Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 227 The professional team from years ago

Chapter 227 The professional team from thousands of years ago
"Stick stuff?"

"Damn! Then my brother is in big trouble."

The boss rubbed the back of his head and said he wanted to send a message to inform the neighbors of the bad news.

He was still muttering:

"It's so unlucky. Why did you buy something with sticks?"

Antique collecting is a big circle, and in this big circle, things from the two small countries in East Asia are really not welcomed.

Bangzi claims to have a history of 5000 years, but it turns out that the cultural relics can only be traced back to the Tang Dynasty in China (mid-6th century).

Going forward, it’s all about primitive tribes.

The treasures in their museums are basically variations on Chinese cultural relics, and are not as distinctive as the cultural relics of some small cultures in our country.

It was even more fun when I was little. During the Warring States Period, when the sky was high, two county-level forces were fighting each other.

It was once nicknamed "Village War".

Collecting artifacts from my childhood might as well have a future as buying two old comic books.

Zhang Yang looked at the thoughts of the audience in the live broadcast room, and their reactions were similar:

[Stick things are boring]

【Have something good to eat】

[Just look for the weirdest cultural relics]

"There are so many wonderful cultural relics. Everything that can be passed down has been polished by time."

"Let me go, what is this?"

As soon as Zhang Yang said there weren't that many weird cultural relics, he was immediately slapped in the face.

Even the director Xu Jie was stunned by what appeared in the camera.

The shape of things has the beauty of traveling through time and space.

Four stone sculptures in the shape of strong men, with their upper bodies naked, each holding their belts, stood in a rectangular shape.

Among them, each person contributed a shoulder, and together they carried a stone coffin.

"A black coffin bearer that is more suitable for Chinese audiences?"

[Abstract, too abstract]

[What era was this in? Did there have a professional team at that time?]

[Don’t think about it, it’s the time traveler who did it again]

[It doesn’t look that good without a suit]

[These four people are just going to lift them up, don’t they need a bar?]

[It should be a whole job, it’s not a set of things at all]

There were different opinions on the barrage, and Zhang Yang was also confused.

"Don't worry, don't worry, let me see what this is."

At his request, the boss slowly moved the statue of four people and one coffin to the table.

Zhang Yang went up and took down the coffin.

He discovered that Hercules' shoulders were originally designed with concave platforms.

This shows that they are really a professional team carrying the coffin, and it is not a show forced by the shop owner.

Looking at the figure's shape, the upper body is full of fat, a bit like the Han Dynasty statues.

The upper body of the Han Dynasty pottery figurines that Zhang Yang had identified before were also like this.

"Name: Coffin Carrying Stone Sculpture"

"Production time: 347"

"Detailed information: Funerary objects with typical Han Dynasty style"

347 years, in terms of time, obviously has nothing to do with the Han Dynasty.

At this time, it was the Eastern Jin Dynasty that ruled the Central Plains.

"Boss, where did you get this thing from?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"This can't be said."

As the boss answered, he quietly opened the map on his phone and pointed to a place for Zhang Yang.

I can’t say it, but I can secretly point it out.

It turned out to be collected in Liaodong area.

Of course, there is also a possibility that it was dug out there.

At that time, the Liaodong region should have been under the rule of the [Qianyan] established by the Xianbei people.

However, the legacy of the Han Dynasty still exists, and it is reasonable to see such "Han-style" stone carvings as funerary objects.

"I want to take this back and study it." Zhang Yang said directly.

He had even thought of a name for the showcase, and it was called [Professional Team of More than 1000 Years Ago].

Of course the store owner doesn't have any objections, the things are for sale as long as they are on display.

You can also "donate" it to the museum for a fee.

But before Zhang Yang left, he asked one more question:
"Am I still safe?"

"I really don't know about this." Zhang Yang told the other party sincerely: "I can't figure out their method of handling cases now."

"I can only tell you that coming forward will be very useful."

This last sentence was actually said by a treasure friend in the group.

He had asked Zhang Yang to appraise the glazed tiles before, and later turned himself in. As a result, he indirectly shut down a large gang.

Because of the circumstances of his crime, the prosecutor finally decided not to prosecute, and he successfully escaped unscathed.


After coming out of the statue shop, Zhang Yang went to the ancient jade shop and the gold and silver shop.

There are a lot of ancient jade in the ancient jade shop, but the response from the audience in the live broadcast room was mediocre.

It’s not fun enough, and the audience has no desire to reward it.

Many people even called on Zhang Yang to go back to the first store and buy some more Five Emperors money.

Of course Zhang Yang will not be dominated.

He believes that the stores carefully selected by Teacher Huang must have real treasures.

Because the other party determines whether it is qualified to cooperate with the museum based on the store's supply.

Anyone who wholesales imitations from Jingdi Town cannot catch Teacher Huang’s attention.

Hard work paid off, Zhang Yang looked around the corner of the gold and silver shop and finally found a good treasure.

A silver coffin.

To be precise, it is a relic coffin engraved with dragon patterns.

The relic coffin is small in size, about ten centimeters in length, which is smaller than the area occupied by a mobile phone.

But both the carved patterns on it and the nature of the relic coffin itself hint at the extraordinary nature of this thing.

"Name: Silver Relic Coffin"

"Material: Silver"

"Production date: 977 (the second year after Taizong ascended the throne in the Northern Song Dynasty)"

"Detailed information: This is the relic coffin of an eminent monk from the Song Dynasty. It is made of high quality and beautifully decorated. It is usually buried under pagodas. It may be an unearthed cultural relic."

"Boss Boss, have you opened this thing and looked at it?"

Zhang Yang asked, pointing to the tightly covered silver coffin.

If it has not been opened, there may be relics left behind by the eminent monk after he passed away.

That's a serious problem.

Someone came to pick you up in minutes.

The owner of the store was not at home, and the wife was a little cold. She kept sitting behind the counter and checking her cell phone.

Zhang Yang asked several times before she responded.

"Of course not." The proprietress raised her head and glanced at Zhang Yang: "There are things in it, will we put it out for sale?"

Why can't you sell something?
Zhang Yang couldn't understand what the boss lady meant.

Is there anyone else who buys this thing for their own use?
"Help me open it and take a look." Zhang Yang suggested.

"You can do it yourself, I don't have time."

After getting permission, Zhang Yang quickly started.

The thing is a bit heavy, probably more than two taels.

The coffin lid is a curved metal piece that opens with a slight pull.

It was indeed empty inside, as clean as if it had been washed with water.

It's not really washed, is it?
Zhang Yang couldn't contain his surprise and asked directly:

"Houselady, you didn't wash this yourself, did you?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" The landlady put down her phone and answered Zhang Yang impatiently: "There are some colorful stones inside that are clumped together. Do you want them if you don't want to wash them?"

"Don't worry, I know silverware better than you. I didn't use chemicals to clean it, and the thing itself was not damaged."

Colorful little stones, aren’t they relics?
Zhang Yang's scalp was numb.

He saw that the landlady was playing games again, so he had no choice but to call the owner of the gold and silver shop:
"Brother, if you don't come back, your wife will be gone."

(End of this chapter)

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