Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 264 The treasure under the ground

Chapter 264 The treasure under the ground
"What do you want me to do with such a big thing?" Baoyou asked, scratching his head.

"Play whatever you want, what does this have to do with size?"

Zhang Yang casually picked up a vase from under the table and showed it:
"Have you ever seen the big tank in acrobatics?"

"This vase should be about the same size as your Boshan stove. Just roll it from your left arm all the way to your right arm, rolling back and forth, isn't that enough?"

After listening to Zhang Yang's words, Baoyou imagined the scene of his Panbo Mountain Stove in his mind.

It took me a long time to come up with a question:

"Isn't there patina all over the clothes?"

"Who told you to wear clothes? Don't wear anything and feel its texture..."

[Eh~ So perverted]

[Anchor, what kind of torture are you talking about? 】

[It sounds outrageous, but it seems feasible]

[Is it true that it will not be scratched by the patterns on the surface of bronze? 】

【Scratched?I was accidentally captured by that Suzaku! 】

After watching the barrage and making noise, Baoyou was very resistant to Zhang Yang’s suggestion and said:
"I can't make a point."

"Then there's nothing we can do." Zhang Yang sighed: "No. 11, Wenbo Road, Guanhai District, Linhai City. Please write down the address."

"Okay, Linhai City..."

Baoyou repeated the address in a low voice and suddenly realized:
"Isn't this the address of your museum? Are you asking me to donate it?"

"It's not my family, it's our family." Zhang Yang replied with a smile: "The people who come to the live broadcast room are all buddies, so don't be so outspoken."

"Besides, if you don't have evidence for this kind of unearthed cultural relic, you definitely won't be able to keep it."

Zhang Yang is really not alarmist.

It is very difficult to prove that the ancestral cultural relics without patina have been handed down in an orderly manner.

Either you bought it from a famous collector before the Cultural Relics Protection Law was enacted, and someone else used their reputation as a guarantee;

Either it was bought earlier in a cultural relics store, and there is an invoice as evidence;

The rest must be antiques with clear auction records...

Basically no one would believe words like "it was passed down from my grandfather".

In reality, someone said this, but the things were not confiscated entirely because the things his grandfather gave were too bad.

Baoyou’s Boshan stove is definitely not included in this list.

Zhang Yang has noticed that there is a circle of inscriptions on the bottom foot.

As long as it's not engraved later, there's no problem in setting it up as a level three cultural relic.

He was about to ask Baoyou to show him what the inscription was, but the other party directly moved the camera away and pointed it at the blank desk.

what's going on?
"Forget it, I won't do the appraisal anymore." Baoyou said in a helpless tone.

"I know what you said, host, is true, but this is really passed down from my ancestors. From now on, I will be shirtless and dish out my dish every day, trying to get the metallic luster out of my dish as soon as possible..."

"Brother, is it possible? The identification has been completed."

Zhang Yang thought to himself: Suggesting you to donate already speaks volumes.

Will our museum still accept fakes?

This is an unearthed cultural relic, and it is a pit with a large door.

He pointed at the ceiling and told Baoyou:

"Although I haven't dated this collection of yours yet, the people above have already seen this thing of yours..."

"The condition of this Boshan furnace can be determined by looking at the photo whether it is genuine or fake."

"Damn! Then am I trapped?" Baoyou sounded a little irritated and muttered: "Teacher, can you help me think of a solution?"

"It's so annoying to be taken away like this!"

After saying that, he directly started giving gifts to Zhang Yang.

Like Douyin's shill, swipe hard.

"Boss, please consume rationally. I am not short of your three melons and two dates."

Zhang Yang interrupted the other party and said:

"To be honest, the best place for this thing of yours is a museum."

"Even if you keep it by force, they will come back to you every three days to ask if you still have it."

Sure enough, sincerity is a must-win, and Zhang Yang's suggestion was understood by Baoyou.

Baoyou said suddenly:
"Thank you teacher, I will build a museum right now!"


"real or fake?"

"Really, I still have a little money." Baoyou patted his chest and replied confidently: "In this way, I can collect cultural relics openly."

[This method is very good, there is no problem at all]

[Yes, just set up a private museum]

[The Cultural Relics Bureau can’t come to the museum to collect cultural relics, right?]

Zhang Yang’s answer to the last barrage question is:
People can really come to the museum to collect it.

The cultural relics departments of the city and the province have visited Hailin Museum frequently for inspections recently.

Especially after the entrance ceremony for the bronze sword was held before.

This was all caused by the curator of a private museum in Tianshui a few years ago, who was looking for tomb robbers to purchase goods.

Now, once the cultural relics department discovers that there are unapproved "stolen items" in the museum, it can be legitimately confiscated after reporting it to the police.

No need to spend a penny, the national treasure can be taken directly "home", and you can even wear a big red flower...

Anyone would be moved.

"Do you still have a lot of this collection at home?"

Zhang Yang suspected that this eldest brother was here to boost people's performance.

At that time, the police will not even have to go through the steps of collecting evidence, and just lead people to identify them one by one in the showcases.

"Of course, I am a well-known local collector."

Baoyou sounded very proud. He raised the camera of his mobile phone and showed everyone around.

The room is full of antique shelves, with porcelain, statues, strange stones and everything on them.

