Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 197 The Prototype of Ultraman

Chapter 197 The Prototype of Ultraman
"Oh, it turns out I want to donate."

Zhang Yang casually took out his notebook and pen:
"Boss, please tell me your contact information."

"This Buddha head of yours is a stolen cultural relic and must be returned to its original place for safekeeping."

"Okay, as long as Master Zhang helps me identify it, I can send this Buddha head back."

"My phone number is 081-882-32***."

Boss Ming actually reported a phone number, and a search showed that it was a landline in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

It's a pity that there is no Pullman from Chiang Mai in the live broadcast room.

Zhang Yang dubiously wrote down the phone number and prepared to hand it over through Captain Liu.

If you are really warm-hearted, you won't be able to let him down, right?

At the other end of the video, Teacher Wu has been helped up.

Immediately afterwards, the Glock 17 scored twice and was put on his head again.

With a bang, Teacher Wu collapsed on the ground again.

"There are a few more things that I would like to ask Master Zhang to help me take a look at."

"Okay, okay, just watch it, I feel your sincerity."

Before starting the appraisal, Zhang Yang first stacked a BUFF:

"I will not authenticate domestic cultural relics. It is very difficult for cultural relics to leave the country now, so anything that appears in your place will be stolen cultural relics by default."

"If there is no problem, let's start."

"What if I have a question?" Boss Ming likes to ask.

"Then..." Zhang Yang looked troubled: "Teacher Wu, everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather."

"Don't don't."

Wu Xingfei simply knelt down, but not to Zhang Yang, but to the gangster over there.

"Brother, you trust me when it comes to domestic stuff, okay? I'm also an expert with a stipend after all. I can still tell whether it's true or false."

"Okay." Boss Ming hesitated for a while, hummed, called to his men, and brought the things up.

The four large boxes contained gold and silver jewelry, jade carvings, calligraphy and paintings, and metal utensils.

Those who didn’t know better thought they were the trophies of ancient bandits.

"Teacher Wu has already seen these things. Could you please Master Zhang to look at them again?"

"If Teacher Wu lies, hehehe."

Zhang Yang took a cursory glance and found that there were too many things.

After the appraisal, the sun is probably going to set, and I don’t know how this Teacher Wu can withstand it.

At the other end of the video, a golden pagoda statue has been picked up.

[Let me go, the pagoda of King Pagoda? 】

[What look, this is a Tibetan pagoda]

[It’s gilt copper, and the carving is very beautiful]

The pagoda is divided into three parts, the pagoda base, the pagoda body and the pagoda temple.

The pagoda base is similar to the ordinary Buddha statue base, except that it has a few more layers;

There is a small door on the pagoda, called the Humen, with a statue of Sakyamuni carved inside;
The pagoda is like the top of the pagoda in reality, with vase, umbrella cover and other decorations.

Although Zhang Yang has never authenticated this kind of thing, he can tell from the style that it is a cultural relic of Tibetan Buddhism.

"Name: Gilt Bronze Pagoda (Tibetan Style)"

"Material: copper, gold"

"Production time: 1533"

"Detailed information: The gilt copper pagoda from Nepal is a sacred object for blessings by ancient Tibetans."

"Teacher Wu said this is a Tibetan Buddhist pagoda from the mid-Qing Dynasty. Master Zhang, what do you think?"

What do you think?
Zhang Yang glanced at Teacher Wu.

Otherwise...he will be a good man again after 18 years?
There was disagreement on the first one, and there are so many left.

Zhang Yang felt that Wu Xingfei would most likely not be able to escape this disaster.

Don't mention it, it's quite good at this time. Maybe you can be reincarnated into a wealthy family with three children, and you can enjoy happiness since childhood.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang felt a lot more relaxed, and he decided to take the initiative in matters into his own hands.

Although I have no connection with Teacher Wu, it is not a big deal for me to be threatened like this all the time.

"How did you get this thing?" Zhang Yang asked the boss Ming Ming, who was mainly anti-customer: "Which temple in Nepal has been emptied by you again?"

"Hahaha, Master Zhang's vision is really accurate. I really missed this in Nepal."


Ah, yes, yes, this golden pagoda, how blind does the seller have to be to let people pick it up?

