Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 226 Report, must report

Chapter 226 Report, must report

After looking at the photos, Manager Zhao did not immediately believe what Zhang Yang said, but went online to confirm it very rigorously.

Various local news websites are silent with no relevant information.

But among the local groups in Yangcheng, all kinds of gossipy news have spread like crazy.

[I heard that there was a fight at the scene, with people flying around and blood splattering for five meters]

[It’s true, I was drying clothes on the third floor when I suddenly saw something flying up]

[I can prove that I am the clothes hanger for him to show off his fatness]

Although the rumor is a little weird, Manager Zhao feels that it has a certain degree of credibility.

That's the underworld, shouldn't we fight with weapons?

He thought for a while, decided to trust him, stood up immediately, and walked to Zhang Yang respectfully:
"Master Zhang, is this batch of goods okay?"

"Huh? Which batch of goods?" Zhang Yang didn't react for a while.

"It's this batch of emeralds."

"No problem, it's very moist and plump." Zhang Yang touched his chin with satisfaction.

Things went smoothly today. Unexpectedly, as Cheng Laoer said, the police would take action in the next two days.

The call made by the entertainment tycoon to Cao Jiayun was for fishing.

I just didn't expect that Miss Cao and the others were so vigilant that they were immediately arrested.

Next, Zhang Yang only needs to transfer the millions from the auction to their company's account according to the plan agreed in the contract, and the matter will be settled.

Will the police trace the source of this suspected stolen money?

Randomly check, Zhang Yang is not panic at all.

We are a serious auction, and as long as the jade is not smuggled in, the transaction is legal.

When all the jadeite is sold, Zhang Yang estimates that he can earn a guaranteed profit of 2000 million.

Although it is not yet considered financial freedom in Linhai, it is not a problem to live comfortably for at least 20 years.

"Master Zhang?"

Manager Zhao's urgent call brought Zhang Yang back from his thoughts.

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Do you still remember that this deal was... introduced by me?" Manager Zhao gritted his teeth and said.

He knew that if he didn't make things clear while the matter was hot, his benefits would be wasted.

"Can't your auction house pay wages?" Zhang Yang asked with some laughter.

"But..." Manager Zhao hesitated, and finally turned into a sigh.

"Okay, okay, just kidding, your share is indispensable."

Zhang Yang thought very clearly that he and Miss Cao were really a one-on-one deal. Even if they could meet in the future, there would be a high probability that they would be separated by either iron windows or bulletproof glass.

But he and Manager Zhao are not necessarily the same.

This employee of the auction house seems to like making extra money, and coincidentally, Zhang Yang also likes it.

"We can cooperate more in the future."

This time, Manager Zhao understood the deeper meaning of Zhang Yang's words.

He nodded and said seriously:
"I, I'll try."


Before completely ending his trip to Yangcheng, Zhang Yang planned to visit Tianguang Ruins again.

Nothing, I just wanted to see if any of Lao Jiumen’s brothers were in business.

But after contacting Teacher Huang, he gave up the idea.

During this time of severe crackdown, there are no more antique stalls in Tianguang Market, they are all selling jade and antiques.

Zhang Yang could only settle for the next best thing and go to the few trading houses that the Hailin Museum often "cooperated with".

Although this loses the fun of gold panning in the sand, the good news is:

The live broadcast is ready.

[Who is the anchor? 】

[Oh my god, why is there such an anchor in my watch list?]

[I’m going to burn some paper for grandpa and tell him that Master Zhang is back on air]

"What the brothers said is a bit outrageous. I haven't broadcast it for three days."

"Besides, today, I'm here to deliver benefits to my brothers."

A multi-millionaire's time is precious, and Zhang Yang doesn't like to talk nonsense, so he directly lets Xu Jie cut the camera.

In a drawer-shaped wooden box, there are more than ten strings of [Five Emperors' Money].

The so-called Five Emperors' Money refers to the copper coins of the five emperors of the Qing Dynasty from Shunzhi to Jiaqing, strung together with red strings and decorated with tassels at the bottom to make them into hanging ornaments.

"The five generations are united, and their sharpness can break through metal."

Folks want to use this method to use the luck of the five emperors to ward off evil spirits.

It should be said that the effect is still obvious. Aixinjueluo's luck has been declining since Jiaqing.

However, in Zhang Yang's opinion, the main reason for stringing these five copper coins is because they are large in quantity and cheap.

This kind of thing, which is appreciated by both refined and popular people, is perfect for giving back to the audience.

"These copper coins are all genuine, but the patina has been specially washed off just to make them look better."

"It's true, of course it's true."

"If you really want that patina, please indicate it and wait an extra week."

[BYD’s anchor wants to use horse urine to soak the rust, right?]

[Does anyone else mind if I give it away for free?That’s really not a human being]

[Shadow on me, thank you dad]

[Filial piety is dead, this is obviously my father]

[The anchor quickly puts the things on the shelves in the mall, I advise you not to be disrespectful]

"This is a gift, you won't sell it for money."

"Father's love cannot be bought with money. I will teach you a lesson today."

Zhang Yang's two sentences made the barrage members very angry.

Fortunately, the next second, something in the live broadcast quickly attracted everyone's attention.


"Brother Yang, something is here!"

The fat antique shop clerk moved a cylindrical object wrapped in red cloth to the table with difficulty.

This is a treasure they just collected half a month ago, like a drum.

The red cloth was uncovered and it turned out to be a gray clay pot.

The pottery pot looked ordinary and in poor condition, and even had an obvious crack on it.

