Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 193 Cultural Relics Chapter Pioneer Chen Yanguang

Chapter 193 Pioneer of Cultural Relics Return—Chen Yanguang
Zhang Yang looked at the eight seal characters on the seal displayed by Baoyou, "Ordered by Heaven, and live forever", and nodded.

It is indeed the work of the "flow master" of the assembly line.

Every word is very smooth, and traces of machine polishing can also be seen.

"Friend Bao, who did you buy this from?"

"I guess it cost more than ten thousand, right?"

The size of this jade seal alone, if sold as Hetian jade, would cost at least four to five thousand.

Add in the carving, theme, color, etc., and it’s normal for the price to double.

"Teacher, what do you want to say? I'm an old fan. Don't keep exposing my scars!" Baoyou asked directly.

Seeing that the other party was so frank, Zhang Yang didn't beat around the bush.

"The craftsmanship of this thing, I'm afraid it's a group product."

"Teacher, aren't you the consultant of the group?" Baoyou asked.

"In fact, there are many groups, and most of the people who sell such fake goods in China have joined."

"Seeing this thing like you, I suspect there are still some evil spirits left."

There are thousands of crooks in the Guobao Gang, and Zhang Yang has no hope of sending them all in on his own.

But now that we have met, I don't mind adding some performance to Captain Liu and the others.

Now that his identity is different, maybe Zhang Yang's name can be added to the final credit book.

Anyway, just a few more questions.

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Baoyou also became serious.

"I bought this thing at an antique market. I think people can still find it."

"Is it okay to just call the police for this kind of thing?"

Zhang Yang was still hesitating at first, how to ask Baoyou, now he doesn't have to think about it.

"No problem, brother, you have a strong sense of law!"

"Of course, I've been in the host's live broadcast room for a long time, and I haven't learned anything else, so I'm quick to report it."

Baoyou said with a smile, and then changed the subject:
"But I'm worried that they have some background, just like I always insisted on reporting your live broadcast room, teacher, but it was never blocked."

"It's okay." Zhang Yang ignored Bao You's work and told him, "It's just a matter of time to take a look. Is it because my background is strong, or is it that the background of this group of sellers of fake goods is soft?"

【mad!I like】

[This is the first time I see an anchor working on the background, please give me a penny to support it]

[Bao friends, don’t be a coward, report the case and leave Master Zhang’s name]

"Can I leave your name, teacher?" Baoyou asked Zhang Yang as suggested by the barrage.

"Don't worry, let me ask first."

"Is anyone here, the Ninth Elder (Captain Liu of Criminal Investigation) or his subordinates?"

Zhang Yang felt relieved when he saw a familiar ID replying "?" on the barrage.

"Just keep this name, Liu Xin, a letter of credibility. This is the name of the person in charge of the legal department of our studio."

"Where's the phone?" Baoyou asked eagerly.

"I'll message you privately later."

Zhang Yang couldn't remember the Linhai City Public Security Bureau's alarm number, so he could only download it and help Baoyou later.

Explain the situation to Liu Xin and Captain Liu. The other party should be able to understand Baoyou's approach of wanting to protect his privacy.


After sending away Baoyou, who was suspected of having purchased goods from the group, Zhang Yang took a rest for 2 minutes and chatted with the barrage for a while.

At this time, a long-lost ID appeared in the live broadcast room and asked Zhang Yang:
[Can you let me jump in line? It’s urgent.]

"Brothers in the back line, let the big brother get off the line!"

Zhang Yang had a symbolic discussion with the treasure friends in the queue, and then took the initiative to apply for a link to Chen Yanguang's account.

This was half the leader of the Hedong Group. If he finally decided to become a son-in-law, he might even usurp the throne.

It's time to ask what happened to the jade seal just now.

Chen Yanguang quickly accepted Lian Mai and his first words were:

"Let me solemnly declare that the jade seal just now is not the product of Hedong Group."

"The person in charge of the Hedong Group asked me to explain for her that in the group's product list, there has never been a product of the Chuanguo Yuxi from the beginning to the end."

This is called professional!

Zhang Yang secretly gave a thumbs up and did not answer the question. After all, the person in charge of Hedong Group was not his wife.

Chen Yanguang paused for a few seconds, then spoke again, and the topic returned to the main topic of this liaison.He asked Zhang Yang: "Do you know about the stolen cultural relics in the British Museum?"

"I know, but which time are you talking about being stolen?"

In Zhang Yang’s memory, the British Museum has publicly admitted to being stolen seven times.

The most recent incident occurred in 2023, when more than 2000 cultural relics were lost.

Although this amount is only a drop in the bucket compared to the museum's collection of more than 800 million, it is still considerable if it flows into the antique market.

After all, they are all genuine.

Did Chen Yanguang buy stolen cultural relics?

"I don't know when it came from, but the seller showed me the label on it. It is indeed the label of the museum collection, and it also has a serial number."

"Really? Is there a picture?"

When Zhang Yang heard that there were labels for stolen cultural relics, his first reaction was to question them.

As for the collection label, it would be no problem to change it to any other museum’s collection.

Only the British Museum is different.

They have more than 800 million items in their collection, but only 160 million are registered.

Therefore, after a theft occurs, the museum often cannot even provide details of the stolen cultural relics.

Because they only checked the quantities and did not match them one by one.

"This is it."

Chen Yanguang showed the so-called label, which read "Bronze Mirror, Chinese Han Dynasty" in English.

There is also a string of Arabic numerals that appear to be collection serial numbers.

"Is it true?" Chen Yanguang asked Zhang Yang.

"I don't know either. Neither Laojiumen nor Shifting Mountains has ever been to England."

Zhang Yang is also very puzzled, this label does not seem to be fabricated.

Could it be that stolen literature was really leaked out and Chen Yanguang encountered it?

What a coincidence, why is it so similar to the "cultural relics theft case" I encountered before?

"Who is this seller? Where did you meet him?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Of course it's England. It's in Chinatown, London."

"How did we meet?"

"The owner of the cultural relics store introduced it. I asked him if he had any good stuff, and he gave me his contact information."

"You know, we have special access."

Zhang Yang understood what Chen Yanguang meant. The so-called channels were actually their overseas distributors.

The antique business all over the world is the same way. If you want to make money from gringos with imitations, you have to ask their locals to tell some stories so that you can sell the things.

Sounds pretty reliable.

"Where are the things? Are there no photos of the actual objects?"

"No, I said you have to pay a deposit before you can see it."

"If there's nothing wrong with the label, how about I buy the item first and take a look at it?"

Chen Yanguang smiled and told Zhang Yang his plan:

"I have thought about it. I will buy it and send it directly to your museum."

"I understand your thoughts, but how do you go through customs?" Zhang Yang reminded.

According to international conventions, stolen cultural relics must be returned to others.

If the other party comes up with evidence that the bronze mirror was bought by the British from China in the early years and donated to the museum, then it will be serious stolen goods.

"Bronze mirrors won't work, but porcelain?"

Chen Yanguang thought the problem was on the bronze, so he showed another photo of the label.

It reads "Blue and white Ruyi holding moon vase, Yongle period of Ming Dynasty in China".

This name seems familiar to Zhang Yang.

He quickly searched the Internet, and the content of a piece of news caught his attention.

Isn’t this bottle a cultural relic on display in the British Museum?

Fake?Or is there a mole?

(End of this chapter)

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