Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 205 Lao He doesn’t know anything

Chapter 205 Lao He doesn’t know anything

“On September 9, a famille rose counterfeiting gang doing the reflow porcelain business was arrested in Linhai.”

Huazi, who is new to the industry, wrote down the news he just got from the Internet in a memo on his mobile phone.

Then he murmured to himself:
"Linhai is really like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den!"

"In just a few months, the Shanxi Province's top counterfeiters, the Jinmen National Treasure Gang, and the returning porcelain pastel counterfeiting gang were all arrested in Linhai."

"We have to change our route! Lao He, if we have to go around Linhai tomorrow, which way is better?"

"Ah?" Lao He, who was washing antiques by the river, stood up and ran back to the van: "Didn't we say we would go to Linhai to find my cousin and get the goods out?"

"Yes, I asked your cousin to deliver the goods. Can't you just send the goods to him?"

Lao He scratched his head, reflecting on where he had misunderstood.

Hua Zi didn't care about this. He took it from his hand and looked at it all over.

"Look, this painting of a beautiful lady is so good. No wonder the owner of the tomb wants to hold this thing in his arms."

When Lao He saw the young man holding the porcelain vase, he seemed to be imitating the original owner, and couldn't help but say "Huh~".

Sure enough, people will change if they are exposed to things in tombs for a long time.

"Do you remember the lines I told you yesterday?" Hua Zi asked Lao He.

"Remember, I told Master Zhang: My son bought this at the auction."

"It cost hundreds of thousands in total."

"I was afraid that he would be deceived, so I wanted to see the teacher secretly. As soon as I started watching Douyin, I saw him, the most popular treasure appraisal anchor during the day..."

After listening to this, Huazi nodded to express his approval and gave one more warning:
"If someone asks you where you are, just say you are in Xiangjiang; I don't know the rest of the answers, let him figure it out on his own."


In the afternoon of that day, Zhang Yang had a complex expression after listening to Lao He tell the story about a duplication check rate of over 60%.

Is the story made up?Probably.

The father attended the auction, and you immediately sent a son to attend the auction, and it happened to only cost a few hundred thousand.

What, the scammer’s bank card limit?
But the stuff is definitely right.

Authentic Guangxu colorful characters story garlic bottle.

What is painted above is a scene of dancing girls visiting a lantern festival. Whether it is beautiful or not can only be described as "the most important thing is reality", but the picture is indeed very festive.

Maybe this is an official kiln in the late Guangxu period, and it cannot even reach the level of a fine private kiln.

Emperor Guangxu himself was poor, and the level of the official kiln painters was visibly reduced.

"Old man, there is nothing wrong with this thing of yours. It is a story vase from the official kiln in the late Guangxu period."

"Then help me see, how much is it worth? Is it a loss or a profit?" Lao He asked.

Zhang Yang nodded. This thing is in good condition and doesn't have any traces of soil. You can estimate the price.

But he was accustomed to asking the purchase price first.

"How much did your son spend on this photo?"

"I don't know." Lao He shook his head.

Anyone who didn't confirm their confession beforehand would always answer that they didn't know.

" you know where it was auctioned?" Zhang Yang continued to ask.

Determining which auction house the item comes from can basically determine the price range of the item.

Big auction houses overseas are at least about 20% more expensive.

This can help the elderly determine whether they are losing or making money.

"I don't know about this."

"When did you buy it back? You still have an impression, right?"

Zhang Yang asked, making himself want to laugh. This old man, who didn't know, thought the things were stolen by him.

"No... I don't know." Lao He answered bravely.

Huazi once told him that Master Zhang liked to "coax confessions".

If you don't have a plan, if you speak directly, you may blow yourself up.

This is the conclusion Huazi came to after watching more than 100 live broadcasts of Master Zhang’s treasure appraisal.

"Uncle, does the owner of this antique, the son you mentioned, know that he is your son?"

[Warning from Lao Wang next door]

[I don’t know anything, it’s not scientific, the story should be made up]

[This uncle is really confused]

The owner of the antique... Old He couldn't help but shudder when he remembered the scene when the coffin was opened.

Fortunately, opposite him, Hua Zi kept nodding at him, reminding him how to answer.

Lao He immediately nodded and said:
"He must know this."

"Oh, just know."

Zhang Yang nodded lightly. It was originally a joke, but he didn't expect the uncle's answer to be so serious.

Those who didn't know thought they were taking a confession.

Let’s return to the topic. Zhang Yang helped estimate the price:

"The value of the thing is about [-] yuan. Although it is a Guangxu official kiln, the painter is not good."

"Fortunately, the vessel is large enough and has the name of an official kiln."

"There are no auction records of similar colorful character story bottles found online. You can go back and ask your son again. It may be a private auction that has not been registered."

"Okay." Lao He agreed.

Then, he picked up another burial object from the table.

Since my son spent hundreds of thousands on the auction, of course it couldn't be just a porcelain vase.

Zhang Yang looked at the bamboo shoot-shaped, milky white object in Baoyou's hand.

The color of the upper part is a bit like white jade, but without the luster of jade. It is carved with fans, flutes and other objects wrapped in auspicious clouds.

This is the "Eight Immortals Pattern", with auspicious clouds surrounding the weapons of the Eight Immortals.

The bottom is a wooden cover with a circle of small holes drilled around it.

"This looks like a container. Did you say what it was when you took the photo?"

Zhang Yang regretted asking this question, because the uncle's answer was predictable - "I don't know."

It’s not a big problem. When it comes to treasure appraisal, it’s not just about identifying the age, but also what the specific item is.

"Name: Nirvana Glass Cricket Jar"

"Material: glass, miscellaneous wood"

"Production time: 1793"

"Detailed information: A small jar used by wealthy families in the Qing Dynasty to store crickets. It was also a popular decoration."

Cricket jar, interesting!
Zhang Yang has only seen clay pots used for fighting crickets on TV. Aren't the crickets made of bamboo baskets?

I also made a glass jar.

No wonder there are pinhole-sized holes in the wooden plugs to allow the crickets to breathe.

"Uncle, this is a glass jar for crickets."

"Huh? Glass?"

Lao He touched the white part of the jar with some disappointment. He always thought it was white jade.

Why would you tie a piece of glass to your waistband?

"Although it is glass, it is not cheap."

Zhang Yang looked at the barrage and said "I was fooled", so he quickly came out to explain.

"This is Nirvana glass from the Qianlong period. Look at the material and craftsmanship. Even if it is not for the imperial family, it is at least a treasure for the Eight Banners."

Ancient Chinese glass carving technology reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty.

The market price of glass products of the same era and with the same level of craftsmanship is no cheaper than that of porcelain and jade.

It is a replacement.

The price of this Nirvana glass cricket jar has exceeded [-].

"Twenty thousand?" When Lao He heard the offer, his eyes lit up.

It has to be a Qing Dynasty tomb with an archway, so rich!
"Teacher, there is one more thing."

He moved the camera happily and focused on a round piece of colorful cloth spread out on the table.

The base is black, with blue wave patterns embroidered around it, and a round traditional Chinese character "Shou" embroidered with yellow thread in the middle.

【shroud? 】

"This is a complement." Zhang Yang immediately made a judgment.

He has seen this kind of thing many times. It is usually a special fabric woven on the chest or back of ancient official uniforms to indicate the status of the owner of the clothes.

Most of the patches are embroidered with animals, like this with the word "longevity", of course it is worn by the longevity star!

The only strange thing is, why is this patch bought from the auction not framed?
(End of this chapter)

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