Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 265: Know your place of origin by hearing the soil

Chapter 265: Know your place of origin by hearing the soil

"Happy time is always short..."

While Zhang Yang was talking about getting off work, he kept crossing out the newly popped up application for continuous wheat.

The number of rich guys in the live broadcast room seems to have suddenly increased, and now someone is willing to spend 38 yuan to ask him to appraise the treasure.

If this had happened a few months ago, Zhang Yang would have noticed that these people were bankrupt.

But now, he has something more important.

Because Xiao Chu just posted a barrage in the live broadcast room saying: [The person has been found].

who?Of course it's Mao Shiqi.

He has disappeared for so long, not answering calls or text messages, and Lao Chu is ready to remove him.

If he hadn't stolen the tomb of Qin Shihuang, it would be somewhat unjustifiable.

Of course Zhang Yang wanted to go to the group as soon as possible to see the excitement.

"Eh? Why does this person's ID... seem to be Mao Shiqi's?"

Zhang Yang looked at the newly sent account for Lianmai application and was a little lost.

When I clicked on it, I saw that it was still liked by him, and it was also a male, so it should not have gone away.

"Hello?" Zhang Yang pressed the connect button: "My dear friend, you..."

"who are you?"

At the other end of the video, the face of a strange young man appeared.

He looked less than 30 years old, with an unshaven beard and heavy dark circles under his eyes, like a programmer who had been working overtime for half a month.

At this moment, he had closed his eyes peacefully.

After hearing Zhang Yang's words, the camera over there suddenly lifted.

Only then did everyone see clearly that the man with his eyes closed in the video was lying on the cement floor, motionless, as if something had happened to him.

"What's going on? Where are Lian Mai's people?" Zhang Yang shouted to the other side.

"I, I, I am."

A familiar male voice came from the other end of the video. Who else could it be if it wasn't Mao Shiqi?

They were all acquaintances. Mao Shiqi didn't hesitate and told him his recent whereabouts:

"Teacher, I caught a tomb robber and followed him for half a month, and finally found this kid's den."

An archaeological team member, instead of digging a grave properly, went to fight against tomb robbers?
Is this also one of the results of the transformation?
Zhang Yang only felt that it was against the heavens. He looked at the people on the ground and asked:
"Did you knock this person unconscious?"

To be honest, he believed that Mao Tugong would not do anything too outrageous after feeling the free air.

The National People's Congress most likely fainted, not fainted.

"This is not important."

"His heartbeat and breathing are normal, and I have already called the police. The police and ambulance are expected to arrive soon."

Mao Shiqi turned the camera and focused on some debris on the floor of the room.

Most of them are gray, as if they were just dug out of the soil.

"I'm worried now that these things are not valuable treasures and I can't give them to this kid."

"Teacher, can you help me take a look?"

[Is this something you should be concerned about?Let’s run away first]

[I feel like the person speaking knows the anchor]

[It should be the police, let Master Zhang decide the sentence in advance]

[It’s the plainclothes police!Otherwise, who would see someone faint and still care about antiques? 】

Zhang Yang knew why Mao Shiqi cared about these antiques.

This guy likes to see things happen to his former colleagues.

At that time, when I saw him using Douyin, the only videos he posted were short videos of people being sentenced for tomb robberies from various places.

Somewhat perverted.

The archaeological team has a copy of the "Cultural Relics Protection Law". Everyone knows that the maximum penalty for stealing cultural relics is life.

When there is no gang and the stolen cultural relics are not protected by the state, the prison term basically depends on the quality of the stolen cultural relics.

If they were all bottles and cans from the late Qing Dynasty, they would probably be out in a year or two;

But if there are third-level cultural relics, or even first-level cultural relics, it will be five years or more.

Mao Shiqi now just wants to ask Zhang Yang to help with the appraisal, so that he can feel refreshed in advance.

When the verdict comes out, he can enjoy it a second time.

