Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 259 Arrange Master Zhang

Chapter 259 Arrange Master Zhang

3 minute later.

"Okay, come out!" Qiqi shouted into the room speechlessly.

"What's going on?" Dachun came out and asked.

"She said she was having an online relationship with Aunt Wang next door and insisted on lending money to her for business."

"The police called, and Aunt Wang scolded her for delaying her love. They had no choice but to come to her door..."

"Look at people, this is a real scam!"

Dachun walked out of the back room with his arms crossed and said with emotion.

Seeing Master Sun looking like an old god and still emptying the jade in the basin, he was a little confused:
"Master Sun, have you known about Aunt Wang for a long time? How come you don't panic when you hear the siren?"

"What do I have to panic about? If I am really caught, I will just confess you."

Master Sun slowly raised his head and replied expressionlessly:
"As old as I am, the police won't make things difficult for me."

"You... said it well!"

Dachun gritted his molar teeth and replied, then looked at his sister:
"What was the name of the anchor just now? Master Sun, should we arrange this anchor?"


Master Sun, who had been sitting, stood up, stretched, and walked out the door.

"How to arrange it?" Qiqi tilted her head and asked.

"Of course I will use Master Sun's profound knowledge of cultural relics to defeat this so-called treasure appraiser head-on."

Dachun smiled mysteriously and said:

"There used to be a well-known ancient jade expert in Liao Province, named Hong. He came to our place to live broadcast to fight counterfeiting, but he was arranged by Master Sun."


"Who else wants to appraise the treasure? Speed ​​up!"

During this long holiday, it seems that few people are buying jade jewelry in the scenic spot, and there are no leeks in Zhang Yang’s live broadcast room to identify it.

However, a few treasure friends who are still on vacation in their hometown have collected many authentic items from the late Qing Dynasty and modern times.

Although the price of the baby is not that high, the folk cultural value behind it cannot be underestimated.

For example, the horse lantern, one of the most important lighting methods in the 20th century, has now disappeared in the long river of history;

Another example is the gramophone. Such a thing can prove that Baoyou's family was very wealthy in the past;

There are also folding camp beds, radios with wooden casings... and so on.

When Zhang Yang was doing the appraisal, he felt like he had learned a lot.

So even though there was no one waiting in line, he was still willing to wait.

"Oh? Welcome this [Brother Chun from the Yaya family]."

One look at this ID, and you can tell that it is the "old man" of a female anchor named "Yaya".

I didn’t even change my account number, so I came directly to appraise the treasure.

Zhang Yang thought to himself, if this is a leek, there will probably be a lot of fun people in the live broadcast room, and they will have to go and watch this treasure friend afterwards.

"Hello, anchor."

On the other end of the video, the voice was a bit weak, and he sounded like an older man.

【He is really an old man】

[The uncle is so vain, it sounds like he was tortured by a little goblin]

[It’s uncomfortable, I’d rather be tortured]

"Hello, Uncle Chun." Zhang Yang responded politely.

"Cough...cough cough."

Lian Mai's treasure friend coughed violently and muttered something, not sure what it was.

Zhang Yang faintly heard what seemed to be a woman's voice.

It should be the female anchor.

But it doesn't matter, because the uncle has already taken out the treasure.

A cyan jade pig dragon.

This one is different from the "C" dragon that Zhang Yang has seen before.

The size is even smaller, just like the embryo of C-shaped dragon, curled up into a ball and not yet grown out.

To put it simply, more like a pig.

There is some red soil on the jade, and there are some scratches on the surface. It looks like something familiar.

The holes drilled in the jade body are thick on both sides and thin in the middle, which are typical "wasp-waist holes".

"I bought this at an auction. It should be the real thing, right?" Baoyou asked.

"A foreign, less formal small auction?" Zhang Yang said with a fake smile: "This looks like a handicraft."

"Handicrafts? How does this look like a handicraft?"

Baoyou pulled the rope on the Jade Pig Dragon:
"Look at this wasp-waisted hole. It's definitely an old craft. It's drilled from both sides at the same time."

"And the holes were not completely aligned at first. If you look carefully, you can see there are some small steps inside, but because the rope is a little worn, the steps are much smaller..."

