Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 213 The little man dancing in the square

Chapter 213 The little man dancing in the square
After the fossil collector Baoyou left, a young woman dressed in neutral clothes sat down in front of Zhang Yang.

This treasure girl's style of holding the collection is very rough, and she puts it all together in a black backpack.

"My father collected these from the countryside when he was doing business in Hunan Province more than ten years ago." Baoyou introduced.

"He is abroad, I will identify it on his behalf."

This explains why she treated these collections so carelessly.

Zhang Yang nodded and picked up the most expensive-looking piece of Baoyou's collection - a square gold ingot.

The size is slightly smaller than Mahjong and as thick as two coins.

On the front of the gold ingot, there is a seal-like inscription:
[Fang Jiuxiachang] [Tian] [Zuchi].

"It's a good thing!"

Zhang Yang showed the front side of the gold ingot to the treasure friends in the live broadcast room, and explained to everyone by the way:
"Fang Jiuxia, some Shenghai friends should know that this is one of the nine major silver buildings in Shenghai in modern times."

"Tian and Zuchi are the ratings of this gold bar. They are equivalent to what we call pure gold and first-class."

【This is also the tear of the times】

[Now the price of gold is 550 per gram, Baoyou has made a fortune]

[It has not been melted into jewelry, which is quite rare]

[At first glance, it is a heirloom product, and I can feel the patina]

Zhang Yang took the gold nugget in his hand and weighed it. There should still be twenty or thirty grams.

This means that for such a small gold ingot, the price of gold alone would already start at [-].

"This thing is old." Zhang Yang told this treasure friend: "This kind of modern old gold ingot is very popular in the auction market now."

“Basically, the premium is about 20% based on the ordinary gold price.”

In addition to gold ingots, Baoyou also has two silver ingots.

Although it is also an old thing, it just has the word [囍] printed on it, so there is nothing much to say about it.

After looking at the valuable things, Zhang Yang began to appraise the treasures of his treasure friends that seemed not so valuable.

First is a gong.

It was obvious that she really didn't understand. She thought it was some kind of container, so she turned it over and placed it on the table.

But in fact, if you look at the front of the gong and the small round, golden convex platform in the center, you will know that it is used for knocking.

And it is a practical tool, otherwise the boss would have oxidized and turned black.

"Name: Yin Gong"

"Material: Brass"

"Production time: 1873"

"Detailed information: The corpse-repelling gong used by Taoist priests in ancient Western Hunan"

The shorter the words, the bigger the problem.

Taoist priest? !
Baoyou said that his father collected this in the countryside.

But who would sell this thing?

Although it is a feudal superstition, in vast rural areas, the appearance fee of Taoist priests is still very considerable, especially when doing white things, it basically costs two to three thousand to pay.

Maybe Baoyou misunderstood what his father meant.

This was actually used by his father when he was doing business in the countryside.

Zhang Yang had this idea because there was another piece of physical evidence.

They are two small pieces of wood placed next to the gong.

Zhang Yang asked a frank question:
"Friend Bao, when your father was doing business, did you always go out to work at night?"

"I don't remember, I don't have much memory of what happened when I was a child." Baoyou replied while recalling.

"Then...has he ever used this thing?"

Zhang Yang brought over two crescent-shaped pieces of wood, which together looked like horns.

This is also an old object from the late Qing Dynasty.

Anyone who has gone to Taoist temples or temples to ask for a fortune must have seen it, called "Yao Cup".

Originated from the Book of Changes, it is used for divination.

Taoist priests use this thing to measure good and bad luck, so as to judge whether something should be done or not.

Baoyou looked at the wood in Zhang Yang's hand and nodded hesitantly:
"I saw him playing with it when I was in junior high school. Later, it cracked when I dropped it, so I didn't dare to use it anymore."

"Then what?" Zhang Yang asked.

If it cracks after falling, that is a bad sign!

"What then?" Baoyou was puzzled.

"After the crack broke out after the fall, did your dad do anything? For example, move, change his career, etc."

