Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 257 Help your colleagues

Chapter 257 Help your colleagues
"I am Qin Shihuang, and I sent a voice barrage: [Anchor, after opening the research institute, can you study me first?]"

"Don't make fun of the barrage. Archeology is a very serious matter." Zhang Yang said seriously.

"Currently, it seems that I have the highest probability of being Qin Shihuang. Think about it, if I hadn't lived for more than 2000 years, would I be able to distinguish various cultural relics at a glance?"

[Then why can you see cultural relics from before the Qin Dynasty? 】

"Those are all the results of my painstaking study!" Zhang Yang said with emotion.

The chatting was back to chatting, and the movements of his hands did not stop, and he continued to win the next treasure friend.

The signal of this treasure friend is a bit poor, probably because he is outdoors.

Finally, it was quite difficult to connect to the microphone.

"What do you want to see, treasure friend?"

The scene on the other side of the video is on a rural dirt road.

"Teacher, I'm collecting goods in the countryside, and there are a few things I can't understand. I want you to help me take a look."

Yo, fellow travelers?

"Where are you?" Zhang Yang asked in advance.

If you happen to be in Weijiacun, you don’t need to look at it.

They must all be fake.

"My side is in the Gannan area."

"Oh? Are there a lot of good things over there?" Zhang Yang asked.

There is the famous Bajiao Ancient City near the Gannan region.

It is said to be an ancient site from the Han Dynasty that has survived to this day, and many cultural relics have been unearthed in it.

Generally, in rural areas near ancient ruins, there will be some old objects hidden by villagers.

Even today, there is still the possibility of receiving the real thing.

"There used to be a lot of good things, but now there are less."

"Please help me take a look at this first. Is this lightning-struck wood?"

Baoyou pointed the camera at a piece of wood with a charred outer skin and about the thickness of an arm.

The texture of the bark clearly indicates that it is jujube wood.

If this were real, it would be enough for Baoyou to reach the first level of Qi refining.

As for selling?It shouldn't be a problem to sell a half-meter-long, pure natural lightning-struck jujube wood for 3000 yuan or [-] yuan.

But how can lightning strike wood be so easy to receive?
"If you go to the countryside to collect this kind of stuff, can you earn back the gas money?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.

"I collect these by the way. I mainly collect medicinal materials."

As if to prove his words, Baoyou took out a transparent sealed bag.

It contains the famous Cordyceps sinensis.

It costs ten yuan a piece. There should be hundreds of them in this bag, and the gas expenses will definitely be earned.

"Okay, show us the top section."

There are no big cracks on the top surface of this piece of wood.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yang thought, Baoyou was deceived by a fellow villager!
"The bark here has been carbonized." Baoyou said, holding a piece of burnt bark.

"If you burn it for a while longer, it will not only carbonize, but also turn into carbon!"

Zhang Yang told Baoyou:

"This is just an ordinary fire. It could be a wildfire, burning wood."

"What is the most important characteristic of lightning-struck wood? When lightning strikes, the energy is too high for a short period of time and the wood is split and exploded."

"Take a look at the top of your wooden head, has it exploded?"

Baoyou looked at it himself and replied with some discomfort:

"I exploded, I exploded!"

"Ah?" Zhang Yang was confused.

Baoyou moved the camera, and it turned out that there was a rice bag on the ground next to it, which contained two pieces of wood that were also black and charred.

Although he doesn’t understand anything, he really dares to buy it!
"My profit from half the bag of cordyceps is gone, and my mentality exploded, teacher."

[Broken, you can make more money selling lightning strikes than digging Cordyceps]

[It seems that fake antiques are really huge profits]

[I feel that the most important thing is not that the fakes are fake, but that they delay your cultivation]

[Don’t worry, Baoyou can’t awaken his bloodline at this age, and he can’t practice even if lightning strikes the tree]

"It's not a big problem, at least I didn't lose money." Zhang Yang comforted.

Baoyou responded and opened the trunk of his van.

"I still have some things here. Teacher, please help me take a look."

"Here, take it closer."

Zhang Yang looked at the treasure in Baoyou's hand.

