Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 254: What the ancients used to untie their clothes

Chapter 254: What the ancients used to untie their clothes

"Hedong Group? You're not talking about the largest art factory in Guangdong Province, are you?"

"I remember that in mainland China, they sold works of art as fake antiques? That's a scam..."

Boss Lan asked this question subconsciously at first. After shaking hands with Zhang Yang, he immediately explained to himself:

"It should just be the same name. You are the curator of the museum. How could..."

"It's the Hedong Group you mentioned." Zhang Yang told Boss Lan with a smile: "Their former boss is in jail, and now the factory in Guangdong Province has stopped production."

"Really? When did this happen?"

"Just in the first half of this year."

"That's no wonder." Boss Lan nodded thoughtfully: "No wonder the prices of Hedong Group's goods have increased in the market now."

The Cheng family and his son did go in, but the goods they sold did not disappear.

On the contrary, because there is no source, the inventory is even tighter.

But here in Xiangjiang, they are all sold as handicrafts.

"Hedong Group's products are all made of environmentally friendly materials, and each item has a background story."

"Those small workshops now have nothing to compare with."

In Boss Lan's words, Boss Cheng is now just one step away from the honor of being the "King of Underground Art" - dying in prison.

This way it can be buried underground.

"Do you also have goods from Hedong Group?"

Zhang Yang looked at the magnificent exhibition hall again. Could it be that this was also a den of thieves?
“That kind of business really didn’t make any money, so I gave up after inspecting the market in the early stage.”

Boss Lan shook his head and said, then boasted:

"Now I am mainly engaged in the traditional Chinese painting business, selling Chinese paintings to Europe, and then selling European oil paintings to China..."

"Every time I come back, I make a lot of money..."

Seeing that Zhang Yang was not interested in the topic of business, Boss Lan changed the topic and returned to the foreign exchange earning porcelain in front of him.

"Are these new porcelains really valuable?"

"Of course it's valuable," Zhang Yang replied.

"It's just that if you want to sell the price, you have to spend a lot of effort."

"I'm not sure yet."

Zhang Yang never thought of playing Che Lijun's trick and deliberately made these things worthless.

In addition to being blessed by the porcelain master, the biggest feature of Chuanghui Porcelain is its high cost.

In order to produce satisfactory products and create foreign exchange, craftsmen at that time could create without regard to cost.

Boss Lan runs an art company, and he can understand what Zhang Yang means.

How can an ordinary piece of porcelain sell for a high price?

Either prove its scarcity or find industry experts to prove its artistry.

"Master Zhang, if you are not sure, then I am even less sure." Boss Lan smiled and said: "If you like these things, I will give them to you directly."

"Don't, don't do this."

Free things are the most expensive, Zhang Yang understands this truth.

He is not short of money, so it would be easiest to just buy it.

The two argued for a while, and finally Zhang Yang bought 8 sets of foreign exchange-earning porcelain for 8 yuan.

It is clearly created by famous artists, and there are only 3 sets.

But it will take a lot of effort to prove the origin of these three sets after Zhang Yang returns.

The business was done, so of course Zhang Yang had to help Boss Lan check the authenticity of the "Lanting Preface" by Zhao Mengfu he bought.

However, the procedures at Christie's have not been completed yet, and the goods have not been shipped.

We can only wait until Zhang Yang returns to Linhai and help him take a look through the video connection.


"My family, I'm back."

The long holiday is over. After Zhang Yang started broadcasting, he kept looking at the number of viewers in the upper right corner.

It started airing for 3 minutes and had [-] viewers, which is normal.

Sure enough, on weekday afternoons, everyone would still come to Master Zhang's live broadcast room to have a look at the treasure appraisal.

As a host, Zhang Yang's current mentality is similar to that of the audience.

Just think of live streaming as a “speed bump” in life.

But it's hard to say what the mentality of people who come to appraise treasures is.

