Chapter 260 I beat him

Two days later, Deputy Director Zou, who was far away in Yangcheng, received a strange phone call.

"Yanjing's number? Who is this!"

He picked up the landline in confusion. After the call was connected, a rather majestic male voice came from the receiver:

"Hello? Is this Xiao Zou?"

Xiao Zou?Who is this person?Deputy Director Zou frowned.

At what age do people call me Xiao Zou?

He thought about it carefully, and his head suddenly buzzed. Could it be...

"Old leader?"

"Hehehe, it's rare that you still remember me."

The fake laughter on the other end of the phone finally felt a little familiar.

"How could I forget you! Yesterday, I was chatting with the curator about how you led us to visit the tomb of Marquis Haihun..."

Although he knew that the other party could not see his expression, Deputy Director Zou still had a flattering smile on his face.

This is the self-cultivation of a lowly person.

The state and emotion must be correct so as not to expose any flaws.

He was actually muttering in his mind:
This guy, didn’t you hear that he will retire next year?What big thing should he worry about?

The two briefly talked about old times.

On the other end of the phone, the old leader suddenly became concerned about Deputy Director Zou's recent work situation.

"I have just recently completed the investigation of a national treasure-level cultural relic..." Deputy Director Zou briefly introduced.

It is true that I have just finished the Jade Pig Dragon matter. I just finished the celebration banquet last night. I just have to write the documents today and the matter will be settled.

It is estimated that some members of the investigation team who drank too much last night are still sleeping now.

"What kind of cultural relics are there in such a big array?" the old leader asked.

Doesn't he know?
Deputy Director Zou scratched his head, a little confused.

It shouldn’t be. Is there anyone in the circle who doesn’t know about this?

Even if others don't know it's normal, it was this old leader who was in charge of the excavation work of the Hongshan Cultural Site...wait, him? !

Deputy Director Zou's heart suddenly sank.

The current investigation results only trace the archaeological team back then.

It is still unclear as to who stole the ancient jade that had been excavated from the archaeological team's inventory.

The mysterious seller disappeared without a trace after receiving 300 million.

Could it be the old leader?
As soon as this idea came to Deputy Director Zou's mind, he immediately rejected it.

The old leader's family has an engineering team that builds bridges and paves roads. I heard that the annual project funding is nine figures, so there is no shortage of money.

"Actually, it's just an ancient jade. You must find it boring."

Deputy Director Zou pretended to be stupid and wanted to fool him directly.

A sigh came from the other end of the phone:
"Okay, I don't want to embarrass you."

"All I want is a peaceful retirement..."

After this phone call, Deputy Director Zou was completely confused.

Judging from what the other party said, the matter of the Jade Pig Dragon is not over yet!

He quickly turned on his phone to see if he had missed any important information while sleeping.

Just then, another call came in...

3 minute later.

This time it was Deputy Director Zou's turn to call someone else.


"Zhang Yang, what's going on? Have you found the real Jade Pig Dragon again?"

"It seems... right." Zhang Yang lay on the chair, stretched and said, "Did this matter reach Yangcheng?" "What happened to Yangcheng? It's because it's on me again!" Deputy Director Zou replied somewhat uncomfortably.

The last phone call was from his direct boss.

What should I do if I discover a new Jade Pig Dragon?Isn't there an investigation team at Xiaozou's place?

It just so happens that the experts are here. Let's go to Liao Province again and confirm this cultural relic.

If it is true, then if the two things are investigated directly together, the result will be found.

"Then I wish Deputy Director Zou a safe journey in advance."

"Don't rush to give blessings yet. I still have something I haven't figured out yet."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yang asked doubtfully.

"The man who collected the Jade Pig Dragon, why did he give up everything as soon as he was arrested?"

"What the hell did you tell him?"

When Deputy Director Zou asked this question, he had already closed his eyes in pain.

The old leader probably knew that the errand would fall on him, so he called in advance to "beg for mercy."

And when he knew that the suspect had been arrested, he was already thinking about how to minimize the impact of the matter.

But Deputy Director Zou never expected that halfway through the call, the police station said that all the suspects had just been killed.

Even though he knew that he would face up to ten years in prison for "trading cultural relics", he still readily admitted everything.

Even people related to the archaeological team at the time were "bitten" out.

Why are you in such a hurry?

There is someone above you!
The reason why the suspect confessed so quickly is that a certain anchor said something to him before the arrest.

"I didn't say anything, he just suddenly woke up."

"It's impossible. His conscience discovered it at the wrong time. How many years have passed."

Deputy Director Zou analyzed with certainty:

"Tell me the truth, did you say something to make him break through?"

He knows the charm of flamboyant language, which can be really irritating sometimes.

"I really didn't say anything." Zhang Yang replied helplessly: "When he heard that I wanted to call the police, he started to behave miserably."

"What are you talking about? My wife ran away with someone else, the child belongs to someone else, and my dearest brother still doesn't recognize him."

"I have been working for people for decades. After being bullied by the elders, I am now bullied by the younger ones..."

"That's what it means anyway, you should be able to imagine it."

"I can, I've seen many people like this. Then, what did you say to him?" Deputy Director Zou said.

"Then someone posted a voice barrage in my live broadcast room, saying, 'Selling fake goods, defrauding others of their money, and defrauding people's lives, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life, alone, and no one will collect your body when you die]."

"By the way, the friend who posted this voice barrage chose Southwest Mandarin, which is really heartbreaking." Zhang Yang added and explained.

"This aggression is a bit too strong..."

Deputy Director Zou commented.

"Who says it's not?" Zhang Yang agreed, "I quickly explained to him that it's not necessarily the reason for selling fake goods, because selling fake goods will lead to jail time. God generally doesn't care about things that can be judged by the law."

"It must be because he kept the funerary objects like the Jade Pig Dragon with him and it was contaminated... Do you understand what I mean?"

"He believed what you said, and then gave up on himself? He can't be so fragile, right?"

Deputy Director Zou suspected that Zhang Yang was not telling the truth.

Because in his opinion, those who can forge cultural relics and make perfect exchanges should be superior regardless of their IQ and mentality.

But he got one thing wrong:

Master Sun is just an ordinary craftsman, and he is not the one who actually dropped the cultural relics.

"That's it indeed, but before I hung up the microphone, I vaguely heard him say something..."

"It seems like: I can beat him?"

(End of this chapter)

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