Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 251 This is what archeology is like

Chapter 251 This is what archeology is like
When business elites discuss matters, of course they have to do so in high-end hotels.

It happened to be dinner time, and Shen Yangling invited everyone to have a casual meal.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Zhou Baotan, who was accompanying him, was very discerning and made an excuse to say that he forgot to turn off the gas at home and went out to make a phone call.

It gave Zhang Yang and the vice president an environment to talk about business.

The last time Zhang Yang met a 30-year-old woman who asked him for help was when he was in his senior year of high school.

That time, what they told him was, "The old man supports me, and I will support you."

Because he was afraid that the old man would find someone else, Zhang Yang declined the other party.

Now that he is a junior in college, the situation does not wait for others. Miss Shen's request for help has turned into a public network:

"I would like to ask Director Zhang to help me ask where this batch of red mountain jade came from and into whose hands it went."

Shen Yangling came up with this idea because four of the seventeen fake Hongshan jade were handled by the overseas business department of Yongxing Auction Company.

Although there is no direct evidence, the auction circle is so large that it is not difficult to find out.

Now, the sender has disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

The other party stole the identity of a deceased member and bribed the responsible appraiser.

Christie's has suffered such a big loss, so of course it can't hold back.

The appraiser has already sent people to arrest him.

The incident happened in Xiangjiang, so Vice President Shen Yangling must bear some responsibility.

The cooperative relationship between Zhang Yang and Yongxing Company is on the table...

Only then did he find it on his head.

After listening to Shen Yangling's words, Zhang Yang felt that things were a bit difficult to handle.

He had heard of Yongxing's overseas business department, which had only four people in it.

It's about the same size as Yangming Studio.

They just do overseas purchasing on behalf of the company's high-end customers.

It’s not surprising that this business unit has dealt with counterfeit goods. They have no ability to identify them and are only responsible for payment and sending and receiving express delivery.

But the fakes they handled appeared at Christie's auctions and were discovered.

The fun would be great.

Maybe this auction was planned by people from Yongxing.

"I'm afraid I can't be of much help in this matter." Zhang Yang said with regret: "My cooperation with Yongxing has always been through an intermediary."

"Just like I participated in your Christie's autumn auction through Jason Zhou."

"I'm not familiar with them."

"Director Zhang, you are too humble..."

Shen Yangling took out the prepared information—a screenshot of the official website of Yongxing Auction Company.

In the "Partners" column in the lower right corner, there is a very eye-catching half-length photo of a handsome guy.

Who else could such a handsome young man be but Zhang Yang?

"Do you believe this AI face-changing thing I said?" Zhang Yang said while suppressing a smile.

"You are so funny."

"Oh~" Zhang Yang sighed and said helplessly: "Then let's talk straight to the point."

"I can use my contacts to help you find out about this matter, and I will inform you through Jason Zhou when the time comes."

"But you have to reciprocate and do me a favor."

"Say." Shen Yangling looked straight at Zhang Yang.

"I don't know what the specific business is. I just got the news."

"If it's convenient, let me make a call and someone can explain the matter clearly."


After listening to Chu Zhenmin's narration on the phone, both Zhang Yang and Shen Yangling fell silent.

Zhang Yang didn't expect that Lao Chu was so good at making up lies.

On the way to the hotel, he sent a message asking Chu Zhenmin:
Is it possible to temporarily change the ownership of the three bronze swords to the Hailin Museum and then ask Christie's to get them back?
Lao Chu replied that the Hailin Museum was not big enough, but it was a good idea.

The nature of theft is more clear and serious than tomb robbing.So what does it take to be considered a sufficient portion?

On the phone just now, Chu Zhenmin answered Zhang Yang's doubts.

"The bronze dagger with a starting price of [-] yuan was stolen by a group of thieves from the temporary storage warehouse of cultural relics belonging to the archaeological team under the Cultural Relics Bureau."

"The other two items are also suspected to be stolen cultural relics from the same batch and need to be frozen first."

"We suspect that Opie Harris is an accomplice who specializes in selling stolen goods for others."

What Lao Chu said was decisive.

If he hadn't said "the relevant information will be synchronized to Director Zhang later", but only sent a blank document and the words "act according to circumstances", Zhang Yang would have believed it.

"Director Zhang, can I see the information?"

Shen Yangling looked at Zhang Yang with some confusion. This matter was very troublesome for her.

Just as UBS relies on word-of-mouth to make a fortune, so does Christie's.

Professional, private and secure member services are very important to this world's top three auction houses.

"The information is confidential and I can't show it to you directly."

Zhang Yang looked at the blank document on his phone and waved his hands repeatedly:

"But if you have any questions, you can ask me."

"In that case...wait a moment, I'll make a call."

Shen Yangling was not an expert on bronzes, so she quickly called for foreign help.

On the other end of the phone, a man who should be an expert in bronze appraisal at Christie's asked Zhang Yang for information about the dragon-patterned bronze sword in less fluent Mandarin.

"Mr. Zhang, where exactly was this bronze sword unearthed?"

"I can only tell you that it is north of the ancient city of Chang'an."

"The more specific pit entrance is still being excavated and it is not convenient to disclose it."

When Zhang Yang answered, his cell phone was also quietly recording.

When the time comes, send the recording to Lao Chu and ask him to find a way to reconcile.

"What about the age of the items?"

"I think there should be many other funerary objects in the same tomb. With the two verifications, it can be determined very accurately..."

What the experts mean is that they can’t give us the same identification result as “seventh to sixth century BC”, right?

This guy is quite knowledgeable, Zhang Yang thought.

But this question is a scoring question.

"763 BC." Zhang Yang replied calmly.


"Any questions?" Shen Yangling asked the expert on the other end of the phone who exclaimed.

"Isn't this...this era a little too accurate?"

The expert said solemnly:
"Based on my understanding of this... archaeological site, unless there is written evidence on it, it shouldn't be possible to determine the age, right?"

"It seems that you haven't been active in the field of archeology for a long time." Zhang Yang explained simply: "This is what archeology is like."

As for why this is the case, you can figure it out yourself.

The person on the other end of the phone was silent, probably sorting out his thoughts.

After a while, he said "Okay" and continued to ask Zhang Yang questions.

Zhang Yang blurred the age of the remaining two bronze swords a little bit, giving them a five-year interval.

This makes it easier for the experts on the other side to accept it.

In the face of the irrefutable evidence, Shen Yangling was willing to compromise.

She said she would send someone to communicate with Opie Harris, the person who delivered the photo.

At the same time, I hope Zhang Yang will convey her suggestions to Lao Chu:

"Invite a local law firm in Xiangjiang to file a lawsuit with the court as soon as possible."

Even if it has to be returned in the end, it will definitely be after the lawsuit is over and the court decides to return it.

The most important thing is to ask Zhang Yang to quickly help ask where those fake red mountain jades came from.

(End of this chapter)

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