Chapter 240 Bought from you
After seeing the photo of Librarian He's cousin, Zhang Yang finally figured out why the old village chief looked familiar to that strange old man.

The genes of the He family are so strong that even relatives who have appeared in the fifth server will have more than 40% similarity in facial features.

Considering that Librarian He's cousin is a well-known tomb robber, he couldn't go to the wilderness to plant trees, right?It can only be tomb robbing.

There is a high probability that he was near Weijiagou Village or making a nest in the wild.

The formation of Wei Fuguang's boys was so big that it was normal for people nearby to be attracted to it.

"Have we all misunderstood Mao Shiqi?"

"Actually, he just got lost or lost?"

Zhang Yang feels that this possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

But why did Librarian He's cousin faint in the wild?
At present, it can only be explained by the merger between Mao Shiqi and other tomb robbers.

Anyway, the police in Sanchuan City are investigating this matter, so Zhang Yang doesn't have to worry about it.

The follow-up task should be handed over to the real person in charge of the archaeological team.

Lao Chu, your team member has a problem. Even though he is a temporary worker, you, as the leader, should still be concerned about it, right?

Chu Zhenmin said:
Zhang Yang, you don’t understand the value of a temporary labor contract!
If Mao Shiqi did not sign in for three consecutive days in the group, he would be regarded as voluntarily resigning. What happened next would have nothing to do with this archaeological team.

Life has a dream, each wonderful!
Zhang Yang benefited a lot from reading the message from Chu Zhenmin.

When it comes to "reasonable violations of the law," who can outplay a senior like Lao Chu?

He opened the door to the office and looked at the employees under him.

Of these three, no one wants to sign a temporary labor contract, right?
Tao Chang fit in that small room very well.

But they didn’t sign a contract. They just poured chicken cups there every day, and they didn’t know when it would end.

Thinking of Tao Chang, Zhang Yang happened to remember that there was something else he needed to do today.

Chen Yanguang has a customer from France who wants to come to the live broadcast room to appraise something.

Even the gifts have been prepared in advance.

Zhang Yangde changed into this pure white T-shirt before starting the live broadcast, otherwise it would be a bit offensive.


In the afternoon, the live broadcast begins.

"Hello, Master Zhang. I have a piece of porcelain that I would like you to help me take a look at."

"No problem, but can you stop shaking your hands?"

Zhang Yang looked at the image on the other end of the video that kept shaking and could never focus, feeling like he was motion sick.

"I want to, but I can't control myself, so I'm very nervous."

"Then put your phone on the table with the lens facing up."

This method really worked, and a beautiful blue and white porcelain sculpture appeared in front of everyone.

"Teacher, I can't see the barrage, and I don't have a sense of participation."

"You're asking a lot... just hold on for five more seconds."

The porcelain in front of Zhang Yang looks like a porcelain sculpture, only the size of a palm.

The subject of the carving is a scholar with closed eyes, wearing a scholar's hat and a robe decorated with cirrus patterns.

The man was lying down with one hand resting on the wine vat in his arms, as if he was drunk.

There is also a small gap on the figure's shoulder.

[This carving is of Li Bai, right?]

[Absolutely, it looks like it, and he drinks from a wine vat]

[It’s really nice, but there are some dark spots. I guess it’s a practical device]

"Do you know what this is?" Zhang Yang asked Baoyou.

"I checked online and it said it was [water droplets]."

"Yes, it's water droplets, stationery used to add water when grinding ink on the inkstone."

Scholars in ancient China were famous for their elegance.

The ink needs to be diluted with water, so it is not advisable to use a cup, which will contaminate the bookcase with the market atmosphere.

You have to use various strange-shaped containers and add water drop by drop.

"This water drop of yours is incredible!"

"Some people in the barrage said that this sculpture is of Li Bai. Yes, it is true."

"Isn't Li Bai also called layman Qinglian? This look is called [Qinglian Drunk]."

"The blue and white pattern on the top is blue with a little gray, which is in line with the characteristics of the mixture of Huiqing and Shiziqing."

"A large-opening piece, a blue and white water drop from the mid-Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty."

Although the Wanli blue and white porcelain is not as expensive as the Xuande porcelain, the starting price of the palm-sized blue and white porcelain in Baoyou's hands is at least [-] yuan.

