Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 249: Participating in the auction, there is no need to be too normal

Chapter 249: Participating in the auction, there is no need to be too normal

Is there something wrong with the lot itself, or is the auction using this thing to set the stage?
Zhang Yang thinks both situations are possible.

Anyway, it is certainly unreasonable to say that the auction agency has no knowledge of the fake products appearing at the auction.

It depends on when this problem occurred.

Zhang Yang quickly opened the previous auction information and took a look.

I don’t know if Christie’s did it on purpose, but the information shows a photo of the [Jade Hook Shape] lying flat on the table.

What can be seen from this?

The most basic shape of the device: flat fishbone shape.

The material can barely be determined: Xiu jade, which is consistent with the jade displayed on the stage.

There are also uses: there are two drill holes on one end, which is in line with the characteristics of "jades of Hongshan Culture, which are ornaments sewn on clothes."

The most important thing, where is the Tuqin that can prove that the auction item has been baptized by time?

Because the photo doesn't have enough layering, it doesn't look as bright as the real thing, and it's obviously fake.

Looking back at the real thing, the position and color of Qinse are wrong.

The jades unearthed from the Hongshan Culture are basically funerary objects. The pits are divided into stone coffins in Chaoyang City and earth pits in Chifeng.

This hook-shaped device was so severely damaged that it could only have been unearthed from a pit.

However, the local soil in Chifeng is short of water and has serious sandy soil, but this is not the case in Qinse.

At the same time, the prerequisite for receiving Qin is contact with the soil.

Looking at the eroded position of this jade, it is difficult to imagine how it was buried in the soil to form a situation where only the middle of the two sides has a clear color.

Can jade be folded from the middle?
In short, this is a replica made in 2012.

Moreover, the person who made the forgery must have no experience in excavating cultural relics on site and is a semi-amateur.

Of course Zhang Yang was not the only knowledgeable person at the scene.

The number of people who like to study ancient jades is estimated to be twice as many as those who study bronzes.

So when the jade articles first started to be displayed, people started to whisper about it.

By the time the auctioneer announced the start of bidding, the theory of "fake" had completely spread among the bidders at the scene.

After Zhou Bao gathered reliable information from the people around him, he gnawed his fingernails and asked Zhang Yang.

"Master Zhang, is there something wrong with this Hongshan Jade?"

"It is said that due to logistics reasons, I did not participate in the auction preview the day before yesterday, but it should have been appraised by someone."

"I can't tell for sure." Zhang Yang blinked and replied.

"Okay, I understand."

Zhou Baotan understood Zhang Yang's subtext.

If it is true, who can say that they can't understand it?
He patted his face twice, as if he wanted to wake up, and then told Zhang Yang:

"Then this auction is going to have a big accident."

"How to say?"

"This...well, you will know when you read on."

One minute later, this jade from the Hongshan Culture failed to sell.

The next piece, [Hongshan Culture Jade Turtle], had a starting price of 50, but it also failed to sell.

The next piece, [Dawenkou Culture Green Jade Xuanji], had a starting price of 8, but it still failed to sell!

There were more than a dozen pieces in a row, all of which were rejected.

The key auctions of the world's top auction companies have become a one-man show for the auctioneer.

It felt like the auctioneer almost sighed in front of everyone.

Among the dozen or so lots, the fake ones are not consistent.

It doesn't look like they came from the same workshop.

There are a few things in the middle that don't look so fake to Zhang Yang.

At least for him, he couldn't be sure it was a fake without the help of golden fingers.

But no one's money comes from the strong wind. It is obvious to the naked eye that these things come from the same person who sent the auction. Who would raise a sign to bear the risk of sending money?

What everyone thinks is: hurry up and get the next one.

Finally, when the words "Northern Song Dynasty Ding Kiln Engraved Hemerocallis Pattern Bowl" appeared under the entry of "Next Lot", everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The torture, the torture of counterfeiting, is ending.

Beside Zhang Yang, Zhou Baotan's eyebrows were already knitted into a tight knot, and he murmured to himself:
"Seventeen pieces, this fucking thing wants to go to heaven..."

