Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 217 Cutting the mess with a quick knife

Chapter 217 Cutting the Trouble with a Quick Sword ([-]-in-[-])

The definition of a treasure hunter is: a professional who searches for collections among the private sector and recommends them to participate in auctions.

It is said that people in this profession are rarer than "talent scouts" and "flower scouts", and about the same number of people as "hotel sleep testers".

Zhang Yang originally thought this was because treasure hunting was too difficult.

A person can not only distinguish the quality of antiques from bad, but also accurately judge the potential auction value of the treasure, and even understand the relevant legal provisions.

Why would such a person want to be a treasure hunter?
Wouldn’t it be nice to come to the live broadcast to appraise treasures?

Unless you are extremely wealthy.

But when he met Zhou Baotan, who contacted the mother and daughter, he realized that he had thought wrong.

The annual salary was agreed to be 50, so why did you come to the meeting on a shared bicycle?

Even if you don’t even have a business card, why do you want me to buy you coffee?
Forget it, we’re here to talk about business anyway, so I’ll just invite you.

Zhang Yang pretended to be pretentious and took a sip of the soy sauce latte in his hand.

I go, this smell, put on the pain mask directly.

"Zhang Xiansen, aren't you used to drinking Moutai?" Zhou's expression was a little intoxicated, and he smacked his lips and said, "The taste is still very pure."

"Whether it's pure or not is another matter." Zhang Yang rinsed his mouth and waved his hand: "Let's get down to business first."

"In your line of work, do you always cut off people's hair directly at other people's events?"

"After all, it's a major international auction house like Christie's. Isn't it too rude to not even say hello?"

"Zhang Xiansen, you misunderstood." The man surnamed Zhou shook his head repeatedly: "I am not cutting off the beard, I am kneeling down to beg others to give me the things for auction."

"Is there any difference?"

Zhang Yang was a little confused by what the other party said.

It’s not a seed. Do I need you to beg?
"There's nothing we can do, the industry is in recession."

The man surnamed Zhou felt his throat hurt due to bitter coffee and he began to complain.

There is nothing new in what he said.

It is simply because of the tightening of cultural relics protection policies that the resources of the collectors at his disposal are not enough to make a living.

Just as folk treasure appraisal was developing in full swing, he spent all the time he usually spent eating and going to the toilet looking for information on folk treasures and antiques on the Internet.

When he sees a treasure that can be auctioned abroad, he immediately licks his face and goes to it, begging for it to be auctioned by him.

Yesterday, he was at the treasure appraisal event, trying his luck.

As it happened, Zhang Yang identified a black lacquered mother-of-pearl jewelry box from the Ming Dynasty.

The year can be exported, and the value is quite high, which fully meets his requirements.

So Zhou Baotan took action decisively.

"How did you convince them, mother and daughter?"

Zhang Yang was a little curious as to why he was stabbed in the back.

"We are fellow villagers, both from Chaoshan." Zhou Baotan told Zhang Yang frankly.

It turns out he is a fellow countryman, so that makes sense.

Although Zhang Yang had only met the old lady once, he could imagine that if the gentleman named Zhou really played the fellow card and cried for help, the old lady would not refuse.

As for whether he is a real fellow countryman, there is no need to delve into it.

"Expert teacher, this is normal business behavior."

"There should be no problem?"

"No problem." Zhang Yang said with a relaxed expression: "It's just that when we sign the contract later, we will set the liquidated damages higher."

"By the way, we have to find security to put you on the blacklist and not let you in."

In order to convince the other party that he would really do this, Zhang Yang deliberately picked up his phone and made a photo-taking pose.

The middle-aged man opposite tried to cover his face skillfully.

But suddenly I remembered, this is not a massage parlor. What am I covering?
He immediately raised his hand to Zhang Yang and asked for a noble hand:
"Teacher Zhang, for an expert like you, you don't need to be as knowledgeable as a little guy like me, right?"

"I just earn some hard money."

"Okay, as expected, you still want to cut off the beard on the spot." Zhang Yang said with a clear face.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a big reaction to "being on the blacklist".

Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise we don’t know how many lots we would have lost!
"Tell the truth, how many of you are there, how much wool do you want to harvest this time?"

"Be honest, we still need to talk about this matter."

Zhang Yang successfully asked the person named Zhou.

The middle-aged man seemed to be thinking about major life events and was a little restless.

Finally, he frowned and said to Zhang Yang:

"Do you want to cooperate?"

"We have a special auction of Asian private collections in October, which requires at least 150 lots."

"Currently, the Yangcheng side can submit up to [-] applications, but relying on myself, there is basically no possibility of completing the application."

