Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 218: My friend, I’m going to wrong you.

Chapter 218: My dear friend, I’m going to wrong you a little bit.
Literary entertainment tycoon, is this brother also in Yangcheng?

As for why he happened to be in Huadu, Zhang Yang could figure it out.

He has long felt that the literary and entertainment tycoon is a senior practitioner in the industry.

The production of Dzi beads and meteorite requires a large amount of cheap industrial raw materials. Of course, factories built in industrial parks have the highest profits.

Zhang Yang quickly added the Wenwan Tycoon as a friend.

The other party responded to his friend request in seconds, and then immediately made a voice call request, as if he was waiting for him.

There is a high probability that you are silently peeking at the screen to watch the group.

"I've finally waited for you, Master Zhang."

"You're waiting for me? Tycoon?"

When Zhang Yang said this, he seemed to smell a strong atmosphere of conspiracy.

Sure enough, the literary and entertainment tycoon readily admitted that he was the one who reported it.

The reason was that the owner of the factory that produced dzi beads stopped his car on the road and scolded him in return.

He couldn't afford road rage on the road, but it was different when he was off the road.

I guess "Old Zhang" is in the detention center and he can't figure out how he got into trouble like this.

As for why he deliberately used a flamboyant name, it was because a client of the literary and entertainment tycoon made this request.

"Which cerebral palsy client?"

"Boss Ming."

"Oh, it seems I was right."

From Zhang Yang's point of view, he has no enmity with them, so why bother with him?

"It's actually Master Zhang who didn't handle this matter well yourself."

The entertainment tycoon explained the source of this "unprovoked" trouble:
"What they hate the most, as wealthy people living outside the law, is when someone uses the domestic methods to restrain them."

"Because it means they're white and moist."

"You keep telling him about the protection of cultural relics, he must hate you!"

Ah, this...


After hearing what the literary and entertainment tycoon said, Zhang Yang straightened up and sat up from the bed.

You spend a dime to identify treasures, and you still expect me to take care of your emotions from all aspects?
"Boss Ming, is he with you now?" Zhang Yang asked.

If you were not in the country, how could you have known so promptly about the literary and entertainment tycoon’s crackdown on counterfeiting?
Zhang Yang remembered clearly that there was also a bronze owl statue in the opponent's hands.

Didn’t you say you wanted to donate at that time?Now is your chance.

"He ran away early. He applied for a tourist visa."

"What a pity." Zhang Yang sighed.

"Then should you give me an explanation now, friend Bao?"

Zhang Yang knows what moral bottom line should be used to restrain a person who is engaged in business. People will only ask you:

How many meters can the bottom line sell?
Let's get real.

It’s okay to use my name to fight against counterfeiting and take care of customers’ emotions.

The debt can be placed on Boss Ming, but the reputational damage will have to be compensated.

"Teacher, don't worry, I'm very sensible. Give me your address and I'll deliver a gift to you right away via local courier."

"Isn't it a souvenir? I'll ask the police to help open it."

Zhang Yang reminded the other party not to play tricks, because the other party's credit with him was already bankrupt.

"It's the Buddha head from the Ming Dynasty, have you forgotten?"

"Boss Ming really donated?"

"Donate your shit, just throw the idea over to me." The literary and entertainment tycoon said angrily.

oh?It turns out you were tricked too.

At least he could think of returning the Buddha's head, and Zhang Yang's view of him changed slightly.

But he immediately thought of something more important:

"How did you Buddha head enter the country?"

"When this thing went through customs, if I checked it casually, I would know it was a stolen cultural relic!"

"Just come in the same way you went out." The literary and entertainment tycoon said lightly.

Gray industry seems to be nothing in their eyes.

As for why the Buddha head became prickly, it was mainly because of the action of a higher-level force - the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

"Then I won't accept your gift." Zhang Yang refused the so-called gift.

What a gift, it sounds nice.In fact, I just want to find a free and safe way to return things.

"Teacher, you have done a great job by sending me back!" The literary and entertainment tycoon still wanted to confuse people.

"Yes, yes, if someone asks me where I got something from, can I confess it to you?"

"No, why do I use the word "offer"? You should have returned it in the first place!"

Zhang Yang thought of the correct way to deal with it:

"Send it back to its original place within three days, otherwise someone will come to invite you."


The third day of the treasure appraisal activity.

Zhang Yang felt a little tired.

I always feel that the entertainment tycoon arranged the show. Just like The Truman Show, most people came to see the entertainment show throughout the morning.

Most of them are contemporary handicrafts, the kind that look fake at first glance.

But after all, the treasure holder lined up and was defrauded of his money, so Zhang Yang couldn't say he didn't want to watch.

Right now, the treasure holders in line are still pinching each other.

After all, the three of us are holding the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead for appraisal, so it can’t all be true, right?Wouldn’t the Nine Eyes Dzi Beads be worthless?
At one point, people were guessing each other’s zodiac signs:

"You are a pig", "You are a dog", "You are a chicken"...

Zhang Yang waited and waited, and finally when it was almost time for dinner, something real came to him.

Painted bronze auxiliary head (door buckle).

This is the thing that Zhang Yang has seen for so long, and it looks most like something from a tomb.

The reason is very simple. For a normal person, a door nail like this can scare people to death in the middle of the night.

A statue with a head shaped like a dragon and a lion, with bared teeth and a ferocious face.

