Chapter 241 Mr. Hakimi

"Authentic Zhengyang green pigeon egg noodles."

"There are also real diamonds inlaid around it. I can't count how many there are."

"Pick up the ring and take a look at it? It's 18K white gold, no problem."

After Zhang Yang read the entire jade ring, there was only one word left in his heart: "Hao".

This ring is a new product that was just made last year. It can be bought for 15 yuan, so it is considered a miss.

Zhang Yang was really curious as to what kind of angelic face was behind the tea-smelling voice, which fascinated the rich man.

But soon he no longer had this idea...

"Teacher, is this true?"

"It's true. Don't you understand what Zhengyang Green is? Zhengyang Green is the top green among emeralds, except for the Imperial Green, and is an absolute high-end product."

Zhang Yang explained a little bit.

"Really?" The girl still didn't seem to believe it, and she said to herself:

"Actually, it's like this. My fiancé's family situation is not very good, and he doesn't spend much money on me when we are together, so he gave me such an expensive-looking ring. I'm afraid..."

"Afraid it's a lie? But I already told you it's true?"

"This thing is worth at least 20."

Zhang Yang spread his hands towards the camera, his expression a little confused.

"20? Teacher, you passed the video appraisal, are you not sure?"

【This woman is a bit interesting】

[She has actually already acquiesced that the things are fake]

[This woman’s fiancé will be blessed in the future]

[Brothers, I found this woman’s account. I can only say that the IP is displayed correctly]

"If you think I'm not sure, you can go to a professional appraisal agency."

Zhang Yang put away his expression and told the other party seriously.

After saying this, he was ready to hang up because the woman on the other end of the video was a bit annoying.

At this time, a voice barrage popped up in the live broadcast room:
[Anchor, can I join the microphone together?I am her fiancé]

Douyin has a multi-person microphone function, but Zhang Yang does not intend to use it.

Although it was fun to watch the show, if there was a fight, he would still break it up.

He first disconnected from the woman and then accepted the invitation from the account that just posted the voice barrage.

"Eh? Teacher, why did she break?"

"I don't know, maybe the network card is stuck." Zhang Yang replied.

"Oh, that's okay."

"Teacher, I just came up here to say: I am not a boiling sheep!"

The man's last declaration was sonorous and powerful.

But it's a pity that all the barrage in the live broadcast room is full of ridicule:
[Aligado, Boiling Yang Yang Mulberry]

[Brother, have you never seen a woman? 】

[That woman just now made people angry, but brother, you are a real clown]

[20 yuan to buy an engagement ring, but she still doesn’t want to get married, hahahahahaha]

Zhang Yang looked at the "Hahaha"s all over the screen and almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Looking at Boiling Sheep from the perspective of a fun person is indeed a bit funny.

But he is a professional anchor. If he laughs at this time, it is equivalent to inserting a knife into Baoyou's anus. It is too cruel.

Zhang Yang could only say one sentence against his will:
"I believe (hope) you are not."

"Forget it, whatever you say, I will definitely not get married anyway." Baoyou said still angrily.

"No, you go down and have a good communication."

Zhang Yang pretended to persuade him, and then disconnected the microphone directly.


"Haha, there's no need to keep attacking people with barrages."

"The one who said he wanted to open the box was too much! Respect and blessings, understand?"

Zhang Yang couldn't stop watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, so he quickly revealed today's king bomb - a French antique dealer.

"Can you see clearly, Master Zhang?" After Lian Mai, the person speaking in front of the camera was a young man with Chinese appearance and excellent Mandarin. He was the translator hired by the antique dealer.

Behind the translator, there sat an old man who looked a bit Arabic, tall, thin, and unsmiling.

"can see."

"Mr. Hakimi, right? Where are the collections you brought?" Zhang Yang asked.

At the other end of the video, the translator chattered a lot to the old man.

Zhang Yang didn't understand French at all.

No matter, just think of it as a translator coming to appraise the treasure.

"Master Zhang, we would like to ask you to see some paintings first."

"My employer bought it from a British collector in 98."

If you bought something 25 years ago, no need to ask, someone must have looked at it long ago.

Now he is taking it out for Zhang Yang to appraise, obviously because he wants to test him.

For Chen Yanguang's sake, Zhang Yang didn't say anything, just take a look.

The collection shown at the other end of the video is said to be paintings, but in fact it should be called [Painting Album with Colors on Silk].

It is to draw traditional Chinese paintings on silk, add colors, and then frame them into booklets.

This is a very popular painting method after the Ming Dynasty.

Many museums have such collections, which are quite valuable.

"Don't rush through it, I'll look at it one by one."

The content of the painting is actually very simple. It can be summarized in four words:
【The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism】

This is an ideological struggle that runs throughout the thousands of years of feudal dynasty history in China.

The page Zhang Yang is looking at now has a towering pagoda on the left, and a Taoist immortal dressed as a Taoist god on the right, holding a fairy boy and pointing at the pagoda and talking.

On the next page, there are precious images of Buddhist and Taoist gods in front of a group of warriors.

This shows the scene of the battle between Buddhism and Taoism during the Ming Dynasty.

"A silk coloring album produced by a court painter during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty."

Zhang Yang gave the identification results directly.

"Master Zhang, your identification results are consistent with the conclusions reached by Mr. Hakimi by other experts from China."

"Really? Which expert?"

Zhang Yang asked with a smile:

"Did he tell you that this was a treasure stolen from our country by Western powers in the early 20th century?"

[The palace picture album really looks like a stolen cultural relic]

[Actually, it’s hard to say, it might have been sent out by the Qing Dynasty]

[I think it is more reasonable that Cixi sent it out]

"Even if it is, there is nothing we can do about it. It has been bought and sold many times."

"I know." Zhang Yang didn't want to send police across the Eurasian continent: "What I want to say is, maybe Hakimi, you can give me this album."

"I will give you a price that satisfies you."

Hakimi smiled and nodded, indicating that it could be discussed.

"For the following items, I hope Master Zhang can help determine the age of the items."

"no problem."

The camera moved, and a stone Buddha statue one meter high appeared in front of the camera.

The wide-open unibrow and sausage mouth look like the style of Southeast Asian Buddha statues.

In the backlight behind the Buddha statue, animal heads float up one by one, showing the exquisite craftsmanship of the sculptor.

"Name: Seated Statue of Mochilinda"

"Material: sandstone"

"Production time: 1341"

"Detailed information: Mujilinda is a Naga Naga King, one of the eight dragon kings of Buddhism. This statue comes from the Bayon Temple in Angkor Wat in Southeast Asia and is a product of Buddhist cultural relics from the Khmer Empire."

The French are hiding the Buddha statues from Angkor Wat?

Zhang Yang shouted: Right!

 Happy National Day to everyone in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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