This is exposing his trump card to Zhang Yang.

Requesting cooperation.

Sixty pieces?How much money can I make?

Zhang Yang did a mental calculation and calculated based on 5% of the transaction commission (30%). With a transaction volume of 1000 million, a person named Zhou could earn 15.

What a stinky fish and rotten shrimp, it is delaying my big business!
At the same time, Zhou Baotan himself was also settling a score.

When the power was turned on before, he read that Zhang Yang was willing to cooperate.

That's why just now, he deliberately made himself look so miserable, flattered Zhang Yang, and strived for cooperation.

If you participate in an auction at Christie's and the transaction price is less than 3000 million, a commission ranging from 20% to 25% will be charged.

He gets 50% of it.

If all sixty pieces are collected, based on the turnover of 1000 million, the amount will be over 100 million.

"I don't think there's anything left to talk about."

Zhang Yang stood up and prepared to experience the nightlife of Yangcheng while it was still dark.

"No, teacher, let's talk again!"

“What’s so interesting about a 10,000+ business?”

Zhang Yang curled his lips and almost said that he could make millions every minute.

"No, it's six to seven million."

"Did your math teacher teach you math? Multiply 1000 million by 0.05, then multiply by 30%..."

"Wrong, wrong."

Zhou Baotan pulled out the calculator on his phone and calculated the commission for that version of his.

"Why do you charge 20% commission? Isn't it the highest 5%?" Zhang Yang pointed out an obvious mistake.

"You're talking about an auction with an official background, right? Christie's has always been this standard."

"so tall!"

"Then why do you share 50%? Are you related to the household?" Zhang Yang continued to ask.

"I am a member, and I have to pay a membership fee of 50 yuan a year."

"Are you still missing someone?"


"Just kidding, now I know why you are so active."

Zhang Yang sat down again.

No wonder he just said "cooperation" a little bit, and this person took the initiative to ask me to meet and discuss it in detail.

I thought it was to bribe me, but I didn’t expect it was because it was a big deal!

Of course we can talk about cooperation.

There are indeed an unexpected number of auction items in Yangcheng.

Several experts in the background were discussing whether to hold an additional auction.

Providing a safe and stable antique trading platform is a good thing for collectors, whether buying or selling.

Doing the math now, it is much more cost-effective to hand over the extra collection to Christie's for auction than to hold an additional auction.

"It's a [-]-[-] split. If you agree, come and sign an agreement with me."

Zhang Yang cuts through the mess quickly and comes up with his own plan.Zhou Baotan agreed without much hesitation.

After signing the agreement and going out to buy shared bicycles, he revealed the truth to Zhang Yang:

In the entire Yangcheng, he is now the only one doing this work.

Good brothers who worked together in the past went to play Tengwen, saying they could make a lot of money.

"If there hadn't been this treasure appraisal activity suddenly, I would have planned to work for him."

"Have you seen the five-eyed dzi bead on my neck? He collected it from the Tibetans. It is very precious."

Zhang Yang glanced at him, he was indeed a true brother who could give him this thing.

However, considering the long-term and stable nature of the cooperation, he still gave a kind reminder:
"Industrial dyed agate may cause illness if you wear it too much."


"I go!"

Zhou Baotan was also a ruthless person. He yanked hard and pulled the dyed Dzi bead off his neck.

The small beads on the knot fell apart.

The way he gritted his teeth and exerted force showed that he was afraid of getting sick or had hatred in his heart.

"Teacher, please help me take a closer look. Is it really dyed?"

"Yes, the heavy metal content exceeds the standard. You will know after you send it for testing." Zhang Yang replied calmly.

He has seen too much of this kind of thing in live broadcasts.

It is usually used as a gift to friends.

"It's too much."

Zhou Baotan angrily hammered his thigh and told Zhang Yang:
"When he first set up a toy factory, I sold the antiques I had collected for many years and lent him 150 million!"

"You're using something poisonous like this to harm me?"

"If you think about it, maybe he doesn't know either." Zhang Yang comforted, "Some people who make too many fake products will hypnotize themselves in their minds, thinking that what they are selling is the real thing."

"As time went by, he began to believe it himself."

"I know him, he will never do it. Teacher, don't leave yet, do me a favor, I want to confront him face to face."

Zhou Baotan seems to be a little over the top.

Zhang Yang's butt has also left the stool.

This kind of nonsense is okay for watching a show, but there is no need to get involved in it.


【Sorry, the phone you dialed is off...】

"Shut down the phone?" Zhou Baotan scratched his head: "Teacher, don't worry, I'll call his wife again."