"Good afternoon, treasure friend. Congratulations on getting Master Zhang's first...treasure appraisal."

"Huh? Then I'm quite lucky."

The person who spoke was a girl, her voice was a bit charming.The camera is facing a wasteland, seemingly outdoors.

"Are you in a deserted mountain? Is there a tomb?"

[It is designated that there is a tomb, otherwise who would come to such a place]

[During the long holiday, many people went back to their hometowns to earn money]

[The anchor hasn’t broadcast much recently, he must be busy with work]

[Blind guess that this girl wants to dig up her own ancestral grave]

"No, no, no, I was live broadcasting here just now."

Is the girl live streaming in the wild?

Zhang Yang has actually seen this kind of live broadcast before.

They usually wear loose clothes, turn on the space-distorting beauty mask, and do a few push-ups to get some gifts.

The main focus is on "edging".

What can such an anchor ask Zhang Yang to identify?
"I originally wanted to find someone to PK with Lian Mai, but when I saw that Master Zhang is a treasure appraiser, I remembered that I also have treasures."

"Is it that kind of big treasure?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Not big, very small."

"Little one, then just take it out. Big baby can come to see me in private, and add a friend in the background or something."

"Why do I feel like you are driving, teacher?"

"No?" Zhang Yang said with a surprised look on his face: "Aren't we talking about babies?"

"Oh, that's fine."

Baoyou stretched out his hand, and a tiger-tooth-shaped pendant appeared in front of everyone.

The pendant is not big, except for the tip, the rest is about the same size as a one-dollar coin.

The material is a bit like sapphire, with a large area of ​​yellow skin on the outside.

On the thick end, there is a small round hole with a black string on it, which looks like it is attached to the back.

"This is a jade pendant passed down from an old man in my family. It is said to ward off evil spirits."

"This thing...can't ward off any evil." Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "If this thing is right, it will be called "Xi".

"If you hold the thick part in your hand, what does this thing look like?"

[Like a claw knife]

[Are these teeth jade? 】

[It feels a bit like a yin-yang fish]

[Maybe it’s the totem of the tribe]

[I know, it’s the totem of the Wolf Fang Special Forces]

" a tiger tooth pendant." Baoyou replied after thinking for a long time.

"There's nothing wrong with you, you can be discharged from the hospital." Zhang Yang said, applauding.

The tiger tooth pendant is held in the hand and looks like a tiger tooth pendant...

"Let me introduce it to the brothers who are still staying in the hospital for observation. This is called a jade bag. It was first used by the ancients to untie knots."

"The clothes of the ancients did not have buttons, but were connected with ropes. What should I do if they are tied into a tight knot and cannot be untied? Just use the sharp part of this jade bag to poke in and pick."

"So this thing is not a pendant worn around the neck, but at best a jade pendant hanging around the waist."

"Wow! Teacher, you are so awesome!" Baoyou praised.

"Thank you for your recognition!" Zhang Yang replied with a smile.

[There is something wrong with the anchor! 】

"Then does this thing of mine have collectible value?" Baoyou asked.

"If the thing is correct, it should be a cultural relic of the Hongshan Culture, about 5000 years ago."

"It's been so long! Then this thing is very valuable!"

"Huh? You really dare to think about it! This kind of cultural relics were newly unearthed in the 80s. How could you have a real thing in your hands?"

Zhang Yang told the other party that this ancient jade was counterfeited in recent years.

The yellow leather shell on the outside looks like chemical dyeing.

The top hole is not drilled correctly either.

This kind of "through hole" on jade objects in the Neolithic period is usually trapezoidal because the ancients drilled it with a drill bit.

This kind of holes with uniform thickness looks like they are made by modern machines.

But he didn't expect that Baoyou had a very good reason:
“My grandfather used to help when we were excavating the Hongshan Cultural Relics.”

"Maybe this was the reward given at that time?"

(End of this chapter)

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