That's it?No, it's not over yet.

The fat clerk stretched out his hand cautiously.

A large piece of pottery was gently peeled off along the crack.

This thing is broken,
And inside the jar, there is the universe. "I'll go, so many?"

Zhang Yang was also shocked when he saw what was inside the jar.

Money, lots and lots of money.

Round copper coins were strung up in circles, coiled up and put in jars, so full that they overflowed.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel it.

The copper coins were all stuck together because of rust, but judging from their size, they probably weren't the currency of the Ming, Qing, and Song dynasties.

[There are so many bottles, I can keep them open for a month]

[Is this an ancient piggy bank?]

[The most tragic thing in the world is that when a person dies, the money is not spent? 】

[Tell me about myself, I feel like my blood pressure is high]

"This is a cultural relic from the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Who did you buy it from?" Zhang Yang asked.

This kind of thing doesn't look like something unearthed from a tomb, but more like an ash pit or the ruins of an ancient city.

Most likely during the war, people buried all their belongings in the ground, hoping to take them out after the storm had passed.

Zhang Yang remembered that when he was in elementary school, he buried a dozen glass beads he won in the back of the school.

Later I forgot where it was buried.

Like this piggy bank, it’s a sad story.

"Strictly speaking, it cannot be counted as a purchase."

"It's not convenient to reveal the source, but don't worry, Brother Yang, it's definitely not in the hands of tomb robbers."

The fat clerk's words indirectly confirmed Zhang Yang's thoughts.

It's not tomb robbing, it's just ancient ruins secretly excavated.

Judging from the cracked mouth of the pot, it was obvious that it had been smashed recently.

The inheritance of Mojin Xiaowei is lacking, and people who become monks halfway are a bit too rough when it comes to work.

Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and took a photo:

"Then I will take this thing back to the museum and study it carefully."

"No problem, it will be flown over in two days."

The store clerks are trained and know that money cannot be discussed when cultural relics are involved in live broadcasts.

But privately, not a penny is less, what they earn is hard-earned money.


After coming out of the [specialized in collecting and selling ancient coins] business, Zhang Yang went directly into the store next door without thinking much.

This is a new supplier introduced by Teacher Huang.

The new one was indeed different. As soon as Zhang Yang walked in, he felt as if gods and Buddhas were putting pressure on him.

The store owner is somewhat seriously ill. The Buddha statues around him are all leaning forward slightly, which is very oppressive.

Guanyin, Maitreya, King Kong, Tathagata, Guan Gong, God of Wealth...

This is a business that specializes in wood and stone sculptures.

"Director Zhang, you are here!"

The boss with a beard came out to greet me with a smile on his face.

"Let's try the Dahongpao I just bought first."

Zhang Yang glanced at the barrage and declined, saying:
"I'm still broadcasting live here, can you watch it by yourself first?"


The boss was very nonchalant in his words but very honest in his body. He walked quietly next to Zhang Yang and looked at the number of viewers in the live broadcast room.

What? More than 2? !

Before the cooperation, he had done his homework and knew what it meant.

He quickly whispered in Zhang Yang's ear:
"Director Zhang, please be merciful, I want to spend this New Year at home."

Zhang Yang nodded silently and made an OK gesture.

It’s not a big problem. Now Xu Jie’s shooting techniques are very proficient. He knows to avoid certain things first and looks at Zhang Yang’s gestures before taking the actual shot.

"Brothers, this is a century-old store."

Zhang Yang first showed everyone the store’s “wall of honor.”

There are many black and white photos hanging on it, covering the entire history of this store from the late Qing Dynasty to modern times.

The earliest photo dates back to 1893.

The photos taken at that time were the products displayed inside the store.

From the photos, it is obvious that there are several stone Buddha heads in the store.

【Blank!Antiquities dealer]

[It’s so embarrassing to post such old photos]

[Report, must report]

Zhang Yang was a little surprised when he saw these photos.

He glanced at the boss, brother, where are your big gold teeth?

In fact, from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, there were quite a few people working as bosses in coastal areas.

But most of them can make money just by making some money. There are really few people like the boss who are still in the country.

"I can explain this, brothers."

The boss was a little anxious when he saw the barrage in Zhang Yang's live broadcast room.

"No need to explain, believe in yourself, and those who are clean will be clean themselves." Zhang Yang comforted.

Besides, people will believe you when you explain it?

The boss still wanted to talk, so Zhang Yang quickly took Xu Jie to the scene.

Let’s talk about what’s on sale in the store.

The camera slowly panned over the Buddha statues. If Zhang Yang didn't shout stop, then he was doing something bad.

"Stop, that's it."

Zhang Yang walked to a golden Buddha statue that was about as tall as a mineral water bottle.

This statue is very strange.

Due to age, the gold paint has peeled off, and it can be seen that this is a stone Buddha statue.

Such a small statue of Sakyamuni is usually enshrined on a desk, so why not choose the craftsmanship of wood lacquer and gold?
Moreover, the Buddha statue’s face looks strange, too big and too square.

"Boss, why didn't you introduce this statue of yours?"

"This? This is not mine. This is the brother next door who plays Southeast Asian cultural relics. He put it here for consignment and said it was a Thai Buddha statue."

"That's not right." Zhang Yang shook his head: "The Buddha statues in Southeast Asia have some evil vibes. Yours is too square."

"If it's from abroad, it should be something from the Goryeo Dynasty."

 Thanks to the magnanimous Zhou Gongjin for the 100-coin reward!I'm in Xiamen on a business trip and have to update for two days. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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