Fortunately, next to Zhang Yang, there is a helping Master Wang.

"Xiao Zou, let's get down to business first!" the old man said.

"Hey, I was just kidding." Deputy Director Zou turned from angry to happy: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Zhang Yang!"

“If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to be a candidate for this committee member.”

Just as Xiang blamed Zhang Yang for all his faults, Deputy Curator Zou also attributed all the credit to Zhang Yang.

The arrest of Niu Renai made his son "voluntarily" resign from the National Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee.

Deputy curator Zou just came out to pick up the leak.

But this was old news two days ago. Zhang Yang knew about it when he was grabbing red envelopes in the group.

The sudden formal conference call today was for another matter - the Jade Pig Dragon of Hongshan Culture.

The "defrauded" Baoyou and the first-class national cultural relics in his hands have been brought under control.

The man was arrested in the deep city, and the speed of action was super fast.

Now the police are following up and investigating the seller, and Deputy Curator Zou is responsible for organizing an expert appraisal team to verify the authenticity of this jade pig dragon.

Considering that Master Wang first reported the things to the leaders of the Bureau of Cultural Relics, Deputy Curator Zou took it for granted that he came to learn the scriptures first.

After listening to what happened, Master Wang patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder:

"Xiao Zhang is quite accurate in seeing things, I trust his vision."

"But he hasn't been able to join our team yet." Deputy curator Zou retorted softly.

"Oh, Xiao Zou, you have misunderstood. I am not recommending Zhang Yang to join your expert team." Master Wang explained: "What I mean is, I have watched the video, and my judgment is consistent with Zhang Yang's."

"That thing is the Jade Pig Dragon of Hongshan Culture."

"And I can also give you an idea, and it is also an idea for the police. Check the staff who participated in the archaeological excavation at that time, focusing on the people of the archaeological team."

Zhang Yang was a little sleepy after listening to the story told by Deputy Curator Zou, but after Wang Guosheng finished speaking, he instantly sobered up.

Are the archaeological team members secretly selling the unearthed cultural relics?
From this angle, yes!

"But most of the people who participated in the excavation at that time have now..."

In the middle of the speech, Deputy Director Zou swallowed the words "being in a high position" abruptly, and changed his words:

"Teacher, I understand!"

Zhang Yang suddenly felt the smell of the sea in the air, feeling like before a storm.

Is this the beginning of reckoning?

When Deputy Director Zou hung up the phone, Zhang Yang was going to go back and ask Chu Ziqiang what he had gained, but Master Wang stopped him just as he was about to leave the house.

The old man just happened to want to ask about the private archaeological team.

"I don't know whose family this Chu Ziqiang belongs to." Zhang Yang spread his hands: "I have found several people with the surname Chu, but none of them are related to our business."

"I do know a treasure appraisal expert named Chu Yunfei, and I may be somewhat related to him." Master Wang provided some ideas.

Back to the topic of the archaeological team, what Wang Guosheng was really worried about was actually Cheng Zongwen.

"In the archaeological team, there is a tomb robber, who always feels unsafe." Master Wang said worriedly: "If you get the status of an expert and endorse them, it is easy to get involved in trouble." "Actually, there is more than one." He told Wang Guosheng in a good manner: "Now there is one more Mao Shiqi who can make holes."

"Isn't this nonsense!"

Wang Guosheng frowned, and looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously:

"I remember, you are studying Feng Shui recently?"

"Does this archaeological team still lack a tomb hunter?"

Zhang Yang remembered that the old man had mentioned to him about the "Dragon Shaking Sutra".

And his original purpose for finding this book was really to understand the Feng Shui knowledge related to tombs.

Zhang Yang felt embarrassed about being caught by his parents.

"This archaeological team is mainly to protect the ancient tombs that have been destroyed. We will not dig new tombs." He explained.

"All archaeological teams are like this in name." Wang Guosheng shook his head: "But it has happened before that archaeological team members pretended to be tomb robbers and secretly went to tombs to dig holes in the middle of the night."

"So cruel?"

"In the past, I didn't pay much attention to it. There have been cases of hiring tomb robbers who have washed their hands in the gold basin as consultants."

Master Wang told a lot of secrets, and Zhang Yang gradually understood what the old man was worried about.

If he is targeted by someone with a heart, after spreading rumors + stigmatization, he has a high probability of stepping on the sewing machine, and Cheng Erye will definitely enter the palace three times.

Finally, the old man gave his advice: low-key, low-key and low-key.

The kind that is even more low-key than the grave robber.


When he came out of the office, Chu Ziqiang also called it a day.

He made a video call to Zhang Yang.

It was a little late, and the Zhangjiazu grave behind Chu Ziqiang was full of lights, and there were people burning paper and setting off firecrackers.

"Fortunately, the backfilling work has been completed, and it can't be seen that it has been dug at all."

"Where's the stuff in the tomb?" Zhang Yang only cared about the key points.

"Second Master Cheng is guarding. That man surnamed Xing is really crazy. He always wanted to take away the things we took out, so he had to send someone to guard him."

"However, there are no precious cultural relics, just some porcelain and jade. How about giving it to the county archaeological team?"

Chu Ziqiang was a little annoyed at the scene and wanted to show off.

"No." Zhang Yang shook his head: "Even if we have to keep a low profile, it will be tomorrow."

"Low-key? What low-key?"

"It's your archaeological team!"

Zhang Yang summarized Master Wang's words and relayed them to Chu Ziqiang.

After Xiao Chu finished listening, she fell silent.

"By the way, your work in Linhai is over this time, what are you going to do?" Zhang Yang asked.

"According to our original plan, we wanted to visit all the ancient tombs recorded in Cheng Erye's notebook to see if there are any that have been stolen in the past few years, and make a rescue excavation."

"When you said that just now, I panicked."

It was obvious to the naked eye that Chu Ziqiang was a little unhappy.

Zhang Yang's expression is: glad.

"Fortunately, I asked, otherwise I guess you will have to go in sooner or later."

Now is not more than ten years ago, when Cheng Zongwen was first imprisoned.

If they went through all the ancient tombs in Cheng Laoer's notebook, the archaeological team would probably have to speak today.

"There's only one way."

Chu Ziqiang gritted his teeth and said to Zhang Yang:

"Let's go to Yanjing right away. After getting your certificate, we will find the leader and give our archaeological team the entire establishment."

 Thanks to Huaxia Taobao and Lao Yu for the reward of 100 coins!
(End of this chapter)

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