Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 270 I’ll contact the Forbidden City

Chapter 270 I’ll contact the Forbidden City
"Director Zhang noticed it?"

Boss Wei smiled playfully and asked Zhang Yang pointedly, adding one more sentence:
"I bought this in 10, when..."

"Stop!" Zhang Yang made a stop gesture.

He felt that the other party was somewhat touched and quickly stopped.

"Boss Wei, forget it if you are uneducated. You can still use your funny voice at least, right?"

"With this face, it is obvious that he is the Silent Bodhisattva!"

Zhang Yang directly took out the photo of Arhat meditating in the Jingdi Town Ceramics Museum.

The open face of the Arhat porcelain sculpture is very similar to the Sui Dynasty Bodhisattva statue, with facial features and expressions very similar.

It’s unnecessary to talk about big shots, and it won’t add value.

At this time, Mr. Wei came out and struck again at the right time:

"Look, you didn't believe me when I asked you to read more books. Are you embarrassed now?"

These words immediately turned off Boss Wei completely.

Later, apart from explaining the origin of the collection, he never said a word of nonsense.

His biological father was reviled, and Wei Fuguang, the son, of course had to express his feelings.

He laughed loudly.

Say something like, "Hahaha, it turns out I can't read. It's something I inherited from my dad."

Even Librarian He, who had always been steady and steady, couldn't hold back his laughter after hearing this.

Zhang Yang pursed his lips, shook his head, and quickly continued the appraisal of the remaining collections.

Boss Wei's collection is very concentrated and his thoughts are not mixed. Then he opened several boxes in a row, all of which were filled with various kinds of Buddha statues.

As early as the Southern and Northern Dynasties, as late as the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were stone carvings, gilded copper, and wood lacquered with gold.

The common characteristics are: they are all in good condition and their economic value is around hundreds of thousands.

Zhang Yang accepted everything according to the order, there was no risk of cultural relics, and most of them were in circulation, so he would not lose money if he paid the lowest price.

The total valuation from the finance department soon approached the 2000 million mark.

But Zhang Yang has almost no budget pressure.

There are only four boxes left. Can your four boxes of stuff spend up my 3000 million budget?

But Wei Fuguang gave a little spoiler, saying that the four boxes he finally moved out of the elevator contained the four treasures that his father considered the most valuable.

How valuable can it be?

Zhang Yang quickly asked him to open the first one.

A brocade box that was about the same size as a mooncake box. After opening it, there was a green jade carving in the shape of a human head on a black cloth inside.

There was actually a strange human face carved on it.

Olive eyes, hooked nose, big earrings, wide mouth, long fangs...

With this kind of appearance, you can tell at a glance that this is the ancient people's imagination of the image of a theocratic figure or a wizard.

"Name: Beauty Avatar"

"Material: Sapphire"

"Production time: 2100 BC"

"Detailed information: The ancient jade human head unearthed from the Han River Basin and the Post-Shijiahe Culture represents the pinnacle of the jade-carving skills of the ancient Miao people in Jianghan."

It turned out to be the most representative thing among the cultural relics unearthed from the Later Shijiahe Culture!

The first time Zhang Yang saw this beauty's head, he thought it was Sanxingdui culture.

After all, this mysterious face is carved so delicately that it looks a bit like the Sanxingdui gold mask.

But if it is the post-Shijiahe culture, it is also very reasonable.

Sanxingdui Culture and Houshijiahe Culture both belong to the same "circle of friends" of the Yangtze River Basin culture.

In the legendary Xia Dynasty, they were barbarians living by a river, and it was normal for cultural exchanges and inheritance to occur.

"Director? Are you okay?"

Librarian He called Zhang Yang quietly from behind.

He didn't dare to speak loudly, because he could see that the patterns on this jade should be carved by ancient wizards.

Curator Zhang stared at it motionless. Could it be that he was accepting the inheritance?

"Ah, it's okay."

Zhang Yang came to his senses and now wants to register this thing.

"Post-Shijiahe culture, jade head, sapphire, 6.4 cm long, 9.5 cm wide...estimate..."

