Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 192 Ordered by Heaven, Longevity and Prosperity

Chapter 192 Ordered by Heaven, Longevity and Prosperity

"Then I lost money!" Baoyou said regretfully: "I invited Gumantong to attract wealth, but I lost my money first."

"Lucky? Then why don't you choose the Lucky Cat?" Zhang Yang asked.

Regardless of appearance or popularity, Lucky Cat is better than this ghost thing.

"I am heliophobic, and I only watch European and American movies." Baoyou gave an irresistible reason.

"Then please invite the traditional domestic God of Wealth."

"There are too many people worshiping the God of Wealth, and I'm afraid he won't be able to handle them all."

"You...have some ideas."

It's really hard to evaluate Baoyou's brain circuit, so Zhang Yang could only simply deal with it.

"Teacher, I also have a pendant that I bought in Thailand. Can you help me take a look at it?"

"Take it out and I'll take a look."

Baoyou took out a pendant shaped like a capsule, with the middle part made of transparent glass.

There are some white hairs inside.

"They say it's the hair of a white tiger."

"How can a white tiger have hair... Oh, you're talking about the eye-catching white-fronted tiger, that kind of white tiger, right?"


"Does the hair of this animal have the same meaning as in our country? Is it also used to ward off evil spirits?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

Southeast Asian culture was formed by the intersection of ancient China and ancient India, and there are very few original ones.

In traditional Chinese culture, the white tiger is the god of war and has the power to ward off evil and disasters.

Baoyou also said that the person who sold him indeed sold this thing as a pendant to ward off evil spirits.

"You, it's really cat hair."

Zhang Yang told Baoyou the results of the appraisal with a complicated expression:

"But there is a high probability that it is the fur of a domestic cat, which has been chemically decolorized."

[Hahahaha, you know without asking, it must be a domestic commodity]

[Exporting to domestic sales, Baoyou actually has the qualifications of a leek king]

[How many hairs does a white tiger have? Even if you think about it, you know it’s fake]

[What did cats do wrong? Why do they use cat hair]

Zhang Yang originally wanted to interview this friend:
"What is it like to be a leek while traveling abroad?"

But probably because the barrage was too aggressive, Baoyou was silent for a while, not even willing to say hello, and directly disconnected the microphone.

"Pay attention to the face of some bullet screens."

Zhang Yang reminded the audience in the live broadcast room:

"This treasured friend was destroyed by you just now."

“What if it affects the sales of domestic small commodities overseas?”

Seeing the barrage all over the screen saying "get it", Zhang Yang felt relieved and even posted the next treasure friend.

The voice sounded like that of an old man in his 70s or [-]s.

When Zhang Yang took the first look at the things he took out, one word came to his mind - Fan Tianyin!

Because the seal is so big that a pair of hands cannot fit around it, and it is even thicker than the mouth of an ordinary rice bowl.

The top is carved with Nine Dragons and Opera Beads, and the carving work is actually quite good.

The seal is completely white with a hint of yellow inside. If the yellow color is really soil, it must have been soaked in.

"Old man, this thing of yours is not made of stone, is it?"

Zhang Yang looked at the texture of the seal, which looked like resin.

"I don't know, how do you tell if it's a stone?" the old man's old voice came from the other end of the video.

"If you put something on your face and it feels cold, it's a stone."

"Oh, they said this is a jade seal. Teacher, can you look at it?"

Although the other party promised, he still kept talking to himself. Zhang Yang knew that there would be no more conversation that day.

He quickly shut up and appraised.

The results show that this is a handicraft made with 3D printing technology.

The main component is high-temperature-resistant photosensitive resin, produced in 2018.

"This is a modern handicraft, old man."

"The person who sold you told you, is this a jade seal? It's not jade, it's resin."


The uncle seems to understand, but the understanding level is estimated to be no more than 1%.

He seemed to have some ideas and turned the seal over.

"Teacher, help me see if the words at the bottom are correct."

What word?Zhang Yang glanced at it casually and was amused.

There are eight big characters written at the bottom:

"Being ordered by the sky will live forever".

It turns out that this fabrication was the imperial seal passed down by Qin Shihuang!

No wonder it's so big that it's not too much of a waste of materials to make nine dragons.

Zhang Yang thought to himself: If anyone wants to build a fake museum, he will definitely recommend it with his real name and send this thing to the exhibition.

Such a typical fabrication.

The real imperial seal should have been buried in the South China Sea with the Young Emperor of Song Dynasty long ago.

"Old man, I don't think this thing is right. It should be a handicraft."

"It's okay to treat it as a small toy, but don't treat it as an antique."

Zhang Yang gave a very restrained answer.

After all, the other party is older. If it were a young man, he would directly quote "three pieces for 10 yuan".

"Oh, thank you teacher."

This time the other party finally understood, and Zhang Yang quickly disconnected the video.

Continue to connect with the next treasure friend.

Request Lianmai, but the other party refuses?
"Is [Godan] here? If anything happens to you, I will be the next best to Mai."

Zhang Yang asked the camera, and finally tried again, and the other party agreed this time.

In the picture, a young man wearing black-rimmed glasses appeared, smiling at the camera.

The smile was slightly awkward.

"Teacher, it's not that I don't want to lose the microphone. It's just that I watched your live broadcast just now and realized that my stuff must be fake."

[The world is awake! 】

[The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, turn back and see the shore]

[Did you buy something that was appraised by a friend before?Did you also buy white tiger hair? 】

"What do you mean it should be fake?" Zhang Yang encouraged Baoyou: "You're here, you have to take a look."

"What if it's true?"

"The chance that this thing is genuine should be less than one in [-]."

Baoyou's answer was very rational, and then he took out his treasure.


Zhang Yang just took one look and burst out laughing.

"Sorry, I'm a professional and I don't usually smile."

"But you...hahahaha."

The treasure that Baoyou took out was almost exactly the same as the one that the uncle took out just now.

The difference is that his one is smaller, shrunk by three-quarters, which is about the same as a jade seal in the traditional sense.

At the same time, the material is also different. It is obviously carved from jade, and it has also been artificially colored.

"I just said there's no need for an appraisal. This is just like what the old man did just now."

Baoyou closed his eyes hard, discomfort written on his face.

Seeing that he wanted to put things away, Zhang Yang quickly stopped:

"Don't worry, let me see what kind of jade this is."

"Even if it is a modern handicraft, as long as the material is good, it is also a valuable thing."

Zhang Yang's words rekindled Baoyou's confidence.

He quickly put the jade seal on the table, switched the camera, and gave a close-up view.

"You're right, it's the kid from what happened just now."

Zhang Yang's happiness is still increasing.

"The material is Afghan jade. It is estimated to be worth 30 yuan."

"How much did you pay for it?"

Baoyou was unwilling to answer this sad question directly and only said:
"Not much loss."

After he had put away his things, Zhang Yang suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

The old man’s piece was produced in 2018, and the Baoyou piece was produced in 2019.

First use 3D printing to make samples, and then use Afghan jade for mass production?
Why does it look so much like a factory routine?
"Friend Bao, show me your seal again. I want to see the words engraved on it."

【What's the meaning?Repeatedly whipping the corpse, right?]

[A true warrior dares to tear open the wound]

[Yes, yes, I will rub salt into my dear friend’s wounds]

(End of this chapter)

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