Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 253: Large Foreign Exchange Earners

Chapter 253: Large Foreign Exchange Earners (Update)
Boss Lan's company is called "Lan Guige Art Trading Co., Ltd."

The company is located near the famous Lan Kwai Fong.

Zhang Yang originally thought that the name was meant to attract good luck.

But Boss Lan explained that "Lan" is his last name;
The word "Gui" in his name is to commemorate his deceased wife, the rich woman who left him hundreds of millions in property.

Before entering the real estate industry, he was just an ordinary Junket operator.

My biggest dream is to go to Tsim Sha Tsui and join society.

Later, when he met a rich woman, the gears of fate began to turn.

"It's a pity that my wife passed away at the age of 70."

"She made a will, and one of the clauses in it was that I couldn't marry again. Otherwise, I couldn't use a penny from her fund."

"I can't touch other women, so I'll use the money to speculate in real estate..."

Boss Lan introduced the history of his fortune to Zhang Yang and was filled with emotion.

"Then it looks like you've made a lot of money."

Zhang Yang said looking at the art company in front of him that looked like a small museum.

This is Xiangjiang, where every inch of land is at a premium, and the land alone is very valuable.

"How can I make any money? I've lost everything!"

"The tiles in the bathroom of Li Ka-shing's villa were all installed with my money."

"As for these things, most of them are my wife's collection, and I put them out for show."

In the direction of Boss Lan's finger, there were rows of bright display cabinets.

The most conspicuous places are full of large water tanks.

Yongzheng's blue and white vat, Jiaqing's pastel vat, Daoguang's blue and white vat, etc.

Even a layman looking at these porcelain can feel the thickness, thickness and weight of traditional porcelain.

In addition to these large pieces of porcelain, there are also various types of jewelry and statues.

Boss Lan wasted no time and went straight to the topic with Zhang Yang, arriving in front of a gilded Buddha statue.

This is what he calls the "same Buddha statue".

"Master Zhang, this is it. Please wait a moment, I will get the key."

"Don't bother, I'll just take a look through the glass."

I still have to get started in appraising a Buddha statue, so if I just take a look at it and determine its authenticity, wouldn’t I be wasting my reputation?

Zhang Yang looked carefully into the display cabinet.

As long as you don't blink, it doesn't count as a second glance.

The Buddha statue is actually wearing a hundred-year-old robe, which proves that Boss Lan is not a fool.

This alone is 30% similar.

But the face is completely different from the 5000 million Buddha statue.

The similarity of the face is zero... This is also a bit of a skill.

The face of his statue is a bit like a Tibetan biography from the Qing Dynasty, and a bit like a Han biography from the Ming Dynasty.

Put together, it looks very modern.

Zhang Yang took a look at the production time of the thing and understood.

This is a handicraft produced during the period of earning foreign exchange.

This was not the first time he had seen such a thing, so there was no doubt about it.

"If I look at this Buddha statue, it shouldn't have reached the Yuan Dynasty. There is still a slight gap between it and the 5000 million one." Zhang Yang said very restrainedly.


"It's not fake, but it won't reach the Yuan Dynasty."

"It's okay, I didn't buy it with my money anyway." Boss Lan was very open-minded.

He then took Zhang Yang to see the porcelain that he thought was very valuable.

"These are antiques my wife bought in the 80s, when she was still someone else's wife."

"It has been in trust under the foundation before. It was recently borrowed and put here for display."

Zhang Yang looked at the fine porcelain that Boss Lan was talking about.

The most eye-catching one is a set of four porcelain plate paintings depicting the cute and naive national treasure giant panda;
There is a pastel porcelain plate with a scene of a shepherdess herding sheep on the grassland;
There is also a general jar with pastel plum blossoms, with "Yong Mei" written in simplified Chinese...

These things look fake at first glance!
"Boss Lan, what is the main business of your art auction company?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.Convert online shopping to retail?

"Of course it's calligraphy and painting." Boss Lan answered quickly: "I'm quite accomplished in calligraphy and painting."

"So porcelain is not your main business?"

"Of course not, I don't understand porcelain at all. These were just moved out of the warehouse last week."

"Then it'll be fine." Zhang Yang nodded and replied.

"There is nothing wrong with the row of large tanks just now. They are treasures from the middle and late Qing Dynasty."

"But these few things, I'm afraid..."

Halfway through Zhang Yang's words, after seeing the detailed item information, he couldn't say the word "crafts" for a moment.

Is this considered a handicraft?

That pastel plate, the item information shows:
"Name: Pastel Prairie Shepherdess Pattern Porcelain Plate"

"Production time: 1955"

"Detailed information: The porcelain plate made by Zhang Songmao, the No. 1 modern ceramics, was once exported as export porcelain."

Zhang Songmao is a person who studies modern porcelain and cannot get around it.

He studied under Liu Yucen, one of the Eight Friends of Zhushan, and has always been a ceramic master promoted by the government.

Zhang Songmao's works have had starting prices in the millions at domestic auctions in the past few years.

The author of the Plum Blossom General Jar is less famous, Ye Zhenjia, the master of "boneless color".

The starting price of Ye Zhenjia's works is only 40 to [-] yuan.

The author of the porcelain painting depicting a giant panda is Bi Yuanming, the son of Bi Botao, one of the "Eight Friends of Zhushan".

The transaction price of the works should not be less than [-] at present.

These works were created while they were working at the Ceramics Research Institute during their period of earning foreign exchange.

It is the best product in "567 Porcelain".

When Zhang Yang received the porcelain plate painting before, he studied it incidentally.

"Is it fake?" Boss Lan asked nervously.

"It can't be considered fake, because they didn't imitate any existing works, they were completely new creations."

“A brand new creation, that’s what’s new!”

Boss Lan sighed, shook his head and said:

"I said before that she didn't understand art, yet she still insisted on being stubborn with me."

"Fortunately, I'm not in a hurry to exhibit it, otherwise it would be very embarrassing."

It's hard for Zhang Yang to tell him directly how much he can sell for, that would be a bit of a trap for himself.

I can only remind the other party tactfully:
"Actually, these are all collectible..."

But when he said this, Boss Lan completely misunderstood.

"Master Zhang, you don't need to comfort me, I understand what you mean."

"These paintings are really good. If you collect them for 1000 years, they will become antiques."

"But I can't put such things in my exhibition hall. If people who know how to see them see it, they will laugh."

Zhang Yang couldn't refute his last words.

Because without the golden finger, he wouldn't be able to see the value behind these things.

This is also the reason why "567 porcelain" rarely appears on the auction market.

The bottom is written "Scenery Control System", and the level is about the same. Who knows whether this was painted by Wang Bu (Blue and White King) or Wang Laowu?

Unless you find an expert to endorse it, you will have a chance to get a high price.

"You're not going to throw away these treasures, are you?" Zhang Yang asked.

Where to throw it?I'll pick it up!
"Losing... is too exaggerated. I'm going to find someone in the porcelain trade and pack them all up and sell them."

"Is that so..."

Zhang Yang nodded and stretched out his right hand:

"Let me introduce myself again, Honorary Director of Hedong Group, Zhang Yang."

(End of this chapter)

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