Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 268 Cooking Hot Pot Alone

Chapter 268 Cooking Hot Pot Alone

On the other end of the video, the previous close interaction between the Wei family did not affect Zhang Yang.

When you are working seriously, there is not so much joking, seriousness and seriousness!
The second collection is a pair of bronze horns, which are ancient drinking vessels, equivalent to today's wine glasses.

Compared with the bronze horn, the bronze horn lacks the flowing mouth and two decorative pillars. It is said that it was used by low-level nobles in ancient times.

Although in ancient times, the status of the people who used this thing was low, in terms of value, the value of bronze horns was much higher than that of bronze knights.

The number of bronze horns unearthed is too small.

It may be because during the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, there were not many people who were "fit to use bronze ware" but "not worthy of using jue".

For example, the Hailin Museum contains three pieces of jue, but not a single horn.

"A pair of bronze horns from the late Shang Dynasty, 16.5 cm high..."

"Estimated at 50 million."

After quoting the price, Zhang Yang paused.

This not only allows time for Librarian He and others to register, but also gives the Wei family some room for discussion.

This time Boss Wei had something to say, and he reminded Zhang Yang:
"These two pieces of bronze have inscriptions on the corners. They are engraved on the rims. Director Zhang, please take a closer look."

"Really? Let me see."

Zhang Yang thought to himself, is there such a good thing?
Bronze horn with inscription, bought today, put on display tomorrow.

He looked at the edge of the bronze horn and saw the inscription, and there was more than one word.

There are two pieces, and the content of the inscription is exactly the same.

Although Zhang Yang could not recognize these bronze inscriptions, it did not hinder their preciousness at all.

Absolutely good stuff!

Zhang Yang was secretly happy, but he couldn't show it.

"If there is an inscription..." He touched his chin: "Probably 120 million."

"Boss Wei, what do you think of this quotation?"

The other party fell silent. At his old father's urging, Boss Wei squeezed out a sentence through his teeth:
"I'm OK."

"No, you can ask any questions!"

Zhang Yang stopped what he was doing and explained further:
"This kind of bronze with inscriptions is difficult to price. I gave it according to the market price."

"It's okay, Director Zhang, please leave him alone." Mr. Wei comforted Zhang Yang: "He saw that he had made a loss. Let him consume it internally."

"Okay, let's continue then."

Zhang Yang came to the third box. As expected, there should still be bronze items inside.

The moment he saw the top of the utensil, he took a deep breath.

If I go, I won’t be able to buy this bunch of things even with 5000 million in the end, right?
What was inside the box was a dark, ancient bronze.

When the utensils were taken out, it turned out that the whole body was black, and the green rust was negligible.

As the most precious type of bronze patina, black paint is the black skin formed under natural conditions after tin plating on the surface of bronze, making it black and shiny.

Unlike green rust, which corrodes the objects themselves, the decorations on black ancient bronzes are often quite well preserved.

Like the bronze lei in front of Zhang Yang, the dragon pattern on it has almost no signs of corrosion or damage.

"In the middle of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there is a bronze leopard with no cover and a curved neck. There is an animal head ring on each side of the shoulder, the belly is bulging, and there are three relief animal heads on each side of the front and back..."

"40 cm high, 27 cm wide, completely black, no inscription..."

The fact that there is no inscription makes Zhang Yang feel regretful and lucky at the same time.

It's a pity that if this ancient wine vessel had some inscriptions on it, it would be a treasure in the museum.

Fortunately, if the dragon pattern decoration also has an inscription, it is guaranteed that a prince will be buried with it, and the price of that thing will be sky-high.

"Estimated value, 450 million."

Zhang Yang thought for a while and gave a moderate price.

This is a collection for the Hailin Museum, and there is no need to lower the price.

Moreover, the offer was too low. Zhang Yang was afraid that Wei Fuguang would lose his father's love.But even with this price, the other person in the video still seems dissatisfied.

Mr. Wei snorted twice, and his son reported sensibly:
"I didn't spend any money on this. It was a gift from Mr. Fei."

Did you buy it for zero yuan?
Zhang Yang regretted that he had overpriced himself.

He decided to change his valuation strategy. On the basis of ensuring the reputation of the museum, he worked hard for Boss Wei and first ensured that he could eat all these antiques.

Zhang Yang estimated the next two or three bronzes at the low value of the overseas market transaction prices five years ago.

It was okay at first, but Boss Wei had probably been buying these things for a long time and didn't know the current market situation.

But when it came to a bronze Yong bell (a type of chime with a long handle) from the early Western Zhou Dynasty, he was not satisfied.

He began to cough to express his dissatisfaction.

Zhang Yang added some for him as appropriate.

But he still coughed.

Zhang Yang has no choice. He can't use last year's Christie's transaction price to value him, right?

But we can’t let Boss Wei cough to death here...

He could only ask aloud:
"Boss Wei, are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want some medicine?"

"Don't worry about him, he will definitely lose again." Mr. Wei said angrily: "We, the Wei family, will definitely be cut like leeks outside."

The old man's guess cannot be said to be very reasonable, but it should be close to ten.

Zhang Yang glanced at the price of the accounting records next to him. The total of the bronzes now totaled 1000 and [-] million.

It's already a bit stressful financially.

He asked Wei Fuguang next to him: "How many bronzes are there?"

"Only the last one, it seems to be a tripod."

tripod?The appearance of his stepmother Wu Ding appeared in Zhang Yang's mind.

The chimes have come out just now, and then there is the cauldron, the bells are ringing, and the cauldrons are eating, and they are all alive.

"Which box is the tripod?"


Zhang Yang looked in the direction of the other person's finger.

Such a small box contains a tripod, the most important weapon of the country?
It’s hard to install a basketball, but it’s not much difficult to install a volleyball.

Opening the box, what was inside was indeed a four-legged square tripod, which was small and very cute.

The height of the entire tripod, including the ears on both sides, is only 15.6 centimeters.

Zhang Yang feels that it can compete for the title of "the smallest bronze tripod".

Although the smallest tripod in the Forbidden City - the [Ying Fei De tripod] is only 10.5 centimeters high, it has short legs.

Unlike this four-legged square tripod, the legs are longer than the body.

In ancient times, the tripod was used to cook beef and mutton. It was usually cooked whole, so it was very large.

But this small square tripod from the late Shang Dynasty should only be used for cooking pigeons or hot pot for one person.

"A four-legged square tripod in the late Shang Dynasty... Valuation..."

Zhang Yang was about to give a quote of "30" when he accidentally saw a pattern on Ding's body and was stunned.

Is this an inscription?

Wait, why does this inscription look so familiar!
Zhang Yang took a breath, hurriedly walked to the pair of bronze horns, and picked up one of them.

I compared it with this bronze tripod, and sure enough, it had exactly the same inscription!

Looking at the production time again, the tripod was produced in 1575 BC and the horn was produced in 1573 BC, a difference of only two years.

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at Wei Fuguang, who was holding a mobile phone.

Awei, there’s something wrong with your father’s three collections!

(End of this chapter)

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