Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 214 Be confident when playing with things

Chapter 214 Be confident when playing with things
"It's all passed down from our ancestors."

"These things have been at home since I was sensible, which must be 60 or [-] years now!"

What the old man said sounded very candid, especially when matched with his broad tone.

The content of the words was a bit like treating Zhang Yang like a fool.

Why is there still caked soil on the base of something that has been passed down for 60 or [-] years?

It was obvious that the pottery figurines were unearthed not long ago and had not been cleaned.

Zhang Yang smiled and told the uncle straightforwardly:
"These things of yours are all burial objects."

"And it was unearthed from a tomb in the Han Dynasty."

Zhang Yang’s original intention was to persuade the uncle, please say whatever you have to say. There are so many experts on site, the police are patrolling, and it is live broadcast.

Even if it is finally determined to be of "unknown origin", it will be difficult for the uncle to keep it if the Yangcheng Museum wants it.

But he forgot that this was offline.

Not only were the people in the live broadcast room watching him appraising treasures, but there were also a large number of people watching around him!

The treasure holders who were watching at the scene exclaimed in unison.

“Han Dynasty Pottery Figurines!”

"Artifacts unearthed from the tomb!"

"Right here at Miscellaneous Expert!"


Soon, Zhang Yang and the uncle were surrounded by people from three floors inside and three outside.

Even several experts next door stopped what they were doing and came over to watch the excitement and see what was going on.

Teacher Bai patted Zhang Yang's shoulder quietly and told him in a low voice:

"Don't be nervous, it's always like this for the first time."

"Next time you see something like this, it might be someone coming out of a tomb. Hold him steady and ask a staff member to take him backstage."

"Otherwise it would be like this..."

Now, not only are the TV reporters here;
Security guards are also required to maintain order;
Outside the crowd, there were even police officers on duty observing the situation.

The uncle was sweating.

Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly:

"Uncle, please put your things away first."

"Congratulations on advancing to the next round. Don't leave in a hurry. A staff member will contact you later."

"Okay." The uncle nodded repeatedly and muttered in a low voice: "I don't even dare to leave."


After the uncle left under the guidance of the staff, Zhang Yang temporarily left the appraisal table on the pretext of drinking water.

When I came back 5 minutes later, all the people who had been watching had left.

Even a lot of people in the queue have left.

"Hey hey hey, I found another way to filter out the National Treasure Gang." Zhang Yang was secretly happy.

However, when he saw that Teacher Bai, who had expressed kindness just now, was suffering from torture, he immediately put away his emotions.

There are no quiet years, but some people are overweight.

"Friend treasure, please!"

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to signal the next treasurer to take out the collection.

I've been fishing for 5 minutes and it's time to start working.

What this treasure friend brought was a gilt copper object with slight green embroidery, which was about as tall as a mug.

The shape is a bit like a trophy, but the square foot is smaller.

The top is carved with a sheep lying on the ground, and the decoration is very exquisite.

"Do you know what this is?" Zhang Yang pointed to the things on the table and asked Baoyou: "Have you searched online?"

"I couldn't find any relevant information." Baoyou shook his head.

"It shouldn't be. This thing is available in Guanfu Museum."

The Guanfu Museum that Zhang Yang mentioned is naturally the private museum run by Master Ma, the No. 1 collector in the country.

In order to prove his statement, he pulled up the information on the tablet and handed it to Baoyou to study.

"This thing is called [Qin Zhen Key]."

"In ancient times, a zither was used to pull the strings. The zither key is equivalent to a screwdriver and is used to adjust the tightness of the strings."

"It's equivalent to our current piano tuner."

【What flirting? 】

[Does flirting mean, using a tool to flirt?]

[What are you talking about? I, a female college student, blushed when I saw this]

[The barrage is going crazy again, people are talking about tuning the piano]

"I understand." Baoyou nodded after reading the information.

He couldn't understand, because his treasure was almost exactly the same as the one in Guanfu Museum.

The only difference is:

The piece in the museum is all golden and is said to be made of pure gold. Those who don’t know may think it has been washed and patinated;
On Baoyou's piece, not only is the gilding a bit dull, but it also has obvious patina.

"So this is a fake, right?" Baoyou asked.