"These are the only two pieces that have been handed down from ancestors. The rest are all in my private collection. They all have purchase records and can withstand inspection."

"Wait a minute, turn back." With a quick glance, Zhang Yang seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.


"Stop, that's it..."

Zhang Yang saw the antiques in a giant glass cabinet next to Baoyou's antique rack and called him a good guy.

The scientific name of this collection should be Terracotta Warriors and Horses, right?
The last person who wanted to secretly collect this thing was a local villager in Lintong more than 30 years ago. He ended up eating a peanut.

But are there any things like the Terracotta Warriors and Horses that have been spread outside the country?

Theoretically it's possible.

Even before the terracotta warriors were officially discovered in 1974, locals discovered a clay figure buried underground and named it "Wapen Ye".

Further up, it can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, some people dug out the terracotta warriors and horses, and then used the pits where they were buried as their own cemeteries.

It has been more than 1000 years since the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is normal for several terracotta warriors and horses to be lost among the people.

But no one should dare to take it out, right?If you take it out, you will be arrested!
"Friend Bao, which pit did you dig this in?"

Zhang Yang still asked worriedly.

There are three pits in the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, and pit No. 6000 has the largest number of more than [-] pieces.

"Teacher, please don't mess with me. This is a handicraft." Baoyou replied in a panic: "Maybe it's something to eat peanuts."

"No, it's different now."

"The case value of this thing is only over 2000 million, and the maximum sentence is life." Zhang Yang comforted.

Baoyou didn't lie, it was indeed a handicraft.

When Zhang Yang can identify the real terracotta warriors and horses, he should have the opportunity to speak out today.

[Just over 2000 million?Indefinitely? 】

[The anchor is really not a human being]

[To be honest, I was shocked at first sight, the imitation is very good]

"Please, just skip this topic!"

Baoyou pointed the camera at the antique rack filled with porcelain and asked Zhang Yang:

"With my collection, it should be enough to build a museum, right?"

"Whether it's true or not, just looking at the quantity, it should be enough to set up a small private museum."

Zhang Yang nodded and reminded:
"But you have to be prepared to lose money hard."

"Why? Can't I just charge the admission fee?"

"Where do you get the tourists from?" Zhang Yang asked, spreading his hands: "A museum must have its own characteristics, otherwise no one will see it!"

"For example, provincial and municipal museums in various places generally collect cultural relics unearthed locally. If you want to know what a place was like in ancient times, you are right to go to this kind of museum..."

"I understand what you mean, teacher." Baoyou was full of thoughts and quickly replied: "Then I will focus on the theme of the underworld."

"Folk? Folk culture?" Zhang Yang didn't think in a strange direction at first.

"No, it's the underworld under the ground." Baoyou explained: "I can find someone to replace these porcelains from the Ming and Qing Dynasties with the funerary objects of each dynasty."

"Everyone can come to my place and experience the funeral customs of various dynasties."

"...You have great ideas."

To be honest, Zhang Yang felt that Baoyou's idea was a bit over the top.

Thinking of the terracotta warriors and horses just now, it can be seen that this treasure friend is interested in things that come out of the ground.

As long as he can stick to this hobby, why worry about everything happening?
"I not only have ideas, but I also have a certain foundation."

Baoyou's tone gradually became excited:

"Come, teacher, let me show you my other collections."

The camera turned and came to another room in Baoyou's house.

It is indeed a wealthy family with a bit of money, and all the treasures it collects occupy two rooms.

What Baoyou wanted to show Zhang Yang was a beast-shaped sculpture that was about as tall as a chair.

Judging from the red and green patterns on it, it should be Tang Cai.

The carving is of a dragon-like monster with horns on its head and outstretched wings on its shoulders, squatting upright on a high porcelain platform.

"Animal face", "antlers" and "porcelain table", once these key words are locked, the identity of this thing is already revealed.

Tomb-suppressing beast of the Tang Dynasty.

[Is this a modified stone lion? 】

【Tang Cai?Those must be burial objects underground]

[This thing is indeed very otherworldly]

Baoyou obviously knew what it was and asked Zhang Yang with a smile:
"Teacher, is this okay?"

"Punishment, absolute punishment."

"Teacher, please stop playing with homophones. I took this photo from France."

"And these, too."

Baoyou turned the camera and saw some pottery figurines from the Han Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties in the display cabinets next to them.

"You have some strength!" Zhang Yang nodded: "Where is your home?"

"Mikawa City, right next door to the teacher's house."

"Oh?" Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the stone statues in Weijiagou Village, which were also in Sanchuan City.

Is there any special interest in funeral items over there?
If this is the case, the future of Baoyou Museum will suddenly become clear.

Zhang Yang suddenly had an interesting idea and said after careful consideration:

"Friend Bao, it will be very hard for you to open a museum by yourself. Do you want to invite outside help?"

"Teacher, what you mean is...I understand, that's great!"

Baoyou heard that Zhang Yang wanted to cooperate, and of course he wanted it.

"Okay, let's have a good chat after the show ends."

Zhang Yang agreed first. As for whether the underworld museum can be built in the end, it depends on Baoyou's collection and whether it can pass the review of the local cultural relics department.

I need to explain to him clearly the process of applying to build a museum.

If there is anything dirty in the collection, this treasure friend will probably spend the New Year in jail this year.

(one chapter owed)
(End of this chapter)

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