Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 206 I collected several personal collections

Chapter 206 I collected several personal collections

Not only was this round longevity-pattern patch not framed, it was also a little wrinkled.

"Uncle, this thing cannot be preserved like this."

Zhang Yang shouted in his heart: What a waste!
"Have you ever seen a cross-stitch pendant? You need to use a large, transparent glass frame like that for cross-stitch to frame this patch."

"Oh." Lao He nodded perfunctorily.

We are tomb robbers. We will mount it on you, you big-headed devil, and sell it in two days.

Seeing the mediocre response from the other party, Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly:

"Pick up the patch and let me take a look."

Let’s look at the fabric and craftsmanship first. It is indeed an old hand-embroidered item.

Especially the yellow word "Shou" in the middle, there may be gold thread added in the thread, which is in line with the thread material and craftsmanship of Qing Dynasty embroidery.

Taking another look at the date information given, 1907 is slightly later than the porcelain vase.

But as long as it has not reached modern times, it is a cultural relic of Wanqing.

One last look...wait, what does this mean?
"It is usually the fabric on the shroud worn by old people who were in mourning in ancient times when they were buried. There are signs of disassembly on the edges. It should have just been removed from the shroud not long ago."

Just removed it? ? ?

Zhang Yang was a little confused. Wouldn’t the whole piece sell well?

"Uncle, point the camera at the back and look at the circle on the edge of this piece of cloth."

"I'll check if the stitching on the back is old."

They say they are looking at the pins, but in fact they are looking at the traces of disassembly.

Sure enough, it is exactly as described in the item information. This patch was just removed, and there are slight signs of aging on the back, and there are even residual threads.

It is said to be "something bought from an auction house". Not only is it not framed, but there are also signs of fresh disassembly...

Zhang Yang touched the short beard on his chin and murmured a little in his heart.

It's so weird.

"Uncle, this is something from the late Qing Dynasty, and it is also a treasure worth tens of thousands."

"Thank you, teacher."

Lao He wanted to go out to get something, but this time, Zhang Yang specified what he wanted to get.

"Take another look at that cricket jar just now."

"Can this wooden lid be opened?"

"it should be OK."

Just as Lao He was about to lift the lid, Hua Zi suddenly threw a pebble at him.

The latter used hand gestures to silently signal him not to listen to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang saw that the other party was a little hesitant, and quickly pretended to be expectant and said:
"There may be jade-carved crickets in this kind of glass jar. That stuff is worth your money."

"Would you like to shake it and listen?"

Lao He was moved by Zhang Yang's statement. He put the jar to his ear and shook it gently twice.

There is really movement.

"There seems to be something inside, but it's not like stone. It's very light."

"Little cricket, of course it's very light. Open it and take a look." Zhang Yang suggested again.

This time Hua Zi agreed.

Lao He slowly opened the jar, pointed the mouth of the jar into the palm of his hand, and clicked hard twice.

A dried cricket leg slipped from the bottle.

Then, there was a whole dried up body of a cricket.

[Hahahaha, what a treasure]

[There are crickets in the cricket jar, and there are wives in the wife cake]

[Isn’t that right? The auction house won’t clean this thing?]

"Hehe." Zhang Yang chuckled: "Uncle, where did you dig this thing?"

It is impossible for a cricket jar handed down from ancient times to be so obviously dirty.

Only things that are newly unearthed can have this kind of original quality.

No wonder the owner of the tomb wanted to bring this thing into the tomb, because it had to contain his heart and soul.

"This is from the auction, not from poaching." Lao He said harshly.But he couldn't give any information about the auction, and this explanation seemed very feeble.

"Then, did they auction your entire shroud?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

"Uncle, you are so wicked that you want to take off the shrouds from the dead?"

"I guess it's because except for this patch, the other parts are connected to the tomb owner's body and can no longer be taken off."

When Lao He was poked at the central issue, his expression immediately changed.

While he was still thinking about how to explain, Huazi rushed up to him, snatched the phone away, and then pressed the power button for a long time.

"Come on, it's time for us to move."


"Run away now? Hahahaha." Zhang Yang was extremely happy.

When robbing tombs, they would even dare to take off the dead man's shroud, but if something happened, he would run faster than anyone else.

I don’t know whether he is brave or timid.

[How wicked, even the shroud is not spared]

[They are in such a hurry, why don’t they pack it up and come back for appraisal]

[When selling rice, you have to pay attention to how fast it is]

"There is a certain truth to what the barrage said. Some tomb robbers will sell items worth hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands."

"Because people originally want to make a quick buck by robbing tombs. Of course, the sooner they do it, the safer they feel."

Zhang Yang thoroughly analyzed the psychology of tomb robbers.

The truth is exactly what he said.

That night, Librarian He of the Hailin Museum received a message from his distant cousin.

Ask him to help sell some antiques just collected from the countryside.

Even the prices are marked:
Five-colored porcelain vase, [-]; cricket jar, [-]; late Qing Dynasty buzi, [-].

Lao He sent the photos to several antique shops that the museum cooperated with, and the quotes they gave were much higher than the base price given by his cousin.

When there was a profit, Librarian He immediately paid the deposit.

At the same time, in Zhang Yang’s fan group, a friend who just went to college was complaining:
"My family members don't know. My parents sent me to school in another place. When I came back, I found that my ancestors' graves had been dug up."

"My ancestor was a Jinshi in the 23rd year of Daoguang's reign. The ancestral tomb is the most magnificent in the village. It was almost applied to become a cultural relic protection unit in the county."

"When I came back, I found that the coffin boards had been broken."

"These damn tomb thieves not only stole the grave goods, but also made a mess of my ancestor's remains..."

There was a top musician in the group who sent the victim a 500 red envelope and asked him to post photos of the scene in the group.

There is an archway to the ancestral tomb, which means you are either rich or noble. The site has been surrounded by yellow warning tape.

A sharp-eyed group of friends discovered that there was a circular area in front of the clothes on the corpse, and the color was obviously different from other parts.

Everyone discussed in a few words for a while, and immediately connected the tomb robbery case with the tomb robbers who appraised the treasure during the day.

[@ anchor master Zhang, your precious friend has dug up the ancestral graves of the group of friends and comes out to explain. 】

When Zhang Yang saw this news before going to bed, he felt sleepy instantly.

At first, he thought it was Cheng Laoer and the others who had itchy hands and were caught again.

Just like it was in Bozhou.

But upon closer inspection, it turns out that the items identified during the day were all burial objects of this treasure friend’s ancestors!
And looking at the photos of the crime scene, it seems that Baoyou’s family usually visits the grave, and it is not the kind of lonely grave in the wilderness.

It's so unethical to dig up the ancestral graves of descendants in plain sight!
"Anchor, think of a way!"

Seeing Baoyou's appeal, although Zhang Yang sympathized with him, he couldn't actually do anything.

At most, he was advised to provide the slices from today's live treasure appraisal to the local police as evidence to assist in the investigation.

It wasn't until two days later that Librarian He happily called Zhang Yang:

"Director, I have collected several private collections from the late Qing Dynasty. Do you want to take a look?"

"If there are treasures in it that are worthy of being placed in a museum, I can transfer them at the original price."

"Librarian He, you are quite a nice person!"

Zhang Yang smiled and asked the other party to send over the treasured pictures.

When he saw the thing for the first time, he instantly changed his mind:
"Library He, Linhai City Public Security Bureau wants to know about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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