Chapter 232 Eight-digit Balance
After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Baoyou picked up and put down the things in his hands, and his nervousness was visible to the naked eye.

It took me a long time to hold back a sentence:
"Teacher, when you talk about exposure, you don't mean exposure, right?"

"What? Don't you dare?"

Zhang Yang took a leisurely sip of water and looked at Baoyou on the other side of the screen:
"I have been in this business for so many years, and I hate seeing those who bully my brothers the most."

"You need less points to spread the wind and loose soil? There is no such thing!"

[Support Zhang Butou]

[I testify that every time there is something good, Zhang will let us pick first]

[Woo woo woo, I wish I had met the boss earlier]

【real or fake?I have a friend who said that those who show off can only divide the leftovers]

The last eye-catching barrage was from Mao Shiqifa.

This guy has just been released from prison and has too little experience surfing the Internet to understand what it means to have fun.

Xiaochu and Cheng Laoer are not like this, they have already integrated.

"But...amn't I also...what?"

Although Baoyou speaks a bit like a riddle, his meaning is still very obvious.

He knew it was exposed and he had to go in.

"Friend Bao, look at these rags on the table. It's not that important. Is it important?" Zhang Yang asked back.

"It's important to lose your freedom... right?"

"Then you're hopeless." Zhang Yang waved his hand: "Okay, do you have anything else to see?"

"No words, don't waste our time."

"There are a few more...rags."

Baoyou continued to take out things aggrievedly, and this time he took out a few rusty nails.

Zhang Yang knew at a glance that this was for sealing the coffin.

He shook his head and said "bad luck" with contempt on his face. Regardless of Baoyou's reaction, he directly hung up Lian Mai.

Like to divide rags?I'm too lazy to identify it.

Finally, I added a sentence, hoping to make this fringe figure of the tomb robber group completely break through:

"Come on, come on, the next treasure friend will come on the mic and wash your eyes for everyone!"


The self-introduction of the next treasure friend is very powerful.

He came up and said, "Hello, Teacher Zhang, I am a cultural relic dealer."

"I've been looking for cultural relics from overseas recently. Can you help me find out what they are and whether they are from the past."

Baoyou was so sincere, Zhang Yang quickly looked at the other party's IP.

In Indonesia, that's fine.

However, before the appraisal, Zhang Yang first put on armor to protect himself:
"I can't guarantee that I know everything, but generally speaking, it's no problem to determine the year."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Teacher."

Baoyou first moved out a bronze statue.

It may not be accurate to say it is a statue, but it is actually a sculpture.

The theme of the sculpture is a "wheel", placed on a lotus-shaped base, which looks like something related to religion at first glance.

There are bead-like patterns on the edges of the wheels, and there are many burning spokes in the middle, like bicycle wheels.

"A friend of mine said that this is the weapon of King Jinlun. Teacher, do you think this is true?"

"Your friend has such a rich imagination." Zhang Yang said with a thumbs up.

He directed Baoyou to move the camera a little further.

The entire sculpture, from the lotus base to the spokes in the middle, has no trace of welding and is seamless.

"This should be cast using the [lost wax method]."

[What is the lost wax method? 】

[That is to first carve the thing out with beeswax, then pour it into the mold with soil, and finally cast it]

[From the workmanship, it is basically certain that it is an old thing]

"It should be a cultural relic from the 11th century in ancient India." Zhang Yang appraised it.

"The 11th century?"

After Baoyou repeated it, the sound of keyboard tapping came from the other end of the video.

Professional team, and secretary?

Then, he told Zhang Yang the results of his search:

"India at that time was the Chola Empire. Did you understand, teacher?" "This...really didn't." Zhang Yang shook his head repeatedly.

He has never studied Indian history. Who knows what the Chola Empire is?
If it was Chopper, we could still have a chat.

"But, I know what this thing is."

"This is a magical instrument dedicated to Vishnu, one of the three main gods of India."

"You are raking over foreign cultural relics. You should know what Vishnu is, right?"

"F*ck!" Baoyou exclaimed, then said repeatedly: "I know, I know too well."

"This thing is worth my money!"

"Oh? Can you introduce it to us?" Zhang Yang also became interested.

In China, without any channels, we really don’t know the economic value of these foreign cultural relics.

Even if you encounter it in an antique store, you will just think it is a handicraft.

"Actually, the reason is very simple. Vishnu has many followers and is very rich." Baoyou explained.

"I think a statue like this could be sold for [-] to [-] euros, and the believers would have to rush to get it."

Just this thing, worth 60 to [-]?
Zhang Yang glanced at it and saw that it was larger than an ordinary bronze mirror.

It’s easy for believers to make money. No wonder people have toppled Buddha statues from ancient times to the present.

"Teacher, help me look at these three Ganesha statues again."

Baoyou turned the camera and pointed it at a rectangular coffee table.

There are three statues of different sizes on it.

The smallest one is made of gilt copper, and the two larger ones are made of stone.

The carved figures are all the same, they are "monsters" with human bodies and elephant heads, holding different weapons in their hands, looking majestic.

[I know this one, the white elephant spirit in Journey to the West, the mount of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva]

[Uncultured, "Old Elephant with Yellow Teeth" written by Wu Cheng'en]

[Could this be Shituoling? 】

"Everyone has said that this is Ganesha."

"This is also a Buddha statue enshrined in Hinduism. It seems to be the son of Shiva, symbolizing wisdom."

Zhang Yang also doesn’t understand why the elephant head is used to symbolize wisdom.

He knew this statue because Ganesha had a special nickname - "Lord of the Group."

However, the members of the group managed by others are all small gods, which is probably equivalent to the group leader of the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds cheat group?
"Friend Bao, the gilded piece is from the 17th century."

"The other two stone sculptures are both from around the 12th century."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Baoyou not only thanked Zhang Yang, but also kept his hands busy. He swiped two Ferris wheels for Zhang Yang, causing the barrage to say "The boss is confused".

Judging from his cheerful look, the neighbor's dog probably knows that he has made money.

After finishing the gifts, Baoyou stopped pretending and moved Zhang Yang directly to the treasure appraisal assembly line.

Various South Asian statues began to greet the camera.

Zhang Yang thought it was a bit interesting at first, after all, he had never seen most of them.

But I soon became tired of aesthetics.

"Friend Bao, do you only sell statues?"

"Absolutely, because the statue is valuable." Baoyou replied.

"Aren't you tired of facing this pile of stuff every day?"

"Probably not..."

Baoyou pointed the camera at his computer screen and showed why he would not get tired of it.

The above is the personal center page of a bank's official website, showing that the balance on the account is eight digits, and the unit is still euros.

"Damn, you're a billionaire, and you're here to appraise these things that cost tens or hundreds of thousands?"

Zhang Yang shook his head, boring, really boring.

"Change to something interesting, friend Bao, the audience in the live broadcast room has all left."

"Huh? Is it so outrageous?"

Baoyou's camera stopped for a while, as if he was thinking.

After three seconds, he asked Zhang Yang:
"Then I want to be curious? But I don't know, teacher, if your live broadcast room can stand it?"

"You can just take it out and seal it for me."

"Okay, I'm just waiting for your words." Baoyou smiled and snapped his fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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