Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 181 Who Made You Bargain?

Chapter 181 Who Made You Bargain?

Although picking up leaks is exciting, it has a lot to do with luck, and most people don't come across it.

This is not the case when it comes to theater. In Panjiayuan, dozens or hundreds of "good plays" are performed basically every day.

Therefore, there are not a few people who just watch the fun and don't plan to spend a penny.

"I would like to invite a statue of Guanyin, preferably an old one."

The tour guide explained his needs very directly.

When the shopkeeper heard it, he didn't hesitate, and took out a wooden Guanyin from the brocade box beside him.

At first glance, it looked like an old thing, but Zhang Yang became interested, so he sneaked up on it.

Well, yes, jujube.

The method of making it old is also good, at least it has been buried in the ashes for several months, and it is not easy to wash it clean.

Listen to what the seller says first.

"This is the Water Moon Avalokitesvara statue from the mid-Qing Dynasty. You have seen this bag too. It is absolutely old."

"If you don't believe me, you can measure it. With hundreds of years of history, the wood has weathered very badly. It cannot be imitated."

The seller's selling words are quite slippery.

The uncle held the Guanyin statue in his hand, weighed it, and nodded, as if to indicate that the weight was okay.

The buyer and the seller chatted for a while, and finally reached a price.

The seller quoted a sky-high price of one hundred thousand.

Zhang Yang was happy after listening to it.

The Water Moon Avalokitesvara statue in the mid-Qing Dynasty even deliberately imitated the traces of painted paintings, so it only dared to sell for [-]?
What about the pattern?
If it is genuine, put it in the auction, the starting price for such a wood carving is 20.

The final hammer price is estimated to be at least forty W.

"I think it's worth five thousand at most." Chu Ziqiang guessed in a low voice.

"You said an extra zero." Zhang Yang also responded in a low voice, "In exchange for my estimate, I can only give you three hundred, without free shipping."

Now let's see how the uncle bargains.

"I sincerely want to ask you to go back, can two thousand be okay?"

As soon as this counteroffer came out, the atmosphere changed instantly.

Zhang Yang noticed that the nearby stall owners all turned their heads to look at the uncle.

Could it be that the bargaining price is too ruthless?
Zhang Yang took a look at the stall owner selling Guanyin statues.

His expression was a bit ferocious, and he felt that it was very hard to hold back his laughter.

The other party said:

"Oh, your bargaining price is too fierce, and you cut down to my cost price in no time."

"For the sake of your sincerity, old man, the deal is done!"

"Ah? Is this a deal?" Chu Ziqiang looked in disbelief.

He felt that there was nothing left to see, so he turned around and wanted to leave, but Zhang Yang stopped him.

Zhang Yang saw several nearby stall owners taking things from the stalls.

The drama has just begun!

Soon someone greeted the uncle just now:

"Old man, look at my statue of Fudo Mingo, from the Ming Dynasty..."

A fake statue of Ming Dynasty Fudo King Ming, the seller asked for [-] yuan, and the uncle countered with [-] yuan.

Deal in one second.

"This is a statue of an Arhat from the Yuan Dynasty. It has been appraised by an expert and I have a certificate..."

The seller asked for [-] yuan for a newly imitated Yuan Dynasty painted seated arhat, and the uncle countered the price by [-].

It is still a one-second deal.

At this time, even a fool knows that things are expensive.

But the vendors who heard the news had already surrounded the uncle and continued to sell their products to him.

"let's go."

Zhang Yang tugged at Chu Ziqiang, who was watching the excitement with his feet up. He expected that the market manager would be here soon.

The uncle's bid was too high, which seriously disrupted the market order.


After walking for half an hour, Zhang Yang didn't even ask the price.Chu Ziqiang knew what this meant, and he looked in awe at the vendors around him.

All the things on the stall are not as old as the stall owner, this is not empty talk.

"Is there really no leakage?" Xiao Chu asked Zhang Yang unwillingly: "Even if there is no leakage, there is always the real thing, right?"

"Want to buy the real thing? It's not easy."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and pointed to a large ancient coin stand.

Many of the coins on the booth were packed in special plastic boxes.

Some of them also have a paper brief introduction, which may have been rated.

"Come on, let's go and see."

When Chu Ziqiang heard that there was something real, he immediately became interested.

He actually wanted to cheat and lie to his fourth uncle.

If you buy a Yuan Datou worth tens of thousands of yuan, unpack it and say you bought it for 200 yuan, wouldn’t that be a mistake?
"What's so good about this..."

Zhang Yang said he was dissatisfied with his body, but his body was already in front of the stall.

When he bent down to look at the coins on the floor, an old man in a red hat rushed over and squatted down before him.

According to Pan Jiayuan's rules, it's considered that the uncle came first.

Waiting to see things and ask prices, the other party has priority.

In fact, even if the uncle didn't snatch it, Zhang Yang would have to give him face when he saw his red hat and asked him to send the money first.

"Do you only have a few silver dollars?"

The uncle asked the stall owner, as if he was not very satisfied with the amount of silver dollars on the stall.

Is it a big buyer?
Zhang Yang looked at the other party sideways, and suddenly found that the uncle seemed to be holding something in his hand.

Soon, he saw the complete appearance of the thing:

A silver-white lustrous metal cube, very similar to a strong magnet for salvage.

The method of use is to hold this metal cube, "smash" it on the silver dollar, and then quickly lift it up to observe the change of the silver dollar.

The action is a bit like the foreign painting that I played when I was a child.

"Hey, what are you doing!" The stall owner couldn't sit still immediately when he noticed the uncle's little move: "Your broken silver dollar authenticator, break the patina again."

The uncle just pretended not to hear, and was still "smashing" there.

The stall owner quickly stood up, picked up the handicraft Guan Gong Knife standing next to him, and shouted:
"What about you, why don't you smash my silver dollar again?"

"Okay, okay, I don't want to appraise it, the head office?"

The uncle stopped what he was doing and made a "cut".

He turned his head and glanced at Zhang Yang, then secretly pointed to the silver dollars on the booth, and whispered to Zhang Yang:

"This, and this, both are true, you will miss him later, and you will piss him off."

After finishing speaking, the uncle took his silver dollar appraiser and walked away arrogantly and vigorously.

Zhang Yang didn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

"What kind of silver dollar appraiser did the old man use just now? Is it true?" Chu Ziqiang came over and asked.

"Basically, it's actually a strong magnet." Zhang Yang explained with a smile.

The magnet can't attract silver and copper, but it has a certain induction to silver and copper.

Therefore, strong magnets can turn real silver coins over, while fake silver coins made of alloys will not have a similar reaction.

The uncle is so helpful, of course Zhang Yang has no reason not to buy it.

Moreover, he has already identified it himself, and there are indeed two genuine products.

After dawdling for a while, when the old man's residual prestige disappeared and the stall owner regained his composure, Zhang Yang signaled that it was time for Chu Ziqiang to act:
"Come on, bargain!"

Xiao Chu understood, his eyes were shining.

"Don't worry, I have learned my lesson from that uncle."

He cleared his throat and asked:

"Boss, how much does this Yuan Datou cost?"

"One thousand and three."

"Thirty, I'll scan the code and pay right away!"

"Huh?" The stall owner quietly reached out to the Qinglong Yanyue Knife just now.

 Thanks to the big brother FluffyFluffy for the reward of 3000 coins!Thank you for the 200 coin reward from Lonely and Someone!
(End of this chapter)

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