Zhang Yang originally wanted to refuse, but it was boring. He thought that Qin Shihuang's mausoleum had been dug up.

But a metal object on the table caught his attention.

It was the first time he had seen such a thing.

"That one, yes, that's right, the one on the table."

"Is this what you were like when you came here?" On the table, a metal bird with golden wings was standing on a disc-shaped base.

The proportions of tail, wings and body are a bit like a rooster.

What is outrageous is that the wings and tail of this metal bird have a flat shape like a leaf.

Inexplicably, it smells like a mecha.

Zhang Yang's first reaction was that someone had pieced together several unrelated things.

"Yes, I haven't dared to touch these yet!" Mao Shiqi replied.

He understood Zhang Yang's meaning and quickly walked around a pile of debris that looked like unearthed cultural relics and came to the table.

The camera zoomed in closer and began to show everyone the details of this artifact.

"Name: Silver gilt pheasant-shaped box"

"Material: silver, copper, gold"

"Production time: 1025"

"Detailed information: A pheasant-shaped box used by nobles in the Liao Dynasty to store precious ornaments, gold and silver."

Pheasant?It turns out that this bird is a pheasant.

When you get closer, you can see that this pheasant is divided into two parts from the abdomen. The head, back and wings are the cover part, and the tail is connected to the abdomen as the container.

The gilt on it is still relatively well preserved after thousands of years.

I can vaguely imagine that when this thing was first made, it must have been shining like gold in the room.

A container for stuff?Zhang Yang thinks it's more of a decoration.

This is undoubtedly a beautiful unearthed cultural relic, and it is the top funerary object in the tombs of the Liao Dynasty.

The conservative estimate is over 40.

“Isn’t this thing pretty good?”

Mao Shiqi's tone of questioning revealed expectation.

After all, this bird has the most gold in the whole house.

"This is a cultural relic from the Liao Dynasty, about 1000 years ago."

Zhang Yang first answered the question about the barrage, and then answered Mao Shiqi's question:
"There is currently no auction record for such a metal bird."

"It means that it is either an orphan, or cultural relics of the same type are either underground or in museums."

"The value is very high."

"Okay!" Mao Shiqi clapped his hands and shouted softly.

A happy smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

This is a former tomb robber who is determined to send all the tomb robbers in.

Zhang Yang was very curious, what exactly did Chu Zhenmin say to him, and why didn't Mr. Cheng have such a change?


"Want to take a look at these big blue and white bowls?"

Mao Shiqi pointed at the blue and white bowls arranged in three long strips on the ground and said.

"Don't move. I'll take a general look first."

When the phone focused, Zhang Yang saw the patterns on the blue and white bowl clearly.

He suddenly remembered that the last time he helped someone identify cultural relics involved in a case, it was the same. They were all blue and white bowls from the mid-Qing Dynasty.

One on top of another, like eating bowls in a cupboard.

This time it was even more outrageous, the patterns on the bowls were exactly the same.

Could it be that they were baked in the same batch of kilns?
Zhang Yang asked Mao Qi Qi to carefully pick up the two blue and white bowls and carefully compare the production times.

They were all produced in 1833 (the 13th year of Daoguang reign of the Qing Dynasty).

Is it...

Zhang Yang suddenly made a bold guess.

"Look, the brown-gray stuff in this bowl is soil or lime?" Zhang Yang directed Mao Shiqi.

The latter dug a little of the caked soil in the bowl with his nails, crushed it with his fingers, put it to his nose and smelled it.

"It should be lime, and some red soil from the Sichuan and Chongqing regions."

【? ? ? 】

【Is it so professional? 】

[I don’t believe it, what if it’s from the Yunnan-Guizhou area]

Zhang Yang also felt that Mao Shiqi's statement was a bit nonsense.

However, according to his judgment, this is really a funerary object from the Sichuan and Chongqing regions.

In the middle and late Qing Dynasty, there was a special funeral custom there: bowl tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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