Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 250 The Vice President’s Invitation

Chapter 250 The Vice President’s Invitation

After 11 won the bronze dragon head, Zhang Yang focused all his remaining attention on the bronze swords in the information.

He wanted to see who was the most excited when the bronze sword was sold.

The most excited people may be the sellers.

Waiting and waiting, when all the jade plaques from the Qing Dynasty were put up for auction, the three bronze swords still did not appear.

According to the pattern of the previous auction items, there is a high probability that all the later items will be jade.

Zhang Yang thought to himself: Could it be that Lao Chu and the others have exerted their strength?
Moreover, he exerted such force that all the bronze swords were withdrawn from the auction.

Someone at the scene couldn't hold it in any longer and directly asked the auctioneer on the stage during the auction break.

The latter checked the news and replied:
"I'm sorry to tell you that lots 20034, 20035 and 20048 have been temporarily canceled due to some force majeure."

"It happened after the auction had already started, so there was no time to inform you."

"If there are any other missing items, the auction will be temporarily canceled..."

After Zhou Baotan heard this, he said to Zhang Yang with an understanding look on his face:

"In situations like this, it's usually the mainland's official forces that take action."

"As for bronzes, only our country can handle them."

"What will happen after the filming is cancelled?" Zhang Yang asked, pretending not to know about it.

"What else can I do? Just return it quietly to the person who sent it for the photo."

This answer is a bit different from the answer Zhang Yang expected.

Return it to the sender for photography?
Shouldn't it be returned to the owner of the tomb?

He asked suspiciously:

"If it is a stolen cultural relic, shouldn't it be frozen directly until it is investigated?"

"Hey, what if we find out?"

Zhou Baotan told Zhang Yang a story that happened a few years ago.

The things at that time were sent for photography by one of his brothers who was in charge of African cultural relics.

During the display of the items before the auction, someone recognized them as cultural relics stolen from Egypt a few years ago.

Moreover, it was an Egyptian pharaoh’s head (stone sculpture) that was stolen from the museum and smuggled out of the country.

The nature is probably equivalent to that in a domestic museum, the portrait of the Ming Dynasty emperor was stolen.

Is this still available?

At that time, the Egyptian department responsible for the protection of cultural relics not only issued a notice, but also hired a professional team of lawyers to send a lawyer's letter to Christie's.

They even organized a rally in front of Christie's to protest, and asked the media to expose this ugly behavior.

As a result, it was of no use at all.

The head of an Egyptian pharaoh was auctioned for 480 million pounds.

But this time, we are in Xiangjiang after all.

Christie's has attached great importance to the Chinese market in recent years, so under pressure from the cultural relics department, the auction process will definitely be suspended.

However, as a membership-based company, it is impossible to infringe on the interests of members, so the final result will most likely be returned to the person who sent the auction.

"This result is already very good."

"In the past few years, like the time when we were photographing rat heads and rabbit heads in France, Christie's didn't care about our opinions at all."

Zhou Baotan earns commissions from Christie's, so his words are naturally suspected of beautifying his employer.

Zhang Yang knows very well that the auction house is in the business of earning commissions.

The transaction price of rat heads and rabbit heads is hundreds of millions, and the commission alone is more than ten million. Of course, people are not willing to give up such fat meat.

Nowadays, a few bronze swords only cost tens of thousands of yuan in commission at most, so there is no need to struggle.

So returning it to the sender is just to put the matter to rest.

There is no respect for the attitude shown by Lao Chu and the others.

Zhang Yang thought to himself: If the bronze sword must be returned, why should it be returned to the person who sent it and not to the Hailin Museum?
Is it possible that these three swords are stolen cultural relics from the Hailin Museum?
And I am the master of those three swords?
He decided to wait until today's auction ended to ask Lao Chu how it went.

If the prospects are not good, he will be happy to help the other person and form a good relationship.


At the auction, the appearance of modern jade items showed that the auction on the second day had come to a close.At first, they were just cheap white jade ornaments from the Qing Dynasty, with starting prices below 20.

The material of the lot itself is not very good, and the price is entirely supported by its historical value.

That's all, it's all done.

Zhang Yang immediately felt that the future was bright.

Slowly, jadeite began to appear.

The starting price immediately rose, from 20 to 30, 40, 60...

A modern imperial green jadeite pendant, with a starting price of 90 yuan, finally sold for 550 million yuan.

To be honest, Zhang Yang felt that the material of the pendant was not as good as his bracelet.

"Now is the last item in this auction, a jade bracelet."

"After testing by the Xiangjiang Jade Appraisal Center, it was confirmed to be natural jadeite jade..."

"The starting price is 750 million, and the single increase is 2."

The auctioneer's introduction on the stage gave Zhang Yang a headache.

Who buys jade and sees the results from the Jade Appraisal Center?
You have to say "imperial green", "burmese material", "old pit", etc. to reflect the uniqueness of this bracelet!

If you are so perfunctory, what will you do if you are filmed obscenely?
"750 million, the on-site bid is 750 million."

"780 million, a network commission from Mike. Is there any higher bid than 780 million?"

"782 million..."

Zhang Yang's clenched fists relaxed instantly.

This auctioneer is so professional!

Yes, that's it. Speak slowly and give everyone more time to think.

Allow people who participate in the auction remotely to check their balances when they have time;
Let the people participating in the auction see how well this bracelet matches the wife at home...

The final transaction price of the bracelet was fixed at 988 million.

"Congratulations, Master Zhang." Zhou Baotan immediately sent his blessing.

"Thank you." Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

At the same time, I said in my heart:
Thank you, Miss Cao.

Thinking back, Cao Jiayun, who was probably waiting for the court to be sentenced, really wanted to cooperate with Zhang Yang at that time.

Even the good stuff that was kept at the bottom of the box was brought out.

It also gave Zhang Yang a chance to become rich.


The auction ends the next day.

Zhou Baotan took Zhang Yang to the backstage to sign the confirmation letter.

After checking the bank card number, the only thing left to do is to wait for Christie’s to transfer the money.

Zhang Yang asked Zhou Baotan to give him a good rub.

He also has several pieces of jade, which he is preparing to submit to Christie's for auction.

At that time, he won't be able to keep an eye on everything. If there is some internal relationship, it will be safer.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Baotan declined Zhang Yang's invitation and instead wanted to host it himself.

The reason is: Zhang Yang saved his career.

"What you said is too harsh. We have money to earn together, and the more we earn, the more we will share."

Zhang Yang has no idea of ​​taking advantage of his kindness. This cooperation was very pleasant and he will continue to cooperate in the future.

But Zhou Baotan’s attitude was more determined:
"That's what I said. But this time, if you hadn't agreed to help, I wouldn't have been able to earn this commission..."

Finally, Shen Yangling, who was passing by, stood up to "justice".

She wanted to invite Zhang Yang and Zhou Baotan to have dinner together.

Because she had an urgent matter and needed Zhang Yang's help.

"What a coincidence, I also have something I want to ask Miss Shen for help." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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