A brown porcelain bottle with a cylindrical body and a mouth about the same thickness as a beer bottle.

The mouth of the bottle was plugged with a cork, and a yellow note was stuck on it.

On the bottle are written "Xiangjiang, Jinmen, Wynnway" in blue simplified Chinese characters. "Wynn Lei Wei's wine opens the door at a glance. Didn't you search online?" Zhang Yang asked Baoyou.

"I searched, but this one is different from the one on the Internet."

What Baoyou is talking about is the one with the top three auction prices in history online, Wynn Weifen Wine.

At that time, the transaction price was as high as more than 800 million.

But the bottle of Fenjiu wine is a wine jar, which is completely different from the modern wine bottles like Baoyou.

"Didn't you open it and smell it?"

"Don't dare, it won't be worth anything if you open it."


Zhang Yang gave Baoyou a thumbs up and then explained:
"This is not Fenjiu, but Wynn Rose Wine. Generally, you don't drink it directly, but use it as cooking wine."

"Looking at the bottle, it's estimated to be 90 or [-] years old."

"So long?" Baoyou asked in surprise.

He shook the bottle slightly and could hear a small sound of liquid rippling.

"It's basically full in here."

"Teacher, can you charge 800 million?"

"What are you thinking about? Fenjiu is priced at 800 million. If there is nothing wrong with a rose wine like yours, just remove the two zeros."

【Eighty thousand?That would also make you rich]

[Good guy, this will make him pick up the slack]

[This thing is either in Xiangjiang or Tianjin. Why did it end up in Gannan? 】

[Didn’t you hear what the anchor said, eight or ninety years ago, think about what was over there at that time]

"The wine inside should be fine."

"I checked it when I bought it."

Baoyou said happily, and brought the mouth of the bottle closer to smell it, smashed it and said:
"It's delicious!"

"It smells really good? If you can smell the fragrance, there may be something wrong with the wine." Zhang Yang analyzed.

"No, no, no, no fragrance, no taste at all." Baoyou quickly explained.

"I was pretending just now."

With an extra treasure worth tens of thousands of dollars in his hand, the treasure friend was visibly at a loss.

He said he wanted to continue asking Zhang Yang to look at the copper coins he had collected, but he pretended to look for them for a while and then said he couldn't find them.

After saying thank you, he left happily.

"It's not like I didn't find it. He was afraid that we would fall in love with his rose wine." Zhang Yang said with a smile.


"Teacher, help me see what kind of stone this is."

"The thing belongs to my wife. It's a bit like plastic, but harder than plastic."

In Baoyou's hand, there is a pink stone with a string threaded on it.

The thing is somewhere between translucent and opaque, with a jade-like texture.

But there is no internal structure of jade.

"What did you buy it for?" Zhang Yang asked while looking at it.

"I don't know, it was a gift from a friend."

"That's a good friendship. This is the herring stone."

It was also the first time that Zhang Yang saw the real thing of herring stone, but this thing is very famous.

Because it is said that this thing can ward off evil spirits.

"Those who have played Jian Wang San should know that this thing is taken from wild herring."

"If you make a pendant, it can ward off evil spirits; grind it into powder and it can also detoxify."

"But there is no scientific basis for this."

"This thing is the part of the herring used to grind the snails, and what is formed after the horny hyperplasia."

[Hot knowledge, corns are keratin hyperplasia]

[I understand, this is the corn of herring]

[The barrage is really nauseating. Now I should ask my treasure friend who gave his wife such an expensive gift]

"Is this thing very valuable?" Baoyou asked.

"Based on weight, a piece as big as the one you have is relatively rare. It can be sold for 500 yuan per gram now, which is equivalent to gold."

Zhang Yang has never handled the actual herring stone, so he doesn't know its density and cannot estimate its weight.

But judging from Baoyou's slightly trembling hands, this herring stone, which is about the same size as my wife's cake, must be very heavy.

"Friend Bao, do you want to go down and take a rest?" Zhang Yang asked thoughtfully.

"No, this is a wedding gift from my wife's roommate. Now she is getting married too..."

"How much is the gift in return?"

 Thanks for the 100-coin reward!
(End of this chapter)

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