Chapter 239 Back to the Carbine

"Bury people when you bury people, why kill horses?"

"There is a saying that this is the prairie people's version of a living sacrifice." Cheng Laoer explained.

These statements are basically consistent with what Zhang Yang learned.

In the 98th year of the Yuan Dynasty, Guo Zuo served as 15 emperors, but until now, no imperial mausoleum of the Yuan Dynasty has been discovered.

It depends on this burial method.

However, the owner of this Yuan Dynasty tomb under our feet is a bit "naughty".

He didn't know which tomb from the Song Dynasty he had stolen, and he also transported all the stone statues in front of that person's tomb.

The last person to do such a coquettish operation was Qianlong. He took back the golden nanmu from the Ming Tomb and built a palace for himself.

"Then why are there stone statues from the Song Dynasty here?" Wei Fuguang asked.

Zhang Yang can answer this question.

Since ancient times, when dynasties changed from old to new, there has been a tradition of tomb robbing.

[Er salary and salary, people's wealth and people's anointing], the same goes for the funerary objects.

The people who sit on the throne have changed, so the treasures looted by the previous emperor should naturally change their owners, and they cannot be hidden even if they are buried in the ground.

The imperial mausoleum of the Qin Dynasty was stolen by Xiang Yu;
The imperial tombs of the Western Han Dynasty were stolen by the Red Eyebrow Army. They were the prototype of the Xiling warriors;

The imperial mausoleum of the Eastern Han Dynasty was dug up by Cao Cao, and this is where Mojin Xiaowei and Faqiu Tianguan came from;

Most of the imperial mausoleums in the Tang Dynasty were given away by Wen Tao, a native of Liang during the Five Dynasties period;
The imperial tombs of the Northern Song Dynasty were stolen by Liu Yu, the pseudo-Qi emperor supported by the Jin Kingdom;

The people of the Yuan Dynasty left almost no imperial tombs in the Southern Song Dynasty, and they dug them all clean...

"...The people of the Yuan Dynasty were very good at robbing tombs. They didn't even spare the stone statues in front of the tombs." Zhang Yang said with some emotion.

"Are there any ancient tombs from the Song Dynasty near here?"

"No." Cheng Laoer shook his head and replied: "One or two places were discovered in the Han Dynasty, but they were evacuated hundreds of years ago."

"Is there an ancient tomb from the Han Dynasty nearby?" Wei Fuguang looked at Wei Laosan with a suspicious look on his face: "How come I haven't heard of it?"

"I haven't heard of it either." Wei Laosan was equally puzzled.

"This...isn't important."

Zhang Yang opened up this somewhat dangerous topic:
"Okay, the tomb has been found, it's time to call it a day."

"knock off???"

Others present expressed their incomprehension when they heard this.

We just found the ancient tomb, now you want us to call it a day?

"Brother Yang, to be honest, I want to dig." Wei Fuguang confessed.

"Why don't you take a look at the tombs of the Yuan Dynasty? I've never dug anything like this." Mao Shiqi agreed.

"I haven't seen it either." Cheng Laoer expressed the same idea.

"I agree……"

The voice of support instantly took over.

Only then did Zhang Yang realize that the people who came here with him seemed to have some problems.

Can this Yuan Dynasty tomb be dug?
Of course you can, but you can't do it in front of so many people and by the people you bring.

"Awei, what if, I mean what if, your ancestors are buried underground?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Wei Fuguang waved his hands repeatedly: "My ancestors and grandson are Han for three generations and have nothing to do with the grassland people."

"It can't be so absolute. There were still many Han people among the ministers and generals of the Yuan Dynasty. The early policies of Kublai Khan, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, were better for the Han people than for his own countrymen..."

Zhang Yang's main basis for thinking this is the Yuan Dynasty statues in the village and the bronze mirror of the old village chief [manufactured by the Liaodong Road Transfer Department].

The straight-line distance between Sanchuan City and Liaodong Road is more than two thousand miles.

