Chapter 183
Damn, there is a sixth child!

Six 70-year-old Liu, who can guard against it.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that the uncle was waiting for him here, so wicked.

Fortunately, the card has been swiped.

According to Pan Jiayuan's rules, as long as the deal has been completed, there will be no regrets.

Even if the shopkeeper closes the shop and wants to cheat, the police and the court will teach him how to behave.

"This is all your own speculation. Whether the collectibles market and domestic collectors will recognize the value of Wang Qi's works, and whether the value can reach the height of Qi Baishi's is unknown."

Zhang Yang explained in a deep voice, there was no need to say more, he was going to leave with his things.

It should be enough to pick up a leak of 200 million.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave."

The shopkeeper suddenly called out and stopped him.

"Brother, I will pay you back 50 yuan. How about returning this porcelain plate painting to me?"

"We met in Shanshui, and we will be friends from now on."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Chu asked in front of Zhang Yang, "You want to play tricks?"

"We have all paid, don't you know Pan Jiayuan's rules?"

"Of course I know the rules, but I just put forward an idea, you can see if it works."

The shopkeeper took a deep breath and said slowly:
"First of all, I would like to thank Lawyer Luo. Watching his video, I learned a lot of legal knowledge, one of which is called: person with limited capacity for civil conduct."

"If I act like a psychopath later, holding your feet and licking them madly, and not letting you go out, you shouldn't be able to take this thing away."

"Does it have to be like this?" Zhang Yang asked with a frown.

"What if we run out now and don't give you feet?"

Mentally ill people will be identified as "persons with limited capacity for civil conduct", and such people's transactions with Zhang Yang will become invalid.

Normal people have to make a certain determination to do such a thing.

Zhang Yang has heard that an old man drank pesticides on the spot in order to preserve his family heirlooms.

But in comparison, this shopkeeper is a little more perverted.

"It's okay, I can also drink medicine." The store owner smiled: "After all, Qi Baishi's paintings cost tens of millions. This one can guarantee that I will be worry-free for the rest of my life."

"Are you really carefree? What if you get rich and go to speculate in stocks and lose everything?" Zhang Yang nonsense.

He knows that it is meaningless to debate with the shopkeeper "whether Wang Qi's works can be worth tens of millions".

The other party just felt that he could be manipulated by pretending to be mentally ill.

Because if you really had the guts to do this, you wouldn't say that you would buy it back for 50 yuan, and just rush up and lick it.

While talking nonsense, Zhang Yang had already pulled out his phone.

Seeing his action, the shopkeeper immediately shut up and stopped talking to avoid leaving evidence.

At the same time, get ready to rush forward to grab the phone.

Zhang Yang opened the live broadcast software directly.

This kind of person cannot be used to.

Forget it, I don’t want 20, let’s broadcast live to show my brothers how the shop licks their feet!
【Master Zhang, why did the broadcast start at this point? 】

[Is this in an antique shop]

[Catch the leak in the live broadcast? 】

[Where's the pig's head?Show it and let's see]

"Brothers, good afternoon everyone!"

Zhang Yang's voice made the shopkeeper and the surrounding audience excited.

Since they are already anchors, Sheniu’s attribute points have been somewhat increased.

"We are currently hunting for treasures in an antique store in Panjiayuan. I haven't washed my hair, so I won't show my face. I'll show you the treasure later."

"Come on, boss, say hello to the more than 1 viewers in our live broadcast room!"

"Where's the boss?"

Zhang Yang originally wanted the boss to show off his acting skills, but suddenly found that he was missing.

"The store seems a bit timid, so let's introduce another guest!" "This old man is a master I met in the antique shop, hey, don't leave, father-in-law!"


What Zhang Yang didn't know was that the store owner was looking for his live broadcast room in Douyin's live broadcast in the same city.

At first, when the store owner saw the Douyin interface on Zhang Yang's phone, he thought he was going to shoot a short video, so he didn't do it.

After hearing that it was a live broadcast and there were more than 1 viewers, he immediately bent down, rushed along the counter to the storage room, and opened the APP on his phone.

Unexpectedly, the first live broadcast room in the same city that came out was "Master Zhang Appreciating Treasures".

8000 people watched online, and the barrage was asking:

What antique store is this in?

What kind of work does the anchor do?

"A big anchor is not scary, it mainly depends on whether there is a background."

The store owner comforted himself and began to look at Master Zhang's collection of works and search for his personal information on the Internet.

The headlines of the searched news made his eyelids twitch:
"Master Zhang, the master anchor, a three-in-one white glove of politics, business, and antiques?" 》

"Interesting Statistics: How many people were imprisoned because of Master Zhang?"

"At what age are you still catching fugitives at concerts?"Now squatting in the live broadcast room"

"AI restores the appearance of Master Zhang when he was young, resembling Yang Guo"

"Rich Second Generation or Official Second Generation?"Why his live broadcast room will never be blocked"

After briefly browsing the news headlines, an image of "Mr. Pianpianyu, the great anchor of Douyin" has appeared in the store's mind.

"It's not fake news written by the marketing account, is it?"

Just as the store owner wanted to question it, he saw a report from Linhai Metropolis Daily:
"The youngest deputy curator of a private museum in the country... the auction held by the auction has a turnover of over [-] million... the cumulative number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded [-] million..."

The store owner knows that in Huaxia, the relationship with the government is absolutely indispensable for holding auctions.

This man is a local snake from Linhai!

The most frightening thing is that the other party has the support of public opinion, and there are now [-] viewers in the live broadcast room.

Douyin's head anchor, the team didn't bring it, so he came to Pan Jiayuan to visit the shop?
Really TM outrageous!

Can't afford to provoke, can afford to hide!
The store owner hurriedly called the clerk and told him to close the store and slipped away quietly through the back door.


In the lobby of the antique shop, Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed.

The other people in the store, seeing someone broadcast live, offered to make way for him.

But besides exposing the unscrupulous store, Zhang Yang didn't think about other tasks.

I took everyone to look around the collection in the store. There were a lot of fake ones, but the fake ones were nothing new.

Even if there is a bronze Tiga!

Everyone knows that there are fakes in antique stores. Everyone wants to see Zhang Yang picking up the missing items, wants to see the store owner feel uncomfortable, and wants to see the onlookers shout 666.

But the store is not there!

[If the anchor has no work, just give everyone a lighter]

"Here, I'll give you the lighter."

When Chu Ziqiang saw the barrage, he directly handed over the lighter.

Zhang Yang suddenly missed the aunt he met at the coin stall just now.

At this time, the clerk came over and said apologetically that they were closing.

Seeing that the other party is a laborer, Zhang Yang doesn't want to embarrass him.

"Brothers, forget it, take everyone out to see Pan Jiayuan's street stall."

"Let's go and find out if there is any special fake street stall, buy two fakes, and give everyone a lesson."

Zhang Yang thought of a porcelain stall he had seen before, the fakes on it were rare, and the counterfeiting techniques were all exactly the same.

He thought it was a new product from Hedong Group.

Now I just took tens of thousands of viewers to see it together.

 Thanks to winsonliu for the 1500 coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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