Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 269: Who does he look like?

Chapter 269: Who does he look like?
Wei Fuguang felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Zhang Yang, touched his face and asked:
"Brother Yang, is there something on my face?"

"You have nothing." Zhang Yang smiled: "But your father has something."

"This bronze tripod and the two horns have the same inscriptions. If I guess correctly, they should belong to the same tomb owner. Boss Wei, can you help introduce the origin of these things?"

When collecting antiques, of course you have to ask where they came from.

Zhang Yang's requirements are very low. Even if he bought it from a tomb robber, as long as he can clearly explain the time, place, and who the tomb robber is, he will dare to accept it.

Anyway, it will be submitted to the cultural relics department for approval in the end, and only after approval can it be exhibited.

But even with such a simple request, Boss Wei couldn't do it.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally gave only one place name: Lin'an.

He said he bought it there when he was on a business trip a few years ago.

Finally, he added: "Director Zhang should understand, right?"

Do you understand?Anyway, his son Wei Fu just doesn't understand a little bit.

After watching too many stories about tomb robbers in Zhang Yang’s live broadcast room, Awei didn’t believe it at all:

"Dad, stop making it up and tell the truth!"

"Brother Yang said that the inscriptions are the same and came from the same tomb. Are you on a business trip to an underground tomb?"

"Brother Yang is one of our own, please confess quickly and seek leniency."

Mr. Wei was also advising his son to listen to his grandson and seize this opportunity to confess.

Boss Wei was silent as the two generations of grandfather and grandson attacked him from both sides.

"Don't worry, you two, I know what Boss Wei is talking about." Zhang Yang said aloud.

After hearing the name Lin'an, he already understood.

Unexpectedly, Boss Wei is also a veteran in the auction industry.

No wonder he has so many bronzes in his hands. He must have been a powerful figure in the Huanglong Hotel in Lin'an back then.

But is the name of this auction house [Xilin Ancient Society] a secret?

Why are you so secretive?

Zhang Yang always asks questions when he has questions, and cannot pretend to be confused.

"Boss Wei, at which auction in Xilin did you buy this?"

As the first domestic auction company to hold a "Special Bronze Ritual Auction", Xilin Ancient Society holds two auctions a year, divided into spring auction and autumn auction. They are basically held at the Huanglong Hotel in Lin'an.

It can be regarded as a golden sign in the domestic bronze auction.

However, this sign was put up in the fall of 2014 and taken down in the fall of 2019.

"These three pieces were all bought in the autumn of 19."

"Oh, it turns out it was the class where the accident happened."

Zhang Yang has seen relevant reports on the Internet.

During the autumn auction of that year, Xilin Ancient Society was not only featured on CCTV, but was also criticized by the Cultural Relics Bureau after being reported for “bronze ware unearthed from the auction.”

Since then, there has never been a special bronze show.

At that time, there were a total of 34 items in the bronze auction, 29 of which had problems, and were immediately withdrawn the day before the auction.

Are these two lots (a pair of bronze horns counted as one) the remaining two-fifths?

But Zhang Yang is still confused, is there anything that can't be said?

Boss Wei was a little confused when he heard Zhang Yang's question, because the news he got was:
The general environment has changed, and the auction at that time cannot be revealed, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

But looking at Zhang Yang's expression, it seems that he has been tricked?In fact, nothing happened?
Now that the conversation has come to this point, Boss Wei has no choice but to tell Zhang Yang:

These two lots were two of the 29 that were withdrawn.

"This is quite a punishment!"

"Then I won't value these two pieces, right?" Zhang Yang asked with a half-smile.

Things that the Cultural Relics Bureau had taken special care of and could not be auctioned turned out to be in the hands of Boss Wei.

Isn’t it true that everyone who buys or sells is taken advantage of?

"Of course, I have wanted to hand it in for a long time, but I never found a suitable opportunity."

"Director Zhang, you don't know. I didn't know until I bought it that these things were actually the items that were withdrawn from the auction at that time. But by that time, the sale had already been completed and the seller couldn't find it..." Boss Wei's words have never sounded like they are now. more than.