Valuation?How do you estimate this?

Zhang Yang felt that even the National Cultural Relics Appraisal Committee and those who specialized in sentencing could not determine the specific value of this thing.This jade head is known as "the pinnacle of Chinese prehistoric jade". It is not too much to give it a second-level cultural relic.

Then you can judge...

"Boss Wei, why don't you tell me how much it cost to photograph this thing?"

Zhang Yang found a piece of label paper on the back of the jade, which was obviously an auction item.

"When I was 16 years old, I spent more than 800 million yuan on this photo." Boss Wei replied.

More than 16 million in 800 is equivalent to more than 800 million now.

From the perspective of a museum director, Zhang Yang felt that this price was not worth it.

Anyway, if it were him, he would definitely not take the photo.

He decided to take a moment and continue looking.

Because according to previous experience, the types of Boss Wei's collection are very concentrated. If they are all ancient jades from the Stone Age, whether it is necessary to buy them is still a question.

"Let's put this aside for now. It's more than 800 million. I want to discuss it with Master Wang."

Zhang Yang casually made an excuse, and that's when the deputy director's nickname came into play.

If something happens, you can blame it on the Wang family to cover it up.

"Okay, Brother Yang, I'll show you something big again."

Wei Fuguang couldn't wait to open the second brocade box.

This box is smaller than the box that contained the beauty's head just now.

There is a yellow and white seal lying flat inside.

On the side facing outward, there is a relief sculpture of a horse grazing under a pine tree. The decoration is quite exquisite.

Zhang Yang reached out and was about to pick it up, but was stopped by Wei Fuguang.

"Brother Yang, be careful about this. You can't bear a little bump."

"Don't worry." Zhang Yang nodded.

He lifted the seal a little higher so that it would fall into the box.

Avedon has already raised his expectations so much, of course he has to go directly to the base to see whose seal it is.

The four seal characters carved in Yang are well carved.

These two characters are...Qianlong?
Taken together, it is [Qianlong’s Imperial Pen]? !

"I'll blanch it!" Zhang Yang exclaimed and quickly put down the seal first to avoid being blackmailed.

Let’s look at the item information:

"Name: Qianlong Imperial Jade Seal"

"Material: Shoushan hibiscus stone"

"Production time: 1743 (the eighth year of Qianlong reign)"

"Detailed information: The jade seal used by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was carved from top-grade Shoushan hibiscus stone, with exquisite patterns and exquisite craftsmanship."

It was really Emperor Qianlong's jade seal... Zhang Yang couldn't believe it.

Look at this hibiscus stone without any impurities, and then look at this exquisite horse herding picture. Is this something that an emperor with a farmhouse aesthetic can use?

He might have taken this seal, inscribed on those exquisite paintings and calligraphy, and stamped it to show that he had collected them.

"Everyone, let me contact the teacher at the Forbidden City. The temple here is small and I can't provide it."

Zhang Yang didn't even ask about the price, because it was obviously a sky-high price, much more expensive than the ancient jade just now.

"I asked, but they didn't accept it, but they were willing to donate it, and they promised to give me a certificate."

Wei Fuguang shook his head helplessly:
"My dad bought it for 1600 million, but when it was sent to the auction house, the starting price was only 800 million."

"Then why don't you continue collecting?" Zhang Yang suggested.

"No, we must eradicate it!"

At the other end of the video, Wei Fuguang's mother spoke out for the first time in a long time, and her tone was very decisive.

Mr. Wei also expressed support for this decision, but his reason was that he was not interested in the Tatar Emperor's jade seal.

"It really doesn't work. There will be an auction in Shenghai in one and a half months. I will set a starting price of 1600 million yuan then..."

For the sake of so many bronzes, Zhang Yang helped come up with an idea.

Unexpectedly, Wei Fuguang seemed to have been waiting for him:

"Brother Yang, I'll leave it to you."

"You kid, if you want to auction it, just say no. Why do you go round and round?" Zhang Yang said angrily.

Wei Fuguang shook his head very seriously: "That's no good. How can my father's things cost our friendship?"

(End of this chapter)

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