Chapter 247 As expected
"25, once. Is there anyone who bids higher than 25?"

"26, a phone call from Mike..."

Zhang Yang looked in the direction of Shen Yangling's finger and saw that the agents on the commission table were busier than the other.

At the same time, the price of this "Moonscape over Xishan" also began to rise rapidly.

Tang Bohu's paintings are famous enough, and the bidding is very lively.

Zhang Yang is not a person who likes to join in the fun, and Tang Yin's paintings are not suitable to be put in the Hailin Museum. He just lies down and watches the show comfortably.

The final transaction price was set at 38.

It was about the same as the 40 he expected, which was why he dared to accelerate directly.

"The second lot, "Peach Blossom Spring", is signed by Qiu Ying."

"The starting price is 20, with a single increase of [-]. Does anyone want to bid?"

Qiu Ying?

Is it the Qiu Ying who painted the Ming Dynasty version of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival"?
Zhang Yang knew this person because he, together with Tang Yin, Shen Zhou, and Wen Zhengming, were collectively known as the "Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty".

The auction house arranged for Qiu Ying's and Tang Yin's works to be auctioned on both front and back, with the same starting price. This should have been taken into consideration.

However, Zhang Yang did not choose to "accelerate" this auction.

What is Qiu Ying's reputation?The same starting price as Tang Yin?

The price of calligraphy and painting collections depends not only on the artist's level, but also on his reputation.

In terms of the level of being out of the circle, Tang Bohu is far ahead.

This starting price is a pitfall.

Sure enough, the final transaction price of the second lot was only 20 higher than the starting price of [-].

The man directly in front of Zhang Yang asked for a fixed price.

Then the deal was done.

After Shen Yangling dropped the hammer, Zhang Yang heard the old man in front take a breath.

Then there was an affectionate curse:

Obviously he already knew that he had lost money.

How much did you lose?

Zhang Yang conservatively estimates it to be less than [-] yuan.


On the main stage, the auction continues.

Works by calligraphers and painters from the Ming and Qing dynasties are on display one after another.

Zhang Yang had never heard of many names and could only watch the excitement.

As for the works of people Zhang Yang had heard of, such as Zeng Guofan, Liu Yong, and Dong Qichang, their works were auctioned very successfully.

When the auction was halfway through, it was finally Huizong's turn.

A silk and color painting of "Secret Flowers and Birds" is very small in size, with the length and width not exceeding 30 centimeters.

What is painted above is a small sparrow pecking at chrysanthemums, which is referred to as "sparrow eating chrysanthemums".

The [Ruisi East Pavilion] seal in the upper left corner is the imperial seal of Song Huizong Zhao Ji, which has been verified by historians.

Is this really the personal work of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty?

"Production time: 1102"

That was the first year of Chongning when Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty reigned.

But other than that, there is not much evidence to prove that this painting was painted by Zhao Ji.

For example, the "Picture of Winter Plum and Two Birds" collected by Chuanboli has Huizong's original thin gold inscription on it, which is authentic at first sight.

Several other authentic paintings hidden in museums also have inscriptions.

But there is only one seal on this painting of flowers and birds.

This is not in line with Song Huizong's habits. After all, the seal has been stamped, so he obviously approved of this painting.

The item information only gave an evaluation of "suspected to be authentic".

But there are so many people participating in the filming at the scene.

Just like Cixi's paintings, which were not painted by herself but are still popular, this painting of flowers and birds can be stamped with Huizong's imperial seal, and the painting itself has no obvious flaws, so it has collection value.

The price soon soared to 153 million.

This has more than tripled the starting price.

There were only two telephone commissions left at the commission table, still competing.

Soon, the two bosses duke it out remotely.

"170 million once, a phone call from Annie."

"170 million twice, does anyone else want to bid?"

"170 million..."

Seeing that Shen Yangling was about to drop the hammer, Zhang Yang quickly raised his own small sign.

After looking at the beautiful auctioneer, he made an "eight" gesture.

Don’t leave it at five thousand. If you add five thousand, just fast forward to 180 million.

Zhang Yang certainly had the confidence to take action.

Just now, based on the information provided by the auction house, he searched for photos of the painting that had been taken on other occasions, and made a new discovery: the painting had been cropped.