There is a kitten curled up on its nose.

There are short claws hanging down on both sides, which looks a bit evil.

A bit like the mask of the legendary King Lanling.

"Name: 魌 (qi sound) painted copper head" "Material: brass, various mineral pigments"

"Production time: 629"

"Detailed information: The trumpet head originated from the mask in the traditional Nuo ritual. In the Tang Dynasty, it became a commonly used statue on the tomb door. It has the function of exorcising evil spirits, avoiding epidemics, and preventing the deceased's Qi from wandering. This bronze statue of the trumpet head is made of Tang Dynasty The painting technique commonly used in ancient times shows the noble status of the tomb owner."

"Friend Bao, do you know what this is?" Zhang Yang asked pretending to be casual.

In fact, the level of alert has been raised.

[What are you asking about? It’s passed down from ancestors]

[Which son of the dragon is this thing? 】

[It feels like something coming out of a temple, with a ferocious face]

[Note that the paint on it has fallen off, it must be an old thing]

There was someone in the barrage analyzing the characteristics of the thing itself, and Zhang Yang was very pleased.

But no one recognized it, it was the horn.

Of course, Baoyou didn’t recognize it either, so he said it was Bian.

They are indeed very similar, especially the small claws on both sides, which are in line with the characteristics of ordinary Bizan statues.

But it’s missing the fangs of the beast, and the cat on the nose doesn’t make sense.

You know, cats were called raccoon dogs in the Tang Dynasty. They were spiritual and should not be used indiscriminately.

"Actually, this is an image that evolved from the masks worn by people in ancient sacrificial rituals, called the head." Zhang Yang introduced.

"It is a copper-cast auxiliary head with added color."

"It's obviously an old thing, but it seems like it shouldn't exist in the earthly world?"

"Friend Bao, can you please introduce the origin of this thing?"

For the sake of order at the scene, Zhang Yang did not say clearly that these were 100% things unearthed from the tomb.

They were even nailed to the tomb door to deter tomb robbers.

Now in broad daylight, it's not its fault that it's ugly, it's not good if it scares people.

"It's passed down from our ancestors," Baoyou replied.

"Is it spread at home or underground?"

"Of course it's at home. This thing has been at home for as long as I can remember."

Baoyou's answer is simply a standard answer.

Regardless of whether they are present or not, they are always kept at home. First, add the weight of their own age to this thing.

Zhang Yang glanced at this treasure friend, who must be under 40 years old.

If it were a normal transaction, this would be equivalent to him guaranteeing that the baby has a history of more than 40 years.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a picture."

Zhang Yang laid the things flat and used big data to identify them to see if there were any similar collections.

The result is really there.

There is the same model in a medium-sized museum in the beautiful country.

The same shape, the same decoration, and the one on Baoyou, no matter how you look at it, they are all original on the tomb door!

"You look at this?"

Zhang Yang handed the search results to Baoyou to examine carefully.

it is more than words.

"It turns out this is from the Tang Dynasty." Baoyou's focus was a bit strange, and he asked: "Teacher, is this thing valuable?"

[This price is asking, there is a kind of beauty that is missing brain matter]

[Another day for amateurs to ask the price of real things]

[Can you confirm the origin of this Baoyou piece?]

Zhang Yang only remembered after seeing the barrage that there were more than 1 people in the live broadcast room, eagerly waiting for the identification results.

His Fuling mustard is not up to standard.

Zhang Yang quickly showed the results found on the tablet to the commentators:
"Everyone should think about it after reading it. This treasure friend said that this is his ancestral treasure."

"But the other half, in the beautiful country."

Bao You couldn't help but wiped his forehead.

You should be sweating, but because the air conditioner is turned on too high, it's actually a bit cold there.

cold? !
"Expert, don't make up your mind, I can explain it."

"The one in Beautiful Country was sold by my grandfather. My dad knew about it. That was back in the days of WG..."

A tomb robbery case from the 60s is about to surface.

"Stop, stop."

Zhang Yang wanted to hear this story, but considering Dou Yin's super sensitivity, he decided not to.

There are things that happened at several points in time that cannot be told outside the backstage.

"Friend Bao, can you please have lunch with me?" Zhang Yang took the initiative to invite him.

Let's stop here in the morning. If we continue to talk, we have to take the confession again.

[Are you aggrieved by being invited to dinner?I also want to suffer such injustice]

[Have you thought about it?That’s the Hongmen Banquet]

[Brothers, let’s get some glue together first, see you in the afternoon]


this afternoon.

Zhang Yang watched Baoyou get into the police car.

It shouldn't be a big problem, after all, Baoyou's father and grandfather have passed away, and he swears that he has never sold it.

"If you want to sell me a pair, sell them together. Do you want to keep one piece in your hand as evidence of guilt?"

Zhang Yang felt that Baoyou's statement was very reasonable.

Baoyou also thought Master Zhang was quite nice, so he personally sent him to the police car.

He even agreed with Zhang Yang that he would bring other antiques at home for appraisal tomorrow.

Even the police officers on duty admired this confidence and said:

Never wrong a good person;

He will never let go of any bad guy who sells precious cultural relics from the Tang Dynasty out of the country.

"This Pullman is a bit more targeted!" Zhang Yang suddenly felt that Baoyou's future was not so clear.

 Thank you for your monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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