"I'm not in a hurry. You fight slowly. Be careful of your brother misunderstanding."

The call finally got through this time. The person who answered the phone was a delicate woman who lowered her voice and said:
"Hello? Why did you just call now?"

"Is Lao Zhang here? Let him answer the phone." Zhou Baotan said angrily.

Lao Zhang?Zhang Yang was stunned, this damn sense of substitution.

Also, why is this woman so mysterious?

"He, he went in, didn't you know?" the woman suddenly said sadly.

"You're in, what are you in?"

"Go to the detention center."


Zhou Baotan was so shocked that he opened his mouth. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Yang.

Neither of them expected that the story would unfold like this.

After some questioning, "Lao Zhang's" wife explained the matter clearly in tears.

It turned out that her husband borrowed money from friends to open a toy factory, specializing in selling Dzi beads.

The business was very good at the beginning, with a net profit of 600%. It was like taking a sack and filling it with money.

But the good times didn't last long. Starting last month, trouble suddenly started coming to my door.

At first, it was only in some offline retail stores that some consumers complained that the products were fake and they had to pay compensation.

This can still be solved, just spend some money and find some connections.

But they never expected that a professional anti-counterfeiting team would come to their door and follow the clues from the dealer to the source factory.

Then, "Lao Zhang" went in without any suspense.

In just four months, his dream of getting rich was shattered, and 20 years of jail time could be expected.

"What team?" Zhou Baotan told his younger siblings: "It may also be illegal to crack down on counterfeiting."

"Maybe Lao Zhang can be saved."

I don’t know whether Zhou Baotan did it for brotherhood or for the money he lent. Anyway, he said that he wanted to investigate this anti-counterfeiting team.

"I don't know. I just heard that it's some kind of master Zhang's ace anti-counterfeiting group." The woman sobbed and said, "I heard that this master Zhang is a big treasure appraisal anchor with an official background."

"So cruel, attacking people with the same surname as myself."

"Teacher Zhang, have you heard of this Master Zhang?" Zhou Baotan asked and looked at Zhang Yang.

They both have the surname Zhang, what a coincidence?

"Zhou Xiansen, do you have any hobbies?" Zhang Yang suddenly asked inexplicably.

Although he thought this question was a bit strange, Zhou Baotan still answered:
"I usually like to play mahjong and occasionally go fishing."

"Then do you watch short videos?"

"I never read. I think it is a superficial way of leisure. I prefer to enrich myself through reading."

Zhang Yang nodded to express his understanding. He also liked reading novels.

Since I don’t read the funny sounds, I just made them up casually.

"Master Zhang and I don't know each other at all, we are just strangers..."

"But I heard... he is an official treasure appraisal anchor who has escaped from vulgar taste and has a strong background."

"This anti-counterfeiting group should have been organized voluntarily by his fans. The real people handling the case are the local police."

"So the police are his protective umbrella, right?" Zhou Baotan concluded quickly.

On the other end of the phone, the middle-aged woman asked hoarsely: "What should we do now?"

"Brother and sister, you are still young. If you really want to guard Lao Zhang and wait for him to be released from prison, I will help take care of you."

Zhou Baotan said this seriously, but it always sounded a little weird.

Especially the male protagonist is also named Zhang.

"The court will be held in a few days."

"Tell me the situation first, and I'll analyze it for you..."

Seeing that they seemed to have entered the stage of "how to take care of them", Zhang Yang quickly excused himself as the bus was coming and took the first step.


"What's going on with that anti-counterfeiting group?"

Back at the hotel, Zhang Yang immediately started investigating the matter.

It's okay to crack down on counterfeiting, but it's a bit unethical to bring hatred to yourself without telling yourself.

He began to think that this was a small group organized by Sister Gao.

Because this sister really likes to crack down on counterfeiting, as evidenced by the previous incident of gold and jade.

And she was very excited about traveling to Yangcheng this time.

Maybe he just came to meet his offline staff.

But after careful questioning, no one at the studio or fans in the group had heard of this group.

Zhang Yang could only settle for the next best thing and ask everyone:

"Does any of you know that there is a Dzi Bead factory in Huadu, Yangcheng, that was taken over? Who reported it?"

no one knows.

But a friend’s answer reminded Zhang Yang:
"The literary and entertainment tycoon seems to live in Huadu. Why doesn't the anchor ask him?"

 Thanks to the teddy bear of Miracle Island, who loves games more than novels and loves beauties, and has a faint d-tobacco flavor for the 100-coin reward!I got off work late today. I only have one update. I will make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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