Chapter 215 Stacking Arhats

As we all know, the weather in coastal areas is as fickle as the weather forecast.

On the second day of the treasure appraisal activity, Zhang Yang had just finished his morning tea when he discovered that the "cloudy" promised yesterday suddenly turned into "light rain turning to moderate rain."

Before I even went out, it started to rain.

Fortunately, the police car had already arrived at the door of the hotel to pick him up and take him to the local police station.

Also getting on the bus with him was Mr. Dou, a porcelain appraisal expert whom he had met yesterday.

Seeing Zhang Yang also in the car, Teacher Dou was puzzled:
"Xiao Zhang, are you also a member of the appraisal committee?"

When the police handle cases related to cultural relics, they will apply for experts from the Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee to appraise the age and value of the cultural relics involved.

Generally, you apply to experts from the local appraisal committee for appraisal.

"I remember Zhang Yang, you are from Linhai?"

"Teacher, you misunderstood. I went to record a confession." Zhang Yang explained.

"Ah?" Teacher Dou moved a little further away from Zhang Yang: "Are you also involved in this matter?"

"But why are you here?"

What Teacher Dou means is that if Zhang Yang was a person involved in the case, wouldn't he be escorted alone?

"You misunderstood again. I went to take a statement because of yesterday's appraisal."

Zhang Yang himself was also very surprised. Normally, wouldn't the police come over and chat in a conference room in the hotel?Do you have to come to the police station in a big way?

When he arrived at the scene and saw the amount of stolen goods, he immediately changed his mind:

It's really necessary.

Because this is a big case, it is understandable that the standards for handling the case should be higher.

In the large conference room of the police station, there is a long table that can seat 30 people, and it is full of things.

All are cultural relics.

The police counted them overnight and counted more than 800 items in total.

Among them, there are a total of 430 pieces of porcelain and pottery, 250 pieces of bronzes and metal products, and more than 100 ancient coins.

"Did you catch a group of tomb robbers?" Zhang Yang exclaimed.

"Actually, there were only three people." The policeman replied, "We thought it was an ordinary tomb robbery case yesterday."

"It was only when we arrived at the suspect's residence that we discovered that this may be the largest tomb robbery case involving cultural relics found in Yangcheng in the past 20 years."

It's a pity that it happened at the wrong time.

Zhang Yang thought to himself that if it were later, he might encounter this wave of tomb robbers at the antique market and come out to sell their stolen goods.

Now, he can no longer personally participate in such a big tomb robbery case.

After recording the confession, Zhang Yang was about to return to the hotel. As soon as Zhang Yang left the office, a figure rushed towards him in the corridor and grabbed his arm.

"Teacher Dou? Aren't you going to help with the appraisal?"

Zhang Yang asked while breaking free, but the other party held on tightly, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

"That's not an appraisal, it's just trying to kill my old man!"

Teacher Dou rubbed his eyes and sighed:

"There are more than 400 pieces, so I hired a porcelain connoisseur..."

"Don't leave. I've already asked Wang Guosheng, and he said that you are very accurate in reading ceramics."

"It's extremely difficult. You must do this favor for me today. I'll treat you to the most expensive Shunde private kitchen in the evening."

Zhang Yang called him a good guy, no wonder Teacher Dou was so nervous about him.

There are more than 400 pieces, and it is indeed a bit abnormal to let a normal appraisal expert handle it alone.

Appraisal + registration may take several days.

But if the weather improves tomorrow, Teacher Dou will still go to the event to participate in the event!

His existence is of great significance during the audition stage of treasure appraisal.

Because porcelain is the main position of the National Treasure Gang.

Zhang Yang thought for a while, and he could help a little bit.

It happened that he also wanted to see what was dug up.

"Teacher, you are wrong again this time." Zhang Yang shook his head: "I am not interested in eating at all."

"But I am willing to contribute every bit of my strength to the cause of cultural relics protection."

Teacher Dou was in awe after listening.

He held the hand that held his arm tighter.

I, Lao Dou, haven't seen anyone or shouted any slogans before?

Don't just say it, come with me quickly!

When Zhang Yang arrived at the conference room, the expert who came to appraise ancient coins was already getting ready to leave work.

His job is too simple.

For the things dug up by tomb robbers, there is basically no need to consider whether they are genuine or not. They can just classify them by age.

Only those copper coins with heavy corrosion marks needed him to identify them.

Before leaving, the ancient coin expert told the people present:

"This group of tomb robbers must have stolen many tombs from different periods."

