Chapter 198 Owl, coo coo

"Pull the camera closer and let me see what's on his chest?"

Zhang Yang thinks that this statue is most likely a Buddha statue, because the carved figure has a bun on his head.

It's the little round bump on the top of the head of the Buddha beads.

In Buddhist culture, this is a sign of success in cultivation, and at least you are a Bodhisattva.

But this Bodhisattva doesn't wear any clothes...could he be the Happy Bodhisattva specially worshiped by Indians?

After the picture was enlarged, Zhang Yang could see clearly that there was a leaf-shaped diamond-shaped symbol on the chest of the character, which had a strong religious connotation.

"Name: Statue of Aditanatha"

"Material: sandstone"

"Production time: 1108"

"Detailed information: Agitanatha is the second ancestor of the 24 ancestors of Jainism in India and is a figure in religious mythology. This statue of Agitanatha is an important cultural relic of Jainism and has high archaeological significance. value"

Artifacts from an unknown minor religion in India?
With this knowledge in mind, when Zhang Yang looked at the sculpture again, he suddenly felt that the figure in the sculpture was not meditating, but doing yoga.

As for the archaeological value, he didn't care.

He just wanted to know how much he could sell it for.

There is also auction information about similar items on the Internet. Christie's sold one for $12.

The equivalent of ancient Buddhist statues from the Song Dynasty in China can only be sold for so much?

Zhang Yang shook his head, little religion really doesn't work!

"Is something wrong?" Boss Ming asked.

"Tell me first, how much did you spend on this?"

"This, frankly speaking, is a zero-dollar purchase."

"Are you still short of people there...forget it, it's a bit dangerous."

"There's nothing wrong with the thing. It's an Indian Jain statue."

Zhang Yang stopped the evil thoughts in his heart and told the other party briefly:

"It's equivalent to something from the Song Dynasty in China. This type of statue has been auctioned before. You can check it out yourself."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

"There's one last thing."

Maybe because he felt that Zhang Yang had worked hard, Boss Ming suddenly bought more than 2 gifts in the live broadcast room.

"No, stop swiping!" Zhang Yang quickly stopped the other party: "With overseas funds like yours, if you don't know, you would think you are laundering money. My anti-fraud APP will ring later."

"Hahaha, the teacher is so funny."

"The next thing I bought was from a private collector in the beautiful country for 50 yuan, but the Wu expert said that this thing was wrong."

The gangster stretched out his white-gloved right hand and patted Wu Xingfei's face.

The pressure is full.

"Can you help me take a look?"

Zhang Yang listened to the tone of the other party's words, and he seemed to want to use this thing to determine Teacher Wu's life or death.

He definitely won't get involved in this kind of thing.

But I'm not in a hurry to leave, let's take a look first.

As a result, after just one glance, Zhang Yang couldn't move his eyes away anymore.

What he took out turned out to be a bronze owl statue full of green rust!

The owl is actually what people often call an owl.

This bronze wine bottle uses owl-shaped talons and tails as its base. It can stand firmly on three fulcrums. The shape is very unique.

On the surface of the artifact, there are a large number of swirling patterns, which are common thunder patterns on bronze vessels.

The green patina is normal, it was unearthed from the pit, and there are no signs of wear.

There's nothing wrong with any of this.

The only thing that looks a bit artificial is the head of the owl.

The ears are a bit too cat-like, and coupled with the big eyes, it looks a bit too cute according to modern aesthetics.

"Come on, come closer and focus."

Zhang Yang directed the other party to continue observing the bronze owl statue.

On the neck, there is an obvious incised owl pattern.

This is consistent with the treasure of the Zhongyuan Museum, the "Fu Hao Owl Zun".

The shape of that piece is very complicated, especially the owl's head, so it is a national treasure-level cultural relic that is prohibited from being exported for exhibition.

Because the head of this piece is too simple, it is a little inferior, but it is no problem to be rated as a first-class cultural relic.

It depends on whether it is true or false.

Zhang Yang said nothing, quietly waiting for the item information to appear. "Name: Bronze Owl Zun"

"Material: Copper, Tin, Zinc"

"Production time: 1334 BC"

"Detailed information: The Owl Zun is a relatively high-standard burial object in Shang Dynasty tombs, and is one of the favorite drinking vessels of Shang Dynasty people. The shape and decoration of this Owl Zun are suspected to have been unearthed from Yin Ruins in AY City."

It is indeed a bronze from the Shang Dynasty.

Zhang Yang quickly searched in his memory and found no news about such cultural relics being stolen.

Maybe it was a cultural relic that was sold abroad by some people during that special period in modern times.

"Forget it, let's ask Teacher Wang after the live broadcast is over." Zhang Yang thought in his heart.

Then he frowned.

"Boss Ming, didn't we agree not to watch domestic stuff?"

"Hey, one piece, just this one."

"Not even one thing!" Zhang Yang replied decisively: "My bottom line is very tight, goodbye!"

After saying that, he quickly hung up Lian Mai.

[Master Wu, the anchor can only help you so far]

[It would be rude to reappraise again]

[I’ve seen this kind of thing in a museum, it looks quite scary]

【Things are quite cute】

During the barrage chat, Zhang Yang was not idle either. He took a screenshot of the wine bottle in the live broadcast replay and sent it to Master Wang.

By the way, I also talked about Wu Xingfei’s suspected “kidnapping”.

In this way, we can not only confirm whether this owl-shaped bronze wine cup is a stolen cultural relic in China, but also get first-hand information after Teacher Wu's accident.

If Teacher Wu can return safely, he will shoulder the burden of retrieving this bronze wine bottle.

"It's good to be young. The less ability you have, the less responsibility you have."

After Zhang Yang explained the situation to Master Wang, he felt much more relaxed.

He smiled and looked at the time, it was almost time.

"Is there any treasure friends who want to connect wheat?"

"Welcome to today's penultimate treasure friend."

"It's getting late. Don't leave in a hurry. There will be a bronze sword display in an hour."

The new treasure friend pointed his camera at a pair of elephant-shaped porcelain ornaments.

"Teacher, can I ask you a question first?" Baoyou asked.


"Teacher, we all know your strength. Even those involved in smuggling cultural relics trust your vision."

"But if you misjudged that British Museum replica, why can't you make a funny note to explain it?"

What Baoyou said seemed to be the sentiment of most viewers in the live broadcast room.

[Yes, if you read it wrong, you will see it wrong. Who can guarantee that it is 100% right]

[If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good]

[Replicas are inherently difficult to identify, let alone video identification]

[Whenever someone gets blinded, we still support you]

"Brothers, did you make a mistake?"

Zhang Yang is still very useful for the barrage that fills the screen with encouragement.

This is word of mouth!

But what needs to be said still needs to be said.

"That thing is absolutely real, not a replica. The Dasha Chun you call - the King of Lee has already returned by plane overnight with the thing."

"He wants to invite domestic experts for consultation."

"But the British Museum has issued an announcement!" Lian Mai's treasure friend retorted.

"Then I will also make an announcement?" Zhang Yang replied with a smile: "Okay, everyone, be patient and let the bullets fly for a while."

"Okay, host, your heart will fly, and the leeks will always be with you!" Baoyou said sincerely.

Zhang Yang nodded and looked at the treasure brought by Baoyou.

There are two porcelain brown elephants. The middle part of the elephant is covered with a colorful blanket, and the upper part of the pastel flower goblet is carried on the blanket.

"Friend Bao, you are not a leek."

"If you take out this thing, I will permanently expel you from your job."

(End of this chapter)

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