Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 219 Your father is an old man

Chapter 219 Your father is an old man
[How is your friend this morning? 】

[Did you reveal your accomplices? 】

[How long was that man’s sentence? 】

As soon as Zhang Yang went online, the audience in the live broadcast room expressed their concern for Baoyou.

"Everyone, please calm down. Baoyou said he will be able to come out tomorrow."

"He probably doesn't have much background. He looked quite handsome when he got into the police car. He felt like an ordinary guy."

While Zhang Yang was chatting with Danmu, Baoyou's family antiques were already placed on the table in front of him.

Everything is packed in a suitcase produced by a Wenzhou leather factory.

Baoyou first took out...a pile of waste paper?
No, it's a thick stack of Qing Dynasty treasure banknotes.

In the center and top of the note are the four characters "大清宝 banknote".

Below is the face value of "Two Thousand Wen", as well as the serial number of the banknote and the year of the eighth year of Xianfeng.

“Baoyou’s family background is very strong!”

Zhang Yang took the stack of Qing Dynasty treasure notes and felt the thickness.

There are at least twenty.

The current market price is around 1858 for such a banknote issued in the eighth year of Xianfeng ([-]), as long as it is kept intact.

"It's been passed down from home. I want to buy a wedding house for my son in Haizhu. Teacher, can you help me check it out? Is it enough?"

Baoyou is a middle-aged aunt. She doesn't look like a rich person, but she has a good tone.

Zhang Yang heard at the night market in Yangcheng that the housing prices in Haizhu cost tens of millions.

Even the down payment is 400 million.

"Get in the car now, you have an idea. Don't worry, I'll help you take a look."

When looking at ancient banknotes, you mainly look at the seal on the face.

Just like the anti-counterfeiting marks on modern banknotes, the Qing Dynasty banknotes mainly relied on official seals for anti-counterfeiting.

Zhang Yang looked at the pictures on the top and saw that neither the densely packed characters on the seal nor the degree of oxidation of the ink pad were modern imitations.

An old look.

"There's nothing wrong with the stuff. How many do you have here?"

"A total of 32."

"So many? The market price of each piece is about ten thousand." Zhang Yang helped estimate the price.

"I have a consecutive number, can I add a little more?" Auntie asked.

Serial number?real or fake?
Zhang Yang checked more than a dozen banknotes, and they were indeed serial-numbered banknotes from the eighth year of Xianfeng.

This means that this stack of banknotes was most likely taken directly from the bank or bank at that time.

"If all 32 cards are numbered consecutively, the price can go up by about [-]%."

"That's [-] pieces."

"I'll do the math..."

The aunt was very honest. She came here just for the money. She took out her phone and started calculating:

"It's only 48. It's not enough. It's far from enough."

"I need to raise at least 400 million for a down payment!"

Soon, she took out the second pile of things to be identified from the suitcase.

A thick stack of first edition RMB.

"Friend Bao, these things of yours are real, but I can't give you a full valuation."


"Because there are so many versions of the first set, with the same denomination, but completely different prices, I can't remember them."

Zhang Yang told the truth. He took three completely different "One Thousand Yuan" banknotes from his aunt's collection and gave an example:

"This one is from 1948 with the [Long Farming Land] pattern. If it's in good condition, the collection price is about [-]."

"Look at this one issued in 1949. It has an [Autumn Harvest] pattern on it. The price is a little lower, usually around one thousand five hundred."

"The most important thing is your 1951 yuan [Herding Horse Drinking Water] pattern from [-]. It's a bit different in quality, but it's worth at least [-] yuan."

The aunt looked at the [Herding Horse Drinking Water] in Zhang Yang's hand in surprise.

She hurriedly rummaged through the remaining banknotes, but after searching twice, she only found this one.

His mood immediately collapsed, and he said somewhat depressedly:

"Tsk, this is the one I have."

"Hahaha, it's valuable because it's rare." Zhang Yang laughed dumbly and said, "This one of yours is already a coveted treasure for coin collectors who don't know how much it costs."

"Let me help you find the appraisal staff at the auction house. He will help you estimate the price of each banknote."

For a high-quality auction item like the first set of RMB, Zhang Yang is willing to use his authority as an organizer in a small way.

I believe that the staff of the auction house should be able to convince Auntie to participate in this auction.

"Do you have anything else here?"

When Zhang Yang said this, he subconsciously glanced at his aunt's suitcase.

In a suitcase worth 80 yuan, a collection of coins worth more than 50 yuan has been taken out.

This level of collection beat not only 99% of coin collectors in the country, but also 99% of the treasure holders at the event.

Are there any more?
The aunt's answer was: "There is still a little something."

"They are all my father's collection. Please entrust me to come over and identify them."

She took out a photo album from the box and opened it. Every page was filled with coins.

It took too much effort to look at them one by one, so Zhang Yang asked directly:

"Has your father ever said what are the most expensive things here?"

"The last page is the most expensive."

"Then let's look at the last page."

When I turned to the end of the photo album, the first thing that caught my eye was a semicircular coin.

Due to the age, green embroidery has appeared on it.

Seeing the word "Banyi" clearly visible on the coin, Zhang Yang immediately reacted:
"This is the famous half-money!"

A kind of coin minted by the Wei State during the Warring States Period. It is quite rare. The value of a single coin is about [-].

Seeing this thing, Zhang Yang vaguely felt that the down payment for his aunt's house was settled.

Sure enough, this page also contains:
Four Qin half liang, each worth over ten thousand;

Three sword coins from Qi State during the Warring States Period, worth about [-];
A "Liangzao New Spring" cast in Wuwei by the former Liang regime during the Sixteen Kingdoms period is worth [-] yuan;

More than a dozen Yongzheng Tongbao, Qianlong Tongbao...

