Live Appreciation, Congratulations to Brother

Chapter 271 Don’t take too big a step

Chapter 271 Don’t take too big a step (Supplement)
After listening to Wei Fuguang's words, Zhang Yang wanted to ask Boss Wei:

Have you practiced trumpet?

But looking at the relationship between Wei Fuguang and his grandfather, it probably doesn’t matter whether he practices trumpet or not.

Ah Wei is Mr. Wei's "good saintly grandson", and in the end he has to "inherit the throne".

This is of course a good thing for Zhang Yang. Maybe he won't have to pay when he goes to a bar in Linhai in the future.

My eyes returned to Boss Wei's private collection, and there were only two pieces left.

Zhang Yang looked at the smaller piece of the box first.

What is inside is a piece of porcelain, to be precise, it is the [ink-colored tea cup with entwined branches and chrysanthemum patterns] from the Yongzheng official kiln.

This type of ink-colored official kiln is generally used by the royal family and is of high value.

The auction price of this small teacup alone is estimated to be more than 800 million.

The reason Zhang Yang knows so clearly is because there is an almost identical collection in the Hailin Museum.

The quality is slightly inferior to Boss Wei's. Three years ago, a businessman offered a price of 650 million, but Master Wang's brother did not sell it.

If Zhang Yang was asked to add 150 million to replace the one in the museum with this one, he would still be willing to spend the money.

But now Boss Wei wants to "cut the grass and root out the roots", or he wants to get things out directly.

I have no choice but to put it in the auction.

Fortunately, only two pieces were stuffed in total, so the impact was not big.

It’s the turn of the last collection.

Time passed quickly, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

Zhang Yang opened the box and took a look. It was broken. He must have fainted from exhaustion. He actually saw the Egyptian Pharaoh in the box.

"This was given to me by a friend of mine in Egypt."

Seeing that it was coming to an end, Boss Wei took the initiative to introduce the origin of the collection.

It's better not to introduce it, because it sounds ridiculous at first glance.

Of course, Zhang Yang had no intention of acquiring the stone head of an Egyptian pharaoh. Exhibiting this thing could easily cause international disputes.

Still, it's okay to enjoy.

Seeing that Zhang Yang didn't speak for a long time, Wei Fuguang couldn't help it anymore:
"Brother Yang, is this thing fake? If it is, just say it, it doesn't matter."

"It's not fake. This is the portrait of Amenhotep III. His reign was..."

Zhang Yang looked at the still hot search results on his phone:

"1391-1353 BC."

Then, he pointed to the broken cross-section at the back of the head and said:
"It looks like this was taken from the Sphinx."

In the past, many treasure friends in the live broadcast room expressed their incomprehension about the cut-off Buddha heads in Chinese cultural relics.

But in fact, most of the stone sculptures around the world are only for the head.

Statues of ancient rulers like the Sphinx also had their heads cut off and taken away.

"How much is it worth?" Wei Fuguang asked.

"I can't estimate it." Zhang Yang shook his head: "The specific value depends on who buys it."

"My suggestion is, unless you are absolutely sure that this thing is an antique that came out through formal channels, don't show it off easily."

"If you have to sell it, you can go to Christie's. They are so rogue that they can ignore the Egyptians."

"Brother Yang, don't you want it?" Wei Fuguang still wanted to keep the wealth from going to outsiders, so he asked Zhang Yang: "You can buy it at a low price and find someone from abroad to exchange it for some of our country's national treasures!"

This idea is indeed a good one. Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment after hearing it.

Fortunately, Librarian He reminded him that even if the cultural relics in the collection are taken out for exchange, the information must be entered into the system first.

If someone sees that the Hailin Museum suddenly collects the head of an Egyptian pharaoh, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Maybe someone will come to examine whether Zhang Yang has anything to do with the international cultural relics trafficking organization.

"Okay, don't embarrass Director Zhang." As soon as Director He finished speaking, Mr. Wei wisely came out to smooth things over.

Except for the last four treasures that had to be returned the same way, Zhang Yang collected all the other 28 items, including the two boxes purchased for zero yuan.

The total price is 1976 million yuan, which is 1580 million yuan after [-]% discount.

Regardless of the non-tradable properties of bronzes, the museum is definitely making a lot of money.

Zhang Yang smiled and sent Wei Fuguang to the underground garage, waving goodbye to him before leaving:
"Awei, come here often!"

"No problem, my grandpa and grandpa also have many treasures!"


After finishing Wei Fuguang's work, Zhang Yang finally had time to pay attention to Shenghai's preparations for the event.

As a result, as soon as I opened the chat software, messages kept popping up.

There were more than a dozen messages in a row, all sent by Mr. Lin Yupan, who wanted to open a museum of the underworld.

Except for the greeting message at the beginning, the rest are all his ideas for building a museum.

Since it was serious business, Zhang Yang did not hesitate, turned on the computer, and carefully read the PDFs and sketches sent by Mr. Lin.

After reading the first plan, Zhang Yang knew that this person had a lot of ideas.

The first plan was designed around the Boshan furnace from the Han Dynasty.

Inspired by an ancient tomb from the Western Jin Dynasty in Xingyuan Village, Yanshi City, Central Plains Province, we plan to design the exhibition hall of the Boshan Furnace into a tomb chamber that is 1:1 restored to the ancient tomb.

Some antique handicrafts are placed inside, such as pottery pots, clay figurines and other cultural relics, while passages in and out of the ancient tomb and places for coffins are reserved.

In this way, visitors can enter the ancient tomb from the tomb passage, lie in the coffin, and experience the funeral customs of the Western Jin Dynasty.

By analogy, all dynasties and dynasties, except the tombs of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, can be presented in this way.

Try to make people enter the tomb and feel like they are being buried alive.

This idea is somewhat of a hellish one, but in this age of heavy taste, it doesn't seem to matter.

After Zhang Yang read all the plans, he replied:
"The idea is very good. You can find someone to make a 3D model first and print it out."

Three seconds later, Mr. Lin replied.

This time I responded with a large drawing, which is the planning drawing of the museum industrial park.

In addition to experiential cultural relics exhibition halls, he is also planning to open antique handicraft stores, archaeological experience camps, authentic antique stores, ancient tomb-themed hotels, funeral cultural performances, etc.

His thinking is: the museum will definitely lose money, but with so many surrounding industries attracting money, it should be able to make it back.

Zhang Yang sent a message asking him:
"According to your opinion, it will be at least a 4A-level scenic spot after it is built. Do you have that much money?"

Lin Yupan was silent, and after a long time he said:
"I estimated that the first phase of the project will require about 2 million in start-up capital."

"Master Zhang, didn't you say you want to cooperate? In terms of funding, can you think of a way?"

Two hundred million?Think of a way?
It's not that Zhang Yang can't help it, it's just that he has to work harder.

But the problem is, even if it is built, where will the tourists come from is a big problem.

Like Baoyou, if you take too big a step, your balls will be pulled.

How about making it simpler and directly expanding it on the basis of the Hailin Museum?

Zhang Yang briefly thought about it and found that the garage on the second underground floor was actually very suitable for being used as an ancient tomb.

And the archaeological experience camp that Baoyou mentioned...

Directly near Linhai, find an ancient tomb that has been evacuated, seal the cave, put a few antique handicrafts inside, and then take tourists to dig.

Wait, why is this business model so familiar? !
Isn't this the "farmhouse" that Chen Yanguang went to?

Could it be that "when you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares into you?"

Zhang Yang quickly put aside Mr. Lin's matter. Now Shenghai's treasure appraisal activity is the real business.

(End of this chapter)

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