Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 246 I’m here to consume

Chapter 246 I’m here to consume
member?Of course Zhang Yang is interested.

The premise is that the vice president is willing to give away a member account for free.

Pay dues?Want to save experience to upgrade?
That bothers you.

Although Christie's members do not have other fee-based items such as "advance auction", Zhang Yang still feels that it is not cost-effective.

Now that we know that the bronze dagger was sent for auction by a senior member of the auction house, things have become simpler.

Zhang Yang only needs to give the information to Lao Chu and tell him:

The auction will start in a few days. Old Chu, do you care about this matter?

The rest depends on whether Lao Chu has a strong sense of responsibility.

"Can I take these materials back?" Zhang Yang asked Miss Shen.

"Of course, this information is meant for external use."

"I just asked you about those two auctions..." Shen Yangling reminded.

"Participate. Except for the auction of modern and contemporary paintings on the first day, I will participate in everything else." Zhang Yang replied with a bright smile: "I have made some money recently by moving bricks. Let's spend some money."

"Okay, I'll get you the invitation right now."

Shen Yangling smiled and took out three gilded invitations from her bag.

Zhang Yang took it over and looked at it. The seats for the three games were all VIPs, which was good.

After returning to the hotel, he quickly took photos of the information and sent it to Lao Chu.

Five minutes later, the impatient former director of the Cultural Heritage Bureau called.

"Zhang Yang, is this the bronze dagger that appeared in your live broadcast?"

What Chu Zhenmin said on the other end of the phone showed that he had already watched Zhang Yang's live video.

He's a little anxious now.

"Yeah, don't you understand this situation?"

Zhang Yang flipped through the information on the table leisurely and said slowly:
"Anyway, there are still three days left, and the shooting of this bronze dagger will begin."

"Now it depends on whether you can do anything or not."

"Three days? In such a hurry?"

"You are in Xiangjiang now, are you going to participate in the auction?" Chu Zhenmin asked.

"Yes." Zhang Yang told the other party: "Come here quickly and prepare more funds. There are too many good things here."

"Although some of the bronzes here were not unearthed in recent years, they are definitely cultural relics that were lost in the country before."

There is almost no mention of the bronzes being handed down from generation to generation, only whether they were excavated early or late.

For some auction items, in the information column, even when the item was unearthed and where it was unearthed in China are clearly marked.

If this were released in China, the auction house would be taken away with everyone involved.

When Chu Zhenmin heard Zhang Yang say that there were many cultural relics, his reaction was a bit subtle.

The nervousness in his words disappeared, and instead he persuaded Zhang Yang earnestly:
"If you just want to buy those cultural relics that were leaked out a long time ago and put them in museums, there is really no need."

"I'm calling you today because you judge that the bronze dagger is a cultural relic that has been illegally exported out of the country in recent years. It can be recovered through formal channels instead of spending money to buy it."

"What happened to the purchase?" Zhang Yang was a little confused: "Didn't there be a policy to encourage the return of cultural relics before?"

In previous live broadcasts, every time a genuine bronze sword appeared, the barrage would get excited.

Now in this auction alone, there are three of them, and there is also a dragon-marked Ge.

To say that it has no cultural relic value is definitely to deceive oneself and others.

"I did not set the policy on the return of cultural relics." Chu Zhenmin said with a wry smile: "The bureau only has 5000 million special funds a year to buy back cultural relics, but more than 1000 million cultural relics have been lost overseas. How can we buy them? Have to come over?"

"I don't recommend you buy it because..."

"If someone robs these ancient cultural relics and sells them to you at a high price, it's like being robbed twice."

"Even if you have money now, it's not cost-effective."

After Chu Zhenmin finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh,
It sounds a bit vicissitudes of life.

"I understand." Zhang Yang replied seriously: "I will do what I can, and if I want to buy it, I will buy a unique product."

"Okay. Just leave this bronze dagger alone. I'll contact the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau to take care of it."

"It's holiday. Have fun in Xiangjiang." Chu Zhenmin said with a smile.

"Yes! Captain!"

"Hahaha, you kid..."

... After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang saw the information in his hand and suddenly remembered that there was something he forgot to mention due to Lao Chu's incitement.

The identity of Opie Harris is very suspicious.

Maybe it's a "little vest specially designed for tomb robbers to sell stolen goods."

With a membership fee of hundreds of thousands a year, it would be very profitable no matter how you look at it, if you switch to a safe, stable, and high-priced channel for selling stolen goods.

But then he thought about it, Lao Chu and the others were professionals and would definitely not miss such important information.

In fact, it wasn't just Opie Harris. Zhang Yang discovered that at this auction, several members of Christie's who submitted bids had some identity issues.

Maybe it’s because the location is in Xiangjiang, just across the river from Shencheng, so it’s more convenient to smuggle things out?
There was a man named Bobby who sent for photos all high-quality ancient jade from China.

The description of his auction items is as follows:
[Late Hongshan Culture, about 3500-3000 BC, sapphire bird-shaped pei]

[Late Liangzhu Culture, about 3000-2500 BC, Cong with jade god, human and animal faces]

[Dawenkou Culture, about 3500-2500 BC, Sapphire Xuanji]

【Yangshao Culture...】

People don’t play with anything later than 1000 BC.

Such an item introduction, if placed in China, would be a purely national treasure gang.

But when it appears in Christie's auction materials, you have to consider whether there is a spy in the archaeological team.

After all, these ancient cultural sites were all excavated in the second half of the last century.

To escape, it can only be done by the archaeological team.

As for the [Buddhist Art Fine Arts] show on the last day, it was even more like a group of Buddhas dancing wildly.

Zhang Yang could not understand the cut stone Buddha head, gilded Buddha hands, headless Guanyin statue, etc. at all.

Please go back and worship these things. Aren't you afraid when you get up at night?


On the third day in Xiangjiang, the auction officially started.

"VIP third row, seat [-]."

When Zhang Yang entered the venue with the invitation letter, he was somewhat excited.

But when he found his seat, his excitement immediately turned into shock.

"Huh? Second to last row?"

It turns out that the so-called VIP seats are the worst seats in the venue.

The seats in the front are high-end VIP.

The first three rows should be the senior members that Shen Yangling calls them.

What about “capital”?

The capital is on the phone on the right side of the commission desk.

"No wonder that Miss Shen pushed me to become a member."

Anyway, it didn't cost a penny, and Zhang Yang quickly accepted this reality calmly.

The white-vote party must have a good mentality.

Soon, Shen Yangling, wearing a cheongsam, slowly walked onto the stage, which meant that the auction was about to begin.

The first lot - Tang Yin's "Moonscape over Mountains and Streams" ink and color on silk hand scroll.

The painting is divided into two volumes, each one half a meter wide and five meters long.

There is a paragraph on it: "Ding Maoqiu of Zhengde in the middle of September, written in Luyin Pavilion, Wu Chu (district) Tang Yin".

In addition to Tang Bohu's own seal, it also has the appreciation seals of previous collectors.

For example, Wang Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty, Yang Shixiang in the late Qing Dynasty, and Wu Changshuo in modern times.

All these can prove that the painting is an authentic work passed down from generation to generation.

"Tang Yin, "Moonscape over Xishan", the starting price is 20, with a single increase of [-]. Does anyone want to bid?"

As soon as Shen Yangling finished speaking, Zhang Yang raised the sign.


Whether it can be purchased is another matter, let’s speed up first!
 There's a bit of a glitch, so I'll try to make up for the missing updates tomorrow, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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