Why are you two father and son here to join in the fun? Is this where you should be?

"Teacher, teacher, please help me take a look at these."

The aunt pointed to these Qing Dynasty copper coins and said.

The calculator in her hand kept adding money.Behind her, many familiar sisters were already asking where she planned to buy a house.

There was also a young real estate agent who came directly to hand over his business card...

Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head. If the ancient coin masters in the circle saw this scene, they would probably be furious.

"These are treasures, treasures!"

"What are you doing? Do you only care about money?"

It should be said that there is only money, and it is copper coins with a serious "copper smell".

Zhang Yang casually picked up a Yongzheng Tongbao.

Auntie's father obviously knows how to collect, just look at the edition this is.

On the front, the four characters "Yongzheng Tongbao" are square and there is no doubt about it.

The back, eh?Why isn't it Manchu?

The back of the copper coin is full of carved patterns. If you look closely, you can see that there is a phoenix on the top and a dragon on the bottom.

The phoenix is ​​on top and the dragon is on the bottom. This posture... no, the decoration is very exquisite.

"Do any of the brothers know this kind of coin?"

Zhang Yang showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

The barrage contains everything: [Modern handicrafts] [Money used by Taoist priests] [Commemorative coins issued in the Qing Dynasty]...

"Brother, you are right about spending money."

"The scientific name of this thing is [Successful Money], also known as Weishengqian, or Spending Money."

"Money can make a fool of himself, and he uses this kind of money that hates winning."

Seeing his aunt looking at him with a thirsty expression, Zhang Yang knew that she was still waiting for a quote.

"This one is worth twenty thousand."

The remaining Yongzheng Tongbao pieces are similar, with only differences in appearance.

Several other Qianlong Tongbao coins are also [win money].

The difference is that on the back is not the decoration of the phoenix, but the four characters "Peace in the World".

The price is about 50% higher than that of Yongzheng.

"It's a pity that these Qianlong coins don't meet the standards of palace money (imperial winning money), otherwise one coin would be worth five coins."

Zhang Yang lamented for a long time, but no one criticized him.

Onlookers, including the comments in the live broadcast room, were only concerned: Is the down payment enough?

"It's not enough, teacher, why don't you help me again?"

Auntie opened the penultimate page of the photo album again.

Zhang Yang closed it for her.

"No, no, no, no, I'm tired."

Zhang Yang still wants to leave this job to the staff of the auction house. Those ordinary ancient coins are really not interesting.

But before he finished speaking, an unexpected situation suddenly occurred at the scene.

A treasure friend in front of Teacher Dou suddenly stood up and shouted:
"I think you just don't dare to admit it!"

What's the matter?

It's also about watching the fun, and the National Treasure Gang's fun is obviously more attractive than collecting the down payment for a house.

Zhang Yang had to stand up to see what was going on over there.

I saw an old gentleman with silver hair, holding high a blue and white moon vase, and said angrily to the crowd of onlookers:
"In 850, the Xiangjiang auction sold [-] million yuan!"

"They don't admit it and they don't accept it!"

"Everyone has seen it, right? This is the Ming Dynasty Xuande blue and white porcelain with a wide open door."

"Dou Donglai is a fake expert who deceives society, the common people, and us ordinary collectors..."

Zhang Yang felt that this was probably the extent of Kangxi's angrily reprimanding the ministers.

He quickly glanced at Teacher Dou.

It was okay. Although Hong was angry, he didn't seem to want to go up and Q the treasure holder.

As for this angry national treasure gang, call them security guards!

Zhang Yang was just about to find someone when he suddenly heard someone starting to talk nonsense:
"This event claims to be soliciting auction items, but it's a lie. It's a fake solicitation. Their advertisement is deceptive..."

Criticizing my event?
“Come, come, borrow, borrow, borrow.”

"Everyone give way, let me take over this national treasure!"

Zhang Yang successfully pulled away the crowd of onlookers and walked to Teacher Dou's appraisal table.

Confront the boss of the National Treasure Gang.

He first took a look at the thing in the other person's hand, a replica from 2017.

The imitation of Xuande blue and white Suma Liqing is terrible, and the price of a certain treasure is 100 yuan.

No wonder you dare to lift it high.

"Friend Bao, please be quiet." Zhang Yang pressed his hand.

"Who are you?" The National Treasure Gang boss glared at him.

"I am a cultural relics protection expert in the expert database of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. My surname is Zhang."

"You can call me - Teacher Zhang." Zhang Yang introduced himself.

Although the word "internship" in front of the expert was omitted, I think no one would expose him if he came to the scene.

Many practical experiences told Zhang Yang that this name is resounding enough and much easier to use than the deputy director of the museum.

"What's wrong with the expert? Aren't you a miscellaneous appraiser? Can you understand porcelain?"

The uncle was very good at finding angles. Zhang Yang smiled and shook his head:

"I may not know much about porcelain, but I know the National Treasure Gang."

"You said you auctioned this piece for 850 million yuan. Where is the contract for the auction deal?"

"I forgot to bring it!" the uncle replied decisively.

"Okay, then you know which auction organization you are participating in, right?"

“Christie’s, Sotheby’s, or Poly?”

Guobao Gang thought for a while and felt that he could not step on the trap in Zhang Yang's words.

He hesitated and listened to the reminder from an old aunt next to him:

"No, it's Jiade!"

"Okay!" Zhang Yang clapped and faced the onlookers: "Everyone, please pay attention, Guardian, there was no auction held in Xiangjiang in [-]!"

"Anyone who says this in the future will be a liar!"

“I don’t think everyone wants their collections to be auctioned together with things of unknown origin, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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