Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 258 I'm Not Afraid

Chapter 258 I'm Not Afraid

A small private workshop in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province.

The female anchor Qiqi, who had just finished playing with Zhang Yang, was walking quickly into the yard carrying the jade gauze.

In the courtyard, an aunt walked out of the room and greeted her with a smile:
"Qiqi, why did you download it so early today?"

If you are not from the village, you will definitely be shocked when you see this aunt dressed for the first time.

Is this a lady who came to the Ivory Mountain Hot Spring Resort for vacation?

I saw that her two wrists were full of "bracelets".

The colors of the bracelets range from red to black, and without exception, they are all in the shape of the jade pig dragon, the "first dragon in China".

In addition, the ornaments hanging around the aunt's neck, on her clothes, and even on the mobile phone case in her pocket are all "ancient jade".

There are jade birds, jade eagles, jade ospreys, jade fish, jade cicadas and so on.

"Third Aunt, you came so early today."

Someone said hello, and Qiqi stopped temporarily.

She watched the aunt take off the jade articles one by one and put them into the wooden box on the stone table in the yard.

"Has it been three months already?" Qiqi asked doubtfully.

Auntie wears so many jade items, not because she is a conspicuous bag.

This is actually the last process before ancient jade is sold. Some places in the industry call it "cooked throwing".

The jade articles that have been machined and polished look like "pits" after being corroded by chemical means.

But it’s too hard to sell raw stuff.

If you don't watch it being dug out on site, few people are willing to buy it.

For the sake of sales, it can only be worn manually and bumped naturally in daily life, creating defects and patina that are unique to well-made jade.

Generally, after wearing it for two months, the effect achieved will be very realistic.

However, in order to pursue "quality", the workshop where the female anchor works usually allows people to wear them for three months to half a year.

"Two months is almost enough," the aunt replied.

"Your elder brother said that Pan Jiayuan has an urgent order and asked me to deliver this batch of goods first..."

While the aunt was talking, she took off the jade cicada from her neck.

At the same time, he picked up the rag on the stone table and prepared to wipe off the sweat stains on the jade cicada.

"No, don't wipe the sweat..." Qiqi quickly stopped the aunt: "Why are you wiping off this original thing?"


"It's not dirty. How can people who like to buy such things find it dirty?"

As a sideline female anchor, Qiqi has rich experience in selling original products.

What I want is the smell of sweat.

"Isn't this good? I've always cleaned them and sold them."

The aunt's hand holding the towel stopped in mid-air, and she didn't know what to do for a moment.

At this time, a tall and strong middle-aged man walked out of the room and said angrily:
"Auntie, just listen to my sister. She is now in charge of the marketing of our company."

"Well, I'll listen to you brothers and sisters."

Auntie nodded and put down the jade cicada.

She picked up the jade pig dragon that she had just wiped, passed it directly through the collar, reached into the clothes and rubbed it...

"That's right." Qiqi smiled with satisfaction and nodded.

Then the expression on her face changed, she turned around with a gloomy face, and said to her brother Da Chun:

"Let's go into the house and talk about something."

"...What's going on?" Dachun asked, scratching the back of his head.

"There's something wrong with your newly made jade."

Qiqi stood in the middle of the room, with her back to Dachun, and said to an old man with gray hair who was pouring potion into a plastic basin.

"Did people see it online? That's normal."

Dachun sat at the desk next to him with an indifferent expression.The bookshelves are filled with jade-related books, such as "Introduction Encyclopedia of Ancient Jade Collecting", "Mustard Seed Garden Painting Book", "Antique Quick Reference Manual - Jade", "Chinese Jade Grading Illustrated Book" and so on.

He picked up one of the books, flipped through it casually, and continued:
"This is a newly developed product of ours, and it's not on the market yet, so it doesn't matter if others see it."

"Besides, our jade articles need to be cooked and thrown for three months before they can confuse those experienced hands."

"It's not about the pulp." Qiqi looked at the old man in front of her with sharp eyes: "Master Sun, a treasure appraisal anchor said that your jade craftsmanship is wrong..."

"Wrong craftsmanship?"

Dachun repeated this sentence, his tone full of doubts.

Hearing the sound, the old man who was corroding the carved jade in the acid potion also stopped.

Master Sun raised his head and said slowly:

"I have been carving ancient jade by hand for more than [-] years, and this is the first time someone has said that my craftsmanship is not right."

"Yes, yes, sister, you can't say such nonsense."

Dachun stood up and echoed:

"While the Hongshan site was still being excavated, Master Sun had already helped the archaeological team to create artificial fakes and replace the excavated jade with real ones..."

"His craftsmanship is definitely fine."

The female anchor named Qiqi was a little disdainful of her elder brother's statement.

If it is true that he has not failed in counterfeiting for more than 30 years, can he still work in his own workshop now?
But after all, she was the master hired by her own brother. She didn't say anything harsh, but said in a softer tone:
"Master Sun, I didn't say there was a problem."

"It was Master Zhang, a well-known treasure appraiser who said it."

"He said that the holes on this jade cup should be uneven in thickness. A hole as thick as this would look like it was drilled by a machine..."

"Anchor?" Master Sun looked Qiqi up and down: "Does anyone in your job understand ancient jade?"

"He is a male anchor, and I...are good at different things."

"Anyway, he is a professional treasure appraiser, and tens of thousands of people are watching the live broadcast. Maybe our customers will ask him to appraise treasures, and then he will find out that it is fake, and we will get into trouble."

"Trouble? What trouble?" Dachun came over and told his sister: "Buying fake goods is called cheating, so you have to admit defeat."

"I've been running this company for so long, and I've never seen anyone come here to cause trouble. Who can afford to shame this person!"

"That's the truth. Your brother is talking about business rules." Master Sun also nodded in agreement.

"Stop talking about your old rules from hundreds of years ago."

Qiqi curled her lips and didn't explain much. She directly opened Douyin and searched for Master Zhang's Treasure Appraisal.

Click on this big anchor's homepage and see the second video pinned to the top.

"See for yourselves what the experts are saying now."

In the video, Zhang Yang, wearing a handsome suit and his hair parted in the middle, stood in front of the camera:
"Hello everyone, National Treasure Appraisers, I am a personal treasure appraiser who has been appraising treasures for two and a half years..."

“Recently, some treasure friends reported that one of their friends bought fakes when buying antiques and jade.”

"Am I just going to have to admit that I'm cheating on you, and there's no way I can get my money back?"

"Actually, that's not the case. Generally, when encountering this kind of situation, the best way is to retain the evidence and then call the police."

"Someone asked again, what if the police call the police? Isn't it a waste of time?"

"No matter what, you call the police first. The police car will drive to the door of the store. I tell you, ordinary liars will definitely return your money and put the matter to rest..."

When Zhang Yang talked about liars, Qiqi looked up at his elder brother.

The latter shook his head very decisively:

"I'm not afraid. It's impossible to refund the money unless you arrest me."

At this moment, an alarm sound of "Diwu~Diwu~" suddenly sounded in the distance and entered the room.

And the sound is getting closer.

"Stop watching it." Dachun reached out and closed the video.

"Sister, go out and see what's going on?!"

With that said, Dachun turned around and walked towards the back room, which was the direction to open the back door and exit the yard.

(End of this chapter)

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