How could the mirrors from Liaodong Road in the Jin Dynasty be passed down to the old village chief in an orderly manner?
Combined with the historical fact that after the Yuan Dynasty destroyed the Jin Kingdom, it absorbed many local Han soldiers into the army, everything seems to make sense.

But Wei Fuguang was not happy to hear this statement. He asked Zhang Yang blankly:

"Brother Yang, what do you mean, my ancestors are from the Song Dynasty?"

"I think you're being a little insulting."

"I think so." Wei Laosan next to him joined in.

As a fellow countryman of Wei Fuguang, he stood up to support:
"I can testify that the ancestor of the Wei family was a general." "Oh? General?"

Zhang Yang looked at Wei Fuguang unexpectedly, and the latter's expression was even more surprised than him.

"Why don't I know? Why do you know more about my ancestors than me?"

"Because my ancestors were also great generals. The two generals Wei and Wei guarded this place. One man is in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it. Have you heard of it?"

"That's all right." Zhang Yang said with a clear face.

When future generations talk about their ancestors, they will subconsciously embellish them.

General?The big-headed soldier is the right one.

This place in Sanchuan City was a deserted ravine for 1000 years. What was the general guarding here?Is it the monster on the mountain?
They should be the ordinary soldiers guarding the tomb here.

Zhang Yang's analysis is well-founded and convincing.

However, Wei Fuguang would rather believe that his "Wei" is a surname changed by a minority, rather than that it is rare among his ancestors.

"Then are you still digging now?"

Mao Shiqi leaned on the shovel, waiting for the final decision.

"Stop digging, stop digging."

Wei Fuguang completely gave up the idea of ​​digging a grave.

Regardless of whether the person buried underground is his ancestor or the person his ancestor wants to protect, as a descendant, it is not easy for him to do anything.

He sighed and comforted the younger brothers who came over:
"It's the largest nightclub in Sanchuan City tonight. Everyone can spend whatever they want. I'll treat you."

"Cut! It's boring."

Mao Shiqi waved his hand contemptuously, turned around and left.

Zhang Yang then began to instruct everyone to bury the dug-out horse bones again.

I've written down this address. If I can't get on with my life in the future, this is the place to make a comeback.


In the evening, when we came out of the nightclub, everyone drank a lot.

Although Zhang Yang didn't drink much, the room was so noisy that he didn't even notice that someone was missing.

It wasn't until he returned to Linhai the next morning that Cheng Laoer sobered up and called Zhang Yang to tell him:

Mao Shiqi is lost!
He didn't answer the phone and didn't reply to his messages. He probably went back to Weijiagou Village.

Why are you going back?

Of course he was heading towards the Yuan Dynasty tomb that he had never dug before.

It's worth it!

Zhang Yang quickly called Wei Fuguang and asked his cousin to take a few people to visit the mountains.

Look around the tomb of the Yuan Dynasty to see if there are any newly dug pits or holes. Also pay attention to whether there is any place nearby that feels soft after stepping on it.

It was already a day later when I got the news again.

The old village chief called Zhang Yang directly.

"The entrance to the cave was not found, but we found an old man who had fainted nearby."

"It has been sent to the police station."

Old man?Although Mao Shiqi looks anxious, he is still a bit different from the old man.

Zhang Yang asked the old village chief if Wei Laosan had seen the old man.

He had seen Mao Shiqi before. It had only been two days, so he would definitely recognize him when he saw him.

The other end of the phone replied that Wei Laosan didn't know that person either.

However, the old village chief said that the man looked familiar and might be a villager from another nearby village.

"That's it, thank you for the hard work, old village chief!" Zhang Yang hung up the phone with confusion.

Before I put down my phone, another call came in. It was Librarian He.

After the call was connected, a mixed voice of joy and sorrow came from the other end of the phone:
"Director, my cousin was finally arrested in Sanjiang City!"

(End of this chapter)

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