Chapter 231 is a bit insulting
"Actually, teacher, it would be fine if you didn't tell me to call the police."

The new friend told Zhang Yang that those people hurriedly disconnected the microphone because Zhang Yang triggered the keyword.

This statement makes some sense.

Zhang Yang quickly deleted all the reminders related to "legal risks" on his live broadcast room page.

"My dear friend, take a look, how is the environment here now?"

"It's perfect." Baoyou was very satisfied: "Teacher, please help me take a look at these porcelains."

"Okay, pick it up and let me take a look..."

After Zhang Yang read the first thing, he suddenly felt that his behavior just now was a bit hasty.

Because this precious friend’s mental state is questionable.

"Friend Bao, do you know what the four words [Northern Song Dynasty official kiln] mean?"

Zhang Yang looked at the other end of the video, a long-necked blue-glazed bottle with a square signature on the bottom, and laughed out loud.

The person who made the fraud doesn’t know the specific dynasties in the Northern Song Dynasty?

Or are they afraid that the person they want to defraud doesn't know?

Besides, Ji-blue glaze is a porcelain that only emerged after the Yuan Dynasty. There was no such thing as kiln firing before.

Pure fiction.

"Isn't the Song Dynasty divided into the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty?" Baoyou was still explaining.

"Then how did the emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty know that there would be a Southern Song Dynasty in the future?" Zhang Yang asked back:
"Why can't it be the Eastern Song Dynasty or the Western Song Dynasty, or the former Song Dynasty or the later Song Dynasty?"

"It seems to make sense." Baoyou murmured to himself: "Teacher, you really have something."

[Is there only a little truth?Wouldn’t it be a little too restrained?]

[Is this a compliment or a scold? 】

[Baoyou is a thing that is difficult to explain clearly using the theory of time travel. The explanation is really outrageous.]

[It’s hard to imagine that this is the collection of a man in his 40s]

Zhang Yang also found it difficult to understand.

When he heard the tone of Baoyou's words, he always felt that there was a strange smell, as if he was praising a child in an exaggerated way.

Could it be that he is here to recuperate?
"Come on, let's move on to the second one."

Zhang Yang directed Baoyou to pick up the white-glazed plum vase on the table.

Let’s look at the inscription first. At the bottom is the double-circle six-character regular script inscription [Made in the Yongzheng Year of the Qing Dynasty].

Surprisingly, there is no problem with this model, and it even looks real at first glance.

Looking at the bottle, there is a little problem.

There should be some openings, but not; and there are some bubbles in the white glaze.

This is obviously unacceptable in official kiln porcelain.

Finally, look at the shape of the entire plum vase.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yang immediately discovered the problem. He smiled and asked Baoyou:
"Brother, did you buy your collection specifically to test me?"


Baoyou giggled twice and did not deny it, which was equivalent to acquiescence.

This is actually not the first time that Zhang Yang has encountered such a precious friend.

To describe it in one word, it is "smart".

I thought I had found some clever trick that could deceive the treasure appraiser.

But actually...the clown is himself.

"This is a piece of porcelain with [the base attached], from Jingdi Town."

"This base should be the base of a porcelain bowl from the Yongzheng official kiln."

"This kind of foot is not very valuable if it only holds a bowl. But if it is made into a porcelain vase, it can be sold for a high price of 10,000+."

"But the shape looks very strange, like a 1.8-meter tall man wearing size 37 shoes."

Zhang Yang smiled and gave his judgment.

He has adjusted his mentality very well. Every time he encounters this kind of situation, he treats it as imparting science knowledge to the new viewers in the live broadcast room.

[There is no trace of the bottom connection at all.]

[If you can tell, how can people sell you? 】

[Listening to Master Zhang’s words, he seems to know this method of fraud very well]

[After all, the spokesperson of Hedong Group]

This time the barrage was wrong. Zhang Yang really didn't understand the craftsmanship of this thing.

Because it's too old.

But there is someone in the studio who understands. Tao Chang has the orthodox inheritance of Jingdi Town, and generations of his family have been kilns.

This kind of bottom-joining craft has been passed down for decades and is easy to pick up.

It's just that because machine testing is now used to easily detect problems with the rear connection, they no longer rely on this method to make money.

The price of genuine bases from official kilns is not low now.

Like the one Baoyou took out, it was already made in [-].

"Teacher, this is amazing!"

Baoyou gave a thumbs up in front of the camera, again with that weird complimenting tone.

"Thank you... Is there anything else you want to identify?"

"There's one last thing."

Baoyou smiled and took out a yellow-glazed porcelain plate.

The entire plate, except for the white bottom, is all uniform and elegant yellow.

In fact, Zhang Yang already understood it when he saw that it was yellow glazed porcelain.

The Yongzheng yellow glaze is the most typical of the counterfeit methods of [post-hanging glaze].

Looking at the bottom price again, it turns out that it is the official kiln of Yongzheng.

"You have white porcelain with glaze on it."

"How many years have you been collecting it?" Zhang Yang asked.

Baoyou, the craftsmanship of this fake is also quite old.