[Hahaha, the National Treasure Gang really knows a lot]

[It’s easiest to be fooled by someone with half a bucket of water] [Bee-waist hole?It’s not possible to determine whether this thing is new or old. The ancient jade is based on the patina]

[Any teacher who is busy explaining before he has finished speaking the identification words must be in a hurry]

Is Master Sun anxious?not yet.

He was now thinking about convincing Zhang Yang to admit that this thing was true.

Then he took out the jigsaw he had prepared long ago and told the other party that he had polished the wasp waist hole by hand with a jigsaw.

It goes on to explain that the so-called treasure appraisal anchors are just messing around.

But he never imagined that some people looked at ancient jade without looking at the craftsmanship or coating.

Just depends on the year.

"Let me tell you this, treasure friend."

Zhang Yang sorted out the language and explained:

"This jade pig dragon is most likely a handicraft made in the past two years."

"The clear color on it, you can take it to an institution for testing. You should be able to detect what chemicals were used to dye it."

"But look at the pulp..." Master Sun still wanted to explain forcefully.

"I can't see anything." Zhang Yang waved his hand: "Do you have anything else you want to see? If not, the next one will come."

Seeing that this thing couldn't deceive Zhang Yang, Master Sun could only put it away first.

Fortunately, he had a backup plan.

"Then anchor, take a look at this one. I bought it at the auction."

[Another Jade Pig Dragon? 】

[This is really the National Treasure Gang]

[The uncle is obsessed with it. It’s like the King of Chives playing with jade. The more he buys, the more he loses]

[It’s true, it seems that the top female anchors are very innocent (easy to deceive)]

"Chicken bone white?"

Zhang Yang was puzzled and told the biggest feature of this newly taken out Jade Pig Dragon.

Chicken bone white is a special kind of paste in Gao Guyuli.

The jade has been buried in the ground for too long, and its surface has calcified due to erosion, turning the whole body white like bone.

Just by looking at whether the chicken bones are genuine, you can determine whether something is genuine or not.

Zhang Yang just wanted Baoyou to pick up the things and take a look, but the other party tried to lead his thoughts in another direction:
"Anchor, look at this hole, isn't it right?"

"The thickness is very uniform, a bit like holes drilled by a machine. It always feels like a handicraft."

What this means is that Baoyou suspects that he has bought a fake.

This is not the first time Zhang Yang has encountered such a thing.

It doesn't matter, whatever the other party says will not affect his judgment.

"Name: Jade Pig Dragon"

"Material: Xiu Jade"

"Production time: 3328 BC"

"Detailed information: The Jade Pig Dragon from the late Hongshan Culture has a charming bone-white color due to calcification on its surface. It is a cultural relic unearthed in western Liaoning."

Another genuine jade pig dragon?
Although Baoyou claimed to have bought it from an auction, Zhang Yang always felt that something was wrong.

Because he himself had just returned from the auction.

Ancient jade such as Jade Pig Dragon is not difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake jade in front of a truly knowledgeable person.

I photographed the real thing overseas and brought it back to China. Such a big event didn’t make the news?
This unscientific!

No, you have to check.

"Anchor, do you think it's fake too?"

Master Sun is still working tirelessly to induce Zhang Yang.

He has been collecting this authentic piece for decades.

Relying on an overseas auction contract from more than thirty years ago, I have been holding it in my hand and offering it like an ancestral tablet.

In order to understand the value of this piece of jade, Master Sun did a lot of research.

So he knew that in the late Hongshan Culture, jade carving technology had become very mature, and there were no so-called "wasp waist holes" for a long time.

This genuine article is perfect for digging pits for half-empty experts.

In fact, not only drilling holes, but also patina, cracks, cuts, etc. are all pits.

What kind of expert is he in this "real + fake" combo boxing?Hit whatever you want!
It's a pity that the people he met this time were half full of water, but their ways were a bit weird.

"Real or false, it doesn't actually matter." Zhang Yang said, touching his chin.

"Ah? Isn't it important?" Master Sun was stunned.

"Of course. What I'm thinking now is, where should I contact the police?"

"Friend Bao, which police station is closest to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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