Chapter 242
"This is a seated statue of Mochilinda from Angkor Wat, about the 14th century..."

After Zhang Yang introduced the information about the Buddha statue, he looked at the camera with a smile:

"Such exquisite antiques, I really hope they are not stolen cultural relics!"

Hakimi at the other end of the video heard this and showed an understanding smile.

Of course the old man understood the origin of this kind of thing. He asked the translator to tell Zhang Yang:
"Perhaps the world's first antique collector was essentially a robber."

"Because only possessing other people's good things is called collecting."

Coming from the mouth of a Frenchman, this makes sense.

Back then, the man named Adolf probably just wanted to collect the Eiffel Tower.

However, Zhang Yang’s purpose in mentioning the theft of cultural relics was not to argue with the other party, but to tell these two people:

"If I remember correctly, the local cultural relics management department will provide free appraisal services for cultural relics like this from Angkor Wat."

"You only need to ask the seller clearly about the source of the item, then find the corresponding agency online and apply for services, and that's it."

"There is no need to take out each piece for identification."

The National Museum also has experts doing this kind of "logistics" for stolen cultural relics.

Although the other party won't return it now, but it has been saved, maybe he will have the chance to come back in the future.

If you completely let it go and don't teach them how to keep it, maybe it will all rot in the warehouse in more than ten years.

Hakimi understood what Zhang Yang meant. He was a sensible old man and did not bring out any more cultural relics from Southeast Asia.

Instead, he turned around and asked someone to bring out a green-brown human-shaped pottery figurine.

They are Hu figurines with beards, curly hair and long noses.

"This treasure comes from a Belgian collector. He said it is a precious cultural relic from the Tang Dynasty in China."

"I asked people to identify it before. Some said it was correct, while others said it was a modern invention."

"I would like to hear your opinion, Master Zhang."

[It must be fake, this carving is of an Arab]

[Not necessarily, Tang Caili does have the appearance of a barbarian]

The issues discussed in the barrage are not critical at all in Zhang Yang’s opinion.

As early as the Han Dynasty, Hu figurines have been unearthed.

The Persians had such a strong presence in the Tang Dynasty that it was normal for them to customize a few pottery figurines in Chang'an.

Since there is green glaze, you have to watch the opening film!

The natural opening that has been practiced for thousands of years cannot be imitated now.

Zhang Yang soon got the identification results:

"This came out of the kiln at three o'clock in the afternoon on May 2017, 5."

"Huh?" The translator was stunned.

He couldn't help but look around the pottery figurines, trying to see if there was a production date mark posted somewhere, which he hadn't noticed before.

Seeing that the other party was a bit naive, Zhang Yang felt a little embarrassed and quickly said:
"I mean, this is modern crafts."

After hearing the production time given by Zhang Yang, the old French man's reaction was also very interesting.

He asked: "Master Zhang, is it produced in your home factory?"

"Is there any mark on it that we can't see..."

Maybe because Hedong Group had sold goods to him, the old man thought that Zhang Yang was doing the same business.

I even wanted to ask Zhang Yang to buy a few more pieces.

He said that in France, the sales volume of this thing is good. If you can’t afford Tang color, buying this kind of single-color color figurines is a good choice.

"Okay, I'll make a note of it, and I'll increase production capacity when I get back." Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

I’m too lazy to explain, anyway, the viewers in the live broadcast room all know:

Master Zhang is the mastermind behind the Hedong Group and the underground emperor of the antique counterfeit market. He only appraises treasures to suppress his competitors...


The next collection Hakimi took out was a practical tool.

It looks like it was used by ancient ladies for massage.

One end is a handle made of white jade, and the other end is a bronze fork with five balls strung on it.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a paint roller, except that the rolling parts are replaced by beads.

The old French man said that this was a treasure he bought for 20 yuan.

The person who sold it to him said that it was used by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty to give massages to his concubines.

"Are you sure you translated correctly?" Zhang Yang asked the translator with a surprised look on his face.The emperor uses this kind of thing to massage his concubine?

Did Qianlong have a hidden illness?
Although it's quite interesting to think about, Zhang Yang always feels that this is like the sequelae of watching too many old Hong Kong movies.

"Absolutely. Anyway, it means royal supplies."

"A lot worse!"

Zhang Yang shook his head speechlessly.

Back to the thing itself, its scientific name is [Taiping Chariot].

It is said that one of Cixi’s secrets of beauty care is to take a rolling cart and roll it on her face every day.

It is said that this can delay aging and maintain youth forever.

As for the effect, anyone who has seen Cixi’s old photos will understand. Her face does look like it has been run over by a car.

The material of Hakimi's thing does have a royal feel.

The handle is made of white marble, and is of relatively good quality.

There are five beads strung on it, in three colors: blue, green, and pink.

If they are correct, they should be lapis lazuli, jade and tourmaline (tourmaline).

They are all very valuable gems and jade.

"This is a modern handicraft, and it should have been made by our domestic jewelry and handicraft shop in recent years."

"You can send these five beads directly to a jewelry institution for grading. The grade should not be high."

"A simple analysis shows that jewelry merchants don't make money by selling gemstones individually, but they can make a lot of money by putting them together into a cultural relic-style treasure."

[Is the old French man also cut off his leeks? 】

[Yeah, let you buy stolen cultural relics]

[Chinese counterfeit goods harvest the whole world! 】

[If this old man were in China, he would be identified as a national treasure gang as soon as he said the four words "Qianlong Queen"]

There is some truth to what the audience said.

If the Hedong Group's goods are ready, if nothing else, in cultural relics markets as big as Britain and France, it will not be a problem to harvest hundreds of millions a year.

This Taiping Cart, which is made of real materials and blessed with traditional culture, has sold for more than 10 times the price.

20 yuan to buy such a thing, easy to cut!

"Thank you Master Zhang for your suggestion. We will do some jewelry appraisal."

The old French man seemed quite optimistic.

Probably because the family is rich enough to afford defeat.

This can also be seen from the size of the collection in his home.

Many people in China collect art and toys that are just table decorations, but the things here in Hakimi are all very big.

Bigger antiques are not necessarily more expensive, but they are definitely bigger.

His smallest collection may be the porcelain plate hanging picture in front of Zhang Yang.

The length is only about thirty centimeters.

The overall shape is a pink gourd.

On the upper and lower belly of the gourd, "大" and "吉" are written respectively in the middle.

There are five bats surrounding the word, which is homophonic to "five blessings".

"It is currently known that this is a pastel porcelain plate painting from the Qing Dynasty. I would like to ask Master Zhang to help confirm which year it is from?"

"The 65th year since the founding of the People's Republic of China." Zhang Yang replied quickly.

You said Qing Dynasty means Qing Dynasty?
Although the shape of this thing is correct, the painting is too rough.

"Huh?" The translator was stunned again.

"It was made at 2014:10 am on October 2, [-]. It is a handicraft." Zhang Yang added with a smile.

"This thing should be one of a set of porcelain plate paintings. There are four pieces in the set."

"It says [big luck], [big profit], [tonight], and [chicken] respectively."

The translator understood this time and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't be so quick to laugh, thank Mr. Hakimi for me."

"He is really serious about supporting China's domestic cultural industry."

(End of this chapter)

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