At that time, the price of white-glazed porcelain was quite different from that of yellow-glazed porcelain, so the white-glazed official kiln porcelain was fired again in a low-temperature kiln with a layer of yellow glaze.

But now, there are no bargains in the plain official kilns of Yongzheng, so it is not cost-effective at all.

Even if it is fake, people still use it to burn pastels and play "add color later".

"I've had this in my hands for more than ten years." Baoyou said with some emotion in his tone:
"These are all things I was deceived when I was young!"

Zhang Yang did a mental calculation and found that more than ten years ago, Baoyou should have been in his early 20s.

At that time and age, anyone who could afford the Yongzheng official kiln was definitely a wealthy person.

According to Tao Chang, if a rich person is deceived, that is not called being cheated, but that is called donating money to Jingdi Town.

However, Zhang Yang still preferred the barrage statement, and he directly conveyed it to Baoyou:

"Friend Bao, an audience member sent a barrage asking me to persuade you."

"Every time you buy a fake, there is one less fake on the market, and the probability of being deceived becomes lower."

"Are you being fooled? You are helping others."

Baoyou: "...Teacher, can you thank the audience for me?"

Zhang Yang: "Okay, I've already banned him for you. It's too much. I'm just adding salt to your wounds."


[Didn’t you ban me?How can I still post barrages?]

"Because I only banned you for 30 seconds."

While Zhang Yang answered the barrage questions with a smile, he clicked on the account of the treasure friend who just came to test him and joined a certain watch list.

Baoyou's experience as an examiner this time should be very good, and there is a high probability that he will come back to take the exam again.

Zhang Yang called it "the examiner's return visit."

When the other party breaks through the defense, they won't come back again.

After finishing these tasks, Zhang Yang continued to connect with the next treasure friend.

The other person is a young man, and the camera is facing a big mouse pad.

He didn't say anything when he came up. He first took out two bronze hooks.

There is so much patina on the belt hook that it looks like it was just dug out yesterday, a typical pit.

"You are a copper belt hook from the Western Han Dynasty. It is a trap."

"How much did it cost?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

The copper belt hook is not as valuable as the jade one, but it is just stained with the luster of bronze.

Neither the economic value nor the cultural value is very high.

There is a drawer of such things in the warehouse of the Hailin Museum.

"It didn't cost any money, it was given by a friend." Baoyou replied.

"Then does your friend live in the coastal area of ​​​​the Bohai Sea?"

"This thing of yours looks like it was unearthed from Cangzhou Pit." Zhang Yang analyzed.

"" Baoyou replied while thinking, a little hesitant.

He put the copper belt hook down and picked up another piece of the collection.

"I also have a mirror."


"This is a bronze mirror from the Northern Song Dynasty. It was also made in Cangzhou."

Zhang Yang touched his chin, feeling a little strange.

This mirror also looks like a pitted thing. About half of the surface of the mirror is not rusty. It is obviously a funerary object in the coffin.

If this treasure friend is a tomb robber, how come the things he took out have the same pit but different ages?

"Teacher, how much is this bronze mirror worth?"

"The ancient bronzes cannot be traded. Since they were given by friends, you should keep them well."


Baoyou responded and picked up another hook covered in green embroidery.

Zhang Yang had never seen this thing before.

It looks a bit like a coat hook, but there is a small ring at the end.

After looking at it for a long time, Zhang Yang had to rely on the item information to confirm that it was a practical tool on the carriage of the Western Han Dynasty.

Nailed to the frame, it may have been used to hang curtains.

"The things are from the Western Han Dynasty. They are practical tools and have little value."

"Is this the only one you dug up?" Zhang Yang asked: "This kind of thing is usually a set, right?"

"Just give me this one." Baoyou replied casually.

He then picked up three bronze bird-shaped carvings.

The three birds all have their heads raised, and they all have nail-like bases underneath, which are obviously set in wood.

"Please help me look at this again."


"This is also a decoration of the Western Han Dynasty, but there should be more than three in a set."

Zhang Yang touched the back of his head, confused.

The production time of each batch of things is different, but the mouth of the pit can basically be determined, and they are all unearthed in the Bohai area.

"Friend Bao, why are you all in rags?"

"There are tombs from the Han Dynasty and the Song Dynasty. Why haven't anything valuable been dug out?"

"Or have all the valuable ones been sold?" Zhang Yang guessed.

"No, they were all given by friends."

Baoyou still uses the same rhetoric, which means "making friends out of nothing".

At this time, a barrage floated by, reminding Zhang Yang:
@庄地龙: [Obviously this young man is a loose person or a loose person, and he only got this little bit of rags]

This is the barrage of Mao Shiqifa, the experience of a tomb robber.

There is no need to publicize your disbelief.

At the other end of the video, Baoyou took out a new piece of junk - the lid of the blue and white general jar of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty.

"Isn't that right, friend Bao? They only gave you one lid?"

"To be honest, this is a bit insulting." Zhang Yang said angrily.

"Except for the bronze mirror from the Song Dynasty, which is still of some value, the other items are all the kind that I would be too lazy to pick up if they fell on the ground."

"Why don't you break up with them?! Why should they drive a yacht and you drive a Yadi?"

 Thanks to the book friend 4641 for the 100 coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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