After Zhang Yang said something perfunctory, he asked the other party:

"Do you still need my help to check whether this kind of thing is genuine or not?"

"Ask when the temple was built and when the things were brought back. Isn't that the end?"

"Let's pick a few typical things. The audience is not interested in things worth tens of thousands of dollars." [I chose Master Zhang as the speaker because he was thinking about the barrage]

[Just the Thai gangsters treat themselves too much, so hurry up and do what Master Zhang says]

[Boss Ming, right? I advise you not to be ignorant of praise]

The barrages were more open than the public ones, and it cannot be ruled out that some of them wanted to see rivers of blood flow.

It's a pity that Wu Xingfei can't see the barrage, and the program effect is missing.

In fact, while Teacher Wu was scared, she was also confused.

He just didn't want to follow Che Lijun to appraise treasures under Zhang Yang, so he went abroad to earn extra money.

How come we can bump into Master Zhang in Southeast Asia?
There is also this boss Ming who spends a lot of money to treat him, but he doesn't believe him and specifies that he has some serious illness.

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Boss Ming neither agreed nor refused. Instead, he directed his men to move a stone sculpture out of the box.

This stone sculpture is naturally red in color and depicts a two-headed lion.

There are obvious cutting marks on the bottom of the stone sculpture, and there seems to be gravel on it that has not been cleaned.

You don’t need to ask to know where this cultural relic was stolen from.

But judging from the lion head's open face, it shouldn't be from China.

"Master Zhang, this is a piece of trash named Wu. The specific age cannot be determined."

Boss Ming couldn't hide the disdain in his tone.

"Please help me take a look!"

[Looks like something from Egypt]

[Are you so cruel? You won’t even spare Africans]

[Is this thing similar to the stone lion here?]

"This is a stone sculpture from the Kushan Empire in the second century." Zhang Yang first dated it.

He knew very little about the Kushan Empire that appeared in the item information, so he had to read the information.

While reading the information, slowly give out other identification information.

"This kind of statue should be a decoration on the top of a pillar in a palace or temple."

"You must have gotten it near Mathura, India?"

“Are people’s old houses even going to be demolished now?”

While talking, Zhang Yang already understood almost all the information about the Kushan Empire.

It was a dynasty that was one of the four great powers in Europe and Asia along with the Han Dynasty, Rome, and Parthia.

Contemporary Indians believe that it was established by the Yuezhi people from China and was an empire established by "invaders".

Also starting from the Kushan Empire, with the rise of Mahayana Buddhism, ancient Indians began to build Buddha statues everywhere.

"This one was actually dug out of the soil."

Boss Ming began to explain the origin of the things.

It is said that local residents of Mathura dug out an ancient palace. The pillars were buried too deep to be dug out, so they cut off the stone lions on top and sold them.

"I was its third owner, and it cost me two thousand dollars."

"Master Zhang?" Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't react after hearing the story, Boss Ming urged.

"What for? Didn't I tell you the origin of the thing?"

"Help me estimate the price. I bought this from regular channels."

"Send it directly to the auction." Zhang Yang simply replied: "If it's through formal channels, you can go to the auction to show it off."

The Mathura statue from the second century is valuable, with a market price of more than 20.

It is impossible for Zhang Yang to tell him:

You are so awesome, you made [-] to [-] yuan casually.

I can only sigh in my heart:
This is how people in a civilized society who have something to do can make money at an alarming rate.

"Master Zhang, please give me a reference price. This is not considered a violation..."

Wu Xingfei, who had just been called a loser, was probably afraid that Zhang Yang would anger the gangsters, so he came out to persuade him.

As a result, before Zhang Yang could say anything, Glock took action first.

Teacher Wu shut up obediently.

"It seems that you still have opinions about me, Master Zhang."

"It's okay, I will prove that I am a very pure collector." Boss Ming said with a smile.

"Look at this again."

Another Buddha statue was brought out.

After all, this is Southeast Asia where Buddhist culture is the dominant religion, and everyone has a Buddha statue.

I just don’t know why, but the figure carved in this Buddha statue has no clothes on the upper body.

There is also a strange button-shaped object on the character's chest.

Is this the prototype of Ultraman?
(End of this chapter)

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