"Why do you say that? You seem a little unsure!" Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

"This... I bought it from an old man in the countryside." "Since there is the same model in the museum, I must have been deceived."

Baoyou looked a little embarrassed, but Zhang Yang shook his head.

"Not only does it exist in the Guanfu Museum, your collection also has the same model in the Jin Provincial Museum."

"Be confident, why can't this of yours be authentic?!"

"Ah?" Baoyou was surprised and happy.

He saw from the information Zhang Yang had just given that the full name of this kind of thing was [Golden Qin Zhen Key with a Sheep's Head - Han Dynasty].

But this piece of mine is obviously made of gilt copper.

"Isn't it easy to think about this? This one is your grandfather, and the one made of pure gold is your grandson." Zhang Yang helped Baoyou open his mind.

What he said sounded even more terrifying than the National Treasure Gang's rhetoric.

The most the National Treasure Gang can say is "one male and one female."

But this is the fact. This Baoyou piece is a gilt bronze sleeping sheep harp key from the Chu State in the middle of the Warring States Period.

Maybe it was used by Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi.

It's a pity that this is not a heirloom, but something that obviously came out of a puddle.

At least a third-level cultural relic.

"Then what era is this probably from?" Baoyou swallowed his saliva and asked expectantly.

"This needs to be verified."

Zhang Yang pretended to think, then frowned and shook his head.

"I don't care what I say now. You can advance to the next round first. A professional appraisal report will be issued at that time."

"Okay, okay, thank you teacher." Baoyou said with a happy smile.

This is the joy of spending a small amount of money to find a big leak.

But when Zhang Yang saw his treasured friend again backstage, his smile had disappeared.

"Teacher, can't this thing be bought and sold?"

"I just made a mistake, why is it breaking the law?"

Seeing the uncomfortable look on Baoyou's face, Zhang Yang could only explain to him:
The cultural relics protection law has long been enacted.

If your buying behavior occurs after the law is enacted, of course there will be problems.

"And strictly speaking, you are not picking up the leaks."

"I just played the role of a buyer in the process of selling the stolen goods of the tomb robbers."

Just now, several veteran experts have basically determined the origin of this cultural relic through brainstorming.

The unearthed place was locked in a Chu tomb by Dongting Lake.

Because in that tomb, a decayed guqin was unearthed. The rusty zither on it seemed to match the qin key very well.

Now that the trap has been found, there really is no need for Baoyou to struggle.

Leniency for confession, [-]+ certificates.

"Oh, I lost 2000 yuan." Baoyou couldn't help but sigh.

But this is the current situation of missing cultural relics in China.

Don't rush to be happy before buying the real thing, you might get arrested.

"By the way, have you seen the man who appraised the pottery figurines?"

Zhang Yang remembered his main purpose of coming backstage.

Unknown burial objects in Han tombs, is the uncle really a tomb robber?
"I don't know. When I came, there were only a few experts and a policeman on duty."

A policeman on duty?

Zhang Yang remembered that Teacher Bai said that there were three police officers responsible for the protection of cultural relics.

What about the other two?

At this time, in a rental house in an urban village in Yangcheng.

The man who just identified the Han Dynasty figurines is now identifying the stolen goods in his rental house under the leadership of the police.

"You said you were a garbage collector?" Policeman A asked.

"Yes." The cuffed old man nodded and replied.

Policeman B picked up a ring-shaped tool from the corner with a complicated expression:

"Do you need a metal detector to pick up trash?"

"So professional?"

"It's used to dig up scrap metal in the soil." The uncle explained: "Everyone uses this."

"Everyone?" Policeman A was very alert: "You have accomplices, right?"


"Is that a one-person crime?"

The uncle was silent when asked, lowering his head and not daring to speak.

Unfortunately, this trick was of no use. Several other police officers present had already gained something.

Two large cardboard boxes were pulled out from under the bed, filled with porcelain plates and bowls;
In the wardrobe, there is a large box of bronze mirrors;

The bedside table is full of ancient coins from various dynasties and generations.

Altogether, it is conservatively estimated that there are hundreds of pieces.

In comparison, the Han terracotta warriors he took for appraisal were a bit unqualified.

 I am accompanying my wife for surgery today, so I will move it to tomorrow. Please forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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