In fact, you can find some clues just by looking at the size of the painting.

Although he was poor and weak in the late Northern Song Dynasty, as an emperor, he would not have to paint on a piece of cloth to wipe his mouth.

Looking at the origin of the painting, it can be traced back to the 20s, when it was exhibited in a museum in Neon.

It was obviously a cultural relic that was looted out of the country during the war.

At that time, it was still a complete painting. On the right side of the painting, there was Huizong's iconic "One Man in the World" written on it.

Many of the other bidders here should know this information.

But they were not as sure as Zhang Yang that the thing was painted in the first year of Chongning.

From the Song Dynasty to modern times, there have been many paintings imitating Huizong.

Even Christie's only dares to mark the word "passage" after the auction information, but does not dare to mark the word "money".

It means: it has been circulated in an orderly manner for a period of time; it is impossible to determine whether the imperial seal signed is the one of Huizong.

But Zhang Yang knew very well that in the first year of Chongning, Huizong had just succeeded to the throne.

Except for Zhao Ji himself, who is not afraid of death and dares to write the four words "One person in the world" on his paintings?

The Imperial City Secretary of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was not a vegetarian.

It is still unknown who cut this painting and with what mentality.

It may be related to why it was transferred from the museum to the auction.

But now, even though the part with the thin gold signature has been lost, this small half of Song Huizong's original work is worth less than 1000 million, and Zhang Yang feels it is worth it.

As for why he waited until the end to bid, it was entirely because he was too lazy to raise his hand again and again.

You argue first, and I'll have the final say.


"180 million five thousand, is there anyone else bidding?"

When Shen Yangling asked this question at the auction table, she looked straight at Zhang Yang.

The boss over the phone who entrusted me with the order didn't give up and increased the price.

Zhang Yang did not hesitate and directly raised his sign, 190 million.

Still at five thousand?

Brother, haven't you figured out the situation?

Do you understand what "it is inevitable" means?

"190 million, someone on site offered 190 million."

"Is there anything higher than 190 million?"

Zhang Yang's ungrateful way of increasing prices made him feel domineering.

It successfully made the last bidder who made the call hesitate.

Hesitation will defeat.

With a "dong" sound, the wooden hammer fell.

This cropped painting "Young Flowers and Birds" was sold for 190 million!
Zhang Yang put his hands behind his back and stretched secretly.

It’s cool, it feels so good to spend money.

Now he is looking forward to whether he can feel more comfortable tomorrow afternoon when he makes money by selling jade...

Immediately following Huizong's paintings were the last glory of the Zhao clan in the Song Dynasty, Zhao Mengfu, and his two cursive calligraphy treasures.

One was a letter written by Zhao Mengfu to relatives and friends. The entire letter contained 86 words and sold for a high price of 187 million.

A word of more than [-] is already very cheap.

The other piece is a copy of "Lanting Preface" by Zhao Mengfu's Zheng'er Ba Jing, a total of four pages.

Zhang Yang searched the Internet and found that "Lanting Preface" has a total of 324 words.

If calculated at 650 words per word, these four pages would cost at least [-] million.

The strange thing is that the starting price is 15, but the bidders on the scene have been asking for [-], and going up to [-].

If we want to increase it to 600 million bit by bit, we will probably have to wait until dark.

Zhang Yang subconsciously wanted to speed up.

He first looked at the high-definition photos and videos of the items until the item information slowly emerged...


Looking at the words "1906" in the "Production Time" column, although it was expected, Zhang Yang still didn't understand it.

It’s okay if the items are fakes, but auction houses don’t keep things authentic.

But this "Lanting Preface", in addition to the four pages of text, also has inscriptions and postscripts written by later generations (equivalent to reflections after viewing).

The earliest inscriptions and postscripts were written by a Ming Dynasty man named Fan Yunlin, followed by Lu Jiashu and others in the early Qing Dynasty. These are all well-known calligraphers and painters.

Unless the inscription and postscript are authentic, they are not addressed to the "Lanting Preface".

The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more reasonable it became.

The person who wrote the inscription was looking at genuine items that were auctioned for tens of millions of dollars.

Who would have thought that after the inscription and the original were accidentally separated, they would actually be together with a certain late Qing imitation?

(End of this chapter)

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