"Eh? Teacher, how did you know we moved?"

[I seem to understand what Master Zhang is asking]

[This treasure friend’s father may have failed in the battle] [He even lost in the dojo, which shows that the defeat was not as miserable as usual]

[Are those gold and silver ingots actually the reward for his father’s work? 】

Zhang Yang is impressed by the barrage's associative ability.

He didn't even think about the "reward".

Seeing Baoyou's confused look, Zhang Yang told him:

"They are all old items from the Republic of China. Don't sell them cheaply. Keep them in your collection."

"Like this gong and Yao cup, they should be a set."

"Maybe your father hasn't planned to pass this stuff on to you yet, so be patient."

"Really?" Baoyou was a little confused, but still nodded: "Then I'll ask him when I get back."

"What's your surname, Baoyou?" Zhang Yang finally asked a question.

"My surname is Xu."

"That's right, my surname is Zhang." Zhang Yang smiled.

Zhang, Xu, Sa and Ge are the four great heavenly masters of Taoism!

Maybe it's because Zhang Yangli's brand has an effect. Although there are treasure friends who use fakes to identify them, for example, they regard items that earn foreign exchange as cultural relics, but the National Treasure Gang, he has never seen it.

This is very comforting.

While waiting for the next treasure friend to take out the treasure, Zhang Yang took the time to look at the conditions of several experienced experts around him.

Two of them are already red-hot.

Teacher Dou, who specializes in appraising ceramics, has a super large blue and white water tank in front of him.

It is estimated that the tank Sima Guang smashed was only that big.

The pattern on it is actually Guiguzi going down the mountain.

It is probably because the photo of the decoration was enlarged too many times, resulting in many details being missing and the whole thing looking blurry.

When I took a quick look, I thought I was dazzled by too much guidance.

For such a "closed" thing, Baoyou is still trying to convince experts. It's really a dream.

This also directly caused Teacher Dou to transform into Thomas the Tank Engine and take deep breaths to calm down.

As far as Zhang Yang could see, the only person without red temperature was Teacher Bai, who was appraising the jade.

But I guess I won’t be able to hold on for long.

Because Baoyou, who just taught Zhang Yang to "look at jade first", is now beginning to torture him.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yang had already decided in his heart that when we have dinner together in the evening, he would have to offer Teacher Bai three large glasses of wine.

Otherwise it is really unreasonable.

"Teacher, I'm ready."

Baoyou's earnest call brought Zhang Yang's attention back to the stage.

"pottery figurine?"

Zhang Yang rubbed his hands in anticipation.

Finally you are here!
Which one should I look at first?

On the table in front of him were seven pottery figurines, each one about the same height as a mobile phone standing upright.

Among them are three pottery figurines, all wearing the same red hat, kneeling on the ground, holding different instruments in their hands, as if they were playing dance music.

The remaining three seats were swaying left and right, as if they were dancing.

The last person should be the audience, because he is neither wearing a hat nor holding an instrument, but is scratching the back of his head.

It seems to be saying: What are you dancing about?
[Ancient square dance? 】

【Let me rock together, rock together! 】

[Hahaha, these little people dance so hilariously]

[There is a person who doesn’t fit in with others, have you noticed it?]

[There are also two dancing figures who seem to have no clothes on]

The barrage reminded Zhang Yang, and he quickly looked at the villains Baoyou mentioned.

Sure enough, the three dancers were not only bare-chested, but also had their bellies sticking out, and the pants they were wearing looked a bit like large bell-bottoms.

His face was also ridiculously big, so Zhang Yang guessed that he was wearing a mask.

Is this the aesthetic view of the Han Dynasty aristocrats?

"Friend Bao, please introduce to us the origin of this thing."

Zhang Yang continued his habit of live broadcasting: Old man, ask about the origin first.

These seven pottery figurines are all from the early Eastern Han Dynasty.

And it was almost certainly a burial object.

(End of this chapter)

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