"Seventeen items were rejected. The person who submitted them should have to pay a lot of handling fees, right?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"No, senior members submit bids. If the bid is rejected, there is no charge. Only if the bid is successful, commission will be charged."

"This is Christie's way of attracting new people to become their members." Zhou Baotan explained.

"Then you guys can make a living?" An evil thought came to Zhang Yang's mind.

There is no charge if the auction fails, so I will set a sky-high starting price and make a profit as long as someone puts up a bid.

Wait, it seems that someone has already done this.

That's how that fat brother Leek was cut...

"You can't play around, they won't let this person go."

"This situation is completely overdrafting Christie's credibility. It may be sent by a hostile auction house to cause trouble."

In just a few sentences, Zhou Baotan painted the most realistic picture of business war.

The reason why he paid so much attention to this matter was because he had already foreseen that Christie's standards for auctions would be raised again in the future.

This will directly increase the difficulty for him to collect auction items.

It will be difficult to do business in the future!

After listening to Zhou Baotan's "complaints", Zhang Yang felt that this was a good thing.

As the difficulty increases, the advantages of organizing events and collecting auction items will be fully reflected.

You can win by quantity.

However, it is still unknown what Sheng Hai's activities will be next, so Zhang Yang did not express his feelings on the spot.

I just want to comfort Zhou Baotan, and I want to be more open-minded and earn the current money first.

After this batch of fine porcelain from the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it was finally the turn of bronze wares.

Compared with the starting price of porcelain, which can easily reach hundreds of thousands, the price of this batch of bronzes appears to be very affordable.

A [bronze serpentine knife unearthed in northern China from the 5000th to [-]th century BC] has a starting price of only [-] yuan.

For some decorative bronzes, the lowest starting price is as low as [-].

The effect of this pricing is obvious: the competition for each piece of bronze is fierce.

"Have these people never seen anything good? Are bronzes without any inscriptions worth your madness?"

Zhang Yang looked at the bidders who kept bidding, and couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"How can I buy it if you bid like this?"

A decorated bronze belt buckle started at eight thousand and went up to ninety-five thousand;
An argali sheep ornament apparently used to decorate carriages in the Qin Dynasty can be photographed for [-] yuan;

A gilt zither (a stake used to fix the strings of a musical instrument) with decorations from the Warring States Period was sold for as much as 12...

Zhang Yang suddenly understood why tomb robbing continued to be banned.

Objects worth tens of thousands of yuan are sold here, which can be regarded as the smallest bronze.

If the tomb is a little dark, people will miss it.

It's so popular here...

On the main stage, another new auction item has been presented.

"Bronze dragon head accessories from the Western Zhou Dynasty, a set of two pieces, starting price is [-] yuan."

"A single increase of two thousand, does anyone want to bid?"

Zhang Yang directly raised his sign: [-]!
Someone counter-offered fifty thousand and two thousand.

Zhang Yang raised his sign again: [-]!
Some people didn't give up and added another two thousand.

Zhang Yang raised his sign for the third time: one hundred thousand!

At the same time, he was ready to continue raising signs.

The feeling of rolling up the price is really refreshing.

"Name: Bronze Dragon Head Accessory"

"Material: Copper, Tin, Zinc"

"Production time: 883 BC"

"Detailed information: The dragon head pattern on a certain bronze square pot is exquisite in shape and exquisite in craftsmanship."

This jewelry was a treasure that Lao Chu persuaded Zhang Yang to take a photo of after reading the auction information.

Guess he wants to show off.

The two dragon heads correspond to the main body of the cultural relic, which is a bronze square pot with very complex patterns.

The Fang Hu is now hidden in the warehouse of the National Museum. It was the restoration work organized by Lao Chu at that time.

After the two dragon heads were missing, there were two small holes left in the body of the pot, which was very regrettable.

This time I encountered it, I had to take a photo and put it together.

Lao Chu paid for all the purchases in the auction, and Zhang Yang's every move was full of aura.

You guys bought two dragon heads, but what I bought was a complete bronze square pot!

(End of this chapter)

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