But even his father and son would not believe his words.

"It's not a big problem, Boss Wei. You should have detailed information on these two lots, right?" Zhang Yang continued to ask.

Why can Xilin Ancient Society auction bronzes?
Because every antique they auction is circulated in an orderly manner and the origin is clearly written.

How clear is it?

Taking the small square tripod as an example, the auction information given by Boss Wei shows:

It can be traced back to 1931, when a scholar named Luo Zhenyu wrote a book "Supplement to the Ancient Relics of Zhensongtang Collection", which recorded:

[Ji Si (1929) left Luoyang, collected by the Central Plains Provincial Museum]

In 1942, this tripod was purchased overseas by a French collector;
After that, there were various auctions and books recording the whereabouts of this collection...

In other words, from the time it was unearthed in 1929 until Zhang Yang saw this treasure in 2023, the trajectory can be traced.

But how did the cultural relics collected in the Central Plains Provincial Museum get to France?

This is probably why Xilin Ancient Society was reported and the report was successful.

It is most likely stolen or smuggled out of the country.

After briefly reading the information, Zhang Yang quickly found the interpretation of those inscriptions:
It turns out to be the four characters [Mother Ning Rixin].

"Ri" means "Heavenly Stems", and "Rixin" is one of the "Ten Heavenly Stems" among the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

People from the Shang Dynasty would receive their own "Japanese name" after death.

Apparently the owner of the tomb was the mother of the person who carved the inscription on the bronze, and her posthumous name was "Ning Xin".

Zhang Yang took one last look at the place where it was presumed to be unearthed, and it turned out to be the Yin Ruins.

"What is produced in the Yin Ruins must be of high quality." The three bronzes unearthed from the pit where oracle bones engraved with oracle bone inscriptions, the Stepmother Wu Ding and the Fuhao Owl Zun were unearthed are very precious no matter how you look at them.

"Thank you Boss Wei for your dedication to cultural relics protection, but I won't put a price on these three bronzes."

Zhang Yang indicated that the other party could put the information away. It was tiring to watch the video on his mobile phone, so he might as well send it over.

If there is no valuation, of course there is no need to pay.

"It's okay, I've wanted to donate it for a long time." Boss Wei replied with a wry smile.

People who like to collect bronzes are somewhat prepared for the day when they will bleed sooner or later.

It's just that Boss Wei's day came a little violently.

After all the bronzes were appraised, Zhang Yang didn't have much expectations for the next collection.

Even if you have Ru porcelain and pastels, what can you do?
There are a lot of porcelain in the Hailin Museum. Master Wang bought them early and it was very cheap when he bought them.

But he still underestimated Boss Wei.

Playing with porcelain?That's something ordinary collectors can do.

Like Chen Yanguang's father, he collects abnormal cultural relics of ancient people.

For a person like Boss Wei who was able to sneak into the Xilin Ancient Society to participate in the bronze auction, his level was obviously much higher. How could he not have some special hobbies?

For example, what is being lifted out of the box now is a stone-carved Bodhisattva head.

Limestone sculpture from the Sui Dynasty, 583 AD.

There is nothing special about the age. There has always been a tradition of carving Buddha statues in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The ones from the early Sui Dynasty are not uncommon, but because of style issues, they are often classified into the Northern Zhou Dynasty Buddha statues.

Zhang Yang asked casually:
"Is this Bodhisattva head also for auction?"

Boss Wei didn't answer the question and replied with a smile:
"Director Zhang, please close your eyes first, and then suddenly open them to see if he looks like a person?"

Like a person?Not as weird as a talent, right?

Zhang Yang tried the method suggested by the other party.

It’s nothing special. Isn’t this the characteristic of Buddhist statues of the Northern Zhou Dynasty? The face is plump and round, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the lip line is clear.

Wait, why does this look so similar...

Zhang Yang suddenly felt that Boss Wei had dangerous ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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