However, Baoyou was not surprised when he heard the quotation of [-] yuan.

Zhang Yang's reasonable guess is that he probably paid too much.

"Teacher, there is one more thing. I feel it is also [water drop]. Can you help me take a look at it?"

Baoyou said, taking out a small metal object.

A copper cup in the shape of a horn.The mouth of the cup is about the size of a ping-pong ball, with a hoop-topped buffalo head at the end.

There are some green rust scattered on the yellow copper surface.

【Is this the legendary Cow Cup】

[The bull head is well carved, looks like an old thing]

"The scientific name of this thing should be [horn cup]."

Zhang Yang casually searched for a picture from the Internet and showed it to the audience and friends in the live broadcast room.

"The picture shows an animal-headed agate cup unearthed in Hejia Village, from the Tang Dynasty. It is now one of the eighteen treasures of the Shaanxi Museum."

"Are these two things similar in shape?"

"It's indeed very similar. Then my piece should be earlier than the Tang Dynasty, at least from the Han Dynasty." Baoyou guessed.

Zhang Yang shook his head.

"This piece of yours is also from the Tang Dynasty."

"It's from the same period as the animal-headed agate cup, but it's made of agate and yours is made of copper."

"In ancient times, copper should be more expensive than agate, right?" Baoyou asked such a strange question after thinking about it.

"Friend Bao, ancient times are not an alien world." Zhang Yang replied speechlessly.

"Agate is purely natural. If it is large enough to carve a cup, it must be more expensive than artificially refined copper."

"Stop thinking about the price, help me see first. Are the two holes in the cow's nose connected to the cup?"

Baoyou followed the request and stared at the nostrils of the cow head for a long time.

The final conclusion is: I can’t tell.

Zhang Yang and the audience's blood pressure immediately rose.

"Can't you tell that you've been wasting your time? Forget it, let's wait for the experts from the Cultural Relics Bureau to take a look at it."

"If the cow's nose is clear, it is the [Lai Tong Bei] influenced by Western culture, and its value is several levels higher than the Jiao Bei."

"But no matter how high the value is, it cannot be sold. It is a cultural relic. Remember, treasure friend."

"But I got this from the antique market!" Baoyou introduced the origin of the thing.

To Zhang Yang, it sounded like he wanted to prove that things were obtained in a formal way.

"It's no use what you said." Zhang Yang told Baoyou.

"Which antique market, who did you buy it from, do you have contact information, are there any transfer records, did anyone else see it..."

"Even if you know the answers to these questions, let me ask you, 'Don't you know that bronzes cannot be traded?' How do you answer them?"

[Just answer “I don’t know” to all of them]

【Do not know at all?Then come back to the bureau with us to receive legal education]

[Actually, the worst result is confiscation of illegal gains and a three-month suspended sentence, dear friend, don’t be nervous]

"I'm not nervous." Baoyou was still thinking about interacting with the barrage.

"Master Zhang, I bought this thing from you, have you forgotten?"

"is it?"

Baoyou wants to trick people, but Zhang Yang doesn’t panic at all:

"Then I sent the wrong product, please return it!"


"I'm not afraid of Lao Liu, brothers, just come and try."

Zhang Yang fearlessly provoked the barrage.

This audience does not understand the importance of the cultural relics expert certificate!

However, there are only a few treasure friends in Lao Liu, and the most numerous ones should be similar to the treasure friend Zhang Yang is currently connecting with:
The voice sounds like that of a young man, and the thing in his hand is an ordinary jade ornament...

"Hello, teacher, this is the engagement ring my fiancé gave me. I would like your help to see if it is genuine." The girl's voice was a little sweet.

"Already proposed?"

Zhang Yang asked as if chatting, "Congratulations, happy marriage" was already on his lips, waiting for the other party's answer.

Unexpectedly, the girl said:

"I asked for it last month, and I temporarily agreed."

Can you agree to the proposal temporarily?

This sounds like tea.

"Then if it turns out to be fake, will you break off the engagement?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but ask.

"That's not true. The main thing is to consider all factors. Women just want to marry a good man."


The girl's answer made Zhang Yang feel like he was listening to the leader's speech.

But fortunately, the jade is real jade, not a beer bottle.

 Thanks to Xiyang Muyue for the 100 coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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