Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 182 The First Person in Modern Ceramics

Chapter 182 Modern Ceramics No.1

"Young man, when you offer this price, you want to say that these silver coins are all fake, right?"

Beside Chu Ziqiang, an old lady with a vegetable basket inquired.

"Ding~" sounded.

There was the sound of metal blades hitting the ground in the air.

"Boss, you sit down first, I'll offer six hundred."

Before the stall owner could speak, Zhang Yang made a 666 sign to him.

A little later, he will be blown away by him just like the uncle just now.

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, the stall owner sat down on the mat again, picked up the thermos cup next to him, and after drinking a mouthful of tea, he said slowly:

"If you don't sell it for six hundred, the starting price of the silver dollars on my stall is one thousand and thirteen."

"The few dollars in front of you two are all."

One thousand three?Isn't that selling at the reference price of the market?
Zhang Yang suddenly felt that he had lost the meaning of picking up leaks.

At this time, Chu Ziqiang's excited voice suddenly came from his ear: "One thousand and three? Deal!"

"Oh my God! Young man, you can also buy the regular version of Yuan Datou for one yuan?" The aunt just said again: "Isn't it a little careless?"

"I also want to know the answer to this question."

"Hahaha." Zhang Yang smiled and looked at Chu Ziqiang who had a dark face.

"Superficial!" Chu Ziqiang scanned the QR code to pay without any interference, and smiled crookedly: "Wait a minute, you will be blinded by my coquettish operation."

"Okay, okay, I will definitely not blink my eyes." Zhang Yang nodded with a smile.

In addition to bulk silver dollars, there are also boutique packages on the stalls.

Among them, those graded silver coins may be the antiques with the highest authenticity rate in the entire Pan Jiayuan.

Chu Ziqiang only bought those with high ratings, and in a short while, he spent more than 4 yuan.

After pocketing a [Eight Years One Yuan] worth [-], he finally stopped.

"Do you have any elders in your family who like to collect ancient coins?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"No." Chu Ziqiang smiled crookedly again: "These are all the leaks we picked up today."

"500 yuan, I bought these, it should be very profitable."

Zhang Yang understood what he meant in seconds, and nodded with a smile.

This Xiao Chu is quite a nice person!

Zhang Yang felt that if he didn't really pick up some mistakes now, he would be a little sorry for his visit today.

He offered to go to the porcelain stall.

Zhang Yang has also heard the story of Master Ma. In Pan Jiayuan, porcelain is always the most likely place for leaks.

After an hour, he finally locked on to the target.

In a boutique porcelain shop with a facade, there is a pair of porcelain plate paintings inlaid in a wooden frame.

The theme of the painting is "Magu Offers Her Birthday".

On a porcelain plate with a white background, a fairy holding a fairy peach and a jug is painted with colored glaze.

The signature is: Wang Qi, Eight Friends of Zhushan.

The item information shows, "Production date: 1915."

It shows that this thing is undoubtedly the authentic masterpiece of Wang Qi, a famous modern porcelain painter.

Zhang Yang actually didn't remember that this person was a famous artist, but he was deeply impressed by the words "Eight Friends of Zhushan".

Because of the Eight Friends of Zhushan, there are ten people in total.

Zhang Yang checked the information and was surprised to find:
These ten people are all included in the latest "List of Deceased Masters of Ceramic Works Restricted from Exporting After 1911" released in May.

And Wang Qi is the highest-level category in the list, and all works are not allowed to leave the country.

It is the same treatment as Qi Baishi, Zhang Daqian and others in calligraphy and painting, and they are officially certified masters of porcelain painting.

"This painting of Magu celebrating her birthday is pretty good."

Standing in front of the porcelain painting, Zhang Yang sighed loudly.

If the shopkeeper is a little discerning, then it's time to come and talk to him.

But what Zhang Yang was waiting for was another old man wearing a little red riding hood.

I don't know how many tourists from the sunset red tour group came to the market. Anyway, now that Little Red Riding Hood's grandma is here, she will be confused: When will the granddaughter learn the shadow clone?After Zhang Yang spoke, the uncle let out a "tsk", and then shouted loudly:

"Where's the boss? I want this copy of "Magu Presents Her Birthday"!"


Zhang Yang turned his head, just in time to meet the uncle's gaze.

The other party was looking at him with a smile.

"Master, I came first."

Zhang Yang pointed to where he was standing. He was directly in front of the porcelain painting.

"I want to buy this painting, too."

"Don't be in a hurry, young man, let's ask the price first." The uncle replied with a smile.

Soon, the shopkeeper came over.

He is a middle-aged man, a little fat, fat, with a pair of eyes that keep looking at Zhang Yang and the uncle, obviously shrewd.

I heard that the uncle wanted to buy it, and the store gave an offer of 30 yuan.

This is the market price of previous years, which is still reasonable.

However, if the "Restricted Exit List" is fully fermented, this amount of money should be enough to raise three signs in the auction.

Zhang Yang didn't speak, but folded his arms, wanting to see how Uncle Little Red Riding Hood would bargain.

The uncle was silent for a while, then replied:
"29 million, how about it?"

The shopkeeper's face was beaming with joy, and he nodded. The word "deal" was already on his lips.

Zhang Yang was the first to see such a bargain.

Not pulling at all, highlighting a sincerity.

Zhang Yang couldn't watch the millions slipping away from him, so he quickly interjected:
"Master, I came first, should I negotiate the price first?"

"And I think the price of 30 is very good, so I will buy it at this price."

"Little brother, don't you want to bargain?" The shopkeeper's smile became brighter: "Then I will..."

As he spoke, he was about to shake hands with Zhang Yang.

But it was blocked by the uncle.

"Wait a minute, he just won't bargain, I can increase the price."

The uncle looked at Zhang Yang with burning eyes, and gradually narrowed his eyes.

Of course Zhang Yang didn't panic, he smiled easily.

This uncle is a master, he should have recognized that this is Wang Qi's genuine product, and he also knows the value behind it.

But Zhang Yang's confidence comes from the fact that he not only has capital, but is also the organizer of the auction.

For this porcelain painting board, his psychological reserve price must be higher than that of ordinary people, because he does not have to pay the auction fee.

Zhang Yang and the store were waiting for the quotation from the uncle, but the other party suddenly said:
"You are the young curator of the Hailin Museum, right? The one who held the auction?"

"Then I won't argue with you, my arms can't twist my thighs."

That's it?Zhang Yang was very surprised by the uncle's words.

He wasn't surprised that he was famous.

Maybe this uncle has seen the promotional video he bought on Douyin.

What surprised him was: Can something with millions of dollars still brush your face?

No one competed, Zhang Yang smoothly shook hands with the shopkeeper and made a deal, ready to pay for the goods.

During this period, the uncle never left, watching from afar.

After Zhang Yang paid the money, the deal was done, the uncle suddenly came up and said to the shopkeeper:
"You are so stupid. I've hinted this to you and you still don't understand."

"This is the curator of a private museum. He can buy your stuff for 30, which means it's genuine!"

"That's right, I sell it at the genuine price." The store owner shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's a fart!" The uncle took out his mobile phone, pointed to the screen and said, "Wang Qi, all works are prohibited from being exported, and it will be implemented from May [-]th this year."

"He will soon be officially certified [Modern Ceramics No.1]. The price of this work, at least add a zero after it!"

(End of this chapter)

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