"It is possible to reach Qin at the earliest, because there are more than a dozen Qin half liang and two Chu copper shells."

"Until the middle of the Qing Dynasty at the latest, no copper coins were seen after Qianlong."

This conclusion is consistent with the current identification results of the bronze group, which is also dominated by bronze mirrors from the Han Dynasty.

Now, only the more than 400 pieces of porcelain in front of Zhang Yang and Teacher Dou have no conclusion.

At first glance, they are all blue and white porcelain bowls and plates.

Some are stacked on top of each other as if they had just been taken out of the cupboard.

Zhang Yang and Teacher Dou agreed to start the appraisal from both sides of the pile of porcelain and try to meet in the middle as soon as possible.

The first piece: Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, folk kiln, blue and white pearl dragon pattern plate, general cultural relic level.

Zhang Yang wrote the identification results in a notebook and labeled the plate "1".

At this time, he was still working hard.

I feel like a forensic doctor. Every time I put a label on it, the case gets closer to the truth.

The second item: Qing Yongzheng, folk kiln, blue and white bowl with treasures presented by eight barbarians, general cultural relic level.

The third item: Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, folk kiln, blue and white bowl with broken branches and fruit patterns, general cultural relic level.


No.30 Seven Pieces: Still the blue and white of the Qing Dynasty!
Zhang Yang suspected that what the tomb robbers dug was not the tomb, but the kiln entrance of Qing Dynasty blue and white porcelain.

He secretly glanced at Teacher Dou's side and saw that the situation was similar.

The old gentleman has received professional training and is very calm.

It's just that he held each piece of porcelain in his hands and looked at it over and over for several minutes, a bit like a craftsman.

If Teacher Dou knew what Zhang Yang was thinking at this moment, he would definitely complain:
If I have it, I can identify it faster than you!
But he didn't know, so he thought there was something wrong with Zhang Yang.

"What's wrong? Xiao Zhang."

"Nothing, I'm just curious, why are there so many blue and white porcelains from the Qing Dynasty dug up?"

"Because it's cheap." Teacher Dou answered patiently: "Among the things that ordinary people can afford to bury with them, porcelain is the most cost-effective."

"The meaning is not bad, it means you don't have to worry about eating and drinking."

“Look at that Jizhou kiln piece, isn’t it also a burial object from the Southern Song Dynasty?”

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of Teacher Dou's finger and saw that it was a black-glazed bowl from Jizhou Kiln in the Southern Song Dynasty.

It's in good condition and is now worth thirty or forty thousand.

Although the mainstream aesthetics of the ancients have changed, from black glaze, to celestial porcelain, to blue and white, and then to pastel, the habit of burial porcelain has not changed.When Zhang Yang looked at the porcelain on the table, his thoughts quietly changed.

These things are living burial instructions.

As the identification process continues, he has summarized tombs from three different periods.

Qing Dynasty tombs mainly made of blue and white porcelain from the mid-Qing Dynasty:

Those buried with the tomb were all blue and white from folk kilns, and the identity of the tomb owner should be a commoner or an ordinary businessman.

Song Dynasty tombs mainly from Cizhou Kiln, Yaozhou Kiln and Jian Kiln:

The owner of the tomb may be a scholar-official class, otherwise the porcelain buried with him would not be so exquisite.

Han Dynasty tombs mainly made of original celadon glaze and pottery:

At first glance, it seems ordinary, but when combined with the seven pottery figurines, this Han Dynasty tomb is likely to belong to officials or even nobles at that time.

"Why are there no tombs from the Tang and Ming dynasties?"

Zhang Yang was thinking about this problem when a sentence suddenly came to his ear:
"Xiao Zhang, are you so fast?"

When I looked up, it turned out to be Teacher Dou. He had stopped working for some time. He was holding a teacup and looking at Zhang Yang in a daze.

He started fishing openly!
"I think it would be more accurate to describe it as quick." Zhang Yang corrected.

He checked his progress.

It turned out that before he knew it, his half of the progress bar had finished.

The main reason is that the funerary objects are too homogeneous. If you have the same description, just write "丷" in the form.

"Young people are fast!"

After Teacher Dou closed the lid of the cup, he sighed again.

He was a little embarrassed and said to Zhang Yang:

"You should rest for a while. Each of us will take half, and I will do the rest."

Zhang Yang nodded. If he didn't agree at this time, he would be looking down on Teacher Dou.

Besides, he really had something else to do.

It seems that the experts who appraised the bronze mirrors next door have finished their work, and I can just go and see what the results are from them.


The next day, in the interrogation room of the police station.

The police re-interrogated the former owner of more than 800 cultural relics - a tomb robber who claimed that his "main job was picking up garbage."

"Tang Dafu, did you forget to explain part of the case?" Policeman A asked, fiddling with the file in his hand.

"No, I have said everything I need to say." Tang Dafu shook his head and said expressionlessly.

"You said you only robbed one tomb?"

"Then why are there cultural relics from the Qin, Han, Song, Ming and Qing dynasties at the same time in the pile of things in your rental house?" Policeman B asked.

These are the results of cultural relic identification and important clues to this case.

"We now suspect that you have robbed multiple ancient tombs in succession."

"No, it's really just one." Tang Dafu said firmly: "To be honest, I was shocked when I dug out so many things."

"But the truth is, that place is like a cornucopia. The more you dig, the more you find."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean when you say the more you dig, the more you find?" the more experienced police officer A asked.

"The more you dig, the more you find!"

"I started digging on the third day of June, and what I dug out at that time were basically plates, bowls and the like."

"What I thought at the time was to finish digging quickly."

"I didn't expect that I wouldn't be able to finish digging. After digging out the bronze mirror, I finally saw nothing underneath, and the metal detector didn't respond either."

"But I'm not very good at it, so I tested the earthen wall next to it. Unexpectedly, the metal detector kept beeping."

"I had to start digging to the side again..."

Hearing this, the police officers present all understood.

This Tang Dafu should have unearthed a large tomb group.

And it must be recognized as a geomantic treasure, so from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, people continued to be buried there.

After Zhang Yang received the news, the doubts in his heart were finally explained.

Why are there no funerary objects from the Tang Dynasty, Yuan and Ming Dynasties?

Because the tombs of the previous dynasty needed war and time to turn them into geomantic treasures that could bury people in the current dynasty.

At least there shouldn't be any legends about mass graves circulating in the local area.

The new soil layer also needs to be deeper. Otherwise, if you dig out the coffin board with a hoe, you will certainly not be able to bury it there.


On the third day of the treasure appraising activity, God was kind and the activity continued.

Zhang Yang sat on the expert seat again.

One treasure friend after another gradually made him understand a truth:
Tomb robbers and folk national treasures are just temporary surprises. The national treasure gang is the main theme of treasure appraisal, and it runs throughout!
Maybe it's because Yangcheng is the frontier of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Here, even the National Treasure Gang has been alienated.

For example, the old man in front of Zhang Yang came with a piece of wood wrapped in a sheet.

Looks like he's here to identify wood.

But in fact, he said that the partially burnt piece of wood he was holding was left over from YS’s Good Friday.

This is the bottom section.

The way this thing was said was so "heavyweight" that Zhang Yang didn't know what to say for a while.

Finally, for the sake of his age, he said tactfully:

"Uncle, I can't see this thing of yours."

"Why can't you see it? Aren't you an expert in miscellaneous appraisals?" The uncle was very angry.

Although Zhang Yang didn't know what he was angry about. He was doing a voluntary treasure appraisal and he didn't charge him any money, but he still explained:
"This piece of yours is made of osmanthus tree wood."

"This tree is native to the southwest of our country and is also found in India, Nepal, Cambodia and other countries, but very rarely."

"In the first century AD, I really don't know if people used the wood of the osmanthus tree to make crosses!"

I don’t know, so I won’t judge. Zhang Yang thinks this is very rigorous.

[I think the uncle wants to prove that YS came to China to study]

[Forget it, Buddha was originally the Tao, but now YS is also the Tao? 】

[Who is so wicked? He lied to an old man. What if he was besieged?]

The uncle seemed to understand the meaning of Zhang Yang’s words, and said with a glaring look:
"You said this thing of mine is fake?"

"If this is false, I will eat him in front of you!"

"Uncle, if you want to say that..."

Zhang Yang took out a bottle of mineral water and said cheerfully:

"Eat slowly. If you choke, drink this."

"You, you, have no knowledge!"

After all, the uncle still didn't take the water Zhang Yang handed him. He cursed and wrapped the wood again, and walked away three times turning around.

"Uncle, you forgot to bring your water!" A certain melon-eating friend in the queue was still finishing his blows.

"Keep it for yourself!" The uncle turned around and said viciously.

When he turned around, he happened to see something in the arms of the melon-eating friend, and the uncle was immediately happy.

He said to Zhang Yang from a distance:

"Expert, look at him first, he is a member of the National Treasure Gang!"

"Shua~", all the nearby treasure holders in line looked at the treasure friend eating the melon at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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